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NO. : 15

How to Use Because, Because of, Due to, and thanks to

 Because is a conjuction, it is introduces an adverb clause and is followed by

a subject and a verb.
Formula: Because(conjuction)+ subject+ verb
~ He doesn’t go to school because he is sick
He is the subject
Sick is the verb
~ Because it was raining, we couldn’t arrive on time
It is the subject
Was raining is the verb
~ Because the weather was hot, we went to the pool
The weather was hot is the adverbs clause
We is the subject
Went is the verb

 Because of is a phrasal preposition and followed by a noun object.

Formula: Because of(prepositions) + noun (phrase)/ pronoun/ verb-ing
~ Because of the rain, we couldn’t arrive on time
The rain is the noun
~ we got into trouble because of you
You is the noun of this sentence

 Due to is an adjective, which means it can only modify pronouns and nouns.
Formula: subject + verb + due to + noun/pronoun
~ The old man was lost his foot, due to car accident
~ Due to a lot of job, my father comes home late tonight
~ Due to the lack of water, my flowers don’t grow well.

 Thanks to used to explain that something happened as something positive.

~ Thanks to Siti and Jhon’s effective planning, the event went well.
~ Thanks to you,I can be on time
 Caused by in this case acts as a noun in english which means the cause of
~ He died caused by a car accident
~ so heatstroke is caused by very hot conditions

 Conversation
Ray: Hey man, why you come to school almost late?

Rais: Because my bike had a trouble with tire

Ray: What happen with your bike?

Rais: Due to puctured nails, my bike is flat tire

Ray: Owhh, fortunately you can still go to school and follow the test

Rais: Yeah, thanks to Afif, he is helpful

Ray: Why?

Rais: Because of his ride, Iam not late to school

Ray: ohh..btw can you come to my home to night?

Rais: I’m sorry i can’t, for my duty, i have to study

Ray: ohh oke no problem.

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