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Topics will be coverd in PHP and WordPress

• Developing a Weblog
• Content Management System
• Online Store
• Inquiry Management System
• Students Management System
• Library Management System
• Lab Management System
• Test or Exams Management Application
• Fee Management System
• Data Driven Personal Folio
• Dynamic Image/ Video/ Audio Gallery App
• Bulk/ Mass E-mail App
• Batch E-mail App etc

Module 1: Exploring WordPress as an Application
• Introduction of WordPress
• Setting up server
• Installing and configuring WordPress
• Tour of the core of the WordPress
• Post and Pages content types
• Creating and managing content
• How to manage images and media in WordPress
• Managing widgets in WordPress
• Managing comments system
• Managing WordPress themes
• Finding and using WordPress plugins
• Custom content type in WordPress
• Managing custom fields
• User and permission management
• Statistics, scalability, security, and spam in WordPress

Module 2: Theme Development in WordPress

• WordPress developer community
• Developing a WordPress theme
• The Loop
• Creating widget area
• Template tags in WordPress

Module 3: Plugin and Widget Development

• Plugin development in WordPress
• Widget development in WordPress
• Dashboard widget development
• Plugin options and administration
• Ajax and Plugin in WordPress
• Using WordPress database
• Creating database tables
• Inserting data in tables
• Mastering CRUD in WordPress
• Ajax in front end using WordPress
• The Loop, Posts, and Pages
• The WordPress plugin lifecycle
• Security and extensibility of the Plugin

Module 4: Testing and Publishing

• Moving WordPress website from local host to live server
• Testing and debugging

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