What Is General Didactics PDF

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What is General Didactics?

This is a question that I have never thought about before. I mean, we all use the word “Didactics”
when referring to a class, like for example, “This class should be a little bit more didactic!”. But what
does this word mean.

After a class I had this week I started getting thoughts on what it really means. To be very sincere, I
think it has to do with the quality of education and also with how well a teacher must manage the
contents to teach to the students. As a matter of fact, it must have relation on how to give meaning
to a lesson or content.

Either way, a couple of definitions I stumbled upon after this thought on my way home (which was
nearly an hour’s reflection) were the following:



1. intended for instruction; instructive: didactic poetry.

2. inclined to teach or lecture others too much: a boring, didactic speaker.
3. teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson.
4. didactics, ( used with a singular verb ) the art or science of teaching.

I obviously was surprised to find out that the second definition contradicts in many ways my
thoughts. Luckily, the last definition made me reflect a little more and gave me a motive to keep
searching. It’s an ART.

By art I understand and well know that it’s an expression and a way of applying creative skills and
lots of imagination to visual means.

Anyway, a little further on my searches I came across many pages that focus on “Didactics” and
found out that it refers to an improvement in information and that can only lead to knowledge. Now,
knowledge is very important in didactics I believe because it’s a key goal to learning. But then
again, leads me to think about how knowledge is obtained. Can it be methods? Can it be related to
multiple intelligences?

Finally, I simply figured it out. As a conclusion, Didactics is as it is. It’s a method of teaching or
guiding through creative skills which involves not only the students, but the teacher as well in the
learning process, generating significant lessons to be applied on a daily basis. I may be wrong but
this definition is the close that I can get to what “I” think Didactics is.

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