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Group 551018-9


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My mind acquired language and I don`t know in which moment did it.

In this task I had the opportunity to study about five hypotheses and comprehensible
input and I discovered and tried to answers my questions about which is the best
form to learn English as second language and how to learn more vocabulary, and I
can say that I had anxiety to learn more but I find a way to make more easy my
studies and want to argue in this assay the main concepts relates to language
acquisition and learning that is a topic that we think that produce the same results
but It`s different by the form your mind pick the knowledge up and the process is
different, and this is the reason that I find my answers about my learning process
by the way I feel, interact and understand the inputs I acquired the target language
and I don`t know in which moment occurred, it`s an amazing process that your mind
shows you by the time.
In this process I identified the main concept about language acquisition and learning
that it`s the first Krashen`s hypothesis where I identified that the process have some
distinctions that acquired language is the process how babies begin to their process
in first language by the help of their parents that give a lot of inputs to create the
competence of speaking and interact with their environment, and is similar but not
identical with adolescents or adult process who wants to learn a second language,
this process is involuntary, unconscious and informal with meaningful activities and
interaction between peers and teacher, in this process we have a lot of inputs and
the idea is to understand the message and the learner will produce an utterance in
natural order of his level of competences without take care about grammar because
it`s unconscious process that you only use for communication and you acquired
language in a correct way. That explain me that I don`t have to take care about what
it`s the best method to improve the level and competencies in different skills, that
idea is to read more and have more inputs to understand better the messages, we
can use some tools to practice and improve.
Besides when we talk about learning concept is that is a formal process that you are
conscious that you are studying, knowing the grammar rules and sometimes you are
located in a classroom watching videos, flashcards and repeat some vocabulary and
the teacher guides your process, in my case I studied English at Institute learning a
second language and in this moment I conscious that my level was the same don`t
advance to produce more outputs using different words and I used other strategies
to learn and I had results but not how I wanted, not all was bad I have the ability to
understand some inputs and I speak in a good level now but the process continue, I
think that you need to mix some approach and strategies to improve.
My conclusion is that when you are studying English you have anxiety and want to
discover which strategy is better to learn more, but in this moment I have clear that
you don`t take care about it and have to use some tools to listen more inputs in
English and try to read more a topic that you are interest on, the motivation is very
important and that you feel comfortable in your class, don`t be ashamed if make
mistakes you are learning equal than others, sometimes you repeat as a parrot and
don`t remember the vocabulary, the idea is not memorize, it`s to use it in a sentences
or introduce in your speech, that is the reason and different about acquisition and
learning, you have to listen more and try to understand the messages and the time
gives you results, your mind works and in an unconsciousness process you are
acquiring language.

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