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CPC Practice Questions Free

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Q:1-A 10-year-old boy was running through his house and ran into a sliding glass door, breaking the glass and
suffering severe lacerations on his trunk and arms and minor lacerations on his face and legs. The emergency
department physician performed the simple closure of one 2 cm laceration on the boy's cheek and two 2.3 cm
lacerations on the boy's left leg. The physician performed the simple closure of one 4 cm laceration on the right arm
and the layered closure of two lacerations on the left arm, which were 1.5 and 3 cm, respectively. The physician
treated the 5 cm laceration on the boy's chest, which required the removal of particulate glass and a single layer
closure. What are the correct codes for the wound repair performed by the emergency department physician?
Mark one answer:
12001, 12002 (X2), 12032 (X2)
12005, 12011-51, 12032-51
12004, 12011-51, 12032 (X2)
12004, 12011-51, 12034-51

Q:2-The lymphatic system contains four organs:

Mark one answer:
Spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, and thymus
Spleen, Peyer's patches, and tonsils
Spleen, tonsils, Peyer's patches, and thymus
Tonsils, Peyer's patches, thymus, and bone marrow

Q:3-What is the difference between biopsy codes located in the integumentary section and those found in the
musculoskeletal section?
Mark one answer:
The biopsy codes found in the integumentary section are only for codes related to malignant neoplasms
There are no biopsy codes found in the musculoskeletal section
The codes in the musculoskeletal system include biopsies for bone only, whereas the biopsy codes found in the
integumentary section include codes for biopsies of subcutaneous structures including bone
The biopsy codes found in the integumentary section are for biopsies of the skin and subcutaneous structures whereas
the biopsy codes found in the musculoskeletal section are for deeper structures
Q:4-The physician performed the excision of two 1.5 cm malignant lesions on a patient's upper back. During the
surgery, the physician noted four additional lesions, which looked to be pre-malignant. These lesion excisions were
0.3, 0.7, 1.0, and 1.45 cm, respectively. The suspect lesions were sent to pathology lab, where they were determined
to be benign. What are the appropriate codes for the service?
Mark one answer:
11400 (X4), 11602 (X2)
11400, 11401 (X2), 11402
11404, 11603
11400, 11401 (X2), 11402, 11602 (X2)

Q:5-Sylvia was seen in the office and was diagnosed with acute bronchitis with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease. What is the correct ICD-9 diagnosis code for her condition?
Mark one answer:
466.0, 491.22

Q:6-A pediatric patient presented to the office with a severe asthma attack. The pediatrician ordered a pulse
oximetry to check the patient's blood oxygen saturation level and a spirometry to evaluate her lung capacity. The
physician interpreted the results and ordered an albuterol nebulizer treatment and a post-spirometry to check the
patient's responsiveness to the albuterol treatment. What are the correct codes for this office visit?
Mark one answer:
99214, 94060, 94760, 94640, A7015, A4616, J7630
99214, 94010 (X2), 94760, 94640, A7015, A4616, J7630
99214, 94060, 94640, A7015, A4616, J7630
99214, 94010, 94760, 94640, A7015, A4616, J7630

Q:7-The patient returned to the office one month later for removal of cast on her left lower arm. The original
attending physician removed the cast. The physician also examined the arm and determined that no further casting
or follow-up was necessary. What is the appropriate code for this service?
Mark one answer:
No code would be reported

Q:8-The respiratory system subsection in the CPT manual contains, but is not limited to procedure codes for the
following body areas:
Mark one answer:
Nose, mouth, and throat
Nose, accessory sinuses, and trachea/bronchi
Accessory sinuses, mouth, and stomach
Lungs, pleura, and heart

Q:9-After careful selection and testing of bone marrow donors, a potential candidate was found for a patient with
severe leukemia. The physician collected a small sample of the potential donor's bone marrow via aspiration
technique. This sample was then sent to pathology to determine whether or not it would be a match for the patient's
bone marrow. What is the correct code for the procedure performed by the physician?
Mark one answer:

Q:10-HIPAA was created to:

Mark one answer:
Protect patient privacy
Enact ways to uncover fraud and abuse
Create standards of electronic transactions
All of the above

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