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TAXPAYER’S REMEDIES If return filed after the last day- 3 years counted from last
day of actual (Late) filing
Exception: 10 years from date of discovery of non- filing of
Administrative Protest- Taxpayer’s remedy before
return; filing of false or fraudulent return with intent to
evade tax.
Assessment Process (RR 12-99), General (Amended by
Period of collection
RR 18-2013)
 5 years from assessment
 10 years- without assessment, in case of false or
1. Tax Audit: examination of books of accounts and
fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or failure
other accounting records
to file return
- Issuance of letter authority
2. Notice of Informal Conference
“Sec 222. Exceptions as to Period of Limitation of
3. Issuance of Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN)
Assessment and Collection of Taxes-
4. Exceptions to issuance of PAN
5. Reply to PAN-15 days from receipt. In meritorious
a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent
and upon written request, extension not exceeding
to evade tax or a failure to file a return, the tax may
10 days may be given the TP to respond. (Sec. 3 (a),
be assessed OR a proceeding in court for the
RR No. 12-85)
collection of such tax may be filed without
6. Issuance of Formal Letter of Demand and
assessment, at any time within 10 years from
Assessment Notice/Final Assessment Notice
discovery of the falsity, fraud, or omission.”
7. Disputed Assessment – reply of taxpayer
8. Administrative Decision on a Disputed Assessment
Thus, in case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to
evade tax, or failure to file a return, BIR has two options
Requisites of a Valid Assessment
1. Asses the correct tax liability ( within 10 years from
Monthly VAT- calibrate at the end of the quarter
date of discovery) and subsequently collect on said
FAR- you cannot do monthly adjustment return of income
assessment within 5 years from assessment; or
VAT- quarterly VAT return
2. File a proceeding in court for collection within 10
days from date of discovery (of the falsity, fraud or
Withholding- monthly (every 10th of the month following the
omission) without assessment.
What constitutes fraud?
Date of Prescriptive period Prescriptive 1) Fraud is a question of fact that cannot be presumed
filing the of Assessment period of but must be sufficiently established.
return Collection 2) Mere understatement of income does not constitute
Before due 3 years from due date fraud. It must be proven as a fact that there was
date 5 years from intentional and substantial understatement of tax
On due 3 years from due date receipt of FAN liability.
date by taxpayer; 3) Fraud exists in case of substantial and intentional
Beyond 3 years from actual overstatement or deductions, i.e., when there are
due date filing NOTE: if fictitious expenses.
Fraudulent 10 years from discovery taxpayer files 4) Fraud is a question of fat. And the circumstances
filing of bad faith/fraud fraudulent constituting fraud must be alleged and proved in
return or did not court.
file any return, 5) Fraud constituted by law is actual and not
the BIR may constructive. Must amount wrong doing with sole
collect without object of avoiding tax. (Aznar v. Collector, 8 SCRA
assessment 519)
within 10 years
of filing of What constitutes a false return?
return or 1) SC reiterated the declaration in the Aznar case that
discovery of non- a “mere showing that the returns filed by the
filing taxpayer were false, notwithstanding the absence of
Non-filing 10 years from discovery intent to defraud, is sufficient to warrant the
of non-filing application of the 10-year prescriptive period under
Section 222 of the NIRC” (CIR v. Asalus
Period of Assessment Corporation)
GR: 3 years from last day of filing of return 2) SC stated that the entry of wrong information due to
If return filed before last day- 3 years counted from last day mistake, carelessness, or ignorance, without intent
of filing (as provided by law)

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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

to evade tax, does not constitute a false return. (CIR 6. Duty of TP to submit duly executed waiver to CIR or
v. Philippine Daily Inquirer) officials designated in the LOA who shall indicate
3) CTA En Banc- “Each and every error does not and acceptance by signing the same.
should not result in the operation of the 10-year
prescriptive period. Otherwise, on the strength of a) Accepted prior to expiry date
the Aznar definition of “flasks returns”, BIR b) TP’s duty to retain a copy
examiners conducting regular tax audits, who
logically as a matter of course, would always come 7. Note the two (2) material dates indicated in the
up with tax findings of either under declaration of waiver:
income or over declaration of deductions, or both,
could mercilessly or arbitrarily raise the argument a) Date of execution by TP/authorized representative;
of “false return” giving rise to the 10 year and
prescriptive period. (CIR v. Hoya Glass Disk b) Expiry date of Period of TP’s waiver.
8. Before the expiry date, waiver may be extended.
SUSPENSION of Period of Assessment/ Collection
Start of Tax Audit: Issuance of LOA/TVNs/LN
1) 3 year period may be SUSPENDED- if TP and BIR
execute a waiver against prescription of assessment TAX VERIFICATION NOTICE (VTN)- issues for the ff.
before the end of the 3 year period, or in the case of Cases ( by head of office) not requiring in-depth investigation:
a subsequent extension, before the end of the period
so stated I n the previous/earlier waiver.  To verify estate taxes when TP has no other tax
2) When the CIR prohibited from collecting on the tax, liabilities
such as when TP appeals the decision of the CIR on  Processing of VAT refund claims under Sec. 112
disputed assessment with the CTA.  Claims for tax refund of Job Order Personnel
3) When TP requests for reinvestigation which is  Claims for tax refund for erroneous/double payment
granted by the CIR. of taxes
4) When the TP cannot be located in the address given
in the return LETTER NOTICE- issued to explain variances on tax
5) When warrant of distraint or levy is duly served and payments based on matching with third-party information
no property could be located. (e.g. Summary list of sales v. Summary List of Purchases)
6) When TP is out of the Philippines.
LETTER OF AUTHORITY- in-depth investigation
SUSPENSION of Period of Assessment/Collection
On waivers- (as RMO 20-90, as amended by RMO 14- Taxpayer’s remedies
A. Administrative Protest of Assessment
1. Not necessarily in the form prescribed by RMO 20- B. Claim for Refund
90. Valid for as long as following are complied with: C. Appeal to the CTA

a) Waiver executed before expiration of period to Assessment Process (under RMO 12-99)
ASSESS or to COLLECT. Date of execution should Filing of return-> letter of authority-> informal
be indicated in waiver; conference-> PAN-> FAN-> Administrative protest-> final
b) Signed by taxpayer or duly authorized decision on disputed assessment-> appeal to CIR-> judicial
representative; appeal
c) Should state the EXPIRY date of Period agreed upon
to assess/collect tax. Due Process Requirements in the Issuance of Tax
Assessment (RR 18-13)
2. Except for waiver on COLLECTION, not required to
indicate specific taxes assessed.

3. TP charged with burden of ensuring that waivers are PAN FLD/FAN FDDA
validly executed by its authorized representative.
Authority of rep. Who participated on audit cannot
be contested to invalidate waiver.

4. Not required to be notarized. Required to be in NOTE: Notice for Informal Conference (NIC)-
WRITING. reintroduced under RR 7-2018

5. Since voluntary on part of TP, shall take effect and

be binding on TP upon execution.

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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

Procedure in Protesting the Assessment o To verify estate taxes when TP has no other tax
o Processing of VAT refund claims under Sec. 112
NIC o Claims for tax refund of Job Order Personnel
o Claims for tax refund for erroneous/double payment
of taxes

PAN LETTER NOTICE – Issued to explain variances on tax

payments based on matching with third-party
information(eg. Summary list of sales v. Summary list of
LETTER OF AUTHORITY – In-depth Investigation. There
is no substitute for LOA. In 120 days, it needs to be done.

ADMIN PROTEST o LOA tells you who are the personnel assigned to
o Memorandum of Assignment
o Process Starts with LOA
FDDA o If none, there will be no valid assessment
o This should cover one taxable year

XPN: If there is a tax force (POGO already has a tax force for
APPEAL TO CIR assessment. The LOA covers more than one-year)


1. In writing
2. Contain discrepancies in the TP’s tax payments to
Remedies in conjunction with the BIR authority to afford TP opportunity to present his/her/its side
collect taxes 3. Shall not extend beyond 30 days
4. If assessment is disputed, within 7 days from
o LGU are proactive in making assessment.
conclusion of the informal conference, BIR official
o This is for DUE PROCESS
shall endorse case to Assessment Division or
CIR/DULY authorized rep. for issuance of PNA.

SUSPENSION of Period of Assessment/Collection

On Waivers – As RMO 20-90, as amended by RMO 14-2016
1. In Writing
1. Not Necessarily in the form prescribed by RMO 20- 2. Must contain the facts and law on which it is based
90. Valid for as long as ff. are complied with: otherwise, void
3. NO PAN = Void assessment for lack of due process.
a) Waiver executed before expiration of period to Substantive and not merely a formal requirement
ASSESS or to COLLECT. Date of execution 4. TP must be given an opportunity to respond to the
should be indicated in waiver – YOU WILL BE PAN; otherwise, the FAN issued shall be void
THE ONE TO ASSESS, BIR WILL CHECK. 5. 15 days to respond to the PAN.
6. SCENARIO: If a REPLY of a FAN was sent a day
b) Signed by taxpayer or duly authorized after the TP responds to the PAN, there is no
representative violation of due process.
7. However, if a FAN is sent without a REPLY, will be
c) Should state the EXPIRY date of period, agreed a violation of due process.
upon to assess/collect tax. 8. MUST indicate the specific period within which the
2. Except for waiver on COLLECTION, not required to alleged tax liabilities shall be paid
indicate specific taxes assessed. 9. NOT REQUIRED WHEN:
a. Mathematical Error – Merely factual, no
b. Discrepancy between the tax withheld and
Issued for the ff. cases (by head of Office) not requiring in- the amount actually remitted
depth investigation

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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

c. Taxpayer who opted to claim a refund or tax 2. Date of the assessment notice; and
credit of excess CWT carried over the
amount – PLEASE RECALL: 3. The applicable law, rules and regulations, or
i. Witholding Tax- Income payee and jurisprudence on which his protest is based,
Income recepient. otherwise, his protest shall be considered void and
d. Excise tax has not been paid without force and effect.
e. An article locally purchased or imported by
and exempt person has been sold or traded FINAL DECISION ON DISPUTED ASSESSMENT
to non-exempt persons. Ex. PEZA. (FDDA)


If the protest is denied, in whole or in part, by the
1. Must be in writing. Contains name address, TIN; kind of commissioner’s duly authorized representative, the taxpayer
tax, period covered, basic tax and penalites: date tax must be may either:
paid. It will include a summary table, and will be attached
with a details of discrepancy, and possible sources. 1. Appeal to the CTA within thirty (30) days from date
of receipt of the said decision; or
2. State the facts, the law, rules, regulation, or jurisprudence
on which assessment is based; otherwise, the assessment 2. Elevate his protest through request for
shall be void. reconsideration to the Commissioner within thirty
(30) days from date of receipt of the said decision.
3. Signed by the CIR or his authorized rep. (RR 18-13)

4. Issued within the prescriptive period under the law or JUDICIAL APPEAL
extended period agreed upon between the parties
o Within 30 days from denial of protest or denial of
5. Served by personal delivery or be registered mail to proper request for reconsideration to the CIR; OR within 30
person days from lapse of 180 days from the filing of protest

6. FAN is covered by validly issued LOA o Petition for Review before the CTA


1. Within 30 days from receipt of FLD/FAN o Deficiency Interest: Computed from the 1M
o Delinquency Interest: Computed from the 1.4M
2. Request for Reconsideration or Request for SEC. 229. Recovery of Tax Erroneously or Illegally
Reinvestigation Collected. - no suit or proceeding shall be maintained in
3. In case of Reinvestigation, submit documents within any court for the recovery of any national internal revenue
60 days from filing of protest – STRICT tax hereafter alleged to have been erroneously or illegally
COMPLIANCE NEEDED assessed or collected, or of any penalty claimed to have
been collected without authority, of any sum alleged to
Request for Reconsideration have been excessively or in any manner wrongfully
collected without authority, or of any sum alleged to have
- A plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the basis been excessively or in any manner wrongfully collected,
of existing records without addtl evidence. It may until a claim for refund or credit has been duly filed with
involve both a question of fact or of law or both. the Commissioner; but such suit or proceeding may be
maintained, whether or not such tax, penalty, or sum has
Request for Reinvestigation been paid under protest or duress.

- A plea of re-evaluation of an assessment on the basis In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed after
of newly discovered or additional evidence that a the expiration of two (2) years from the date of payment of
taxpayer intends to present in the reinvestigation. It the tax or penalty regardless of any supervening cause
may also involve a question of fact or of law or both. that may arise after payment: Provided, however, That the
Commissioner may, even without a written claim therefor,
The taxpayer shall state in his protest: refund or credit any tax, where on the face of the return
upon which payment was made, such payment appears
1. Nature of protest whether reconsideration or clearly to have been erroneously paid.
reinvestigation, specifying newly discovered or addtl
evidence he intends to present if it is a request for

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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

Section 229 vs. section 112 (A) adjustment return on or before April 15,1982 when its tax
liability for 1981 fell due. (ACCRA Investments Corp. vs. CA)
o Claim for refund under section 112 (A) for
unutilized input VAT payments attributable to zero- In filing for claims for excess and unutilized creditable
rate sales- must be filed with CIR within 2 years withholding taxes, TP should satisfy the ff. Conditions:
QUARTER when the sales were made. 1. The claim is filed with the CIR within 2 year period.
2. The fact of withholding is established by copies of the
1. The CIR has 90 days (120) days to decide on the certificates of tax withheld (BIR Form No. 2307)
claim. 3. It is shown that the income payment received (which
was the source of withholding) was declared as part
2. Within 30 days from the decision of the CIR (before of gross income of the TP.
the lapse of the 30 day period) of within 30 days from 4. The excess and unutilized CWT not carried over and
the lapse of the 90 (120) day period, and no action used in subsequent taxable periods.
from the CIR, the TP shall file an appeal with the - You can apply it against your input tax or you
CTA. (CIR v. Aichi, G.R, No, 184823, October 10, carry it forward (doesn’t expire)
 The proper party to seek a refund of indirect tax is
o Claim for refund under Section 229- must be filed the statutory taxpayer
within 2 years from DATE OF ACTUAL PAYMENT.
- Administrative and Judicial Claim must be filed o The proper party to question, or seek refund of, an
within the 2-year period. indirect tax is the statutory taxpayer, or the person
on whom the tax is imposed by law and who paid the
o Final Adjustment Return- April 15 same even if he shifts the burden thereof to another.
o When do you withhold?
- It is reckoned from the time of the erroneous o In a decided case, Petron is the proper party to seek
payment of tax a refund even if passed on the indirect tax to Silkair.
(Silkair v. CIR)
o The seller is the one liable, as he is the one
statutorily liable to pay the VAT.
o PEZA registered entities- exempt JUDICIAL REMEDY

o Sec. 112 speaks of zero-rated sale transaction. A. Jurisdiction of CTA

Exporters to foreign territory. B. Who may appeal
C. Mode of Appeal
o Tax refunds founded principally on the legal
principle of solutio indebiti (UNJUST I. Exclusive Jurisdiction to Review by

Tax refunds may be based on the following: 1. Decision of the CIR in cases involving disputed
assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees
A. Erroneously or Illegally Assessed or Collected ITR or other charges or other matters arising under the
B. Penalties imposed without Authority NIRC or other laws administered by the BIR (mode:
C. Any sum alleged to have been excessive or in any petition for review under Rule 42)
manner wrongfully collected.
2. Inaction by the CIR in cases involving disputed
Requirements for Claim for Refund assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees
or other charges, penalties in relation three to, or
Counting of 2 year period other matters arising from NIRC or other laws
administered by the BOR, where the zanria provides
1) When tax paid in installments- period of two years a specific period for action, in which case the inaction
counted from date of final payment. Partial payment shall be deemed a denial (mode: petition for review
of tax cannot be made basis of claim for refund. (Coll. under Rule 42)
Of Internal Revenue v. Prieto)
3. Decisions, orders or resolutions of the RTC in
2) In case of payments effected through withholding local tax cases originally decided in the exercise of
tax system- 2 year period counted from the date of their original or appellate jurisdiction ( mode:
filing of the adjusted final tax return. Petition for review under Rule 43)

The petitioner corp. not claiming a refund of overpaid WT, 4. Decisions of the Commission of Customs (COC)
per se. It is asking for recovery of the amount refundable or in class involving liability of customs duties, fees or
creditable determined upon petition’s corp. filing of its final other money charges, seizure, detention or release of
property affected, fines, forfeitures, or other
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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

penalties in relation thereto, or other matters

arising under Customs law or other laws o From judgements, resolutions or orders of the RTC
administered by the BOC (mode: petition for review originally decided by them, via an appeal.
under a rule 42) o From judgements, resolutions or orders of the RTC
in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction in tax
5. Decisions of the Central Board Assessment collection cases originally decided by the MeTC,
Appeals (CBAA) in the exercise of its appellate MTC and MCTC, via a petition for review.
jurisdiction over cases involving the assessment and
taxation of real property originally decided by the Who may appeal?
provincial or city board of Assessment appeals
(mode: petition for review under Rule 43) Any party adversely affected by a decision, ruling or inaction
of the CIR. COC, Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Trade,
6. Decision of the Sec. of a Finance on customs cases Secretary of Agriculture, or the RTC, May file an appeal-
elevated to them automatically for review from
decisions of the COC which are adverse to the a) Within thirty (30) days after receipt of adverse
government under Sec. 2315 of the Tariff and decision or ruling; OR
Customs Code (mode: petition for review under Rule b) After the expiration of the period fixed by law for
42) action, in which case the inaction shall be deemed a
7. Decisions of the Secretary of Trade and
Industry, in cases of non agricultural product, What is the mode of appeal?
commodity or article and the Secretary of
Agriculture in cases of agricultural product, 1. Appeal by petition for review under procedure
commodity or article involving dumping and analogous to Rule 42 of 1997 Rules of Civil
countervailing duties, and safeguard measures Procedure
(under RA 8808). Where either party may appeal to
the decision to impose or not impose said duties o A CTA Division will hear the appeal
(mode: petition for review under Rule 42) o In case of adverse decision of the CTA Division,
II. Criminal and Civil Cases- party adversely affected may file a MR or Motion for
New Trial (MNT) before same CTA Division.
The criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the o In case of adverse decision by CTA Division on MR
recovery of civil liability for taxes and penalties shall at all or MNT, adverse party may file petition for evils
times be simultaneously instituted with and jointly with CTA En Banc.
determined in the proceeding before the CTA.
2. Appeals with respect to decisions of rulings of the
1. Exclusive ORIGINAL jurisdiction CBAA and RTC in the exercise of appellate
jurisdiction- file analogous procedure to petition for
a) Violations of the NIRC, Tariff and Customs Code review under Rule 43 of RCP with the CTA, which
and other laws administered by the BIR or shall hear case en Banc.
BOC, where the principal amount of taxes and
fees, exclusive of charges and penalties claimed is P 3. In case of adverse decision of CTA En Banc- file a
1 Million and ABOVE Verified Petition fro Review on Certiorari with the
Supreme Court under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of
2. Exclusive APPELLATE jurisdiction Civil Procedure.

a) Violations of NIRC, TCC and other laws A. ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES

administered by the BIR and CLC
originally decided by the regular court 1. TAX LIEN
where the principal amount of taxes and
fees is LESS than P 1 Million or NO a) An unpaid internal revenue tax, together with
specified amount claimed. related interest, penalties and costs, constitutes a
lien in favor of the government from the time an
b) Judgements, resolutions or orders of the Assessment is made and until paid, upon all
RTC in tax cases originally decided by property and rights to property and rights to
them. property belonging to the TP under Section 219 of
c) Judgements, resolutions or orders of the
RTC in the exercise of their appellate b) HOWEVER, the lien is NOT VALID against any
jurisdiction over tax cases originally mortgagee, purchaser or judgement creditor until
decided by the MeTC, MTC and MCTC via notice of such lien shall have been filed in the
a petition for review. register of deeds of the province or city where the
property of the TP is located.
d) Tax collection cases-
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c) A tax lien is a legal claim or charge on property 6. Two days after sale, officer making sale shall make
(whether real or personal) established by law as a a report of his proceedings in writing to the CIR.
security for the payment of tax obligations. (HK
Shanghai Banking Corp. v. Rafferty) 7. When amount bid for distraint property is not equal
to amount of tax due or very much less than the
actual MV of goods, the CIR or his deputy may
d) A tax lien created in favor of the government is purchase the same in behalf of the government.
superior to all other claims or preferences. (Rep. v.
Peralta) 8. Property purchase may be resold by the CIR or his
deputy subject to rules prescribed by Sec. of Finance.


Distraint is a remedy where the collection of the tax is a) Under the Section 296, the CIR to safeguard the
enforced on the goods, chattels or effects of the TP including interest of Government, May place under
other personal property of whatever character, including constructive distraint the property of a delinquent
stocks, and other securities, debts, credits, bank accounts and taxpayer who, in his opinion is:
interests I neights to personal property.
1. Retiring from any business subject to tax
a) This is resorted to upon failure of the person. Owing 2. Intending to leave the PH or to remove his property
any delinquent tax to pay the same at the time therefrom or to hide or conceal his property;
required. It consists of seizure of goods, chattels or 3. Intending to perform any act tending to instruct the
effects, and personal property of such persons in proceedings for collecting the tax due or which may
sufficient quantity to satisfy tax, together with any be due from him.
increment thereto incident to delinquency, and the
expenses of the distraint of cost of subsequent sale. b) Specifies cases when a Notice/ Warrant of
(Sec. 207 (A)) Constructive Distraint may be issued: (RMC-
No. 5-2001)
b) Procedure for Actual Distraint (Sec. 208-212 of
NIRC) 1. When a TP who applies for retirement from business
has huge amount of assessment pending with the
1. Officers serving warrant shall make an BIR.An Assessment is huge if amount is equal to or
account of goods or other personal property bigger than net worth or equity of TP;
distrained, a copy of which signed by himself, shall
be left either with the owner or person from 2. When a TP who is under investigation has a record
whose possession such goods were taken, or at of leaving the PH at least 2x year unless such trips
the dwelling or place of business of such are justified and/or connected with his
person with someone of suitable age, to which business/profession/employment.
lost shall be added a statement of the sum demanded
and note of the time and place of sale. 3. When a TP other than a banking institution, who is
under investigation has a record of transferring his
2. The RDO or authorized representative shall cause a bank deposits. And other valuable personal
notification to be exhibited in NOT LESS THAN 2 property/ies from the Phil to any foreign country;
public places (one of which is Office of Mayor of
municipality/city where property is located) in the 4. When a TP uses aliases in bank accounts, other than
municipality or city where the distraint is made, the name for which he is legally and/or popularly
specifying TIME/PLACE of sale and ARTICLES known;
5. When the TP keeps bank deposits and owns other
The TIME of sale shall not be less than 20 days after property/ies under the name of other persons,
notice to owner or possessor of property or whether or not related to him and the same are not
publication or posting of such notice. under any lawful trust capacity;

3. At the appointed time of sale, the distraint articles 6. When the TP’s big amount of undeclared income is
shall be sold, at public auction, to he highest bidder. known to the public or to theBIR by credible means
and there is strong reason to believe that TO will
4. Any residue over and above what is required to pay have tendency to hide/conceal his property/ies;
entire claim shall be returned to the owner.
A “big amount of umderdeclared income” means an amount
5. Any time prior to the sale, if all charges are paid to EXCEEDING 30% of TP’s gross sales/revenues declared per
officer conducting the sale, the goods distrained return.
shall be released to the owner.

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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

7. When the BIR receives information or complaint general circulation in the municipality/city
pertaining to underdeclared income in an amount where the property is located.
exceeding 30% of gross sales, gross receipts or gross iii. Contains a (a) statement of amount of
revenues declared per return of TP, and there is taxes and penalties due; (b) time & place of
credible and substantial evidenced supporting this. sale; (c) name of TP against whom taxes
are levied; and (d) short description of
c. Procedure: property.
5. At any time before date of sale, the TP May
1) TP or person having possession or control of property discontinue all proceedings by laying the taxes,
shall sign a receipt covering the property distraint penalties and interests. Otherwise, the sale shall
and obligating himself to preserve said property proceed.
intact and unaltered and not to dispose of the same
in any manner without express authority from CIR. 6. Within 5 days after sale, a return by the levying
officer shall be entered upon the records of the
2) In case of refusal or failure to sign receipt by TP or Revenue Collection Officer, Revenue District Officer
person in possession of property, the revenue officer and Regional Director.
effecting the distraint shall proceed to prepare a list
of such property, and in the presence of two (2) 7. The Revenue Collection Officer, in consultation with
witnesses, leave a copy of said list in the the RDO, shall make out and deliver to the
premises where the property distrained is purchaser a Certificate of Sale-
located, after which property is deemed to
have been placed under constructive distraint. i. Showing the proceedings of sale;
ii. Describing property sold;
4. LEVY OF REAL PROPERTY iii. Stating the name of the purchaser; and
iv. Setting out exact amount of taxes, penalties and
a) Levy refers to the seizure of real properties and interest.
interest in or rights to such properties for the
satisfaction of taxes due from the delinquent TP. 8. In case proceeds of sale exceeds the claim and cost of
Levy can be made BEFORE, SIMULTANEOUSLY sale, the excess shall be turned over to the owner of
or AFTER the distraint of personal property. RP.

b) Procedure on Levy (Sec. 208-212 of NIRC) 9. Within 1 year from date of sale, the delinquent TP,
or any one for him, shall have the right of paying to
1. Revenue Officer designated by CIR or his duly the RDO the amount of taxes, penalties and interest
authorized representative shall prepare a duly there on from date of delinquency to the date of sale,
authenticated certificate showing the name of the together with interest on said purchase price to date
TP and the amounts of tax and penalty due from of redemption.
2. Levy shall be effected by writing upon said 10. The payment by TP of the required amounts during
certificate the description of real property (RP) upon the redemption period-
which levy is made.
i. Shall entitle the person paying to the
3. A written notice of the levy shall be mailed to delivery of the certificate issued to the
or serviced upon the Register of Deeds of purchaser and a certificate from the said
province/city where RO is located and upon the RDO that he has redeemed the property;
delinquent TP, or if TP is absent from Phil., to his
agent or manager of business, or if none, to occupant ii. RDO shall pay over to the purchaser the
of the RP. amount by which such property has been
redeemed; and
4. Within 20 days after levy, the officer conducting the iii. Property shall be free from all lien of such
proceedings shall advertise the RO or usable portion taxes and penalties.
thereof as May be necessary to satisfy the claim and
cost of sale. Advertisement shall be for a period of at 11. Note, however that the owner shall not be deprived
least 30 days. of the possession of the RP and shall be entitled to
the rents and other income thereof until expiration
The advertisement shall- of the redemption period.

i. By posting a notice at main entrance of 5. FORFEITURE TO GOVERNMENT

municipal/city hall and in a public place in
barrio/district where RP is located; and a) In case there is no bidder on RP, or the highest
ii. Be by publication 1x a week for 3 bid is insufficient to pay the taxes, penalties and
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of costs, the revenue officer shall declare the RP

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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

forfeited in favor of the government. (Section b) The extinction of one’s criminal liability does not
215 of NIRC)\ necessarily result in the extinguishment of his civil
liability. Similarly, the subsequent satisfaction of a
b) Two days thereafter, the revenue officer shall tax liability will not operate to extinguish the
make a return of his proceedings. criminal liability.

c) The Register of Deeds concerned, upon c) The criminal complaint is instituted not to demand
registration with his officer of the declaration of payment of tax but to penalize the taxpayer for the
forfeiture, SHALL transfer the title of the RP violation of the Tax code.
forfeited to the Government without the
necessity of an order from the competent court. COMPROMISE AND ABATEMENT

d) Within 1 year from date of such forfeiture, the 1. Cases which may be compromised:
TP, or any for him, may redeem said property by
paying the CIR or the latter’s Revenue a) Delinquent accounts;
Collection Officer the full amount of taxes and b) Cases under administrative Protest after issuance of
penalties, together with interests and cost of FAN to TP which are still pending with the BIR;
sale. c) Civil tax cases being disputed before the courts;
d) Collection cases filed in court;
e) If not redeemed, the forfeiture shall become e) Criminal violations other than those already filed in
absolute. court or those involving criminal tax fraud; and
f) Cases covered by PAN but taxpayer is not agreeable
6. The remedy of distraint or personal property and to findings.
levy on real property may be repeated if necessary
until the full amount due, including all expenses, is 2. Doubtful Validity as basis for compromise:
located. An application for compromise may be accepted on this basis
when it is shown-
7. An injunction is not available to restrain collection
of tax. No court shall have authority to grant the a) The delinquent account or disputed Assessment is
injunction to restrain the collection of any internal one resulting from jeopardy assessment, i.e., tax
revenue tax imposed by the NIRC. assessment which was assessed without the benefit
of complete or partial audit; or
Exception: when the decision of the CIR is pending b) The assessment to be arbitrary appearing to be
appeal before the CTA, the CTA May enjoin the based on presumptions and there is reason to believe
collection of taxes if such collection will jeopardize that it is lacking in legal and/or factual basis; or
the interest of the government and/or TP. In such c) The TP failed to elevate to the CTA an adverse
case, the court, at any stage of the proceeding, may decision of the CIR, within 30 days, and there is
suspend the collection of tax and require the TP reason to believe that assessment is lacking in legal
either to (a) deposit the amount claimed; or (b) to idle and/or factual basis; or
surety bond for more than double the amount with d) The assessment is made based on Best Evidence
court. Obtained Rule, and there is reason to believe that
the same can be disputed by sufficient evidence; or
B. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL ACTION e) The assessment was issued within prescriptive
period as extended by waiver, the authenticity of
1. A civil action is resolved to when a tax liability such waiver is being questioned and there is strong
becomes collectible, i.e., the assessment becomes reason to believe and evidence to prove that it is not
final and unappealable, or the decision of the CIR authentic; or
has become final, executory and demandable. f) An assessment is based on an issue where a court of
competent jurisdiction has ruled against the CIR,
Note, however, that a civil action for tax collection but for which the SC has not decided upon with
filed with the regular courts cannot be instituted finality.
without the approval of the CIR. (Sec. 220, NIRC)
the authority to file a case, not being one of those 3. Financial Incapacity ass basis for compromise:
non-delegable powers, may be delegated by the CIR.
- An application for compromise may be accepted
2. A criminal action cannot be instituted also without on the basis when it is shown-
approval of the CIR. a) The corporation has ceased operation or is already
dissolved; or
a) The remedy of criminal action is resorted to not only b) The TO is suffering from surplus or earnings deficit
for collection of taxes but also for enforcement of resulting to impairment in original capital by at
statutory penalties of all sorts (Sec. 221) least 50%; or
c) The TP is suffering from net worth deficit taken from
the latest AFS;
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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

d) The TP has been granted by the SEC or by any  Sangguniang BARANGAY- barangays
competent tribunal a moratorium or suspension of
payments to creditors, or otherwise declared Procedure for approval and Effectivity of Tax
bankrupt or insolvent. Ordinances

4. Compromise settlement is subject to the ff. Tax Ordinances and Revenue Measure
Minimum amounts:
1) Procedure for approval- shall be in accordance with
a) For cases of financial incapacity- 10% of basic LGC. Public hearings shall be conducted for the
assessed tax; purpose prior to the enactment thereof.
b) For other cases (doubtful validity)- 40% of basic
assessed tax. 2) Appeal to the Sec. of DOJ- any question on the
c) Where basic tax exceeds P 1 million pesos or constitutionality or legality of tax ordinances or
settlement offered is less than minimum rates, the revenue measures may be raised on appeal within
compromise shall be subject to approval of the 30 days from effectivity to Sec. who shall render
National Evaluation Board (NEB), chaired by decision within 60 days from date of receipt.
commissioner and with 4 deputy commissioners as
members. - Such appeal will not suspend effectivity of
ordinance and collection of tax.
5. Cases which cannot be compromised: - Within 30 days after receipt of decision or lapse
of the 60-day period to decide, in case of
a) Witholding tax cases; inaction, TP can file appropriate proceedings
b) Criminal tax fraud cases confirmed as such by the with relevant court.
CIR/duly authorized representative;
c) Criminal violation already filed in court; 3) Publication- within 10 days from approval, certified
d) Delinquent accounts with duly approved schedule of true copies of tax ordinance/revenue measure shall
installment payments; be published in full for 3 consecutive days in
e) Cases where final reports of reinvestigation or newspaper of local circulation, or in the latter’s
reconsideration have been issued resulting to absence, the same may be posted in at least 2
reduction in the original assessment and TP is conspicious and publicly accessible places.
agreeable to such decision by signing the required
agreement form; 4) Furnishing of copies- Copies of all tax ordinances/
f) Cases which become final and executory after final revenue measures should be furnished to the
judgement of court, where compromise is requested respective local treasurers for public dissemination.
on basis of doubtful validity;
g) Estate tax cases where compromise is requested on
the ground of financial incapacity of the TP. FUNDAMENTAL PRINICPLES

TAXING POWER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS  Taxation shall be uniform in each local subunit.
 Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions shall be
Authority to grant tax exemptions EQUITABLE, and based as much as possible on the
taxpayer’s ability to pay.
LGUs may, through ordinances duly approved, grant tax  Taxes shall be levied and collected only for PUBLIC
exemptions, incentives or reliefs. (Sec. 192, LGC) purpose.
 Taxes shall not be UNJUST, EXCESSIVE,
Withdrawal of tax exemption privileges OPPRESSIVE, or CONFISCATORY.
 Taxes shall not be contrary to law, public policy,
Unless otherwise provided in the code, tax exemptions/ national economic policy, or in restraint of trade.
incentives granted to, or presently enjoyed by all persons,  The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other
have been withdrawn by effectivity of the code. (Sec. 193, impositions shall in no case be let to any person.
LGC)  The revenue collected shall inure SOLELY to the
benefit of, and subject to the disposition by, the LGU
Authority to adjust tax rates levying the tax, or fee, charge, or other imposition
unless otherwise specifically provided therein.
LGUs shall have authority to adjust rates not oftener than  Each LGU shall, as far as practicable evolve a
once every 5 years, but in no case shall adjustment exceed progressive system of taxations. (Secs. 2, 130 of
10% of rates fixed under LGC. (Sec. 191, LGC) LGC)

The power shall be exercised by:

 Sangguniang PANLALAWIGAN- province
 Sangguniang PANLUNGSOD- city
 Sanggunuang BAYAN- municipalities
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Unless otherwise provided in the LGC, the exercise of the 15) Taxes, fees or charges of any kind on the National
taxing powers of provinces, cities, municipalities, and Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and
barangays shall not extend to the imposition of the ff: LGUs. (Sec. 133, LGC)
1) Income tax, except when levied on banks and other
financial institutions;
Rule Where Person Already Taxed on His Main
2) DST; Business

3) Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, legacies and When a person is already taxed on his main business, he
other acquisitions mortis causa, except as otherwise cannot be further taxed for an activity incidental or merely a
provided in the Code; part of, and necessary to its main business.

4) Customs duties, registration fees of vessels, and 1) The business of auto supplies and battery charging
wharfage on wharves, tonnage dues, and all other is part of main business of automobile repairing and
kinds of customs fees, charges and dues, except is, therefore not taxable separately.
wharfage on wharves constructed and maintained 2) The right to manufacture implies the right to sell/
by the LGU concerned; distribute the manufactured products.

5) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions upon TAXING POWERS OF PROVINCES
THROUGH, the territorial jurisdictions of LGU in
the guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for bridges or Except as otherwise provided in the LGC, a province may
otherwise, or other taxes, in any form upon such impose only the ff. taxes, fees or charges:
goods or merchandise;
1) Tax on the transfer of real property
6) Taxes, fees or charges on AGRICULTURAL and ownership;
AQUATIC products when sold by MARGINAL
FARMERS OR FISHERMEN; a) Transfer covered- sale, donation, barter or any other
mode (eg. Foreclosure) of transferring ownership of
7) Taxes on business enterprises certified to by the BOI real property.
as PIONEER or NON-PIONEER for a period of 6
years and 4 years, resp., from date of registration. b) Rate of tax- not exceed 50% of 1% of total
consideration or of the FMV, in case the monetary
8) Excise taxes on articles enumerated under the consideration is not substantial, whichever is
NIRC, as amended, and taxes, fees and charges on higher. (Most LGUs tax vase is HIGHER of zonal
petroleum products; and FMV)

9) Percentage or VAT on sales, barters or exchanges or c) Duties of Officials relative to payment of transfer tax
similar transactions on goods or services except as
otherwise provided in the LGC; d) Real property covered- lands, buildings and
10) Taxes on the gross receipts of transportation
contractors and persons engaged in the e) Time of payment- Seller/donor/transferor/ executor/
transportation of passengers or freight by hire and administrator to pay tax within 60 days from date of
common carriers by air, land or water, except as execution of the deed, (sale/donation/ or other mode
provided in the Code; of disposition), or 60 days from the date of decedent’s
11) Taxes on premiums paid by way of reinsurance or f) Exemption from tax- sale/transfer of real property
retrocession; pursuant to CARP law is exempt from tax.

12) Taxes, fees, or charges for the registration of motor g) Duties of Officials relative to payment of transfer
vehicles and for the issuance of all kinds of licenses tax:
or permits for the driving thereof, except tricycles;
 The concerned RD, before registering a deed, shall
13) Taxes, fees or charges on Philippine products require presentation of proof of payment of transfer
actually exported, except as otherwise provided in tax.
the LGC;  The provincial assessor shall also make same
requirement before cancelling an old Tax decl. and
14) Taxes, fees or charges, on Countryside and issuing a new one.
Barangay Business Enterprises, and duly registered  Notaries public shall furnish the Provincial
cooperatives under the Cooperative Code of the Treasurer within 30 days from date of notarization
Philippines, resp.; and before him of any deed transferring ownership of
real property with copy of said deed. (Sec. 135, LGC)
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at rate of not more than 3-% of gross receipts from

2) Tax on the business of printing and admission fees.
publication; c) In case of theaters/cinemas, tax first deducted and
withheld by proprietors/lessees/operators and paid
a) Coverage- persons engaged in printing and/or to province. Treasurer before GR divided between
publication of books, cards, posters, pamphlets, and PLO and distributors of cinematographic films.
others of similar nature. d) Exempt from payment of tax: holding of operas,
b) Rate of tax- 50% of 1% gross annual receipts for the concerts, dramas, recitals, paintings, literary and
preceding calendar year. In case of newly started oratorical presentations, except pop/rock or similar
business, 1/20 of 1% of capital investment. concerts.
c) Exemption from tax- receipts from printing and/or e) Amusement tax is a tax on admission to theaters or
publishing books or other reading materials by the places of amusement. (not a tax on theaters or places
DECS, as school texts or references are not subject of amusement or privilege of holding shows)
to tax imposed. f) Liability for payment of tax attaches upon sale of
admission ticket although tax payable at later date
3) Franchise tax; by PLO.

a) Franchise generally refers to a special privilege 7) Annual fixed tax per delivery truck or van of
conferred by the Govt. on an individual or corp., manufacturers or producers and wholesalers of, or
which does not belong to the citizens by common dealers in, certain products. (Secs. 134-141, LGC)
right. Under PH Law, this has reference to franchise
for operation of street railway, electric light, power a) In the delivery or distribution of distilled spirits,
and telephone lines which are granted by the fermented liquors, softdrinks, cigars and cigarettes
legislature. and other products that may be determined by Sang.
b) Coverage- notwithstanding any exemption, province Panlalawigan.
may impose a tax on businesses enjoying franchise b) In an amount not exceeding 500 pesos.
based on gross receipts realized within its territorial c) Manufacturers/producers/wholesales/dealers-
jurisdiction. exempt from tax on peddlers.
c) Rate of tax- shall not exceed 50% of 1% of gross
annual receipts for the preceding year. In case of
newly started business, 1?20 of 1% of capital TAXING POWERS OF MUNICIPALITIES
Except as otherwise provided in the LGC, a municipality may
4) Tax on sand, gravel and other quarry impose only the ff. taxes, fees or charges:
1) Taxes, fees and charges not otherwise levied by
a) Amount of tax- not more than 10% of FMV in provinces (Sec. 142)
locality per cubic meter of quarry resources 2) Tax on business (Sec. 143)
extracted from public lands. Does not extend to 3) Fees and charges on business and occupation and
lands leased for mining purposes or those covered by practice of any profession or calling (Sec. 147)
mining claims. - Fees and charges commensurate with cost of
b) Issuance of permit- permit to extract issued regulation, inspection and licensing before any
exclusively by provincial governor pursuant to person may engage in such business or
ordinance of Sang. Panlalawigan. occupation or practice of profession or calling.
4) Fees for sealing and licensing weights and measures
5) Professional tax; (Sec. 148);
5) Fishery rentals, fees and charges (Sec. 149);
a) Levied on each person engaged in exercise or o Exclusive authority to grant fishery privileges
practice of his profession requiring government o Issue licenses for operation of fishing vessels of
examination 3 tons or less
b) Paid to province where he practices profession or
where he maintains principal office. Tax on Business
c) Payable annually, on or before January 31
d) Fixed tax on the privilege of exercising or engaging 1) Manufacturers, assemblers, repackers, processors,
in profession- not based on amount of earnings. brewers, distillers, rectifiers, and compounders of
liquor, distilled spirits, and wines OR manufacturers
6) Amusement tax; and of any articles of commerce of whatever kind or
nature- rate not exceeding 37% 1/2% of 1%.
a) Amusement places includes theaters, cinemas, 2) Wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any article of
concert halls, circuses and other places of commerce of whatever kind or nature- rate not
amusement where one seeks admission. exceeding 50% of 1%.
b) Tax on admission to be collected by 3) Exporters, AND on manufacturers, millers,
proprietors/lessees/operators of amusement places producers, wholesalers, distributors, dealers or
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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

retailers of ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES c) Where plantation and factory located at different

enumerated below- rate not exceeding ½ of 37 1/2 % places- 70% shall be divided as follows:
of `1%, 50% of 1% and 1%/2%;
a) Rice and corn i. 60% to the city/ municipality where factory is
4) Retailers- P400K or less (2%); more than P400K located; and
(1%); provided Brgy. has exclusive power to levy tax ii. 40% to city or municipality where plantation is
(Sec. 152) on GS/GR of P50K or less (in case of cities), located.
and P30K or less (in case of municipalities)
5) Contractors and other independent contractors-
P2M or more-rate not exceeding 50% of 1% TAXING POWERS OF CITIES
6) Banks and other financial institutions- not
exceeding P50 per peddler. Except as otherwise provided in the LGC, a city may levy the
7) On any business not otherwise specified herein, taxes, fees and charges which the province or municipality
which Sanggunian deem proper to tax- rate not may impose.
exceeding P50 per peddler.
8) On any business not otherwise specified herein, 1) Rates of taxes that city may levy may exceed the
which Sanggunian deem proper to tax- rate not maximum rates allowed for the province or
exceeding 2% of gross sales of preceding year. municipality by not more than 50% except for rates
- Municipalities within Metro Manila may levy of professional and amusement taxes.
taxes at rates which shall no exceed 50% the
maximum rates herein prescribed. TAXING POWERS OF BARANGAYS

Payment of business tax Except as otherwise provided in the LGC, a barangay may
impose only the ff: taxes, fees or charges:
 Payable every separate or distinct establishment or
place where business subject to tax is conducted. 1) Taxes on stores/retailers with gross sales/receipts of
preceding calendar year of P50K or less ( in case of
 One line of business does not become exempt by cities); P30K or less (in case od municipalities)- rate
being conducted with some other business for which not exceeding 1%;
tax has been paid.
2) Service fees or charges- reasonable fees for
 In case two businesses with same tax rates- tax shall regulating use of barangay- owned properties or
be computed on the combined gross receipts of the 2 service facilities such as palay, copra, or tobacco
businesses. dryers;

 In case of two businesses subject to different tax 3) Barangay clearance- precondition to issuing
rates- gross receipts separately reported for business permit;
computing the tax.
4) Other fees and charges-
Situs of Business Tax
a) On commercial breeding of fighting cocks, cockfights
 Recording of Sales/ Payment of Tax- for collection of and cockpits;
tax on business (manufacturers, asssemblers, b) On places of recreation which charge admission fees;
repackers etc.) and
a) If maintaining a branch/ sales outlet (elsewhere)- c) On billiards, signboards, neon signs, and outdoor
sales recorder in the branch/ sales outlet making the advertisements.
sale or transaction.
- Business tax paid to municipality where COMMON REVENUE -RAISING POWERS
branch/sales outlet is located.
b) If no branch/ sales outlet- sales recorded in the Under the LGC, provinces, cities, municipalities and
principal office and business tax paid in the barangays are authorized to impose and collect the ff:
municipality where principal office is located.
1) Service fees and charges- reasonable fees for sevices
 Sales Allocation- shall apply to manufacturers, rendered
assemblers, contractors, produces and exporters 2) Public utility charges- LGUs may fix rates for
with factories, project offices, plants and plantations operation of public utilities owned, operated and
in the pursuit of business. maintained by them with their jurisdiction.
3) Tolls, fees and charges- concerned sanggunian may
a) 30%of all sales recorded in principal office- taxable fix rates and prescrible the terms for imposition of
where principal office is located. toll fees or charges for the use of any public road, pier
b) 70% of all recorded in principal office- taxable by city or wharf, waterway, bridge, ferry or
where factory, project office, plant or plantation is telecommunication system funded and constructed
located. by concerned LGU.
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- When public safety and welfare requires, 1) Issuance of Notice of Assessment by concerned
collection of tolls may be discontinued and use treasurer
of the public facility be free and open for public 2) Filing of written protest- within 60 days from receipt
use. of notice of assessment, otherwise assessment
becomes finals and executory;
COMMUNITY TAX 3) Decision of Treasurer- local treasurer shall decide
within 60 days from filing of protest.
Cities or Municipalities may levy community tax 4) Appeal- TP shall have 30 days from receipt of denial
of protest or from lapse of 60 day period to decide, in
Who are liable: case of inaction, to appeal with court of competent
jurisdiction; otherwise, assessment becomes
Individuals- every inhabitant of the PH conclusive and unappealable.

o 18 years old or over; or  Claim for Refund or Tax Credit

o Regularly employed for at least 30 days; or
o Engaged in business or occupation; or 1) Written claim for refund precondition to filing
o Owns real property; or judicial claim for refund for recovery of any
o Required to file ITR tax/fee/charge erroneously or illegally collected.
o Rate- P 5.00 + annual addtl. Tax of P1/P1,000 but no
case shall exceed P5K 2) No case or proceeding in court for claim for refund
o Place of payment- place of residence can be entertained after expiration of 2 years from
date of payment of tax/fee/charge, OR from date TP
COLLECTION OF TAXES is entitled to a refund or credit.

Tax period and Manner of Payment  Local Government’s Lien

o Tax period- calendar year  Civil Remedies

o Payable in 4 quarterly installments
1) By administrative action
Accrual of Tax
- Through distraint of goods, chattels, or effect,
o 1st day of January of each year and other personal property of whatever
o New taxes/ fees/ charges or changes in rates shall character, including stocks and other securities,
accrue on 1st day of Quarter next following effectivity debts, credits, bank accounts and interest in and
of ordinance imposing new levies or rates. rights to personal property.
- By levy upon real property and interest in or
TAXPAYER’S REMEDIES rights to real property; and

Period of Assessment 2) By judicial action

3) Either of these remedies or all may be pursued
 5 years from date taxes became due; in case of fraud, concurrently or simultaneously at the discretion of
10 years from date of discovery of fraud or intent to the LGU.
evade tax.
 No action for collection of such taxes (administrative LEVY ON REAL PROPERTY
or judicial) shall be instituted after expiration of
such period.  When made- after expiration of time required to pay
tax, real property may be levied on, before,
Period of Collection simultaneously, or after the distraint of personal
property belonging to delinquent TP.
 5 years from date of assessment
 Binding force- local treasurer shall prepare a duly
Suspension of Period – period suspended for the time authenticated certificate showing the name of TP;
during which: amount of tax, fee or charge and penalty due. Said
certificate shall operate with the force of legal
1) Treasurer is legally prevented from making execution throughout the Philippines.
assessment or collection;
2) TP requests for reinvestigation and executes a  How effected- writing upon said certificate the
waiver in writing before expiration of period to description of property
3) TP is out of country or otherwise cannot be located. o Written notice of levy mailed/served upon
assessor and Register of Deeds where
Protest of Assessment property is located and Assessor/RD shall
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annotate levy on the tax declaration and territory on a specified date in proportion to its
CT, respectively. value.
o Written notice shall also be served on - RPT is an annual ad valorem tax imposed by
delinquent TP, or if absent from the PH, to the LGU on real property within their
his agent or manager of business. jurisdiction, determined on the basis of a fixed
proportion of value of the property.
 Levy after distraint- if the distraint property is
not sufficient to pay for the deficiency tax, concerned  Purpose of property tax
treasurer shall, within 30 days proceed with the
levy. Main source of revenue for LGUs

 Report on the levy- report shall be submitted - Municipalities and barangay share the tax
within 10 days after receipt of the warrant. collected in their respective jurisdictions with
the provinces. In the cities, the barangay where
 Advertisement and Sale the property subject to tax is situated, likewise
share in the real property tax collections.
o w/in 30 days after levy, the local treasurer shall
publicly advertise the sale. Fundamental Principles on Appraisal and Assessment
o Advertisement shall be done by posting a notice of RPT
at the main entrance of municipal/city hall, and 1) RP shall be APPRAISED at its current and fair
by publication 1c a week for 3 weeks in market value.
newspaper of general circulation. 2) RP shall be classified for assessment purposes on the
basis of ACTUAL VALUE.
 Report of the sale and delivery of certificate of sale 3) RP shall be assessed on the basis of a uniform
by local treasurer to the purchaser describing standard of value within each LGU.
property sold, stating all taxes, fees and charges. 4) The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of
RPT shall not be let to any person.
 Redemption of property sold- within 1 year from date 5) The appraisal and assessment of RPT shall be
of sale TP can redeem the property by paying the tax equitable. (Sec. 198, LGC)
+2% per month on the purchase price.
Steps in Assessment of RP
o Right of purchaser- to be paid the price he paid
for +2% per month on the purchase price. - The assessment of RP for ad valorem taxes
o Right of owner- entitled to possession of involves two (2) distinct acts:
property and rentals before redemption.
1. Preparation of a roll or list of all the property subject
Distraint /Levy Exemptions to tax; and

Personal Property exempt from distraint/levy a) The property tax roll (or assessment roll) or schedule
is prepared by the sworn declaration of the owner or
 Tools and implements necessarily used by by a declaration by the assessor himself.
delinquent TP in his trade ir employment b) It is also ting of all taxable and/or tax emery real
 One horse, cow, carabao or beast of burden properties in the name of the owner, or anybody with
necessarily used by TP in his ordinary occupation interest in it.
 Necessary clothing and that of his family
 Household furniture and utensils necessary for 2. Valuation of such property
housekeeping and used for said purpose, value not
exceeding P10K  Declaration of RP by Owner/ Administrator
 Provisions, including crops, actually provided for
individual or family use sufficient for 4 mos. - Declaration of all persons owing or
 Professional libraries of doctors, engineers, lawyers administering RP, including improvements
and judges; therein, to prepare or cause to be prepared and
 1 fishing boat and net not exceeding P10K used by a file which the local assessor, a sworn statement
fishermen to earn his livelihood declaring the true value of their property,
 Any material or article forming part of a house of any whether previously declared or undeclared,
real property taxable or exempt, which shall be the FMV of
property, as determined by declarant.
- Sworn declaration shall be filed with the local
 Nature of Property Taxes assessor once every 3 years. During period from
- Taxes assessed on all property, or all property of January 1 to June 30, starting 1992.
a certain class, Located within a certain
Effects of declaration:
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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

 Schedule of Fair Market Values

1) Binding upon owner
2) Does not create title o Preparation
- An owner who neglects to declare RP, allowing - Preparation of schedule prior to general revision
opportunity for another to declare it in his own - Publication in newspaper of general circulation
name, does not his ownership or estoppel from of schedule of FMVs
claiming the same.
o Assessor’s authority to take evidence
 Declaration of RP acquired or improved by - Assessor may summon owners of the properties
owner/administrator affected by the revision of values

- Within 60 days after acquisition of such o Amendment of Schedule

property or upon completion or occupancy of the - The local assessor may recommend to the
improvement, whichever comes earlier. (Sec. concerned sanggunian amendments to correct
203, LGC) errors in valuation of the schedule of values. The
concerned Sanggunian shall act upon the
 Declaration of RP by Assessor recommendation within 30 days from receipt
thereof, by issuing ordinance.
- In case of refusal of owner to declare within the
time prescribed, in the name of the defaulting  Classes of real property assessment
owner, if known, or against an unknown owner.
(?) o Residential
o Commercial
 Real Property Identification system o Industrial
o Agricultural
- All declarations of real property shall. E kept o Mineral
and filed under a uniform classification system o Timberland
to be established by the local assessor. (Sec. 207, o Special- All lands, buildings and other
LGC) improvements thereon
- Actually, directly and exclusively used for
 Notification of Transfer of RP hospitals, cultural, or scientific purposes;
- Owned and used by local water districts; and
- Any person who shall transfer RP shall notify - Owned by GOCC rendering essential public
the provincial/city/municipal assessor services in the supply and distribution of electric
concerned within 60 days from date of transfer. power

 Duties of Certain Officials  Actual use of property basis for assessment

Register of Deeds o Actual use- purpose for which a property is

principally or predominantly utilized by owner or
 Preparation of abstract of registry showing person in possession. It contemplates “present” as
description of property, their owners, dates of most distinguished from “potential use”.
recent transfer, with copies of deeds of o Actual use determining factor in applying
sale/donation/partition, appropriate percentage or level of assessment to
 Requiring certification of non- delinquency, ie ., that market value of RP as basis of taxation.
real property taxes (current and prior years) and
have been paid prior to registration.  Assessment levels
 Failure to present this may be cause for RD to refuse
registration of the sale/transfer. o Fixed by ordinance
o Applied to the FMV of the RP to determine the
Official Issuing Building Permit assessed value of the RP, that will be subject to the
 Transmittal within 30 days of a copy of building
permit within 30 days of its issuance to concerned  General Revision of Assessments and Property
local assessor where property is situated. Classification

Duty of Geodetic Engineer o The local assessor shall undertake a general revision
of RP assessments within 2 years after effectivity of
 To furnish copy of approved original or subdivision the LGC and every 3 years thereafter. (Sec.
plans executed by them within 30 days from receipt 219,LGC)
of such plans from Land Management Bureau. LRA o Tax assessments by tax examiners are presumed
or HLURB (Sec. 221, LGC) correct and made in good faith with the TP having
the burden of proving otherwise.
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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

the classification and appraisal of properties;

 Valuation of Real Property otherwise there is no tax assessment.
o Assessment is deemed made when the notice is
o The assessment of RP shall not be increased oftener released, mailed or sent to the TP for the purpose of
than ONCE every 3 years except in case of new giving effect to said assessment.
improvements substantially increasing the value of
said property OR of any change in its actual use. APPEAL ON ASSESSMENT
(Sec. 220, LGC)
Appeal on Assessment : appeal to LBAA
o In the ff. instances the concerned local assessor shall
make a classification, appraisal and assessment of  Shall be made by the owner who is not satisfied with
the RP listed and described in the declaration the assessment of his property, within 60 days from
regardless of any previous assessment or TP’s receipt of the written notice of assessment.
valuation thereon:  By filing a petition under oath
 Together with copies of the tax declarations and
1) RP is declared and listed for the first time; such affidavits/documents submitted in support of
2) There is ongoing general revision of the appeal.
classification and assessment; or  Whenever local assessor sends a notice of revised
3) A request is made by the person in whose name the assessment to owner/possessor, the local assessor
property is declared. shall thereafter no longer have any jurisdiction to
entertain any request for review of readjustment.
 Date of Effectivity of Assessment or The appropriate forum is with the LBAA.
Appeal on assessment: Action by the LBAA
o All assessments or reassessments made after the 1st
day of January of the SUCCEEDING year.  The LBAA shall decide the appeal within 120 days
o The reassessment of RP due to any of the following: from date of receipt
 The LBAA, I mother exercise of its appellate
1) Partial or total destruction; jurisdiction, shall have power to summon witnesses,
2) Major change in its actual use; conduct ocular inspection, and issue subpoena and
3) Any great and sudden inflation or deflation of RP subpoena duces tecum.
values;  The Secretary of the LBAA shoal furnish the owner
4) Gross illegality of the assessment when made; or of property and the concerned local assessor with
5) Any abnormal causes; copy of the decision.

Shall be made within 90 days from the date of any such Appeal on Assessment: appeal to CBAA
cause(s) occurred, and shall take effect at the beginning of the
quarter next following the reassessment.  Am unsatisfied property owner May Appeal the
LBAA’s decision to the CBAA within 30 days after
receipt of decision of the Board.
 Assessment of Property subject to back taxes  The decision of the CBAA shall be final and
o RP declared for the first time- shall be assessed for  Appeal on assessments shall not suspend the
taxes period during which it would have been liable collection of the corresponding RPT on the property
but in not case more than 10 years prior to date of as assessed by the local assessor, without prejudice
initial assessment. The taxes shall be computed to subsequent adjustment depending on the final
based on the applicable schedule of values in force decision on the appeal.
during the relevant period/s.
o If the taxes are paid ON OR BEFORE the end of the
quarter following the date of notice of assessment Power to Levy RPT
was received by owner- no interest for delinquency
shall be imposed thereon; otherwise, subject to 2%  A province/city/municipality within Metro Manila
interest/ month from date of receipt until fully paid. May levy an annual ad valorem tax on RP such as
land, building, machinery and other improvement
 Notification of new or revised assessment not expressly exempted.

o In case property is assessed for the first time or Rates of Levy

when existing assessment is increased or decreased-
local assessor shall give written notice within 30  In case of province- not exceeding 1% of the assessed
days of such new or revised assessment. value of RP; and
o A notice of assessment should inform the TP of the
value of a specific property subject to tax, including
© DimDoms 17
TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

 In case of city/municipality within Metro Manila- not Special levies authorized by the LGC- in addition to the basic
exceeding 2% of the assessed value of the RP. realty tax, the LGC authorizes the imposition of the ff.:

Exemptions from RPT- The ff. are exempted:  Additional levy for special education fund (SEF) –
annual tax of 1% of assessed value, proceeds of
1) RP owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any which shall accrue exclusively to the SEF created
of its political subdivision, except when the under the R.A. 5447
beneficial use thereof has been granted, for  Additional ad valorem tax on idle lands- at a rate not
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person in exceeding 5% of the assessed value.
which case, the latter shall be liable.  Special levy by the LGUs- May be imposed on lands
specially benefited by public works projects or
- The law makes no distinction between property improvements by the LGU concerned. It shall not
held in government capacity and those exceed 60% of the actual cost of such projects,
possessed in a proprietary character. including the costs of acquiring land and such other
RP in connection therewith.
2) Charitable institutions, churches, parasonages or
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non profit Idle lands shall include the ff.:
or religious cemeteries, and all lands, buildings and
improvements actually, directly and exclusively  Agricultural lands more that 1 ha. In area suitable
used for religious, charitable or educational for cultivation, dairying, inland fishery, and other
purposes. agricultural uses, ½ of which remain uncultivated by
3) All machines and equipment that are ACTUALLY, owner.
DIRECTLY and EXCLUSIVELY used by local water  Lands, other than agricultural, located in a city or
districts and GOCC engaged in the supply and municipality more than 1,000 sqm, ½ of which
distribution of water and/ or generation and unutilized or unimproved by owner;
transmission of electric power.  Regardless of land area, the above shall also apply
4) All RP OWNED by duly registered cooperatives; and to residential lots in subdivision duly approved by
5) Machinery and equipment used for pollution control proper authorities.
and environmental protection.
Idle lands exempt from tax
Persons liable to RPT
Province/city/municipality within Metro Manila, may exempt
1) Owner or holder of the legal title of the property idle lands for any of the ff. reasons;
2) Where there is a transfer of ownership
1) Force majeure
a. After accrual of the tax, from a non-exempt person 2) Civil disturbance
to an exempt person, the tax must still be paid. 3) Natural calamity
b. After accrual of the tax, from an exempt person to a 4) Any cause which physically or legally prevents the
non- exempt person, there is no liability to pay the owner of person having legal interest in the property
tax because the tax has already vested. from improving, utilizing or cultivation the same.
c. The purchaser is not liable for taxes due before his
acquisition of his property. COLLECTION OF THE TAX


Special Assessment Accrue on the 1st day of January and from the date it shall
constitute a lien on the property, superior to any other lien.
 It is a particular kind of levy imposed on landowners
to meet the cost and/or maintenance of public Payment of tax
improvements financed by a province, city or
municipality, or by the National Government, The law allows payment of tax in 4 equal installments:
 The principle underlying special assessments to
meet the cost of public improvements is that the INSTALLMENT SHOULD BE PAID ON
property upon which they are imposed is peculiarly OR BEFORE
benefit and therefore, the owners do not in fact, pay 1st installment 31 March
anything in excess of what they receive by reason of 2nd installment 30 June
such improvement. 3rd installment 30 September
 Unless a corresponding benefit can be found, no 4th installment 31 December
special assessment may be sustained as it would be
“manifestly unfair” and “palpably arbitrary and Payment under Protest
plain abuse.”
o No protest shall be entertained unless TP pays first
the tax,
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TAXATION LAW II NOTES | Under Atty. Llamado

o An annotation on the TP receipts will be indicated- 1) Issuance of warranty of levy- after the expiration of
“paid under protest” the time required to pay the tax
o The protest must be filed 30 days from payment of
tax, and the local treasurer shall decide on the 1. Warrant shall be mailed to or service upon the
protest within 60 days from filing. delinquent TP, on in case out of the country or
o The tax paid under protest shall be held in trust by cannot be located, the administrator/ occupant
the treasurer concerned. of property.
o If protest decided in favor of TP, treasurer shall
refund the amount paid protested. 2. Written notice of warrant shall be served to the
o In the event protest denied or upon the lapse of the concerned local assessor and Register of Deeds
60-day period, TP shall appeal to the LBAA, and where the property is located who shall
then to the CBAA. annotate the levy on the tax declaration and
TCT, resp.
Payment under Protest
2) Condonation or reduction of RPT and interest
 Payment under protest required only when there is
a tax assessment, the validity of which is being 1. In case of general failure of crops or substantial
questioned. decrease in the price of agricultural or agri-
based products, or calamity in any province, city
Refund of excessive collection or municipality, the concerned sanggunian may
pass an ordinance, upon recommendation of the
 When assessment for basic tac or special levy is Local Disaster Coordinating Council, condoning
found to be illegal or erroneous, TP may file a claim or reducing, wholly or partially, RPT due for
for refund within 2 years from date the TP is entitled succeeding year/s.
to such reduction or adjustment.
2. The President of the PH may, when public
 Treasurer has to decide within 60 days from receipt interest requires, condone or reduce RPT or any
of claim. If denied, or upon lapse of the 60-day interest for any year in any province/
period, TP may appeal to the LBAA, then to the municipality within Metro Manila area/city.

Periods for collection of RPT

 5 years- basic tax and other special levy shall be

collected within 5 years from date they become due.
No action for collection of tax shall be instituted after
expiration of such period.

 10 years- in case of fraud or intent to evade payment

of tax, within 10 years from discovery of such fraud
or intent to evade payment.

 Suspension of prescriptive period-

o The local treasurer legally prevented from collecting

the tax;
o Owner of property requests for reinvestigation and
executed waiver in writing before expiration of such
period to collect; and
o Owner of property is out of the country or cannot be


 LGUs lien

o The basic RPT, SEF and any other special levy

constitutes a lien on the property subject to tax,
superior to all other liens.
o May be enforced by administrative or judicial action
and can be extinguished upon payment of the tax.

 Levy on Real Property

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