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Age of Exploration Lecture 1 Quiz Name: ___________________

Directions: Using specific details & examples from the lecture thoroughly answer the following
questions. Make sure to be clear and to elaborate sufficiently.

1. According to the lecture - Before the discovery of the New World, there was little real
understanding of the size of the circumference of the earth, nor any reason to believe that a
separate world existed in the Western Hemisphere.
a. True
b. False

2. Explain the role of economic development in European Exploration?

3. Summarize the specific technical features Europeans borrowed from other cultures and how
they combined what they borrowed in unique ways to be able to travel the seas as they did in
the Age of Exploration?

4. In what ways did changes in maps and mapmaking help to encourage the efforts of Europeans
to engage in sea exploration for new all-water routes to India and East Asia?

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