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The Advent of Imam Mahdi (As),

the Promised Guide of Muslim Ummah:

Is 2020 that awaited year?

-Shaikh Mahmud Al-Hindi Hafizahullah

The Advent of Imam Mahdi (As.),
the Promised Guide of Muslim Ummah:

Is 2020 that awaited year?

Shaikh Mahmud Al-Hindi Hafizahullah

ِ َ‫َوَما يَ َّذ َّكر إِالَّ أ ُْولُواْ ٱألَلْب‬
﴾٧﴿‫اب‬ ُ
“and none will grasp the Message
except men of understanding..”
(3 Sura Ale-Imran: 7)


Who will be Imam Mahdi (AS),

which year and time will be his
advent is completely a matter of
Gaeeb (Unseen). Only Allah, the
Almighty knows the exact.
I am personally inconsiderable, incompetent
‘Talibul Mahdi’ (a searcher of Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)).
Nevertheless, I crave the immense grace and
favor of Almighty so that he may include me
amongst the fortunate 313 companions of Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). Verily, every believer should
cherish such hope and strive for that. Due to my
prayer, cravings and stepping forward regarding
this issue Allah ‫ ﷻ‬shows me some righteous
dreams and pragmatic indications during my
Umrah journey.
According to the prophecy of hadith and
consideration of global recent affairs, it is
anticipated that 2020 will be the awaited time
when the advent of promised guide of Muslim
ummah will happen Insha’Allah. After all that,

Allah knows everything well. So, keeping this
supreme probability, it’s our responsibility to
prepare us for Hizrat and Zihad.
The arrival of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) is a
divine secrecy. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will give knowledge to
whom He wishes. That is why, we should not
spread this message to the people who are fully
ignorant of the indications of the last era and
recent global conditions. Discussion, criticism,
debates on this issue is prohibited with these
people for always. No one can guide but Allah ‫ﷻ‬
can & only HE ‫ ﷻ‬demonstrate the right way to
someone HE ‫ ﷻ‬wishes.
This book is for them who are sacrificing their
lives for establishing caliphate, who are ever
vigilant uprooting the roots of evil from the earth.
This book is for them who are searching Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) and dreams to be amongst
most fortunate 313 companions of Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) and have that capacity and
capabilities. May Allah don’t deprive us all.
- Mahmud Al Hindi


To the Promised guide of Muslim

Ummah, Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) and his Guraba (unfamiliar)
313 companions compared to ‘Badr’-
who are the best people under the sky
and over the face of the earth after
Sahabah (Ra). All the dwellers of
sky and earth are satisfied upon them.



First part: Is this era the promised time of the advent

of Imam Mahdi (AS.)?

1. signs of Qiyamah (The Doom’s Day) before the

arrival of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
2. is the time for caliphate resembling prophethood 24
3. ‫ ﷻ‬renovates his deen (religion) after each 100
4. Lifespan Of Islam In Sahih Bukhari and Sunan
Abu Dawwud
5. when this 1500 years started? 33
If 6.lifespan of Islam is 1500 years (hijri), then when
will Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) arrives?
The7. probability of arrival of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) upto 2025?
8. what is the year of birth of Imam Mahdi (As.)? 36
A) Eclipse of the Moon and Sun in Ramadan: 37
B) The rise of a comet: 42
C) The appearance of a double-tailed comet
resembling a horn:
D) A sign out of the Sun: 45
E) Sura Al-Kahf and Hazrat Imam Mahdi (As.) 47


F) Qasida-e- Shah Neyamatullah Kashmiri (R.)

and birth of Imam Mahdi (As.): 50
G) Fitna-e-Haram & the advent of Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (As.): 52
H) Decision: 55

Second Part: When will Israel Perish? 57

When will Israel Perish? 59
Mathematical miracles in the Holy Quran 61
Numerical Value of Arabic Alphabet or Abzad
Number (Gematrical Value)
Numerical Miracle of Sura Al- Fatiha: 71
Dear brothers & Sisters, Establish Salah (Prayer) 94
In a Bookshop of Madina 98
Extinction of Israel
(In the context of calculation of numbers and years)
Near end times, Jews will be exterminated after
gathering in Jerusalem:
Will Israel extinct during the reign of Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (AS.)? 119
Decision: 123


Third Part: Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam

Mahdi (AS.)
Context: Gazwatul Hind 127
֍ The prophecy regarding Gazwatul Hind: 128
֍ Why this war is so crucial? 131
֍ What will happen in Gazwatul Hind: 132
֍ What will happen in Gazwatul Hind: 133
֍ The present scenario of Indian occupancy on
֍ To the Muslim brothers and sisters of
֍ Gazwatul Hind and the advent of Imam
Mahdi (AS.):

Fourth Part: Miscellaneous Affairs 145

The signs of the last era citing in Bible 147
Context: Dream 149
In light of Dreams and Experience 153
Final Decision 155
The Signs of the year of arrival of Imam Mahdi 156
Those who desires to have the Baiyat of Imam
Mahdi (AS.)
It’s too much late….... 161
Oh my brothers of Black Flagged Battalion! 170

First Part

Is this era the promised time

of the advent of
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)?

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Is this era the promised time of the advent

of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)?

1. The signs of Qiyamah (The Doom’s Day) before

the arrival of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).

A. Far Signs:
 Advent of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬.
 Splitting of the moon.
 Massive arson will take place in Medina, with its
sparking light the neck of the camels of Iraq will be
[This arson occured in 654 hijri at Jamadius Sani,
Friday- Al Bidaya wan Neheya]

B. Prophecy regarding social conditions:

 Emergence of almost 30 mendacious prophets

 Massive conflicts and massacres (Bukhari-5695, Muslim-


Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 Emergence of women wearing succinct dress

(Muslim- 7373/5704)

 Increase of shamelessness and imprudence (Musnade

Ahmad-6518, Mustadreke Hakem-8644)

 Taking the free-mixing with ladies as legal action


 Widespread availability of fornication (Muslim-6957)

 Legitimacy of taking alcohol and music (Bukhari-5268)
 Decrease of male in number and increase of
female, ratio will be 1:50 (Muslim-6957)
 Considering paying Zakat as fine (Tirmizi-2211)
 Devoted to acquire material knowledge in steed of
Ilm (Islamic knowledge) (Tirmizi-2685)
 Satisfying wife by disobeying mother (Tirmizi-2211)
 Keeping father aside and being intimate with
friends (Tirmizi-2211)
 Creating noise and cacophony at Mosque (Tirmizi-

 The worst man will become the leader of the

society (Tirmizi-2211)
Time goes on very swiftly (Bukhari-5690, Muslim-6964)
Mumin (Believer) on morning and Kafir (Dis-
believer) at evening (Muslim-328)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 Competition over adoring of mosques (Abu-daud-449)

 Increased thunder-strike (Musnade ahmad-11638)
 More and frequent earth-quacking (Musnade ahmad-19767,

 Negligence toward Quran, Abundance of material

books (Tabarani)
 Taking return by reciting Quran (Musnade ahmad-19898)
 Searching Ilm from trivial and little learned scholar
(Az-zuhud-Li ibn mobarak-61)

 Increase of sudden death (Tabarani, Mujamal Ausat-170)

 Spreading of lying (Muslim-16)
 Increase of malicious behavior between each other
(Musnade ahmad-23354)

 Birth of lord from maid servant (Muslim-106)

 Increase of obesity (Bukhari-3450, Muslim-6638)

C. Prophecy Regarding recent events of the world:

 Appearance of building over Jabale-Abi-Kubais
and Jabale-quaikan in Mecca and digging of water
fountain (pipe line). (Musannaf-e-Abi Shaiba)
 Emergence of Black Flagged Army from
Khorasan (Present Afganistan) [who will associate

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) later and triumph Baitul

Maqdis]. (Tirmizi-2269, Musnade Ahmad-8760)
No army can resist them but a non-Arabian troops
from the west will try to confront them. (Kanzul-ummal,
162/11, Al Fitan, Nuaim bin Hammad)

A person from ‘Banu Kandar’ will lead the army. (Al

Fitan, Nuaim bin Hammed-952).

A person named Haris-bin Harras will reveal from

‘Ma oraun nahar’- Khorasan (who will make black
flagged army), next to him another man named
Mansur will come. He paves the ways for the progeny
of Muhammad ‫[ ﷺ‬i.e, Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)] as
like the Quraysh did for Rasul ‫ﷺ‬. It’s obligatory duty
for every believer to help him. (Abu-daud- 4292).
When you will ascertain that Black Flagged army,
join them even you have to crawl over snowy-hills. (Al
Fitan, Nuaim bin Hammad-895, IBN-Majah- 1366/2).

Cause, Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) includes amongst this

army. (Musnade Ahmad 277/5, Kamjul Ummal 246/14, Mishkat)
[Explanations: In the history of Afghanistan
(Khorasan), for the first time the army that has
revealed with Black Flag are called Taliban and Al-
Qaeda. After 9/11, western countries like USA, UK
and their allies (49 countries united) attacked
Afghanistan in Oct, 2001. Their joint chief
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

commander was air force general Richard Mayer. He

had problem in his leg. He was born in Kansus town.
It has border with Canada. Most of the dwellers came
here from Canada and settled here. In Arabic, Canada
pronounced as ‘Kanda’. However, after 17 years long
bloody war Taliban is now controlling 70% of
According to the prophecy of hadith, “Though no
one can stop them but western power will create some
obstacles. This prophecy has been proved.
Making of this valiant army and in spreading the
movement throughout the world the person who
played the role of trailblazer was Hazrat Usama (=
Lion = Haris) bin Laden (= Cropland= Harras)
Rahimahullah. During the time of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) who will help him most is ‘Mansur’ (meaning-
Helped by Allah) is yet to reveal (not understood).
Only Allah knows better.
According to citation of hadith, Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) may be amongst the black flagged army. It
refers, this army will strengthen Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam). They will reach Arab and will include to Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) Or it may refers that Imam Mahdi

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

himself will be among them as unfamiliar

(Alaihis Salam)
one. But when they arrive ‘Harem Sharif’ (Kaaba) the
people will recognize him as Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
In another citation, he will be familiar due to his
preaching work and activities after 30 years. That
means he will be first identified as preacher but no
one can detect him that he is the Imam Mahdi even by
himself. When he will turn around 40 years, Allah ‫ﷻ‬
will give him the capabilities to lead the caliphate of
whole Muslim world].

 There will be an siege over Iraq on Dirham

(Economic) and Kafiz (Oil) by non-Arab. (Muslim-

[This siege remained from 6th August, 1990 to 2010

by all East-West nationalist non-Arabian
organization International Security Council]

 After Iraq, economical siege will be imposed over

Syria by West. (Muslim-6961)
[This economical siege is continuing from 2001 on
Syria only by western countries to till the date.]

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 Iraq will be attacked by western countries in the

last era. (Al Fitan 907/4)
 Bagdad will be destroyed by fire in the last era.
(Risalatu khuruzil Mahdi-177/3, Muntakhub kanjul ummahl-38/5)

[The USA and UK started massacre at Bagdad

through jet bombing at 2.30am on 20th March, 2003.
Just next day of it, USA (148,000 soldiers), England
(45,000 soldiers), Australia (2,000 soldiers) and
Poland (194 soldiers) attacked Basra, a state of Iraq,
very adjacent to Kuwait.]

 River Furat (Euphrates) will dry out and a golden

hill will appear. There will be a war among the
people and 99 out of 100 will die in that war. (Muslim-

[The river Dajla (Tigris) and Furat (Euphrates) is

going to be drying out. New York Times reported (in
12/02/2013), Scientists of NASA and university of
California observed that 117 lac acre feet water dried
out within last decade. Some Islamic scholars
describe the hadith terming ‘gold’ as ‘oil’, because
mineral oil is also called ‘Black gold’. In 2003, at
Faluza, very adjacent to Furat River a belligerent
battle was taken place between American soldiers and
Mujahedeen. Allah knows best!]

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 A Fitnah (difficulties & Trials) will come from

Syrian hilly valley which is ‘Sufianii’ (Quraysh
administrator of Syrian ‘Banu Kalb’ tribe) (Al Fitan, Nuaim
bin Hammad-87, Mustadreke Hakeem).

Among his companions (followers) people from

Kalbia tribe will be the most, reveal from Damascus.
The Sufianii will have large sized head, having
whitish taint on his face, playing with human blood
will be his habit. Those who will go against him, will
be killed. He even cut off the womb of the pregnant
mother to get her baby out and kills it. He will send a
colossal army to kill and confront Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam). (Majahire haq Jadith-43/5)

Sufianii will be progeny of Khalid-bin-Yazid bin

Muwabia (Ra). He will have large head, tainted face
(caused by pox). There will be some white stain on
his eyes. (Al Fitan, Nuaim bin Hammad, 812).
During the birth of second Sufianii indication from
sky will be revealed (that means there will be two
Sufianii). (Al Fitan, Nuaim bin Hammad-954)
[Explanations: In 1970, in the history of Syria,
president Hafiz-al-Assad became the first president
who came from Banu Kalb tribe and community of
‘Shia nusairia’ Aqida (Basic conception about Islam),
who are regarded as Murtad (Rejected from Islam) by
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

the Islami Scholars. By birth he is from a hilly valley

of Al-Kardaha village. In 1982, from 2-28 February,
the attack and genocide that was taken place and town
Hama leaded by president Hafiz al Assad (First
Sufianii) and his sibling colonel Rifat Assad and their
Syrian army on Ahalul Sunnah group especially on
‘Ikhwanul Muslimin” was second to none. During
that genocide, excluding the number of people who
were carried off, altered and immigrant, 40 thousands
of common Syrian people were killed. Surprisingly,
that Hafiz al Assad had white tainted face.
In 2000, second ruler of Sufianii, Bashar-al-Assad
came of tribe Banu Kalb who was born in Damascus
who claimed himself as Qureshi. Most of his
administrative and military partisan are of the tribe
Nusairia/Alawi shiite i.e. Kalb. From 2011 up to date,
Syrian Ahaul Sunnah al jamaat was the brutally
experienced by the group. The snipers of Assad even
killed their unborn children inside the womb and
manifested the holy prophecy of Hadith. There was
news reported by daily mail “Is this the most
sickening image of the war in Syria so far? Snipers
target unborn children in chilling competition to win

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Or visit the link-

Just after the expression of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis

Salam) the first Arabian ruler who will come to confront
him directly will be an oppressor ruler of Quraysh
came from the tribe Banu Kalb (2nd Sufianii). This
indicates he remains in power before the expression
of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). He will send an army who
will be destroyed at ‘Baida’. Then Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) will fight against him and will kill him at nearest
place of Bahiratut Tibria, Israel. This war is termed as
‘Battle of Banu Kalb’ in one hadith.

 Before the advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), war

of Syria will be taken place. Al-Gouta will be the
military Head-Quarter for Muslims and there will
be severe war at Dabik/Amak. (Abu-daud-4300, Mustadreke
Hakeem-532/4, Al Mugni-169/9, Muslim-7460, IBN-Hibban-214/15)

[Recently this two places are occupied by

Mujahedeen. A chemical attack was done at Al-Gouta
on 21th August, 2013.]

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 (Before the appearence of Imam Mahdi (AS.) to

help him) There will be three battalions in Syria,
Yemen and Iraq. (Abu-daud- 2485, Musnade Ahmah-110/4)
[This prophecy is manifested. Today three battalions
are prevailing in those three states.]

 Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amar (Ra) narrates that,

(from the beginning till the end of the world) there
will be five massive war. Among them two were
gone before. The rest three will be occurred in the
lifetime of this ummah. One is Turkish. Another
will be with Romanians. And the third war will
against Dajjal. After dajjal there will be no massive
war. (Al Fitan- part: 2, page: 548, As sunanul waridatul fil Fitan).

[Explanations: First World War of this ummah

occurred in (1914-1918) Ottoman (Turkish)
Caliphate participated and was destroyed. In second
world was (1939-1945) Roman (Western)
participated and attain the victory. The remaining one
and the only war is third world war, this will be
decisive war between Haque (Right) and Baatil
(Wrong). After that no Baatil (wrong) will prevail in
the world, only Islam will prevail. Already the
background of this war has started.]
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

As a concern Muslim when you look into the

recent social conditions and global affairs, you will be
compelled to confess there is nothing left to be
materialized what was cited in hadith. Well, some
indications still remain concealed yet what will
happen before the advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam).These indications will start to be revealed from
the month of Ramadan and end up at Zilhajj in the
year of his revelation. I will try my best to discuss
these things distinctly in appropriate place,

2. Now is the time for caliphate

resembling prophethood:
Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬discussed everything what will happen
until Qiyamah (Final catastrophe, The Doom’s Day)
1400 years back, like this-
“The holy era of prophethood will prevail as long
as Allah wishes, then it will be taken. Then era of
‘Khulafaye Rashedin’ (the rightly guided emperors)
will come quite resemble with the era of prophethood.
It will prevail as long as Allah wishes. Then he will
take it away also. Then hereditary leadership will
come. It will prevail as long as Allah wants, then he
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

will take it away also. Then the era of oppression and

repression will come. It will prevail as long as Allah
wants. Then he will take it away also. Thereafter,
again the era of ‘Khulafaye Rashedin’(caliphate) will
come quite resemble to the era of prophethood. After
saying this he ‫ ﷺ‬kept silent.” (Musnade Ahmad-17680)
The era of prophethood ends up with the
departure of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬, then ranges of Khulafaye
Rashedin (Caliphate) was 30 years. The hereditary
ruling system (monarchy/ ancestral) prevailed up to
1924 when did the Ottoman caliphate dismantled.
Therefore, era of the repression and oppression has
come (Democracy, Communism, Dynasty etc.) what
is now prevailing. Then again the era of caliphate will
come having much resemble with the era of
prophethood. That means, the era of Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) and Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) (Jesus Christ,
after his second coming, will reveal & rule the whole
world as a follower of Prophet Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬.Then
Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬kept silent that means the end of Islam.
(Allah knows best.)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

3. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬renovates his deen

(religion) after each 100 years:
As, it is the era of repression and oppression
(Democracy, Communism, Dynasty) and it’s next
step is caliphate ruling resembling the prophethood.
The last caliphate of Muslim world ‘Ottoman
caliphate’ was dismantled in Turkey in 1924 (26th
Rajab, 1342 Hijri). Now no guardian has left for the
ummah, everywhere, screaming, lamentation
reaches such extent as if the sky can’t hold its
intensity. From every nook and cranny the same
anticipation, same solicitation “Oh Almighty! How
much! How long! When will your help come?
When will you send your promised guide? How
long the oppression will prevail? How much
genocide will take place? We can’t hold it! Send a
guide from you, send an assistant.” Does Allah ‫ﷻ‬
keeps this ummah guardianless for more than
hundred years? No, it can’t happen, cause,
Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬says “At every outset of a century,
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will send someone (as renovator) who will
revitalize Islam” (cited from Abu Huraira (Ra), Abu-daud- 4291)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

What exactly is the crucial need for the

Muslims now? Shelter for them, a bold voice to
speak, an assistant to confront oppressor,
everywhere the same echo- ‘we want our promised
guide, we want our promised demonstrator, when
will this awaited guide advent? When will revive
the caliphate resembles prophethood?’
Look into the phenomena, 26th Rajab 1441, 99
years have passed after the demolished caliphate of
Muslim history. From 27 Rajab, 1441 Hijri, the
100th year of dismantled caliphate tenure is going
to be started. The mid Ramadan of 1441 Hijri is
going to be Friday Insha’Allah. That means, Zilhajj
1441 is into this century. Insha’Allah, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will
not allow this 100th year as guardianless for this
ummah. Insha’Allah, 1441 Hijri (2020 A.D) is that
promised time. (Allah knows best).

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

4. The Lifespan Of Islam In Sahih

Bukhari and Sunan Abu Dawwud

Imam Al-Bukhari narrates 6 Ahadith in his Sahih

about the Analogy the prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave regarding the
lifespan of Islam on Earth.

Abu Musa (Ra.) said, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “The

example of Muslims, Jews and Christians is like the
example of a man who employed labourers to work
for him from morning till night for specific wages.
They worked till midday and then said, ‘We do not
need your money which you have fixed for us and let
whatever we have done be annulled.’ The man said to
them, ‘Don’t quit the work, but complete the rest of it
and take your full wages.’ But they refused and went
away. The man employed another batch after them
and said to them, ‘Complete the rest of the day and
yours will be the wages I had fixed for the first batch.’
So, they worked till the time of `Asr prayer. Then they
said, “Let what we have done be annulled and keep
the wages you have promised us for yourself.’ The
man said to them, ‘Complete the rest of the work, as
only a little of the day remains,’ but they refused.
Thereafter he employed another batch to work for the
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

rest of the day and they worked for the rest of the day
till the sunset, and they received the wages of the two
former batches. So, that was the example of those
people (Muslims) and the example of this light
(guidance) which they have accepted willingly. (Sahih
al-Bukhari, Book 37, Hadith 11)

In another variation Imam Bukhari reports in his

Sahih from Ibn `Umar (Ra.): The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said,
“Your life in comparison to the lifetime of the past
nations is like the period between the time of `Asr
prayer and sunset. Your example and the example of
the Jews and Christians is that of a person who
employed laborers and said to them, “Who will work
for me till the middle of the day for one Qirat (a
special weight)?’ The Jews did. He then said, “Who
will work for me from the middle of the day till the
`Asr prayer for one Qirat each?” The Christians
worked accordingly. Then you (Muslims) are
working from the `Asr prayer till the Maghrib prayer
for two Qirats each. They (the Jews and the
Christians) said, ‘We did more labor but took less
wages.’ He (Allah) said, ‘Have I wronged you in your
rights?’ They replied, ‘No.’ Then He said, ‘This is My
Blessing which I give to whom I wish.” (Book 66, Hadith 43)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Imam Bukhari recorded different variations of

this Analogy six times in his Sahih under various
 Book 9: Hadith 35
 Book 37: Hadith 8,9,11
 Book 60: Hadith 126
 Book 66: Hadith 43
Hafiz Ibn al-Hajar al-Asqalani (a prominent
Islamic scholar who died in 852 Hijri calendar) writes
in his Fath al Bari, which is the most widely accepted
tafsir to Sahih Bukhari, in vol.4, book of hire/ijara,
page 448-449, commenting on these two narrations
“and it is evident (from these stated narrations)
that the lasting of this Islamic nation is somewhat a
thousand years, this is because the age of the Jewish
nation is equivalent to that of the time periods of the
Christian and Muslim ages combined, and the people
of transmission (ahl an naql) have agreed that the
period of the Jews till the advent of Allah’s final
Apostle Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was more than 2000 years
(about 2100 years), and the span of the age of the
Christians was 600 years from them. And also this
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

narration points to the fact about how little of the age

of this world has remained.”
Note: Since, all other previous religions prevailed
upto the advent of Last & Final Messenger of
ALLAH ‫ﷻ‬, Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, & all the
religions have been declared null and void by
ALLAH ‫ ﷻ‬after his advent, so, the lifespan of all
other religions will be counted upto the time of advent
of Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
It is clear from the above discussion that lifespan
of jews is equal to combined lifespan of Christians
and Muslims. i.e, life-span of this ummah will be =
2100 years (appx.) - 600 years = 1500 years (some
more or less).

Now, please look at the following hadiths, our

beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said,
‫ع ْن‬ َ ،‫ان‬ ُ ‫ص ْف َو‬َ ‫ َحدَّثَ ِني‬،‫ير ِة‬ َ ‫ َحدَّثَنَا أَبُو ْال ُم ِغ‬، َ‫عثْ َمان‬
ُ ‫ع ْم ُرو ب ُْن‬ َ ‫َحدَّثَنَا‬
‫ي صلى الله عليه‬ َّ ‫ أَ َّن النَّ ِب‬،‫اص‬ ٍ َّ‫س ْع ِد ب ِْن أ َ ِبي َوق‬
َ ‫ع ْن‬ َ ،ٍ‫عبَ ْيد‬
ُ ‫ْح ب ِْن‬
ِ ‫ش َري‬ ُ
‫وسلم قَا َل " ِإنِي أل َ ْر ُجو أ َ ْن الَ ت ُ ْع ِجزَ أ ُ َّمتِي ِع ْندَ َربِ َها أَ ْن يُ َؤ ِخ َر ُه ْم‬
. ‫سنَ ٍة‬َ ‫س ِمائَ ِة‬ُ ‫ف يَ ْو ٍم قَا َل خ َْم‬ ْ ِ‫س ْع ٍد َو َك ْم ن‬
ُ ‫ص‬ َ ‫ قِي َل ِل‬. " ‫ف يَ ْو ٍم‬َ ‫ص‬ْ ِ‫ن‬

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

“I hope my community will not fail to maintain their

position in the sight of their Lord if He delays them
half a day. Sa’d was asked: How long is half a day?
He said: It is five hundred years”. (Sahih)
(Related by Abu Dawud-4299,4350, Al-Hakim, Imam Ahmad and Abu Nai’m in
their respective works, who reported from Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas)

‫ َحدَّثَنَا اب ُْن‬،‫يم‬
َ ‫ َحدَّثَنَا َح َّجا ُج ب ُْن ِإب َْرا ِه‬،‫س ْه ٍل‬ َ ‫سى ب ُْن‬ َ ‫َحدَّثَنَا ُمو‬
َّ ‫ َع ْن َع ْب ِد‬،ٍ‫صا ِلح‬
،‫الر ْح َم ِن ب ِْن ُجبَي ٍْر‬ َ ‫ َحدَّث َ ِني ُمعَا ِويَةُ ب ُْن‬،‫ب‬ ٍ ‫َو ْه‬
‫سو ُل اللَّ ِه صلى‬ ُ ‫ قَا َل قَا َل َر‬،ِ ‫شنِي‬ َ ‫ َع ْن أ َ ِبي ث َ ْعلَبَةَ ْال ُخ‬،‫َع ْن أ َ ِبي ِه‬
” ‫ف يَ ْو ٍم‬ ِ ‫ص‬ْ ِ‫الله عليه وسلم “ لَ ْن يَ ْع ِجزَ اللَّهُ َه ِذ ِه األ ُ َّمةَ ِم ْن ن‬
“Allah will not fail to detain this community for
less than half a day (500 years)”. (Abu-Dawud-4349, Sahih)

It is clearly manifested from the above hadiths

that ALLAH has granted this ummah a half day extra
after giving one day, i.e, life-span of this ummah will
be one and a half day. On the other hand, with
ALLAH ‫ﷻ‬, 1 day is equivalent to 1000 years. As
mentioned in the Glorious Quran, “He (ALLAH)
regulates all affairs, from the heavens, to the earth.
Then it ascends to Him on a Day the length of which
is a thousand years by your count.” (32 Sura As-Sizdah: 5)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Therefore, one and a half day to Allah = 1.5 X

1000 = 1500 years to us. i.e, Lifespan of Muslim
Ummah is 1500 years.
(Note: it is not lifespan of the world, but Islam.
As Allah ‫ ﷻ‬knows best when Qiyamah will occur.)
sunan-abu-dawwud/ ]

5. From when that 1500 years started?

Is that started from the birth of Hazrat

Muhammad ‫( ﷺ‬570 A.D) or from ‘Hizrat’ (from
when the hijri year started) or from the departure of
Rasulullah ‫( ﷺ‬From when the responsibility of
protecting Islam belongs to followers of prophet ‫ﷺ‬,
i.e, ummah?) Here it is important, what is the end part
of Islam? Yes! It is caliphate system resemble
prophethood. It’s easy to understand by the citation of
that renowned hadith of Musnade Ahmad (no.-
17680), the establishment of Islam and it’s journey
also started by ruling of prophethood as foundation in
society. (See also: Al Fitan, Nuaim bin Hammed-234)
And it started after the Hizrat (Emigration) of
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in Medina When the
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

companions of Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬determined to prepare a

calendar, they started from the year of hizrat. From
these statement, it is clear to understand that the
journey of Islam started from hizrat. Establishment of
Islamic state and revelation of all important rules of
Sharia (code of actions) was done after hizrat.
According to the discussion, this 1500 hijri may be
the last year of the lifetime of Islam. (Only Allah
knows the exact).

6. If the Lifespan of Islam is 1500 hijri, then,

when will Imam Mahdi (AS.) advent?
According to the prophecy of hadith, Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will lead his caliphate for 5/7/8/9
year on the earth (more familiar is 7) and Hazrat Isa
(Alaihis Salam) will lead his caliphate ruling for 40 years,
then Islam will prevail the next seven years. After
these, a wind will come to take the lives of Mumins
(Believers), then the final destruction (Qiyamah)
comes to the remaining worst inmates of the earth.
So, after the revelation of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) the
remaining age of Islam will be = 9+40+7=56 years

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Therefore, Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will advent

=1500-56=1444 hijri (2023 A.D) or before the year.
If we consider the caliphate tenure as seven years (as
most of the citation of hadith regarding his caliphate
tenure), the year he advent is 1446 (2025 A.D) or
before it.

7: The probability of arrival of

Imam Mahdi (As.) upto 2025?
According to the citation of hadith, the year when
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will advent, at the mid
Ramadan (Friday) a huge sound will occur. With it’s
intensity 70,000 people will be senseless and another
70,000 will be deaf. In that terrible day those who will
stay at their residence and prostrate and seek security
from Almighty and declare ‘Allahu Akbar’ loudly,
only they will be secured. After that another sound
will come. The first one will be from Hazrat Jibraeel
(Gabriel) (Alaihis Salam) and the second one from Satan
(devil). (Majmaud zauayd 310/7, Tabarani, As Sunan waridatul fil Fitan)
From 2020 to 2025 A.D (1441-1446 hijri) the
probable years with mid Ramadan happens on Friday
are- 8th May 2020 (1441 hijri), 15th & 16th April
2022 (1443 Hijri, 14 & 15 Ramadan), 6th & 7th April
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

2023 (1444 Hijri, 15th & 16th Ramadan), 14th & 15th
March 2025 (14th & 15th Ramadan) then in 2028,
mid Ramadan will Friday Insha’Allah. According to
the appearance of moon and duration of Ramadan
(29/30), mid Ramadan as Friday will be determined.
According to the prophecy of hadith, when the
advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will occur, his age
will be 40. So, if the advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)
happens from 1441-1446 Hijri (2020-2025 A.D), he
was born in (1401-1406).

8. Then, what is the year of birth of

Imam Mahdi (As.)?
Two days after Eid-ul-Fitr’1440 Hijri (2019
A.D), I was roaming & searching for any reliable
website to get new information about Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). Suddenly, I found a fake
facebook I.D named “Imam Mahdi”. Reading
different posts and comments, I was assured that it
must be run by any non-muslim. However, there was
a post of 2015 A.D that said, “Imam Mahdi has born
35 years back.” What??? I was astonished. He cited
many references. Suddenly I recalled, I dreamt while
staying in Mecca that the advent of Hazrat Imam
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) would occur in 2020 & non-

muslims have got the information before us & they
are prepared for war against him. In one place of the
post there was reference of a book of Harun Yahya-
“The End Times and the Emergence of Imam Mahdi”.
Instantly, I downloaded the PDF version of the book.
In that very book, I found some really surprising
information about the birth of Hazrat Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam). The signs of his birth prophesized in the
hadith are clear & according to these hadiths the year
of birth of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) can be
easily determined. I wonder that non-muslims have
come to know about his birth and they believe and
preparing themselves to counter him, whereas, we,
muslims are careless, unaware of the facts, after that
we are sleeping & snoring, have become unconscious.
None can guide us except ALLAH ‫ﷻ‬.
Now, let’s discuss some facts regarding the birth
of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).

A) Eclipse of the Moon and Sun in Ramadan:

Both Lunar and Solar eclipse in same Ramadan
month (9th month of Hijri Calendar) is a sign of advent
of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Piease look at the following hadiths-

 There are two signs for Hazrat Mahdi (as)... The
first one is the lunar eclipse in the first night of
Ramadan, and the second is the solar eclipse in the
middle of this month. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-
Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 49)

 ... The solar eclipse in the middle of Ramadan, and

the lunar eclipse at the end... (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi
Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 37)

 There will be two solar eclipses in Ramadan before

Hazrat Mahdi’s (As.) advent. (Ash-Sharani, Mukhtasar
Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p.440)

 It has reached me that before Hazrat Mahdi (as)

emerges the moon will be eclipsed twice in
Ramadan. (Related by Abu Nu'aym in al-Fitan, Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-
Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 53,Barzanji, Al-Isha’h,
page. 20)

Though it may seem that above hadiths have some

contrariness, you will be thundered if you come to
know what has happened in reality. From the above
hadiths we get the following extracts-

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 there will be solar and lunar eclipses during

Ramadan before the advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam).
 these will be spaced about 14-15 days apart,
 the eclipses will be repeated twice.
 It is not clear from the above hadiths that solar or
lunar eclipse which one is going to happen in the
first, mid or last Ramadan; we get different citations
regarding these; only this fact is unclear.
 However, we must remember that occurance of
solar and lunar eclipse in the same month is not an
usual phenomenon both in natural and scientific
perspective. So, if we get any instance from history,
then it is significant & a matter of deep thinking.
Now, let’s fit the hadiths with
reality. Did such incidents
occur in recent past? Yes,
something happened like that.
In line with these calculations,
there was a lunar eclipse in
A picture of the July 31, 1981 (Hijri 1401) on the 15th
1981,solar eclipse.
day of Ramadan, and a solar
eclipse on the 29th day of the month. There was a
"second" lunar eclipse in 1982 (Hijri 1402) on the

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

14th day of Ramadan, and a solar eclipse on the 28th

day of the month.
It is also particularly significant that in that particular
instance, there was a full lunar eclipse in the middle
of Ramadan, a most striking prophecy.
The occurrence of these incidents during the same
period coinciding with the signs of Hazrat Mahdi's
(AS.) emergence, and their miraculous recurrence at
the onset of the Islamic 1400s for two consecutive
years (1401-02) makes it possible for these events to
be the signs foretold in the hadiths.
Moreover, an astoundingly similar eclipse occurred in
the years 2002 and 2003.
Two solar and two lunar eclipsre cited in the hadith
may refer to two events of double eclipses in
consecutive years which occurred twenty years apart.
(Allah ‫ ﷻ‬knows best.)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Actual Eclipse Date

Lunar eclipse
17 July, 1981
Hijri 1401 (15 Ramadan)
15 days later
Solar eclipse 31 July, 1981
Hijri 1401 (29 Ramadan)
Lunar eclipse
06 July, 1982
Hijri 1402 (14 Ramadan)
15 days later
Solar eclipse 20 July, 1982
Hijri 1402 (28 Ramadan)

After 20 Years:
Actual Eclipse Date
Lunar eclipse
20 November, 2002
Hijri 1423 (Mid Ramadan)
15 days later
Solar eclipse 04 December, 2002
Hijri 1423 (Last Ramadan)
Lunar eclipse
09 November, 2003
Hijri 1424 (Mid Ramadan)
15 days later
Solar eclipse 23 November, 2003
Hijri 1424 (Last Ramadan)

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

B) The rise of a comet:

 A star with a luminous tail will rise from the East
before Hazrat Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) emerges. (Muhammad
ibn ‘Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha‘ah li-ashrat al-sa‘ah, p. 200)

 Before he arrives, a comet will appear in the east,

giving out an illumination. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-
Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, p. 53)

 The rise of that star will occur after the eclipse of

the Sun and the Moon. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat
al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

As referred to in the hadiths;

In 1986 (Hijri 1406),
Halley's comet passed by
Earth. The comet is a bright,
shining star that travels from
East to West. This happened Fig: Halley’s Comet
after the lunar and solar
eclipses of 1981 and 1982 (Hijri 1401-1402).
Therefore, the event of solar and lunar eclipses of
2002 & 2003 A.D has occurred after the coming of
Halley’s comet, so, we must consider events of 1981
& 1982 A.D to be probable year of Hazrat Mahdi’s
birth. The Halley’s comet appears at 76 years interval.
Again, it will be seen in 2062 A.D.
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

The concurrence of this star's rise with other signs of

Hazrat Mahdi's (Alaihis Salam) emergence indicates that
Halley's comet is the star pointed to in the hadith.

C) The appearance of a double-tailed comet

resembling a horn:
 "When Abbasi Malik arrives at Khorasan, one of
the signs of the coming of the promised Hazrat
Mahdi (as), a double-toothed, light-shedding horn
will appear in the East." (Imam Rabbani, Maktubat, Letter 381, p.

The expression “a double-toothed, light-shedding

horn,“ described by our Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in the hadith as a
sign of the coming of the awaited Hazrat Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) in the End Times refers to the comet Lulin,
which came closest to the Earth on February 24, 2009.
The way that the terms in the hadith completely fit the
characteristics of the comet Lulin is a great miracle
and glad tidings for believers awaiting the coming of
Hazrat Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
... double-toothed...:
The fact that the tail of the comet Lulin is forked
completely matches the term double-toothed in the
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

... light-shedding...:
The term “light-shedding” in the hadith refers to
the brightness of the comet Lulin, which exceeded
that of six stars as it approached the Earth.
... a horn...:
The main distinguishing feature between Lulin
and other comets is that as well as the comet having a
tail in the rear of its body, it also has a tail in the front.
Examination of photographs of Lulin and its two tails
immediately put one in mind of a horn.

Fig: comet Lulin

The hadith further describes this comet:
“The course of the constant is from West to East...
Its daily passage, on the other hand, is from East to
West.” (Imam Rabbani, Maktubat, Letter 381, p. 1184)
This refers to the movement of heavenly bodies,
which information is in full agreement with the
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

astronomical findings of the 20th century. Indeed, all

heavenly bodies travel from West to East.
However, the expression “Its daily passage, on
the other hand, ...” indicates that the comet Lulin, as
opposed to all other heavenly bodies, travel from
East to West.
The fact that these characteristics, seen in no
other heavenly body, applies to the comet Lulin and
that this was described fourteen centuries ago by our
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬as a portent of the coming of Hazrat
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) is a great miracle.

D) A sign out of the Sun:

 He [Hazrat Mahdi (AS.)] will not come unless a
sign emerges out of the Sun. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl
al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al Muntadhar, p. 49)

 Hazrat Mahdi (AS.) will not emerge unless the

Sun rises as a sign. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-
Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi, p. 33)

The large explosions detected on the Sun during

the twentieth century may well be this sign.
Also, the August 11, 1999 solar eclipse was the last
of the century. It was the first time that so many
people had been able to watch and study an eclipse
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

for so long. The greatest solar eclipse of this century

took place on 22 July, 2009. Lasting for 6 minutes and
30 seconds, this eclipse was the longest solar eclipse
since that lasting 6 minutes and 53 seconds on 11
July, 1991. Calculations show that there will be no
longer solar eclipse than this until 2132.


2. NASA Lunar Eclipse Webpage:


3. NASA Solar Eclipse Webpage:

2000.html ]

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

E) Sura Al-Kahf and Hazrat Imam Mahdi (As.)

Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬highlighted this sura.
Many Prophetic hadiths connect Sura al-Kahf
with the End Times. Such as:
Related by An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an:
 He who among you will survive to see him (the
dajjal) should recite over him the opening verses of
Surah al-Kahf. (Muslim)
In this chapter of Holy Quran, there are many
stories and events are described, with which the
upcoming events of the world have very much
similarities. The last story of this chapter is related to
Zul-Karnain (Alaihis Salam). Allah gave him worldwide
empire; like that, HE would give Hazrat Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) a caliphate encompassing the whole world,
that would be stressed from east to west. There was a
Prophet who was given worldwide empire like Hazrat
Zul-Karnain (Alaihis Salam); whose name was Hazrat
Sulaiman (Alaihis Salam), popularly known as Prophet
Solomon in the west. It is narrated in the hadith that,

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

 “Hazrat Mahdi (AS.) will rule the world just like

the Prophet Solomon (AS.) and Dhu’l-Qarnayn
(AS.). (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi
al-Muntadhar, p. 30)

Without discussing in details, we will just present

some numerical aspect of this chapter.
 A sign pointing at the beginning of the Islamic
1400s and the end of the twentieth and the beginning
of the twenty-first Christian century is the number
1980, which is obtained by multiplying Surat al
Kahf's number of verses with its numerical order in
the Qur'an. This 1980 A.D (End of 1400 Hijri &
Starting of 1401 Hijri) is an important turning point
of World History, as it is the beginning of the End

Sura 18: Sura al-Kahf (contains 110 verses)

18 x 110 = 1980.

The verse number 84 of Sura Al-Kahf is very

important for us, where it is said about Hazrat Zul-
Karnain (Alaihis Salam),
‫ض َوآتَ ْي نَاهُ ِمن ُك ِل َش ْي ٍء َسبَبا‬
ِ ‫إِنَّا َم َّكنَّا لَهُ فِى ٱأل َْر‬

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

“Verily We established his power on earth, and

We gave him the ways and the means to all
ends.” ( 18 Sura Al-Kahf: 84)
In the same way, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)
will be given power of the earth. Now the question is

The gematrical value of Verse 18: 84 is = 1440

(Hijri) or 2019 A.D

Since mid Ramadan of 1440 Hijri was not Friday

and has gone, on the other hand, mid Ramadan of
1441 Hijri (2020 A.D) is going to be Friday,
inshaallah, so we can say, if ALLAH wants, 2020 is
the year when ALLAH will expose Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) and give him power on earth.

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

F) Qasida-e- Shah Neyamatullah Kashmiri (R.)

and birth of Imam Mahdi (As.):
Qasida-e- Shah Neyamatullah Kashmiri (R.) is a
mysterious and miraculous poem of Prophecy of
world events based on Kashf and Ilham (Divine
Inspiration and Guidance). It was written in Persian
Language by world famous Oli-Allah and great
Islamic scholar Shah Neyamatullah Kashmiri (R.) in
548 Hijri i.e 1152 A.D. Though it is not a basis of
Islamic Shariah, however, astonishingly these
prophecies have been proved to be true in different
era. This great resounding poem discusses different
world events in details, such as-
 Prophecies regarding Indian Subcontinent.
 Prophecies regarding First World War.
 Prophecies regarding Second World War.
 Prophecies regarding Gazwatul Hind.
 Prophecies regarding Destruction of America in
such a way that it will be removed from world
map, only its name will be left in world history.
 Prophecies regarding advent/birth of Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

It is written in 57th verse of this Qasida-

“Verily, In the year of expression of Kana Zahuqa,

Imam Mahdi will come in this earth.”
Kana Zahuqa is the last two Arabic words of a verse
of the Holy Quran, whose meaning is ‘bound to
perish’. The very verse is:
ِ ‫اطل إِ َّن ٱلْب‬
‫اط َل َكا َن َزُهوقا‬ ِ ‫وقُل جآء ٱلْح ُّق وزهق ٱلْب‬
َ ُ َ َ َََ َ َ َ ْ َ
Full meaning of the verse is: And say: "Truth has
(now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood
is (by its nature) bound to perish."
According to Qasida, Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will
come to this earth (will be born) in the Year of Kana
Note, the verse referring to Kana Zahuqa is the 81st
verse of Sura Bani Israel. i.e, verily, in the year of
Kana Zahuqa (in the year of 81 i.e, 1981), Imam

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) was born & came in this earth.

(ALLAH ‫ ﷻ‬knows best.)
G) Fitna-e-Haram & the advent of Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (As.):
Now I will discuss such an important topic before
you which will provide us with the information of the
advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) with
certainty. Inshaallah, things will happen like that.
Our beloved Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said, “A person will
take shelter in Baitullah (Ka’ba) (and he will claim
himself as Imam Mahdi), he will be killed soon after
his taking shelter. After this event people will remain
safe for a period of one Boorha (and no such violence
will occur in Ka’ba for this period). Then (after
passing the period of one Boorha), another person
will take shelter in Baitullah (Ka’ba). The second
person (he will be there with the same clam i.e, to be
Imam Mahdi), if you find him, don’t go for a war
against him (cause, he is the real Mahdi). He is a
member of such an army (of ALLAH; if you fight
against him, you will never be succeed), an army will
be sent from Syria to kill him. Earth will swallow the
whole army when they reach (a place named) Baida
near Mecca.” (Kitabul Fitan, Nuaim Bin Hammad, Sahih)
Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA.) said, the

Boorha measures about 39 or 40 years.
i.e, near the end times, a person will claim to be
Imam Mahdi in Baitullah (Ka’ba), he will be killed
just after claiming. Just after passing 39 or 40 years,
advent of another person will take place, he will be
the Caliph of ALLAH, the real Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam), he is Mahdi in the heavens and the earth, he is
the promised Guide of Muslim ummah, Imam Al-
My dear muslim brothers and sisters!
You know, there is a long list of FALSE Mahdi
claimants in the history of Islam. Now question is- Is
there any event in the history, when there was an
advent of FALSE Mahdi claimant in Baitullah
(Ka’ba)? Yes, such an event took place only once in
the recent history. And that is the occurance of an
event popularly known as Fitna-e-Haram which took
place in 1st Muharram, 1400 Hijri (November 20,
1979 A.D). On that day, a man named Juhaiman-al-
Utaibi claimed in front of ummah in Baitullah that his
brother-in-law Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Al-Qahtani
is Imam Mahdi. They were an armed group, who
seized the Grand Mosque for 17 days. They had a

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

violent clash with Saudi armed forces. Muhammad

Ibn Abdullah Al-Qahtani was killed during this clash.
The Juhaiman and his group surrendered at last. The
result of this violent clash was death of 127 Saudi
soldiers, 451 other were injured. On the other hand,
among the attacker Juhaiman gang, 117 were killed
during the clash & 63 including Juhaiman were
executed with death sentence.
However, this incidence is very important for us.
Because, we understand from the hadith, such event
in Baitullah Grand Mosque will not occur repeatedly
but only twice; first time, there will be advent of a
FALSE Mahdi & second time, the advent of TRUE
Mahdi will occur, by sure. And the first event is a
certain sign of advent of TRUE Mahdi.
After passing 39 years of 1400 Hijri (1979 A.D),
there comes 1440 Hijri or 2019 A.D (next year of
1439 Hijri), whose mid Ramadan is not Friday. i.e,
there is no possibility of advent of Hazrat Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) in 1440 Hijri (or 2019 A.D).
Again, after passing 40 years of 1400 Hijri (1979
A.D), there comes 1441 Hijri or 2020 A.D (next year
of 1440 Hijri), whose mid Ramadan is Friday. i.e,

Is this era the promised time of the advent of Imam Mahdi (As.)?

there is the strongest possibility of advent of Hazrat

Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) in 1441 Hijri (or 2020 A.D).
So, according to hadith, 1441 Hijri or 2020 A.D is
the awaited Year when there will be the advent of
Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
As we know, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will
have his advent at the age of 40, so, his birth was in
1401 Hijri (1981 A.D). (Allah Knows best.)
Note: We must calculate according to Hijri

H) Decision:
From all the above discussion, we may come to
conclusion that Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) was
born in 1401 Hijri (1981 A.D) & his advent will occur
in 1441 Hijri (2020 A.D) inshaallah. (Allah Knows
best Everything.)

Second Part

When will Israel


When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

This is a lengthy topic that is popular among

Muslims and there is no doubt that the events
mentioned in this context shall inevitably occur, as
the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him, has informed us. But when? The knowledge of
that lies only with Allah.
Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority
of Abu Hurairah, may Allah ‫ ﷻ‬be pleased with him,
that the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷻ‬, blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him, said: "The last Hour would not
come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews
and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would
hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone
or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah,
there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him, but the
Gharqad tree would not disclose anything, for it is the
tree of the Jews."
All Divine religions speak about the future and
reveal some of the matters of the Unseen. There is no
When will Israel perish?

Prophet who did not tell his people of the matters of

the Unseen. The news of the matters of the Unseen
came in different forms. Some were explicit and some
were not. Some came through clear revelation and
some came through true dreams seen by a Prophet or
by even an ordinary person. Some happened soon
after and some were delayed and only occurred after
many years or even after centuries.
Muslims believe in the Tawrat but they also
believe that it has been changed and corrupted. They
certainly believe that a part of the authentic and
original Tawrat still exists. Therefore, they do no rule
out that this authentic part contains some prophecies
whose origin was Divine revelation though these
prophesies may need some interpretations.
Here, our goal is to interpret the Quranic
prophecies that had earlier been mentioned in the
Before discussing main topic, we should have a
clear idea about “Mathematical basis of miracles in
the Holy Quran”. So, lets have a short discussion on

When will Israel perish?

Mathematical miracles in the Holy Quran

In the Holy Quran, there is a most astonishing

numerical network which is very novel,
unprecedented, wonderful and beyond the limit of
imitation for any creation. It is a deep-rooted, very
strong net of number “19”. This discovery is
performed by the most modern computer. There has
been created a worldwide bubbling. Computer says,
it will be required at least 6.26  1026 years to
compose a similar Book with the same number of
words and verses like the Holy Quran, with the same
rules and regulations adopted and to create same
network of number “19”. What is the value of the
above septillion number? It is very difficult to express
the number in words and impossible to realize its
greatness. Numerically, its expression is
626,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 (24 zeroes
after 626). At present, the age of the earth is
450,00,00,000 (450 crores) years. Now, if we guess
that the total population of the present world is
engaged in a non-stop work of compiling a similar
Book like the Holy Quran from the time of birth of
the earth taking the help of all the most modern
When will Israel perish?

technologies, then the progression of this super

project of the whole of the mankind would be
450,0000000  500,0000000 = 225  1017 work years
which is only 35 parts of one hundred crores parts of
the above septillion number, which may be compared
to a small gravel in front of the Himalayas. And the
conditions of this project are- “the lifespan of all the
human being must be 450 crores year and in this time,
they would not be allowed to engage in any other
works.” Subhanallah!!!
It seems that modern computer has discovered the
truth, the challenge that was thrown to mankind some
1400 years ago in the Holy Quran-
Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to
gather together to produce the like of this Qur´an, they
could never produce the like thereof, even if they
backed up each other with help and support. (17 Sura Bani-
Israel :88)

Say: "If the ocean were ink (wherewith to write

out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean
be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even
if we added another ocean like it, for its aid." (18 Sura
Kahf: 109)

When will Israel perish?

This Unbelievable truth was discovered in the

year 1974, and note that the indication of the hidden
miracle of number 19 is found in the 74th chapter of
the Holy Quran, where it is mentioned-
َ ‫َع‬
َ َ‫َعلَْي َها تِ ْس َعة‬
“Over it are Nineteen.” (74 Sura Muddassir: 30)

Now lets have a look over some aspects of miracles

of numer 19 in the Holy Quran.
 At first, 5 verses of “Sura Alaq” was revealed,
which is the 96th chapter of the Holy Quran. Total
number of words in these 5 verses is 19. These 19
words contains 76 (= 19  4) letters. The
chronological position of this sura is 19th from the last
of the Holy Book (114,113,112,111,....). Total
number of letters in this sura (Chapter) is 304 (= 19 
 Second time, Hazrat Jibrail (Alaihis salam) (Angel
Gabriel) brought some verses of 68th Chapter. Third
time, He brought some verses of 73rd Chapter. Fourth
When will Israel perish?

time, He brought 30 verses of 74th Chapter (Sura

Muddassir). The Verses of Soorah Al-Muddaththir
are very short - with the exception of one single Verse
that is noticeably long (Verse 31).
This Verse speaks about the wisdom behind exclusive
mention of the number “19”-
"And We have fixed their number only as a trial for
the disbelievers, in order that the People of the
Scripture (Jews and Christians) may arrive at a
certainty (that this Qur'an is the Truth as it agrees with
their Books regarding the number which is written in
the Tawrat (Torah) and the lnjeel (Gospel)) and the
believers may increase in Faith (as this Qur'an is the
Truth) and that no doubt may be left for the People of
the Scripture and the believers, and that those in
whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) and the
disbelievers may say: What Allah intends by this
(curious) example?" (Soorah Al-Muddassir 74:31)

a. This Verse (in Arabic, of course) consists of 57
words (i.e. 19 x 3 = 57).

When will Israel perish?

b. The Verse is divided into two parts; the first part

consists of 38 words (19 x 2) and it is a part that
speaks about the wisdom behind exclusive mention
of the number 19. This part ends with Allah's word,
"What does Allah intend by this (curious) example?"
As for the second part, it consists of 19 words that
are regarded as comments on what is mentioned in the
first part: "Thus Allah leads astray whom He wills and
guides whom He wills. And none can know the hosts
of your Lord but He. And this (Hell) is nothing else
than a (warning) reminder to mankind."

c. The total number of the words of the first nineteen

Verses of this chapter is 57 (19 x 3).
d. Verses 1 to 30 (till His saying: "Over it are
nineteen") consists of 95 words (19 x 5).
 After the proposal of “miraculous character of
this Quran is 19” in verse 30 of chapter 74, the first
verse that was revealed ‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬ َّ ‫ بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه‬i.e,
َّ ‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن‬
(Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim) “In the name of
ALLAH (God), the most Gracious, the most
Merciful.” The chapter that was revealed with this
When will Israel perish?

Verse is Sura Al-Fatiha (The Opening), the very first

chapter of the Holy Quran. However, The number of
letters in this Verse is 19. Total number of Chapters
(Sura) in the Holy Quran is 114 (= 19  6). The Verse
‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬ َّ ‫ بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه‬is used in the beginning of 113
َّ ‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن‬
chapters. The verse is not used in the beginning of 9th
Chapter (Sura Tawbah), but used twice in 27th
Chapter (Sura Naml) (at the beginning & at 30th
Verse) i.e, ‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬ َّ ‫ بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه‬occurs in the Holy
َّ ‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن‬
Quran 114 (= 19  6) times. Chronological difference
between 9th to 27th Chapter is 19 (9th, 10th, 11th,
12th,..........upto 27th). ‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬ َّ ‫ بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه‬occurs twice
َّ ‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن‬
in chapter 27, verse 30. Here, 27 + 30 = 57 = 19  3.
It follows that the total of the sura numbers from 9th
to 27th (9+10+11+12+…+26+27) is 342 = 19 x 18.
This total (342) also equals the number of words
between the two ‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬ َّ ‫ بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه‬of Sura 27, and
َّ ‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن‬
342 = 19 x 18.
 The last revealed chapter (Sura Nasr), chapter
110, contains 19 words.

When will Israel perish?

 In the Holy Quran, there are “Quranic Initials” at

the beginning of 29 Chapters, like “Alif-Laam-
Meem”, “Ha-Meem” etc. The books of Quranic
exegeses (Tafseer) unanimously agreed that “no one
knows the meaning or significance of the Quranic
Initials like A.L.M., or any other initials except
Allah.” But interestingly, these initials have
mathematical/ Numerical significance. These initials
are formed by 14 arabic letters; there are 14 set of
initials; these mysterious Quranic Codes are used in
29 Chapters (Suras) i.e, 14+14+29= 57 = 19  3.
 The most astonishing fact is that when a chapter
is started with a Quranic Initial, the sum of occurance
of each letter (letters used in that initial) in that very
Chapter, is usually divisible by 19 & collectively is
always divisible by 19 when same letters are used in
other Chapters. Such as-
a. Ô ‫ ق‬Õ (Qaaf): Chapter 50 is started with this Initial.
This letter is used in this chapter 57 times, i.e, (= 19
 3).

When will Israel perish?

b. ‫( ص‬Saad): This initial prefixes three suras, 7, 19,

and 38, and the total occurrence of the letter “‫ ”ص‬in
these three suras is 152 = 19×8.
c. ‫( يس‬Yaa-Seen): These two letters prefix Sura 36.
The letter “Yaa” occurs in this sura 237 times, while
the letter “Seen” occurs 48 times. The total of both
letters is 285 = 19×15.
d. ‫( ح م‬Haa-Meem): Seven suras are prefixed with the
letters “Haa “ and “Meem”; Suras 40 through 46. The
total occurrence of these two letters in the seven
“Haa-Meem”-initialed suras is 2147 = 19×113.
e. ‫`( عسق‬Ayn-Seen-Qaaf): These initials constitute
Verse 2 of Sura 42, and the total occurrence of these
letters in this sura is 209 = 19×11.
f. ‫( الم‬Alif- Laam-Meem): These letters prefix six
suras — 2, 3, 29, 30, 31, and 32 — and the total
occurrence of the three letters in each of the six suras
is a multiple of 19 [9899 (19×521), 5662 (19x 298),
1672 (19×88), 1254 (19×66), 817 (19×43), and 570
(19×30), respectively]
When will Israel perish?

g. ‫( المر‬Alif-Laam-Meem-Ra): These initials prefix

one sura, No. 13, and the total frequency of
occurrence of the four letters is 1482 = 19×78.
h. ‫( المص‬Alif-Laam-Meem-Saad): Only one sura is
prefixed with these initials, Sura 7. The total
occurrence of the four letters in this sura is
2529+1530+1164+97 = 5320 = 19280.
i. ‫( كهيعص‬Kaaf Ha Ya `Ayn Saad): This is the longest
set of initials, consisting of five letters, and it occurs
in one sura, Sura 19. The total occurrence of the five
letters is 137+175+343+117+26 = 798 = 1942.
j. Besides these, “Haa” (In Chapter 19 & 20), “Taa-
Haa” (In Chapter 20), “Taa-Seen” (In Chapter 27),
“Taa-Seen-Meem” (In Chapters 26 & 28). Total
number of occurance of these interlocking initials in
these Chapters is (For Haa, Taa, Seen, Meem
respectively) 426+107+290+944 = 1767 = (19  93)
 In 29 Chapters, the total number of occurance of
these Quranic Initials is 41388 & Sum of their

When will Israel perish?

gematrical Value (Abzad Number) is 1048091. Here,

41388 + 1048091 = 1089479 (19  57341).
 30 types of number are mentioned in the Holy
Quran in different places & these are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99,
100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50000, and
100000. Sum of these number is 162146. This
number is also divisible by 19 (= 19  8534).

Numerical Value of Arabic Alphabet or

Abzad Number (Gematrical Value)

When the Quran was revealed, 14 centuries ago,

the numbers known today did not exist. A universal
system was used where the letters of the Arabic,
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek alphabets were used as
numerals. The number assigned to each letter is its
“Abzad Number or Gematrical Value.” The
numerical values of the Arabic alphabet are shown in
the following Table-

When will Israel perish?

Numerical Miracle of Sura Al- Fatiha:

Sura Al-Fatiha (Chapter - 01) is one of the
greatest miracle of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬on earth. This “Repeatedly
recited Chapter” is a great sign of endless knowledge
and power of Almighty Allah ‫ﷻ‬. If we think of this
single Chapter, leaving the Whole Book, our thinking
becomes stunned and astounded, our head bows
down, prostrates in reverence. How great our
Sustainer is! How high His Dignity is! How much
lucky this Muslim Ummah is! Sura Al-Fatiha is Such
a Chapter whose instance is absent in any other
nation. Such Chapter has not be given in any other
religious scriptures; there is no such second chapter
even in the Holy Quran.

‫?‪When will Israel perish‬‬

‫‪Subhanallaah! It’s reality. Lets see what a‬‬

‫‪wondrous and unthinkable mathematical and‬‬
‫‪numerical miracle is hidden in this small Chapter.‬‬

‫سورة الفاتحة‬ ‫‪7 ayat‬‬

‫﴿‪﴾١‬‬ ‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن َّ‬ ‫بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه َّ‬ ‫‪01:01‬‬

‫﴿‪﴾٢‬‬ ‫ين‬ ‫م‬‫ٱلْحم ُد لِلَّ ِه ر ِب ٱلْعلَ ِ‬ ‫‪01:02‬‬

‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫﴿‪﴾٠‬‬ ‫ٱلرِحي ِم‬ ‫ٱلر ْحمٰ ِن َّ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫‪01:03‬‬

‫﴿‪﴾٤‬‬ ‫ٱلدي ِن‬‫ك ي وِم ِ‬ ‫مٰلِ ِ‬ ‫‪01:04‬‬

‫َ َْ‬
‫﴿‪﴾٥‬‬ ‫ين‬ ‫اك نَستَعِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ي‬
‫َّ‬ ‫اك نَ ْعب ُد وإِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ي‬
‫َّ‬ ‫إِ‬ ‫‪01:05‬‬
‫ْ ُ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫﴿‪﴾٦‬‬ ‫ٱلصَرا َط ٱلْ ُم ْستَ ِق َيم‬ ‫ٱه ِدنَا ِ‬
‫ْ‬ ‫‪01:06‬‬

‫ُض ِ‬
‫وب َعلَْي ِهم َواَ‬ ‫غ‬
‫ْ‬ ‫م‬‫ْ‬‫ل‬‫ٱ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ر‬ ‫ي‬‫غ‬‫َ‬ ‫م‬‫ه‬‫ِ‬ ‫ي‬‫ل‬
‫َ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫ع‬ ‫َن‬
‫ْ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ين‬ ‫ِصرا َط ٱلَّ ِ‬
‫َ َْ َ َ ْ ْ ْ َ ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪01:07‬‬
‫ين‬ ‫ٱلُضآلِ‬
‫َّ َ‬

When will Israel perish?

 Write the Chapter number and the total number of

Verses next to each other ; 1 7
This number (17) is the total number of units in the
five daily Farz (Obligatory) Prayers. Daily Farz
(Obligatory) Prayers consists of 2 units at dawn, 4
units when sun declines from its highest point, 4 units
for the middle Prayer, 3 units after sunset, and 4 units
at night. i.e,
2 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4 =17.
 Chapter 1 "Sura Fatiha" has 7 verses, if we put
Chapter number (1) , followed by the number of
Verses, next to each other, we get : 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
This number is a multiple of 19.
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 19  591293 (Subhanallaah!)
 If we substitute the number of letters per Verse
in place of Verse numbers, we get 1 19 17 12 11 19
18 43. This number is also a multiple of 19.
1 19 17 12 11 19 18 43 = 19  6272169010097

When will Israel perish?

Note: In each of the calculation, we will put chapter

number at the beginning, as it indicates the chapter’s

 Now we put chapter number, then total number of

letters in each verse, total gematrical value of letters
of that verse, the resulting number is also a multiple
of 19.

Verse Total no. of total Gematrical

No. letters in that value of letters of
verse that verse
1 19 786
2 17 581
3 12 618
4 11 241
5 19 836
6 18 1072
7 43 6009

When will Israel perish?

1 19 786 17 581 12 618 11 241 19 836 18 1072 43

19  630453556901377953901044009530128211
 Now, let us add the number of each Verse 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7 to be folloed by the number of letters in
that Verse, then the gematrical value of that verse.
This is what we get :
1 1 19 786 2 17 581 3 12 618 4 11 241 5 19 836 6 18
1072 7 43 6009
= 19 

 Instead of the gematrical value of every verse, let

us write down the gematrical values of every
individual letter in Sura 1. The number is like this- at
first chapter number, then total number of verses in
this chapter, then verse number, then total number of
letters in that verse, then gematrival value of each
letter. This truly awesome miracle, shows that the
When will Israel perish?

resulting long number, consisting of 274 digits, is also

a multiple of 19. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!
1 7 1 19 2 60 40 1 30 30 5 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200
8 10 40 2 17 1 30 8 40 4 30 30 5 200 2 1 30 70 30 40
10 50 3 12 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40 4 11
40 30 20 10 6 40 1 30 4 10 50 5 19 1 10 1 20 50 70
2 4 6 1 10 1 20 50 60 400 70 10 50 6 18 1 5 4 50 1 1
30 90 200 9 1 30 40 60 400 100 10 40 7 43 90 200 9
1 30 700 10 50 1 50 70 40 400 70 30 10 5 40 1000
10 200 1 30 40 1000 800 6 2 70 30 10 5 40 6 30 1 1
30 800 1 30 10 50

(19  0 9 0 1 0 1 3 7 0 5 3 3 1 7 3 9 5 4 2 2 1 0 9 6 8
9 1 0 5 8 5 8 3 1 5 8 5 7 9 5 0)

When will Israel perish?

 Since I cannot write very long numbers here, let

us substitute [*] for the long number consisting of the
number of every verse, followed by the number of
letters in the verse, followed by the gematrical value
of every individual letter in the verse. Let’s take it to
be a Special Code for Chapter 1. Here,
[*] = 1 19 2 60 40 1 30 30 5 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30
200 8 10 40 2 17 1 30 8 40 4 30 30 5 200 2 1 30 70
30 40 10 50 3 12 1 30 200 8 40 50 1 30 200 8 10 40
4 11 40 30 20 10 6 40 1 30 4 10 50 5 19 1 10 1 20
50 70 2 4 6 1 10 1 20 50 60 400 70 10 50 6 18 1 5 4
50 1 1 30 90 200 9 1 30 40 60 400 100 10 40 7 43 90
200 9 1 30 700 10 50 1 50 70 40 400 70 30 10 5 40
1000 10 200 1 30 40 1000 800 6 2 70 30 10 5 40 6
30 1 1 30 800 1 30 10 50
Now I ask you a question, tell me why you have to
recite Chapter 1 (Sura Fatiha) in every units of your
salah (prayers) as an obligatory part (Wajib)? What is
the wisdom behind it? Lets search this answer from
If we write down the number of the sura, followed
by its number of verses, we get 17, the total number
of units (Rak’aas) in the 5 daily prayers. Next to the

When will Israel perish?

17, write down the number of the first prayer (1),

followed by its number of Rak’aas, which is 2, then
two [*]’s, followed by the number of the second
prayer (2), followed by the number of Rak’aas in the
second prayer (4), followed by four [*]’s, and so on.
So, the number will be like this,
Now, lets put the value of [*]. Would you believe that
this super long number is also a multiple of 19.
(ALLAHU Akbar Kabeeraa)!!!!!

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

(190 9 0 1 1 1 5 4 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 6 4 2 1 4 9
When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

When will Israel perish?

9 6 1 5 9 4 7 9 2 3 1 9 1 0 5 8 5 8 3 1 5 8 5 7 9 5 0)

Not only is the resulting long number a multiple of

19, but also the number of its component digits is
4636 (19×244).........
 Now, somebody may say, in Friday noon prayer
(Jumua Prayer), we say 2 raka’as instead of 4 raka’as.
We recite only 15 “Sura Fatiha”s on Friday in total,
compared with 17 on the other days. Now if we
replace the 17 by 15 in the long number in [7] and
remove two “Fatiha”s from the noon prayer (as we
say normally 2 units); but we have to write 4 instead
of 2 for number of units of Jumua prayer; Note: Since
the Friday prayer consists of two sermons and two

When will Israel perish?

Raka’as (total is still 4 units), again if anyone misses

jamaat of Jumua prayer, he/she has to say 4 raka’as
(again, total is still 4 units). If we write this number,
we still get a multiple of 19. The long number shown
below represents Friday’s five prayers; (Allahu Akbar
Wa Lillahil Hamd!!!!)
 Lets make another Short Code for Sura Fatiha.
Firstly, number of chapter (1), then total number of
verses (7), then total number of letters (139), then
total abzad value (gematrical value) of all letters of
this chapter. Let the code for this number is [*]. So,
[*] = 1713910143
Now, If we write down the number of the sura,
followed by its number of verses, we get 17, the total
number of units (Rak’aas) in the 5 daily prayers. Next
to the 17, write down number of Rak’aas of first
prayer (Fazr Prayer), which is (2), then two [*]’s,
followed by the number Rak’aas in the second prayer
(Zuhr prayer) (4), followed by four [*]’s, and so on.
So, the number will be like this,

When will Israel perish?

17 2[*][*] 4[*][*][*][*] 4[*][*][*][*] 3[*][*][*]

Now, putting the value of [*] in the above number we
This number is also divisible by 19.
ALLAHU Akbar!!!!
(19  0 9 0 6 1 6 5 2 1 5 8 6 4 8 2 7 0 4 7 9 0 2 2 8 5
2 0 5 7 9 7)
Again for Friday, we replace 17 by 15 & omit two
[*]’s from second prayer like before (keeping number
of unit 4), we get the number,
When will Israel perish?

15 2[*][*]4[*][*]4[*][*][*][*]3[*][*][*][*]4[*][*][*]
Now, putting the value of [*] in the above number we
This number is also divisible by 19.
ALLAHU Akbar!!!!
(19  0 8 0 0 9 0 2 0 5 7 9 7 0 0 9 0 2 0 5 7 9 7 0 2 1 9
5 7 9 7 0 0 9 0 2 0 5 7 9 7)
Like these, each and every Chapter, each and every
sentence, each and every word & each and every letter
of the Glorious Quran is bound by a flawless
contexture of number 19. Not one or two examples,
not just thousand examples, there are innumerable,
uncountable number of instances of numerical
When will Israel perish?

miracle of 19 in the Holy Quran. These are declaring

aloud, this Quran is revealed from the One and Only
True GOD, The Almighty ALLAH, by HIS endless
wisdom, Super scientific knowledge beyond human
imagination, and by HIS master planning, to test
mankind whether they think or not, follow the truth or
not, accept Islam or not, so that HE can reward the
believers or punish the disbelievers.

“And if ye are in doubt as to what We have

revealed from time to time to Our servant
(Prophet Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬, then produce a Sura
like thereunto; and call your witnesses or
helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your
(doubts) are true. But if ye cannot- and of a
surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire (of Hell)
whose fuel is men and stones,- which is
prepared for those who reject Faith.”
(2 Sura Al-Baqara: 23-24)

When will Israel perish?

Dear brothers & Sisters, Establish Salah (Prayer)

My dear brothers & sisters, establish Salah

(Prayer), never leave it, otherwise, you will perish. If
you miss (make kadha) single obligatory prayer (Farz
salah), you will never be able to recompense that loss,
even if you say Nafl Salah (Optinal prayers) upto
Qiyamah (the Dooms Day). Do you know why? The
answer may be given in different way, numerically.
Allah ‫ﷻ‬, the only true God, has assigned an
astounding numerical net of 19 in Salah (Prayer). If
you miss single prayer, you will tear the net in such a
way that you will never be able to bring it back in any
possible way & compensate the loss. Lets see, 19 in
the Salah (Prayers), too!!!
 The units of daily Salat prayers (Farz) consist of 2
(Fazr), 4 (Zuhr), 4 (Asr), 3 (Magrib), and 4 (Isha)
units, a total of 17 units.
 If we write them side by side, the number 24434 is
a multiple of 19:
2 4 4 3 4 = 19 x 1286

When will Israel perish?

 The digits of 1286 add up to 17, the total number of

units prayed each day (1+2+8+6 = 17).
 Furthermore, the units of daily Salat prayers
followed by the sequence number of the prayer is
also a multiple of 19:
2 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 5 = 19 x 112759655

 The total number of units prayed each day is 17.

However, on Fridays the Congregational Prayer
replaces the noon prayer. This prayer has only two
units instead of the usual four units of noon prayer,
because of the Friday sermon. Thus, the total units
prayed on Friday is 15. Now, let us take every day of
the week, from Saturday to Friday (assuming Friday
being the last day of the week), and write down the
number of units prayed each day. The resultant
number is a multiple of 19:
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

17 17 17 17 17 17 15 = 19 x …

When will Israel perish?

 Let us insert the number of the day before the units

of prayer in each day. The resultant number is also
a multiple of 19:
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 17 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 17 6 17 7 15 = 19 x …

 In above table, replace every 17 by 24434 which

represents the individual units of daily prayers for
Saturday through Thursday, and replace 15 by
22434 which represents the individual units of
prayers for Friday. The resultant number is also a
multiple of 19:
Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
1 24434 2 24434 3 24434 4 24434 5 24434 6 24434 7 22434 = 19 x …

 Say, somebody says, “I will take Friday as the first

day of the week, instead of the last day.” No probs,
the resultant number is also a multiple of 19:
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
1 15 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 17 6 17 7 17 = 19 x …

 Again, if you take Friday as the first day of the

week, instead of the last day & replace every 17
When will Israel perish?

by 24434 and replace 15 by 22434, the resultant

number is also a multiple of 19:
Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
1 22434 2 24434 3 24434 4 24434 5 24434 6 24434 7 24434 = 19 x …

Praise be to Allah ‫( ﷻ‬Almighty God), Lord of the


1. Al Quran the Challenge, Part-01, Major Kazi Zahan Mia
2. Al-quran-the-ultimate-miracle, by Ahmed-deedat
preserved%2F&usg=AOvVaw3fZtGGQkE2qaljalqGak2D ]

When will Israel perish?

In a Bookshop of Madina
In the month of Sha’ban’1440 Hijri (2019 A.D),
I had the fortune to perform Umrah Hajj,
Alhamdulillah. My partner was my Broter-in-law.
During the last period of staying at Madina, the City
of my beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, my brother-in-law said to
me, “I need to buy some books on Arabic language
and literature.” But from where to buy? None of us
know about the location of any bookshop. In Madina,
one of our indigenous uncle has a giftshop. At last, we
ask him, “Dear Uncle! We need some books. Where
to get them?” He said, “While going for salah (prayer)
to Masjid-e-Nabawi, you will listen recitation of Holy
Quran coming from some shops. You will get there
different books.” We entered such a shop & glanced
over the books on racks. I have a problem; when I see
a new book, I can not but like it and think I should
buy it. However, my sight stuck to an English book
published by famous Arabic Publications “Darus
Salam”. Roaming about pages of the book, I found a
chapter, where the extinction of Israel is shown
according to numerical calculations from the Holy
Quran. This topic is very important in context of our
When will Israel perish?

discussion and from the perspective of advent of

Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). So, the chapter is
presented before you here. You can download the
book by searching “PDF The Unchallengeable
Miracles of the Qur’an, by- Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad”
Name of the chapter: Extinction of Israel In the
context of calculation of numbers and years

Extinction of Israel
(In the context of calculation of numbers and years)

In 1974, an Egyptian writer, named Dr. Rashad

Khalifah Misry, produced a research paper about the
numerical inimitability of the Qur'an based upon the
number "19" and its multiplications. Muslim Ummah
was initially impressed with his work. Soon, they
realized that the author was a religious deviant, from
point of Aqidah (faith). At last, this man claimed
himself to be a prophet (Messenger of the Covenant).
As a result, they took a negative stand against this
man's work. This stand was aggravated by the fact
that the number "19'' is a number that the Baha'is
When will Israel perish?

regard as sacred. We must keep in mind that Allah ‫ﷻ‬

may make His work done even by the Devil. It is easy
for Him & He is doing that.
Allah, the Most High, says,
‫آء‬ ‫ش‬‫ي‬ ‫ن‬‫م‬ ‫ى‬‫د‬ِ ‫ُض ُّل ٱللَّه من يشآء وي ه‬
ِ ‫ي‬ ‫ك‬ ِ‫َك ٰذل‬
ُ َ َ َ ْ ََ ُ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ
“Thus Allah leads astray whom He wills, and
guides whom He wills.” (74 Sura Muddassir: 31)
In fact, this man and his sect have become an
instance of the verse (May ALLAH ‫ ﷻ‬protect us from
being so). We should keep in mind that on
numerology there is no influence of any person’s
Imaan (Faith) & A’mal (Activities). It is above cast-
religion-sect & colour; everywhere the mathematics
and numerology is same irrespective of all nations-
place & person. Any one can test & examine the
numerical facts of the Holy Quran; there is not any
secrecy or ambiguity. So, if we reject the greatest
numerical miracles of the Holy quran just for the fact
that this strayed person with deviant faith has
discovered them first, then we will be deprived from
a great niyamat (bounty) and also we will deprive the

When will Israel perish?

non-muslims and disbelievers from bringing Imaan

(Faith), by not presenting the miracles in front of
them. We must be convicted for this action.
After an exhaustive study of the man's work, we
found out that there were introductions to the work
indicating the existence of a mathematical structure
based upon the number "19''. These introductions are
the only authentic part of his work. This mathematical
structure is exceptionally wonderful.
In 1991, another book was published titled:
'Ajibah Tis'ata 'Ashara Bayna Takhalluf Al-
Muslimeen Wa Dalaalat Al-Mudda'in. In this book,
the author discussed in detail the dazzling
inimitability that overwhelmed the people. For,
mathematics is an inductive science based upon
certain fundamentals and is not a matter in which
personal opinions are applicable. It has been found
out that the number "19" is noticeably repeated in the
existing relationship between the sun, the Earth and
the moon which indicate that there might be a
universal, mathematical Qur' anic statute. The author
of the book says: "I could not imagine that this
number is the basis for historical approximation
When will Israel perish?

relating to the Jewish history; and at the same time,

relating to the Qur'anic numerical and then
astronomical law until I came across a speech given
about the new world order. It was this speech that
opened the doors of observation for me. I am not
saying that this is a prophecy; nor I am claiming that
things derived from this study will definitely take
place. (Allah knows everything best) These are just
observations which I would like to share with the
readers. I will leave them to make their own
The lecture was by writer, Muhammad Ahmad
Rashid. It was a speech about the new world order. A
part of the speech reads: "When the announcement of
the establishment of the state of Israel was made in
1948, an old Jewish woman visited the mother of
Muhammad Rashid (the author's mother) crying.
When she was asked of the reason for her crying
while all the Jews were happy she said: 'The
establishment of this state will cause the slaughter of
the Jews'." Rashid mentioned that he heard the Jewish
woman saying that the Jewish state will last for 76

When will Israel perish?

In my opinion, the speech could have been better

without mentioning the incident, for people tend to be
skeptical stories regarding future events from old
people. This makes the matter more complicated and
drives the educated ones to shun stories like this. But
I said to myself: "Does it harm you to verify this?
Perhaps, that old Jewish woman heard that prophecy
from the Rabbis. It is impossible that this prediction
could have been a product of her imagination and
personal analysis. Moreover, the Rabbis still possess
remnants of the revelations although they are mixed
with man-made illusions and myths." That was how I

1. According to the ambiguous prophecy, the state of

Israel will last for 76 years which is (4 x 19); and it is
expected that the year is lunar because the Jews use
lunar months and add a month every three years in
order to harmonize between the lunar and solar years.
The Year 1948 was correspondent to 1367 A.H. In the
light of that, if the prophecy is true, then the state of
Israel will last till 1367 + 76 = 1443 A.H.
2. Soorah Al-Isra is also known as Soorah Bani Israel
(Soorah concerning the Children of Israel). The
When will Israel perish?

beginning of the Soorah mentions the prophecy that

Allah revealed to His Messenger, Moosa, peace be
upon him. This prophecy touched on two acts of
mischief that the Children of Israel will collectively -
as a state, according to the contemporary term -
perpetrate in the blessed land. And those acts will be
perpetrated in utter arrogance and haughtiness. The
Verses 2 to 7 of the Soorah Al-Isra read:
‫َّخ ُذواْ ِمن ُدونِى‬ ِ ‫وآتَي نَآ موسى ٱلْ ِكتَاب وجع ْلنَاه ه ًدى لِبنِى إِسرائِيل أَاَّ تَت‬
َ َْ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ
‫ُضْي نَآ‬َ َ‫﴾ َوق‬٠﴿ً‫وح إِنَّهُ َكا َن َعْبداً َش ُكورا‬ ٍ ُ‫﴾ ذُ ِريَّةَ َم ْن َح َم ْلنَا َم َع ن‬٢﴿ً‫َوكِيل‬
ً‫ض َمَّرتَ ْي ِن َولَتَ ْعلُ َّن عُلُوا‬ ِ ‫اب لَتُ ْف ِس ُد َّن فِى ٱأل َْر‬ ِ َ‫إِلَ ٰى بنِى إِ ْسرائِيل فِى ٱلْ ِكت‬
َ َ
ٍ ‫﴾ فَِإ َذا جآء وع ُد أُواهما ب عثْ نا علَي ُكم ِعباداً لَّنآ أُولِى بأْ ٍس ش ِد‬٤﴿ً‫َكبِيرا‬
‫يد‬ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ ََ َ ُ ََْ َ
‫﴾ ثَُّم َرَد ْدنَا لَ ُك ُم ٱلْ َكَّرَة َعلَْي ِه ْم‬٥﴿ً‫ٱلديَا ِر َوَكا َن َو ْعداً َّم ْفعُوا‬ ِ ‫فَجاسواْ ِخلَ َل‬
ُ َ
‫َح َسْن تُ ْم‬ ‫أ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬
ْ ‫س‬ ‫َح‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ن‬
ْ ِ
‫إ‬ ﴾ ٦ ﴿‫ا‬
ً‫ر‬ ‫ي‬‫ف‬َِ‫وأَم َددنَا ُكم بِأَمو ٍال وبنِين وجع ْلنا ُكم أَ ْكث ر ن‬
ْ ْ َْ ُ ََ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ْ َْ
‫وه ُك ْم‬ ‫ج‬ ‫و‬ ‫ا‬
ْ‫و‬ ‫وء‬ ‫س‬ ‫ي‬ِ‫ٱآلخرِة ل‬ ِ ُ‫ِألَنْ ُف ِس ُكم وإِ ْن أَسأْتُم فَلَها فَِإ َذا جآء وعْد‬
َ ُُ ُ َُ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ
﴾٧﴿ً‫َولِيَ ْد ُخلُواْ ٱلْ َم ْس ِج َد َك َما َد َخلُوهُ أ ََّوَل َمَّرٍة َولِيُتَ بِرواْ َما َعلَ ْواْ تَ ْتبِيرا‬
"And We gave Moosa (Moses) the Scripture and
made it a guidance for the Children of Israel (saying):
When will Israel perish?

'Take not other than Me as (your) Wakil (Protector,

Lord, or Disposer of your affairs, etc). 0 offspring of
those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nooh
(Noah)! Verily, he was a grateful slave.' And We
decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture:
indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and
you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant! So,
when the promise came for the first of the two, We
sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible
warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of
your homes. And it was a promise (completely)
fulfilled. Then We gave you a return of victory over
them. And We helped you with wealth and children
and made you more numerous in manpower. If you
work righteousness, you work righteousness for
yourselves; and if you commit evil, you do so
against yourselves. Then, when the second
promise (wa’dul akhirah) comes true, they will
make your faces filled with sorrow, and enter the
Temple as they entered it the first time, and
utterly destroy all that falls into their power." (Soorah
Al-lsra 17:2-7)

When will Israel perish?

ِ ُ‫وقُ ْلنَا ِمن ب ع ِد ِه لِبنِى إِسرائِيل ٱس ُكنُواْ ٱألَرض فَِإ َذا جآء وعْد‬
‫ٱآلخرَِة‬ ََ َ َ ْ ْ َ َْ َ َْ َ
﴾١٣٤﴿ً‫كم لَ ِفيفا‬
ُ ِ‫ِجْئ نَا ب‬
“104. After him, We said to the Children of Is-rael,
Inhabit the land, and when the second promise
(wa’dul akhirah) arrives, We will bring you all
together.” (Soorah Al-lsra 17: 104)
Note, here “the second promise (wa’dul akhirah)”
mentioned in verse no. 104 may mean- the Day of
Resurrection, or, the Second coming of Hazrat Isa
(Alaihis salam) (Jesus), or, the second carnage on
israelites i.e the extinction of Israel. However, it is
clear from verse no. 7 that second promise (wa’dul
akhirah) means the second carnage on israelites i.e
the extinction of Israel.

When will Israel perish?

The Children of Israel perpetrated their first act of

mischief before the advent of Islam. As for the second
one, all indications tell us that it was the establishment
of the state of Israel in Palestine in 1948. It is also
observed that the expression "the final (and the
second) promise" is mentioned in the Qur' an twice.
The first time when the "second promise" is
mentioned and the second time before the end of
Soorah Al-Isra (Verse 104). If we count the words
from the beginning of the discussion about
prophethood, "when the final and the last promise

When will Israel perish?

comes near (i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the

descent of Christ ('Eesa), son of Maryam (Mary)
(peace be upon them) on the Earth). We shall bring
you altogether as mixed crowd (gathered out of
various nations)", (Verse 104), we will realize that the
number of the words is 1443 which is the number we
arrived at during approximation (i.e. 1363 + 76 =
3. The Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him, migrated to Madinah on 20/9/622
AD. Ibn Hazm Az-Zahiri believed that Al-Isra (the
Prophet's night journey from Al-Masjid Al-Haram in
Makkah to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in Al-Quds
(Jerusalem)) took place a year before his migration to
Madinah, according to the consensus of the scholars
(i.e. 621 AD.). We have some doubts about the
authenticity of the consensus on this date, for it could
not be imagined that the revelation of the beginning
of Soorah Al-Isra could be delayed for so long after
the occurrence of the event itself.
If the prophecy mentioned by the old Jewish woman
is true, then the extinction of the state of Israel would
be in the year 1444 A.H. because the Isra took place
When will Israel perish?

a year before the Hijrah and this number (1444)

equals to that (19 x 76). You would recall that 76
lunar years is the lifespan of the state of Israel. What
this translates to is: the period between revelation of
the prophecy and the extinction of Israel is 19x the
lifespan of Israel.
4. When the Earth revolves around the sun one single
time, it would have revolved around itself 365 times
and the moon would have revolved around the Earth
12 times. It is observed that the word ‫ يوم‬mentioned
singly is found in the Qur' an 365 times and the word
‫ شهر‬mentioned singly is found in the Qur' an 12
times, though we have to bear it in mind that we are
using the 'Uthmani version. Therefore, we did not
count words such as ‫ يومئذ‬because its form is different
from that of ‫ يوم‬or ‫ يوما‬.
We now need to know how many times the word ‫سنة‬
(which means year) is mentioned in the Qur' an. It is
mentioned singly 7 times and mentioned in plural
form 12 ‫ سنين‬times. So if we add 7 to 12 we get 19.
Why the number "19" again?

When will Israel perish?

When the Earth returns to the same point once, it

would have revolved around itself 365 times and the
moon would have revolved around it 12 times. But in
order for the moon and the Earth to return to their
respective original states, the Earth must have
revolved around the sun 19 times (i.e. 19 years). Here,
we would notice that the Earth has revolved more
than once and, therefore, we have lost the count of the
single words. It is noteworthy that in every 19 lunar
years, we have 7 leap years (of 355 days each) and 12
regular years.
When we add the two numbers together, what we get
is again "19". And this indicates the harmony between
the solar year and lunar year.
5. In the Year 935 B.C, Prophet (and King) Solomon,
peace be upon him, died and the corruption started.
Therefore, the beginning of the first act of mischief of
the Children of Israel mentioned in Soorah Al-Isra
took place in the Year 935 B.C and the end of the
second and last of their act of mischief will take place
in the year 2022 A.D or 1443 A.H. Therefore, the
number of the years between the beginning of the first
act of mischief and the Isra is 1556 solar years; and
When will Israel perish?

the number of the years between the Isra and the end
of the second act of mischief is 1444 lunar years. It
would also be noted that the number of words Soorah
Al-Isra contains is 1556 words.
A question now arises: Do the historians agree that
the date of Solomon's death is 935 B.C? If the reader
wants a quick answer, he should look up the name
"Sulaiman" in the renowned dictionary, Al-Munjid
Fil-Lughah Wal-A'lam. Though many books of
history indicate that Solomon, peace be upon him,
died in 935 CE., there are some sources that claim that
he died in the Year 930 B.C or 936 B.C. Since it is
difficult to determine the most correct date, I decided
to establish it through the Qur' an.
6. The only place where the Qur' an mentions the
death of Solomon, peace be upon him, is in Soorah
Saba', Verse 14. In this Verse, Allah, Most High,
says: "Then, when We decreed death for him
(Sulaiman) nothing informed them Jinn) of his death
except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly)
gnawing away at his stick."

When will Israel perish?

The number of letters from the beginning of Soorah

Saba' till the end of Verse 13 - of the same Soorah
before mention is made of Solomon's death - is 934
words. After that the next letter of the next Verse is
‫( ف‬faa) which is a conjunctive preposition that serves
as a link. If we add this letter to the said 934 words
what we get is 935; and we have earlier mentioned
that Solomon's death took place in the Year 935 B.C.
In this way, we have, through Qur' anic numerical
study, arrived at the point that the most preponderant
view concerning Solomon's death is 935 B.C.
Please note that Verse 13 of Soorah Saba' that
mentions the extent of Solomon's kingdom has 19
words which consists of 83 letters.
Then what do we get if we multiply 84 by 19? The
answer is (84 x 19 = 1596). Since we know that
Solomon ruled for 40 years, according to the Old
Testament, what remains of the numbers after
deducting 40 years is 1556 which is the number of the
letters of Soorah Al-Isra.

When will Israel perish?

7. The Jews announced the establishment of their

state on Palestinian land on 15/5/1948. We cannot
accept that this date is the date of the establishment of
that state because it was not actually established on
this date. For, after the announcement, the Arab
armies started a war with the Jews until the United
Nations issued a resolution on cease-fire. The Arab
League endorsed this resolution on 10/6/1948 in what
was called "the first cease-fire". It was the actual date
that the state of Israel was established. After about
three weeks, war started again and the United Nations
issued another resolution on cease fire. The Arab
League agreed on this resolution on 18/7/1948 in
what was called a "second cease-fire". It was then that
the establishment of the state of Israel completely
took place.
The number of days from the time of the
establishment of the state of Israel commenced and
the time it was completed is 38 days (which means:
19 x 2). We know that the actual establishment of the
state of Israel was when the first cease-fire took place
on 10/6/1948; we also know that 10/6 was the date
When will Israel perish?

that the Six-Day War ended in 1967 A.D. Therefore,

the number of years since the first cease-fire of 1948
to the cease-fire of 1967 is exactly 19 solar years.
Since we do not know whether the Year 1556 C.E.
has more or less months, we then need to consider the
Year 935 C.E. There are 1556 solar years between the
time of the perpetration of the first act of mischief and
the occurrence of Al-Al-Isra; and between Al-Al-Isra
that took place on 10/10/621 and 6/3/2022 (the date
of Israel's extinction, Inshaallah), there are 1400.4
solar years. Then how much is the difference between
the first and second periods? 1556 - 1400.4 = 155.6
years. What is then the number 155.6?
Actually it is 1/19 of the total number of the two
periods. For, the period between the beginning of the
first mischief and the end of the second one is 1556 +
1400.4 = 2956.6 ÷ 19 = 155.6
The number 19 is 10 + 9. If we multiply 155.6 x 10,
we get 1556, which translated into the first period;
and if we multiply it by 9 we get 1400.4 which
translated into the second period. Therefore, the total
of the two periods is "19"; ten of it is deducted before

When will Israel perish?

Al-Isra and the remaining nine will come after Al-

Isra. The basic unit between the two periods is 155.6.
(Allah knows best.)

Near end times, Jews will be exterminated

after gathering in Jerusalem:
The Jews consider the establishment of Israel
State in 1948 A.D and gathering in Jerusalem as their
independence and victory. But alas! According to
their Torah (Old Testament), this day is a day of their
annihilation and destruction. However, Jews
misinterprete these verses due to their traditional
instinct of deception and cheating to misguide people.
It is cited in their Book of Ezekiel-
15. And I will a scatter thee among the heathen,
and disperse thee in the countries, and will consume
thy filthiness out of thee.....
19. Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Because
ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will
gather you into the midst of Jerusalem.
20. As they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and
lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow the
fire upon it, to melt it; so will I gather you in mine

When will Israel perish?

anger and in my fury, and I will leave you there, and

melt you.
21. Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in
the a fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the
midst thereof.
22. As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace,
so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall
know that I the Lord have poured out my fury upon
you. (Book of Ezekiel 22: 15, 19-22)

In their Book of Zephaniah, it is mentioned-

1. Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together,
O nation not desired;
2. Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass
as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord
come upon you, before the day of the Lord’s anger
come upon you. (Book of Zephaniah 2:1-2)
14. The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and
hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the
Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.
15. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and
distress, a day of wasteness and a desolation, a day

When will Israel perish?

of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and

thick darkness,
16. A day of the a trumpet and alarm against the
fenced cities, and against the high towers. (Book of
Zephaniah 1:14-16)

In their Book of Jeremiah, even more serious warning

is tuned-
Calamities will befall the inhabitants of
Jerusalem—For them the harvest is past, the summer
is ended, and they are not saved.
At that time, saith the Lord, they shall bring out
the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his
princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of
the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, out of their graves:
2. And they shall spread them before the sun, and
the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have
loved, and whom they have served, and after whom
they have walked, and whom they have sought, and
whom they have worshipped: they shall not be
gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon
the face of the earth. (Book of Jeremiah 8:1-2)

When will Israel perish?

Now, lets see what is said in the Holy Quran

regarding destruction of Jews in Israel.
ALLAH, the Most High, the Almighty said,
ِ ُ‫وقُ ْلنَا ِمن ب ع ِد ِه لِبنِى إِسرائِيل ٱس ُكنُواْ ٱألَرض فَِإ َذا جآء وعْد‬
‫ٱآلخرَِة ِجْئ نَا‬ ََ َ َ ْ ْ َ َْ َ َْ َ
﴾١٣٤﴿ً‫كم لَ ِفيفا‬ ُ ِ‫ب‬
401. After him, We said to the Children of Israel,
Inhabit the land, and when the second promise
(wa’dul akhirah) arrives, We will bring you all
together.” (In Israel/Jerusalem) (Soorah Al-lsra 17: 104)
ُ ‫خ‬‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ ‫ك‬
َ ‫د‬
َ ِ ‫ٱآلخرِة لِيسوءواْ وجوه ُكم ولِي ْدخلُواْ ٱلْمس‬
‫ج‬ ِ ُ‫فَِإ َذا جآء وعْد‬
ُ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ ََ ْ ُُ ُ َُ َ َ ََ َ
﴾٧﴿ً‫أ ََّو َل مَّرٍة ولِي تَ بِرواْ ما َعلَواْ تَ ْتبِيرا‬
ْ َ ُ َُ َ
"Then, when the second promise (wa’dul akhirah)
comes true, they will make your faces filled with
sorrow, and enter the Temple as they entered it
the first time, and utterly destroy all that falls
into their power." (Soorah Al-lsra 17:7)

When will Israel perish?

Will Israel extinct during the reign of

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (AS.)?

There is a hadith regarding Gazwatul Hind (The

Great Battle of Indian Subcontinent) which mentions,
the messenger ‫ ﷺ‬of ALLAH ‫ ﷻ‬said, “A King of
Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem) will send an army towards
Hindustan (Indian sub-continent). That army will
conquer Hindustan. They will adorn Baitul Maqdis by
the booties gained by seizing the wealth depositories.
They will fetch the kings of Hindustan as captives.
They will remain there upto the advent of Dajjal (the
false Messiah).” (Al Fitan: Nuaim Bin Hammad, hadith no. 1235)
It is cited in another hadith, “When that army will
come back (to Jerusalem) from there (Hindustan),
they will meet Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) (the true
Messiah) in Al-Sham”. (Al Fitan: Nuaim Bin Hammad, hadith no.
According to citations of different hadiths we get,
Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will rule for 5/7/8/9
years & he will die after the revelation of Hazrat Isa
(Alaihis Salam) from the fourth sky. When there will be left
one and half year or two years of his ruling, the advent
of Dajjal (the false Messiah) will occur. At the end of
When will Israel perish?

his rule, Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) (the true Messiah) will
be revealed. He will kill Dajjal.

From the above citations, we can understand,

 The king who will send an army to Hindustan and
Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) is not the same person.
Because, after completion of Gazwatul Hind (The
Great Battle of Indian Subcontinent), when muslim
army will return to Al-Sham, they will get Hazrat
Isa (Alaihis Salam), i.e, Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) will reveal
just before the return of muslim army to Al-Sham.
 Since Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will lead the
muslim world before the advent of Hazrat Isa (Alaihis
Salam), so, we can say, the king who will send an
army to Hindustan is none but Hazrat Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam).

 According to Sahih (Authentic) Hadiths, there will

be complete peace, security and solvency during the
reign of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). And it is
only possible when all the enemies of Islam from
this region will be defeated and annihilated
completely. i.e, during the reign of Hazrat Imam

When will Israel perish?

Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) muslims will eradicate Israel and

conquer Baitul Maqdis.
 Since a King of Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem) will
send an army towards Hindustan (Indian sub-
continent) & They will remain there upto the advent
of Dajjal (the false Messiah), so, fall of Israel will
occur before the advent of Dajjal.
 Besides these, it is mentioned in the hadith that
Dajjal will appear in angry state. It may be like that
any Power of Kufr (disbelief) will be bitterly
defeated which will cause the Dajjal to be angry.
As a result, that group will associate with Dajjal
again. Since the jews are like the ‘Right Hand’ of
Dajjal and they are his first followers, it may be that
the defeat of the Jews will cause anger of Dajjal.
From this, we understand too that fall of Israel will
occur before the advent of Dajjal and muslim will
obliterate Jews from Israel.

When will Israel perish?

 It is cited in the hadith, Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said, You will

attack Arabia and Allah will enable you to conquer
it, then you would attack Persia (Iran) and He would
make you to Conquer it. Then you would attack
Rome and Allah will enable you to conquer it, then
you would attack the Dajjal (the AntiChrist) and
Allah will enable you to conquer him. (Sahih Muslim-
From this hadith, we also understand that muslims
will conquer Jerusalem (Part of Arab) before
Malhamatul Kubra (The Greatest War against
muslims where 80 banners will gather to fight
muslims i.e, World War-III). Since before this war
(Malhamatul Kubra) muslims will fight with a third
Power (froth hadith we understand this may be the
Russia-Iran-Syria Block) and will defeat them. So,
before the conquest of Iran (Persia), Jerusalem will be
conquered, Inshaallah. (Only Allah knows the exact.)

When will Israel perish?

Though the extinction of Israel in 2022 A.D is not
a direct prophecy of the Holy Quran and Hadith,
which is just a prophecy of an old jew lady, but it is
supported by the numerical research, only for this
reason it is important for us. Because the miracle of
19 in the Holy Quran is accepted by all. There is none
who can tear the impregnable network of 19 in the
Holy Quran. And numerology is a science over which
there is no chance of mis-interpretation, no influence
of personal beliefs, likes & dislikes, Iman-A’mal-
Aqaid etc. Here, it will occur what to happen, no
chance of being slightly deviated. For this reason, the
matter demands our paying heed.
If muslims conquer Israel in 2022 A.D, there is
no doubt that the advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) will occur in 2020 A.D. Because,

Firstly, although the mid Ramadan of 2022 A.D

is probably Friday (15th and 16th April of 2022 A.D
i.e, 14th and 15th Ramadan of 1443 Hijri is
respectively Friday & Saturday), but according to
hadith, after establishment of peace and security in
When will Israel perish?

Makkah & Madina, Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)

will lead the ‘War of Banu Kalb’ against Sufiani of
Syria. It seems that if advent of Hazrat Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) will occur in 2022 A.D (Jilhajj of 1443
Hijri), there will not be enough time to march towards
Israel, as we have to consider Hijri calendar. And
apparently, it is impossible that the advent of Hazrat
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), War of Banu Kalb &
Conquest of Israel, all occurring within one month.
However, if Allah ‫ ﷻ‬wants everything is possible.
Secondly, there is no possibility for mid Ramadan
of 2021 A.D to be Friday.
Thirdly, 2020 A.D is left. Inshaallah, this year
mid Ramadan will be Friday. And this year is the
most probable year of the advent Hazrat Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam).

(Only Allah ‫ ﷻ‬knows the exact time.)

Third Part

Gazwatul Hind &

the advent of
Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Gazwatul Hind &

the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Context: Gazwatul Hind

In the last era, the fighters of Allah ‫( ﷻ‬Mujahids)

will conquer India through a bloody war against
Hindus and will sanctify the soil of Indian sub-
continent by uprooting the roots of ‘SHIRK’
(polytheism). This very war is termed as Gazwatul
Hind according to the prophecy of Hadith. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is
granting directives many muslim saints, warning
Muslim brothers and sisters through righteous
dreams, even myself being an inconsiderable, have
dreamt many times regarding the upcoming Karbala
(Massacre) that will take place in East Bangla
(Bangladesh). It seems to be very near!!! That is why
I feel great urgency to write about the issue a little.

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

֍ The prophecy regarding Gazwatul Hind:

Our beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “There are two such
groups from my ummah whom Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has saved
from the hellfire. One of the groups will fight against
Hindustan. Another group will avail the
companionship of Isa Ibn Maryam.”
(Suanne Nasayi: V. 6, p. 42)

Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra.) Narrates that,

“The messenger ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has taken the promise
of fighting against Hindustan. So, if I avail the
opportunity of that war, I will spend my life, and
whole property/possession. If I die, then I will be
included among the best Martyrs. But if I return, I will
be forgiven Abu Huraira from the hellfire”.
(Suanne Nasayi: V.6, P. 42)

Beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “A group of people from my

ummah will fight against Hindustan. Allah will give
them victory. They will arrest and tie the Kings of
Hindustan. Allah will pardon their sins. Then they
return to Shaam. They will avail the company of Isa
(Alaihis Salam), son of Maryam there”.
(Al Fitan: V.1, page 410)

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra.) Narrates, “If I avail this

war, I will sell out my entire possession either old or
new and fight against Hindustan. At the end when
Allah will give us victory and we will return, I will be
pardoned Abu Huraira from hellfire. And when he
(Abu Huraira) will arrive Shaam and get Isa (Alaihis
Salam), son of Maryam. I will hurry to reach him. I will
inform him, “Oh messenger of Allah (Ibn Ibn
Maryam)! (I am a companion of Hazrat Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬and) now I have joined with you (and now I am a
companion of you, too). After listening this craving
Rasulullah (SM) smiled gently and told him, “So Far,
So… Far”. (Al Fitan V.1, page: 409)
We can easily anticipate the urgency of Jihad
against India. The fighters (Mujahidin) are dignified
as that Jamaat (group) who will associate Isa (Alaihis
Salam) and fighters against Dajjal.

Because, Jihad in Hindustan is a crucial part of

Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)’s mission. He will send a
troop to fight against Hindus, what was stated alike-
“A king of Baitul Maqdis will send troops. These
troops will conquer Hindustan. They will adorn

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Baitul Maqdis with all possession taken from there.

They will hold the king of Hindustan as captives.
They will imprison the kings of Hindustan. This
battalion will remain until the advent of Dajjal.”
(Al Fitan: Numaim bin Hammad, hadith no. 1235)

In another citation of Hadith, “When this troops

will return from Hindustan, they will get Isa Ibn-
(Al Fitan: Numaim bin Hammad, hadith no. 1236)

According to the citation of different hadith,

Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will rule 5/7/9 years. Advent
of dajjal will happen during the last 1.5 or 2 years of
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)’s tenure. And at the end of
his tenure Isa Ibn Maryam (Alaihis Salam) will reveal. He
will kill Dajjal. Then Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will die.
Therefore, it’s conspicuous from this two Hadith,
 We discussed in the previous chapter regarding
these hadiths: The king who will send troops to
Hindustan is none but Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
 In the history of the world, no troops sent yet to
Hindustan by any rulers of Baitul Maqdis, this
prediction yet to happen.
Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

֍ Why this war is so crucial?

Hindustan (India) is a dangerous state for Islam.
This state is an abode of KUFR (disbelief) & SHIRK
(polytheism). There is an inkling on the prophecy of
Hadith that this state will make a alliance with dajjal.
In term of psychological and historical point of view,
India is considered as the best friend of Jewish. To
occupy south Asia completely, India has been
equipped well. Nevertheless, the very place from
where a troops will be sent against dajjal, who will
assist Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), rather they will
strengthen the position of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
According to the inkling of hadith, there is an ample
possibilities of birth or advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) from Hindustan.

Considering all these issue the Jewish are trying

to establish India as an invincible state, so that it can
dismantle Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) and his troops. But,
whatever India gather it’s power, as much military
training they can receive nothing works in their favor.
Allah will surely bring the very day for Muslim when
the flag of Islam will be hoisted above the RED

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

FRORT OF DELHI. The economic status of India is

boosting day by day. Investments from entire world
are flowing towards India. Indeed, it’s a good news
for Muslims, no reason to be worried. This entire
possession be at your hands as GANIMAT (War
Booties), Insha’Allah

֍ What will happen in Gazwatul Hind:

There is no precise prophecy in hadith regarding
this war. The rewards of participation, sending of
troops by Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) is the only citations
prevail in hadith. There is no distinct citations
regarding the reason of this war, it’s commencement
and ending. So far, there is a precise description of
this war in the QASIDA (Poem) of a renowned saint
Shah Neyamatullah Kasmiri (R.). QASIDA-E-
SHAH NEYANATULLAH is a mysterious poem of
prediction according to the Kashf and ilham (Divine
Inspiration). This masterpiece was written in 548
HIJRI (1151 A.D). But surprisingly, his each and
every predictions has come absolutely true by the
time and history of the earth.

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Though, Kashf and Ilham of any righteous man or

saints is not the reference of Shariah, as all the
predictions of his Qasida verified previously, so his
prediction about GAZWATUL HIND will be proved
true, Insha’Allah. So I feel the message regarding
GAZWATUL HIND as pertinent to be discussed.
֍ Gazwatul Hind according to Qasida of shah
Neyamutullah (R.):
The Hindus will flee away from Punjab (most
probably from Kashmir and all the wealth will be
captured by Muslims) and Kashmir will be
conquered. This will make Hindus furious and they
will attack another adjacent city of Muslims and siege
all it’s possession. There will be a massive genocide,
vandalism, KARBALA at every residence, dejection
and harrowing everywhere. Crores of Muslims will
be killed. It is anticipated that the city may be
Bangladesh because there is a prediction of leader
who will be Muslim by name but a secret friend of
kafirs (Hindus). He/ she will hand over the power to
India by a disdainful pact. The name of the leader
commence with Arabic alphabet SHEEN and end up
by NOON. This massacre will occur between two
Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

EIDs. The entire world will condemn the oppressor

Hindus over the massacre. In the month of moharrom,
Muslim will go for counter attack with fully equipped
armaments. This coup will spread through out the
India. Habibullah, Sahibe kiran Usman will marched
forward to the battle field with the indomitable spirit.
The land will be trembled with the marching of
VALIANT MUJAHID. With bold and resilience
voice, they will attack India as like as locusts. South
battalion, Iranian and Afghan mujahidin will fight
together for the cause to conquer India. In
consequence of this victory, the ever tyrant of Islam
will be dismantled and abolished from the face of the
earth. Not a single Hindu will remain alive after that.
Neither Hindu religion nor a remnants of their
customs or traditions will prevail anymore. Thus the
name of Hindu religion will be effaced from the earth.
But it will take blood of crores of Muslims and the
sacrifice of the chastity of millions of muslim sisters
& mothers.

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

֍ The present scenario of Indian occupancy on

1971….The country Bangladesh became
independent. But unbeknownst The Bangladeshi (the
people of Bangladesh) underwent another occupier.
Bangladesh got a nominal independence while
India got a beautiful feme sole , a glamorous
“Bangla”. It has been carried on like philandering
with beautiful Bangladesh without recognizing her
real independence. Though the “71’s war” was a war
of liberation for Bangladesh , it was for India an effort
to weaken the Muslim state “Pakistan”. The another
great purpose behind the separation of east Pakistan (
present Bangladesh) from the west Pakistan was to
ravage Bangladesh and to exploit it at any chance.
The ravaging was started from just the very first day
of origination of Bangladesh. India plundered all of
the weapons surrendered in the Race Course Ground
(Suhrawardy Udyan) by Pakistan in December 16,
The relief sent by a number of state in the world
to the battle-scarred country “Bangladesh” was also
assimilated by the deceiver and lifter state “India”. As
much political carnages happened in the east Bengal

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

(Bangladesh) till now, India is involved with most of

them. The latest version of the Indian occupancy in
Bangladesh is “ISKCON’. The main purpose of
ISKCON/India, for instance is now to occupy
Bangladesh creating an unrest situation inside the
country worsening the thousands of year’s communal
harmonism among the Bengali Muslim through a
mystic conspiracy. The elaboration of “ISKCON” is
“The International Society for Krisna
Consciousness”. In 1966, Voktivedanto Shwami
Provupad established this extreme violent
organization in Newyork city. It’s head quarter is in
India. It’s main office of Bangladesh is at
Shwamibaag. Their slogan is “make the world free of
Muslim” . There are a number of haunts throughout
the country. They are proceeding with some
dangerous targets. They are going forward aiming at
the occupancy of Bangladesh by 2021. That means
they are at the end position for establishing their
conspiracy. The Bangladeshi Muslims are not
realizing that ISKCON is coming up to appear very
soon as their “Jomdoot” (consul of death). ISKCON
is carrying out it’s billion dollars of mega project in
Bangladesh. Primarily though it was dealing with
lower class Hindus, at the secondary stage it deals
Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

with also the higher classes hindus. They have been

succeeded to penetrate into the mind of higher ranked
public-private hindu service holders the fact that they
are the “ son of the mother of undivided India” , they
wish to go back to the undivided India. By The
“undivided India” they wish to merge Bangladesh,
India and Pakistan into a single state . They are
intended to use the higher level hindu to occupy
In this regard, A secret proposal paper from
ISKCON which was given to the country’s top level
hindus, was leaked. Each of the line of that paper is
like thundering for every Muslim in the country. To
know about their activities and realize the attitudes of
that cursed hindus towards the Muslims, every
Muslim in the world should be well acquainted with
that proposal paper. (That’s why it is given here) :

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

horey horey joy shri ram krishno krishno

Provu Ovoyachoronabrindho Shree Chorone

Komole ei Odhomer Voktipurna Dondobot
Pronam! (A wish in Samskrit Language)
Kindly read our great ambition.
You have been glorified by the kind of “Mother
Doorgaa” (Goddess of Hindu Faith) and we hope
your dignity might be increased by her. We are
requesting something you sir, to glorify again our
lost Bangla with the adoration of “Mother
We are intended to bring all of the orthodox hindus
under the hem of the one “Mother Doorgaa”. Our
aims are indifferent in spite of having different body
and soul.
ISKCON will do anything else needed to promote
your job status in rewards of which you will act on
behalf of ISKCON that means Mother.
We are suffering a lot of problems including land
related problems in different places where the
administrative help is badly needed.

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

For the lord Shurendra, we have sufficient influence

on the Court.(To mean this “Shurendra” it may be
denoted to the chief justice Shurendra Kumar sinha.
And All of members of ISKCON call themselves as
LORD). But the frailty of the administration is not
alleviated yet now.
With your kindness, the intention of Mother will be
In rewards for working with ISKCON, you will get
60% extra of your paid salary which will be started
just after joining to our agreement.
The important condition of the agreement—this dealing
can never be disclosed to the Muslims, because they are
the sole enemy of us in the world. Our religion is now a
threatened only only for them.
At the beginning, we will inform the Muslims the divine
news of Vogoban (God) with humble manner. Gradually
we would become harsh to the disobedient people
We will be waiting for the reply of you Lord to the carrier
of the proposal paper within 3 days after getting the
Or, you may avail the opportunity to communicate with
Swamibaag Asshrom (Temple).

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

May God bless you.

Au Revoir....
ISKCON, Shwamibaag, Dhaka.

OH MY MUSLIM BROTHERS and sisters! how

long will you sleep? Already ISKCON has occupied
half of the East Bengal (Bangladesh). In the mean
time, half of the Bangladesh has been occupied, while
leaders who are Muslims by their names, are busy
with grabbing power, bribery, and clash among each
With the blessing of the so called Muslim
scoundrels, the ISKCON Hindus are now occupying
all the higher ranks of the state. The members of
ISKCON hold all the important position of the
administration, army, police, law, justice etc. they are
working against east Bengal (Bangladesh) from the
very secret curtain.
The cherished dream of all of them is to establish
undividable Bengal and an integral BHARAT-MATA
(Mother India).

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

The leaders are always taking quick step in any

concern of ISKCON because they are persuaded by
Norendhra Modi especially entire India. The
activation of ISKCON is spreading with high speed
with the guidance of India and silence of the govt.
Now, India is taking control of all areas of
Bangladesh through their ISKCON agents. When the
Muslim will realize that they are being controlled and
persecuted by the Hindus, these Hindus will
strategically create riots. They will reveal the
fabrication of Hindu persecution to the world by
attacking their own homes, temples, in Bangladesh.
So, there will be a need for troops. India will then
send it’s troops in the name of retribution. There will
be an arbitrary Muslim killing to implement their
slogan ‘Make the world Muslim free.’
Millions of Muslims will be killed in Bangladesh,
most of the people of that country will be martyred by
Malaun (accursed) Hindus, so there will be no one left
to bury Muslims.
Malaun Hyenas will plunder millions of mothers
and sisters. And that is how the horrible bloodshed

Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

will commence as cited as Gazwatul Hind in the


֍ To the Muslim brothers and sisters of

Be careful. Lets seek forgiveness to the Almighty
‫ ﷻ‬from all sorts of sins. Follow the very lifestyle of
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Abandon all indulgence. Let us embrace
the unknown/unfamiliar (Gareeb) Islam. Prepare
yourself for Zihad. Migrate to join the force of Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). Allah is sufficient for this ummah.

֍ Gazwatul Hind and the advent of Imam Mahdi

Sooner, the black flagged army will take over
Kashmir from India with their death bite (supreme
effort), Insha’Allah. And it will happen between 2020
or 2021, Insha’Allah. Strong preparation is going on
for that. Meanwhile, according to the plan of
ISKCON, they will make Bangladesh as their lirr by
2021. Immediately after the conquer of the territory
of Kashmir by Mujahideen, India will invade
Bangladesh and create a situation like Karbala to
every residence. And this is the background of
Gazwatul Hind & the advent of Imam Mahdi (AS.)

Gazwatul Hind. To save the Muslims, Imam Mahdi

(Alaihis Salam) will send a troop leaded by Habibullah
(The friend of ALLAH) who will conquer Hindustan
and remove Hindu Religion from the soil of India
forever. If according to ISKCON’s plan to create the
context of Gazwatul Hind by 2021, the revelation of
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) must (may) be in 2020
Insha’Allah, undoubtedley. Without his revelation
how come he send his troops? (ALLAH ‫ ﷻ‬knows

Fourth Part


Miscellaneous Affairs

Miscellaneous Affairs

The signs of the last era citing in Bible

We are Muslims. Al Quran and hadith are enough
for us. We are pleased to get Allah as God, Islam as
religion and more even satisfied to get Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬as prophet and messenger. It is only
for your consideration, Jews and Christians also
believe that the arrival of Hazrat Isa (Alaihis Salam) is next
to door. His (Alaihis Salam) arrival means, Dajjal (the false
Messiah) will come before him and Dajjal’s arrival
means Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will come before
Every God-gifted book has some predictions and
more or less Invisible/Unseen affairs have been
revealed there. There is no prophet but tell his
followers about Invisible/Unseen affairs. Still now
there may be remaining of God’s message with the
Christian and Jew priests though they have distorted
it’s exact nature resembling to manmade illusion and
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myths. We prefer to keep silence as security rather

than taking those as citation or avoidance. Al-Quran
and hadith are enough for us.
Anyway, there is a citation in Book of Joel, Acts
2:20 that is “The sun will turn into darkness, and the
moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of
the Lord comes.”
In 2014 & 2015,
consecutive occurrence of four
Red Moon eclipse and full Sun
eclipse of 2015 was notified as
the indication of ‘last era’ by
Christian evangelic specially
John Hagee and Mark Biltz.
Fig: Blood Red Moon (27/09/2015)
And in 31 January of 2018
full declined moon eclipse was occurred. In that time
moon was close to earth and it was seen larger than
usual. That was called as “Super Moon”. After that in
the same year at 27th July again incarnadine moon
eclipse was happened.

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(Only Allah knows better)

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Context: Dream
 Hazrat Abu Katadah (Ra.) narrates that Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said “Good dreams are from
Almighty Allah and bad of it are from Satan
(devil).” (Bukhari-6583, Muslim-5613, 5616)
 Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra.) narrates that Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said “When Qiyamah (the Doom’s
Day/ final destruction) becomes closer, devoted
peoples’ dreams get less false. The more truthful
devoutness, the more the accuracy to dream; as
Miscellaneous Affairs

righteous dream is 1/45th part of prophethood.”

 Hazrat Abu Sayeed Khudri (Ra.) narrates that
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “When anyone dreams
and favourable to him/her, it’s from Allah so that he
should express it to others and praise Allah. Anyone
dreams unfavorable to him/her, it’s from Satan
(Devil), he should pray security from Allah and
shouldn’t tell to others. As, it (expressing
unpleasant dreams to others) will do harm to him
 Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra.) narrates that Rasulullah
‫ ﷺ‬said “Righteous dream is 1/46th part of
prophethood.” (Bukhari-6587, muslim-5622, 5629)
 Hazrat Ayesha (Ra.) narrates, “During the early age
of prophethood, ‘Ohee’ (Allah’s messages/Divine
revelations) came to Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬as virtuous
dream. He wouldn’t see dream that not came true in
daylight.” (Bukhari-6581)
 Hazrat Abu Huraira (Ra.) narrates that Rasulullah
‫ ﷺ‬said “Nothing left in prophethood except
Mubashshirat.” Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬was asked, what is
Mubashshirat? He ‫ ﷺ‬replied, “Veridical virtuous
Miscellaneous Affairs

dreams which convey glad tidings to righteous

one.” (Bukhari-6589)

“Dream is not the reference of Sariah!!”

Among many of us rather most of us tell when
anyone talks about dreams represents before them
that “Dream is not the reference of Sariah. So, what
else here to be engaged with dreams! Don’t lag
behind the dream.” Which dream is not the reference
of Sariah and which dream’s lagging behind is
prohibited is needed to be cleared by us. Sariah’s rule
is not acceptable as reference from any (ummah)
Muslim fellow’s dream. But, prophet-messenger’s
dream even considered ‘Ohee’ (message from Allah).
Such as: if Allah ‫ ﷻ‬had ordered five times prayer to
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬through dream rather Meeraj
[Night journey to heavens & face to face meeting of
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬with Muhammad ‫ ]ﷺ‬is also be considered as
Faraz (Obligation). If six times prayer was ordered
also through dream that was a must to fulfil as
mandate (Faraz). But any muslim ummah (fellow)
whatever he is, how much devotee; if he dreamt about
the faraz (mandatory fact) of six time prayer that
Miscellaneous Affairs

would never be considered as reference for ummah to

follow. If the dreamer become truthful, righteous,
practising muslim with proper following of Sunnah
then all virtuous dreams dreamt by him with
important message for the muslim community and
also certified by the dreamer as its coming source is
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬then all of these dreams should be considered
as important for him and muslim community should
practice that deliberately. As, according to hadith,
especially in the last era if devotee is truthful then his
dream will be true, it’s considered to be a message
from Allah ‫ﷻ‬. Although, the direct message from
Allah (Ohee) has already been closed since the
departure of Allah’s last messenger Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. All credit goes to Allah that he sends
secret or invisible information through the dream of
his favorite mankind. As, in the last era, the angel
Jibraeel (Gabriel) (Alaihis Salam) won’t come with the
message of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬that is why Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) and his follower’s only way to communicate

with Allah ‫ ﷻ‬in absence of ‘Ohee’ is the true virtuous

Miscellaneous Affairs

dream & besides kashf, ilham are also remaining.

(only Allah ‫ ﷻ‬knows the exact).

In light of Dreams and Experience

 In 1440 Hijri during the month of Sha’ban (8th

month of Arabic Calendar) journey through Umrah, I
dreamt, someone told me, Imam Mahdi will arrive at
2020. Jews-Christians have also known about the fact
and taking preparation for war.
After coming to my country, I did a deep research
which’s result is this book on your hand. My dream
inspired me to analyze Quran and hadith and read out
different books to write this one. It was not such that
I had researched first about 2020 and then dreamt
about that.
 In the end of Shawwal (10th month of Arabic
Calendar), my muhtarama beloved wife also dreamt
alike. I have many examples to see the verification of
her dream in reality.
 In the beginning of Dhul-Hijjah (12th month of
Arabic Calendar), one of my known righteous
younger (by age) brother told me over phone,
Miscellaneous Affairs

‘Brother, discussion about my marriage is going on in

my residence. Is it okay to get married at this time?’ I
asked him, why? He replied, brother, last era has been
arrived, the arrival of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) is next
to us. So, what’s the benefit to get married? I told,
firstly, to get married is Sunnah and Zihad is the
command of Allah. Allah’s messenger Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬has done both. That’s why, marriage
is in marriage’s place and in the necessity of Zihad, it
is also obligatory to accomplish. Both have to be
done. But, marriage, family these should not be
deterrent. Secondly, who told you that the arrival of
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will be in nearest future? He
replied, In 2015, I asked a muslim saint of Furfura
sharif of Hindustan as like, when will Imam Mahdi
come? He replied to me, Yes! Imam Mahdi has born
and now (in 2015) his age is 35 (that means, his
advent should be in 2020).
How surprisingly the child says!! 2020!!!
 Mawlana Saad, a prominent figure of Tablighi
Jamaat is now a dubious person. Where he is right or
wrong is not my matter of discussion but in 2018 he
commented that ‘within two years (2020) Imam
Miscellaneous Affairs

Mahdi will arrive. After arriving of Imam Mahdi I’ll

hand over the responsibility of Tablighi Jama’at to
 In the decade of 80’s, one of the prominent
Khalifa of East Bengal (Bangladesh) Hazrat Mawlana
Muhammad Hafizzi Huzur (R.) prayed that ‘Imam
Mahdi is born and his advent is so close, Oh Allah!
accept the associates of Imam Mahdi from my
descendants. Ameen!
 Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.) told ‘Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) will come after 1440 hijri.’ And the most
probable time after it is 1441. (Only Allah knows the

Final Decision
Considering current global situations and all
issues discussed in the current book in the light of
Quran, Hadith & Numerology, we want to say that
2020 A.D is the probable time of arrival of Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), not only probable but the most
probable, where there is no chance to stay at home
and to say let’s see what happens! It could be! We
Miscellaneous Affairs

need to step forward by considering 2020 A.D as the

awaited year. (Allah knows the best. To get the
absolute path we pray to Allah and we seek security
with him also.)

The Signs of the year of arrival of Imam Mahdi

These signs will be revealed from the Ramadan
of the arrival year. They will be consecutively
exposed upto Baiyat (Acceptance of allegiance) in
Dhul-Hijjah (12th Arabic month). The signs are-
1. In the mid Ramadan (15th Ramadan, Friday
night) a massive sound will come from sky. For that
agility 70,000 people will lose consciousness and
another 70,000 people will become deaf. In that day
those will be safe who’ll stay at home, do Suzud
(prostrate) and proclaim ‘Allahu Akbar (Allah is the
greatest one) loudly. Then another sound will come.
First will be from the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) (Alaihis
Salam) and the second will be from Satan (Devil).
(Majmauz zauayd 310/7, Tabarani, As Sunan waridatul fil Fitan)

[According to Hadith, First sound will come from

the order of Allah from sky. But, as these sound will
make the devotee conscious, that’s why non-believer
Miscellaneous Affairs

will make another artificial sound by technology

which is called ‘sound of Satan’. This sound will be
focused as technical error in media (Dajjali media)
with fabrication as the mass people of the world will
take it normally, weak believer could fall in trap.
Furthermore, it is not necessary that all people of the
world could have it. Cause, Firstly, the mid Ramadan
isn’t Friday in all countries, it will be for Arab.
Secondly, night won’t be common for all states. So,
our notice will be in Arab specially Mecca and
2. There will be discrepancy in decision on the
demise of a ruler (Khalifa). (Mujamul Awsat, 35/2; Musnade Abu
Ieala-6940; Musnade Ibn Hibban-6757; Mujamul Kabir-931, Abu daud-4288)

3. A combative battle will happen in month of

Shawwal (10th Arabic month). The tribes of Arab will
betray in the month of Dhul-Qa’dah(11th Arabic
month). And a robbing will occur on pilgrimages in
Dhul-Hijjah (12th Arabic month). (Mazmauj Zauayed-310/7,
Tabarani, Mustadreke Hakeem-549/4).

There will be a massive battle at Mina, it takes

away huge lives and blood bath that ends at Akbatul
Jamarah finally. (Mustadreke Hakeem 549/4).
Miscellaneous Affairs

4. After that, (normally), people will search for

Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) and get notice. That is why
he will be forced to come out of his residence by his
companions. (In another citation, he will be crying by
holding the curtail of holy Kaaba that time). 313 of
his companions will take Baiyat (Acceptance of
allegiance) even at his unwillingness. All the inmates
of the heavens and the earth will be happy upon them.
(Mustadreke Hakeem-549/4; Mujamul Awsat, 35/2, 176/9; Musnade Abu Ieala-
6940; Musnade Ibn Hibban-6757; Mujamul Kabir-931, Abu daud-4288).

One thing should be remembered that, the

occurance of these signs will depend on authenticity
of hadiths & Allah’s will. Only He knows what will
happen & what not. We mustn’t rely on media to get
our conception clear & get information regarding
these signs. Cause, all these media are controlled by
Jews and they are quite familiar with the very issue.
They never let the Muslims ummah to be familiar
with these secret issues. However, we should pay
heed and keep a sharp vigilance on what will happen
in the year of 2020 A.D. May Allah grant us the
correct path. Ameen.

Miscellaneous Affairs

Those who desires to have the

Baiyat of Imam Mahdi (AS.)
It’s notable that, this baiyat (Acceptance of
Allegiance) will be taken place on the premise of
Kaaba and in the very time massacre will take place
at Mina (as the pilgrim normally stay at Mina on
10/11/12 of Dhul-Hijjah). This verily means those
who will join the pilgrim, it will be impossible for
them to get the baiyat (fellowship/acceptance of
Allegiance). Cause, as a part of pilgrimage journey,
they must have to stay at Mina to complete the Hajj.
So, either legally or illegally, we mustn’t intent to
complete Hajj rather joining pilgrimage journey
having the intension of Umrah. We have to stay at
Ka’aba exactly the very date when the pilgrim stay at
Mina, so that we can avail the awaited opportunity of
getting baiyat (fellowship/acceptance of Allegiance).
Those who are the real searcher of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) (Talibul Mahdi) have to accept the very strategy.
Well, it perhaps takes huge expenditures. But we have
to consider how fortunate it will be for us to have
Baiyat & gaining the holy guidance of Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam)! Those 313 who will be the best people
Miscellaneous Affairs

after Sahabas, upon them all the dwellers of the

heavens and the earth will be satisfied. What else be
more misfortune for a believer not to get his inclusion
within the companionship of 313 though he gets the
era of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). May Allah protect us
from the deprivation, Ameen. Money doesn’t matter
before this chance. We should participate Hajj
(Pilgrim) with the intension of Umrah, each probable
years Insha’Allah. Those who can shift permanently
and await until the revelation is commendable. As
2020 A.D is the most probable one, we should prepare
ourselves quickly. We should march forward with the
aspiration of Sahadah (martyrdom) and preparation
to death. May Allah grant us for this fortune, Ameen.
There is an inkling in the Holy Hadith that Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will appear in the month of
Ramadhan. However, Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)’s
advent may occur in the month of Ramadhan,
Shawwal or Jil-qa’da or Jil-hajj. So, those who want
to have Baiyah with Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)
must migrate to Mecca before Ramadhan of 1441

Miscellaneous Affairs

It’s too much late…....

Ummul Mo’menin (Mother of the believers,

respectable wife of prophet Muhammad ‫ ) ﷺ‬Hazrat
Umme Salama (Ra.) narrates that Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said,
“There will be a massive defer in decision after the
demise of a Khalif. Therefore, a person flee away to
Mecca from Banu Hashem. People will recognize
him as the Mahdi of this era. In spite of
unwillingness, his companions will accept his
allegiance (baiyat) at the premise of Ka’aba, at mid
spot of Hajr-e-Aswad and Maqam-e-Ibrahim. A
battalion will be sent after the news of baiyat. When
this battalion will reach to “Baida’ (a place near
Mecca), the soil will grasp them . Therefore, Walis of
Iraq and Abdals of Sham (Syria) will meet to Imam
Mahdi… (Mujamul Awsat, 35/2, 176/9; Musnade Abu Ieala-6940; Musnade
Ibn Hibban-6757; Mujamul Kabir-931, Abu daud-4288).

After taking baiyat by 313 companions of Imam

Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), an announcement will come from
the sky as testimony. After this another opposite
announcement will be revealed from part of Devil.
So, people will be confused. This confusion will
eradicate when the destruction of Baida will happen.
Miscellaneous Affairs

Only two men out of them will survive. One of them

will reach Mecca and admonish the people about the
advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). Another man will
reach Syria and admonish people about the advent of
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).Then the Walis and Abdals
of Sham congregate with Imam Mahdi.
Stop!!!! Think, What has happened!!!!....
It’s become too late for the Walis & Abdals.
why? There is a question. That is, after the advent of
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will Saudi Arabia
government remain silent? Will they do nothing? As
the govt. of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the
sub-servant of Tagut America. It is impossible for
Syrian battalion to march forward towards Mecca by
abrogating unwillingness of KSA. Isn’t it? What will
happen then? Badre!! The Wali and Abdals (The
greatest saints of the Era) will miss out the chance.
Saudi govt will seek Fatwa (Religious
Jurisprudence) to Imams of Mecca in order to resist
the military group who blocked Masjidul Haram and
try to create difficulties. They will seek permission
for commando attack to that group. Immediately after
their demand, those Shaikh who has involvement
Miscellaneous Affairs

with royal will deliver verdict against that group. But

their total efforts will be abortive. Cause, the gracious
Almighty Allah himself will help Imam Mahdi (Alaihis
Salam) and with 3,000 angles. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will endow them

with victory over Tagut KSA govt.. After the

dismantling of govt. of KSA, the victory will come
to Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). In term of prestige and
dignity they will be the best Jamaat after Sahabas
(Ra.). All the dwellers of the heavens and the earth
will be satisfied upon them. The same way Allah ‫ﷻ‬
will select the companions of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)
among the billions of muslims. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬himself will
guide them. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will let them recognize who is
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam). The same proclamation
will come for them as compared to the sahaba (Ra.)
of Badre,: ‘Do whatever you like, Allah ‫ ﷻ‬is ever-
pleased with you.’ The first 313 companions of Imam
Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) will avail the same favors
Insha’Allah. Those who missed the Badre, they
repent through out their lifetime. In the same way, the
believers, Wali and Abdals will also repent forever
who didn’t take baiyat first time. It’s clear that it has
become late for Walis & Abdals. They will participate
Miscellaneous Affairs

in the battle of Kalb (in Syria). Then 70,000 new

muslims of Banu Ishak will join them. It means they
will be companion compared to ‘Uhud’. Those who
are aspiring to join Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) staying in
Hind (Indian subcontinent) after the phenomena of
Baida, it’s nothing but an illusion. Have a look, the
citation of hadith came as ‘Walis of Iraq and Abdals
of Sham’. Gazwatul hind (The Great Battle of Indian
subcontinent) will start. There will be a blood bath at
each and every resident by Hindus. How come you
desire any spare to shift from your land then? Death
will be only option then. Someone who desires for
that auspicious day to join the battle known as
‘Gazwatul Hind’ staying here. Though the
participant will avail the dignity of prophet Isa (Alaihis
Salam), it will be very tough for the Muslims of this part
to do anything. Cause, it is cited in hadith ‘A Khalifa
(emperor) of Baitul Maqdis will sent a battalion to
Hindustan. This battalion will conquer the Hind. By
taking all sorts of wealth they will adorn Baitul
Maqdis, they will imprison the king of hind.’ (Al Fitan,
Nuiam bin Hammed-1235). This battle will continue until
Dajjal will advent. If there is any provision to rescue
Miscellaneous Affairs

the people of hind staying there why does the king of

Baitul Maqdis will have to send a battalion. In a
nutshell, the saints of Hindustan (Indian
subcontinent) will miss the Uhud also. Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬
said that after the advent of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam),
it is our responsibility to join with him even have to
crawl over the snowy hills. It is proved that it is not
easy to join his army.
Many of us think, after these battles we will join
Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), as we already missed
BADRE and UHUD. Dear brother! Then the battle of
Mutah is awaiting, more severe war that is!!! The
bloodiest battle of all!!! Let us recall Mutah. 3000
Muslim confronted 200,000 Arabian-Roman
soldiers. Three commander of Islam Hazrat Zayed
(Ra.), Jafar (Ra.), Abdullah ibn Rawaha (Ra.) was
granted as martyrs and Hazrat Khalid ibn Walid (Ra.)
broke nine (9) swords to kill the kafirs and got the
dignity of “Saifullah” (The Sword of Allah). The
resembling (unequal) battle will be taken place
during the tenure of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) called
‘Malhamatul Kubra’. Eighty nations will unite
having 12,000 soldires of each of them, sum total is
Miscellaneous Affairs

around 1,000,000 (One million). Soldiers will

confront Muslims. The number of Muslim soldier
will be the minimum as before in the history of
muslims. It is more heartrending that, though Sahaba
(Ra.) confronted Kafirs (Non believers), 66 times
more in number with the bold aspiration of Sahadat
(Martyrdom), but the soldiers of Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)
will be of three types. One group will flee away for
the fear of life or action of munafiq (Hypocrisy),
Allah ‫ ﷻ‬will never forgive them. Another group will
be accepted for Sahadat (martyrdom), who will be
the greatest martyrs. Last group upon whom Allah ‫ﷻ‬
will never take any more trial, they will be the
“(O Unbelievers!) Not the least good will your
forces be to you even if they were multiplied: for
verily Allah is with those who believe!” [8: sura Anfal: 19]
Afterall, staying heedless, keeping no such true
aspiration, taking no preparation, for the death, no
strives, no cravings and prayers, remained ignorant
about the real face of Dunia, no alacrity to sacrificing
Dunia- aspiring to be companion of Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam) when he will reveal is nothing but a self-
Miscellaneous Affairs

deception. The banality showed by most of us is “We

are prepare for Jihad fii Sabilillah but not just now’.
We haven’t yet appease our indulgence, there is
something left out of our indulgence in Dunia.”
There is another group, damn complacent with
the mere affiliation with an mehnot (an effort of
religion) anticipating that they are getting the very
rewards of Jihad fii Sabilillah even staying at their
residence. Nevertheless, in the era of Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬,
Jihad fii Sabilillah was the only standard to verify
someone either he was hypocrite (Munafiq) or not.
Without being a practicing participant of Jihad fii
Sabilillah instead of so called blanket war or virtual
war our Belief (Imaan) will not be granted to the
Almighty even in the era of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
The messenger ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬proclaimed, “Join the
black flagged army those who will assist Imam Mahdi
(Alaihis Salam), even you have to crawl over glacial hill.”
Address yourself as a successful one being aspired to
the profit of mammoth trade in hereafter over the
materialistic disdainful trade. Mind it! Mother’s
tender love, life partner’s imbued tears or
countenance of apple of the eyes could never be
Miscellaneous Affairs

deterrent of my own and self-devoted fellows

(Sahabas) of Prophet ‫’ﷺ‬s heartfelt path.
Let not the city’s giant and burnished mesmerized
building be deterrent to stay at dark holed mountains.
Don’t vandalize the hereafter’s everlasting palaces to
the purpose of saving brick and soil made residences.
Don’t bow down your head before the power of evil
(Dajjali) leaders being afraid of darkest incarceration.
Mind it! There isn’t any second darkest chamber and
fearsome prison than the grave. Hazrat Mohammad ‫ﷺ‬
told, don’t care whatever happens rather must join to
the battalion of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam).
‫ٱنف ُرواْ فِى َسِبِ ِيل ٱلَّ ِِ ٱ َّاقَ َُُّْ ْم إِلَى‬
ِ ‫ٰيأَيُّها ٱلَّ ِذين آمنواْ ما لَ ُكم إِ َذا قِيل لَ ُكم‬
ُ َ ْ َ َُ َ َ
ِ ‫ٱآلخرِة فَما مَُاع ٱلْحي ِاة ٱلدُّنْيا فِى‬
‫ٱآلخَرِة‬ ِ ‫ض أَر ِضيُُم بِٱلْحي ِاة ٱلدُّنْيا ِمن‬
َ ََ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ِ ‫ٱأل َْر‬
َ‫﴾ إِالَّ تَ ِنف ُرواْ يُ َع ِذبْ ُك ْم َع َذاباً أَلِيماً َويَ ْسَُ ِْب ِد ْل قَ ْوماً ََْي َرُُ ْم َوال‬٨٣﴿‫إِالَّ قََِّيل‬
﴾٨٣﴿‫ضُّروه َشْيئاً وٱلَُِّ َعََّ ٰى ُُ ِل َشي ٍء قَ ِدير‬
ْ َ ُ ُ َ‫ت‬
“38. O ye who believe! what is the matter with you,
that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of
Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the

Miscellaneous Affairs

life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the

comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.
39. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a
grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but
Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath
power over all things.” (09 Surah Tauba : 38-39)
‫اج ُك ْم َو َع ِش َيرتُ ُك ْم َوأ َْم َوال‬ ِ ِ
ُ ‫قُ ْل إن َُا َن آبَا ُؤُُ ْم َوأَبْنَآ ُؤُُ ْم َوإ ْخ َوانُ ُك ْم َوأ َْزَو‬
‫ب إِلَْي ُك ْم ِم َن‬
َّ ‫َح‬ َ ‫أ‬ ‫آ‬‫ه‬َ ‫ن‬
َ‫و‬ ‫ض‬
َ ‫ر‬ ‫ت‬
َ ‫ن‬ ُِ‫ٱقْ َُ رفْ ُُموها وتِجارة تَخ َشو َن َُسادها ومسا‬
ْ ْ ُ َ ََ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ َ َ ُ َ
‫َّى يَأْتِ َى ٱلَُِّ بِأ َْم ِرِه َوٱلَُِّ الَ يَ ْه ِدى‬ ِ َِّ‫ٱلَّ ِِ ورسولِِِ وِجه ٍاد فِى سِبِي‬
ٰ ُ‫صواْ َح‬ ُ َ ‫ب‬
َّ ُ
َ ‫ف‬
َ ِ َ َ َ ُ ََ
﴾٤٢﴿‫اس ِقين‬ ِ ‫ٱلْ َقوم ٱلْ َف‬
َ َْ
“24. Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your
brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that
ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a
decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight- are
dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or
performing Jihad in His cause;- then wait until Allah
brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the
rebellious.” (09 Sura Tauba: 24)

Miscellaneous Affairs

Oh my brothers of Black Flagged Battalion!

March towards Arab! May the land of Almighty
be trembled by the echo of your march! Let each of
the throne of evils be dismantled! The moment of the
victory of ‘Baitul Muqaddas’ is so near! Prepare to
welcome Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam)! Sharpen your
swords! Sooner the days of yours sufferings will be
altered to ecstasy! And in the forts of Batil
(Falsehood), the commencement of dejection and
harrowing will be taken place very soon! The days are
not so far! The verdicts of hadith will must be true
within very near future! It’s your time to prove that
you are the bearer of the black flag which was
predicted by my Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ !ﷺ‬You
are the associates of Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam), founder
of his caliphate, and his conservator. Inshaallah, Al
Quds (Jerusalem) will be conquered by you! So, oh
my brothers of black flag! Step forward quickly,
march towards Arab!
May Allah accept us as the most fortunate 313
companions of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (Alaihis Salam) who
are satiated by both the sky and the land dwellers and
also the best of all creatures. Ameen.
Miscellaneous Affairs

Inshaallah, the most awaited moment is 2020.....

When there will be the advent of Mahdi....
So my friends! Lets march in flocks.....
Under Imam Mahdi’s flags....
With desire to be martyr.....
Towards Mecca.......

***** The End *****


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