WORKSHEET - Strength Based Feedback

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Feedback Worksheet

Strength based Feedback

When using feedback as a tool to support growth in a high-performance culture,

it is essential that you train yourself in being observant in various situations to be
able to give feedback on how strengths are brought into play. Ask yourself
questions like:

• What strengths does the employee have?

• In which situations did he/she bring the strength into play – and how?
• How can he/she utilize this strength even further?

Your main focus in a feedback session should be on strengths. Using the

analogy of a sailboat (pictured above), you can say that feedback should be
focused on what is driving the boat forward i.e. what is giving it speed and
creating propulsion so that the boat can potentially achieve high-performance.

As human beings we tend to focus on weaknesses in our feedback – the

consequence of this is that we often spend a lot of time talking about the
scratches in the boat above the waterline. Of course scratches above the
waterline are still important to keep in consideration so that they do not become
a problem later on, but we must not forget that they do not affect the boat’s
performance right now.

Sensitivity: Internal
Feedback Worksheet

Train yourself in addressing weaknesses/things that are not working ONLY when
it is performance or behavior that stands in the way for meeting expectations.
That means: address the holes below the waterline when necessary – and use
the 3F model to give feedback on this in a constructive way.

Here is some inspiration on what to say:
In our last catch-up, we had a good dialogue around your strength “Activator”.
During the last 3 weeks I have noticed several situations where the whole team
benefits from this strength of yours. For example, I noticed how you initiated a
start-up plan for the Project XYZ in Tuesday’s project meeting.

The impact your strength has in such a situation, is important to the team. In my
experience, we all left the meeting feeling positive about the project, even
though the project had a difficult start.

Let’s talk about how you can bring this strength of yours even more into play and
how can all of us benefit from it.

Action steps
During the next three weeks you should give 2 employees feedback on how they
succeed in putting their strengths into play.

Remember that the feedback must be specific. Thus, it is recommended that

you have a note system where you write notes for each employee – it can be
difficult to remember various situations from each other if not written down
somewhere. Use the feedback card below to capture your notes:

Sensitivity: Internal
Feedback Worksheet

Feedback card

Employee: ____________________________________________________

What strengths does the employee have?

In which situations did he/she bring the strength into play – and how?

How can he/she utilize this strength even further?

Feedback card

Employee: ____________________________________________________

What strengths does the employee have?

In which situations did he/she bring the strength into play – and how?

How can he/she utilize this strength even further?

Sensitivity: Internal

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