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National news Tearful Jack Ma, with guitar and rock star wig, officially retires as Alibaba’s chairman on the 10th of september2019.

Video (raise me up, half video) ,

Curtains closed
Infront maaz and ananya come
Maaz If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.
Ananya Your attitude is more important than your capabilities. Similarly your decision is more important than your capabilities.
Maaz Good morning to one and all present here. These quotes are by Jack Ma, , the richest man in china, the founder of Alibaba group. He has
a very encouraging and inspirational personality. I want to become like him when I grow up..
Ananya Who wouldn’t want a retirement like that? All his employees admire him as a boss.
Pari I think you guys are talking about very famous personality. He seems interesting. Can you tell me more about him?

Mridimma I heard that he is coming to sopaan to give some future advice to the young generation. Some of the students are interviewing him. Let’s
Eaanya and Aarav Sojatia sitting on sofa. (curtains open)
Eaanya Hello sir, thank you for giving us this opportunity to interview’s a pleasure having you here at The Sanskaar Valley school.
Aarav Thank you. Pleasure’s all mine.
Eaanya I would like to know your success matra.
Aarav s. If you want to be successful learn from the other people’s mistakes don’t learn from the successful stories.
Tanveer Where are you today? Just how big is it all about?
Aarav s. We have over 100 million visitors on site shopping everyday. We created 14 million jobs all over the world and we have grown from 18
people to 1 lac people.
Tanveer If you were to write a book. What you name it.
Aarav s. If there is one book he was to write in future it will be called “alibaba 1,001 mistakes” if you are not making mistakes, you’re doing
something wrong.
Eaanya Without taking much of your time ...we would like to hear your advice to the young people
Aarav s. My advice to the young people..till 25 years be a good student make plenty of mistakes, don’t worry , you fall, you stand up, enjoy it.
Learn from your mistakes. When you are 30-40, you have think very clearly when you are working for yourself. If you really wanna do
the job you are doing. 40-50 focus on things that you are good at. 50-60 work for young people because young people can do better
than you, So rely on them, invest on them, making sure they are good. After 60 relax on the’s your time now.
Tanveer Thank you sir. That was very enlightening.

Pari and Mridimma entering

Mriddima Now you know who he is.. did you learn anything?
Avni He is not proud about the fact that he made Alibaba. It is so many mistakes, he overcame, so many challenges we experienced that’s
make him proud. Life is about experience. When you want to achieve something , don’t worry about competitors, don’t worry about
mistakes, don’t worry about challenges. Go through it. That’s the great fun part of your experience. And then you have got the courage,
you have the wisdom, you have got the people follow you.
Pranay He is far sighted thinker. In the future it is not about the competition of knowledge. It’s a competition of creativity. It’s a competition of
imagination. It’s a competition of learning. It’s a competition of independent thinking. If we think like machine then problem will come.
The new technology is going to change every aspect of the world. The world should be focussing on not only IQ, EQ but also focus on LQ,
the love quotient. Because only when you care the others, you will be successful and happy.

Nikhil I learnt that believe in what you are doing, love it. whether people like it, don’t like. Be simple. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never
know what you can get.
Pari I am still bit confused about his work?
Video (alibaba)
Aarav B. In 21st century, no matter what kind of a person you are or what institution you work for, kindness is the strongest power. He had also
contributed in the field of education, environmental protection and public welfare.
Aarush In 2008, Alibaba donated $ 808,000 to victims of Sichuan earthquake. In 2010 he joined the global Board of Directors of the organization,
where he expressed his concern about climate change in an interview with Obama. In 2015 the company funded the rebuilding of 1,000
houses damaged by the earthquake in Nepal and raised money for another 9000.
Tanishq In last two decades, only a handful of firms have managed to replicate the progress and success shown by Alibaba. The feat can largely
be attributed to the efforts and leadership qualities of Mr. Jack Ma. Indeed it takes a rare person to accumulate a total net worth of over
20 billion while maintaining.
Riddima As much of a fairytale his life seems. Nothing comes without a prize.
Koya We’ve all seen his glory but now it’s time to see the dark times of his life.
Ridimma An idealist rags to riches story for a person born in the down trodden belly of communist China with a few opportunities knocking at the
Koya .Jack Ma as primary student
Curtains open
Syush (as primary student) (biting nails) oh my god! I think i will atleast scarp passing.
Parth (as a teacher) Oh well! Jack you failed for the second time as well. Try harder next time.
Scene 2
Riddima Jack Ma in middle school
Tejus It’s the third time i have failed! I really wish this wasn’t a repeat of primary school. That too with one extra fail.
Parth I’ve been seeing you since primary. You’re a good know
Tejus Uuuu...thanks..I really want to pass now.
Parth You will. I just know.
Koya He finally made it through in the 4th attempt.
Riddimma As a teenager, he cycled 40mins a day to practise English with tourist at an international hotel.

Koya For 9 years, he also gave them free tours around the city in a bid to improve his English
Kushagra He applied 10 times to Havard Business School, but got rejected

Aditya He also struggled to attend a local university taking 4 years to pass his chinese entrance exam. After graduation Mr. Ma received more
than a dozen rejections for applications.
Kushgra I heard he even applied to KFC
Aditya Really, What happened then
Kushagra Lets see..
Aarav s. Let me apply to KFC for a start the i’ll move on to something.
Humza Acting of calling out names , then ignoring Jack
Kushagra Out of 24people who had applied , 23 got selected , leaving Jack still jobless.
Aditya He went for police out of 5 of them 4 got selected he was only one who got rejected...telling him he is not good enough
Kushagra He eventually got a job as an English teacher which paid him pea nuts.
mishti In 1999, he pitched the idea of an online marketplace. He eventually was able to secure funding for his venture
Himanshi However in 2003 the company started to make any revenue and went with the company facing bankruptcy in 18 months.
Mishti But through a lot of struggle Alibaba shone through.
Himanshi Jack appears to be living proof why you should never give up, no matter what rejection you face.
Dance (chirag)
yana His life is a testament to the idea that nothing is impossible. That if somebody says no, he says it’s just the beginning. People call him
crazy Jack because of his motto everything is possible but if you don’t do it nothing is possible, if you try to do it at least you have the
humza Thank you note


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