R.C.C Report

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Reinforced cement
concrete (R.C.C) is the
combination of ordinary
concrete with the
reinforcement to increase
its compressive and
tensile strength to a great

Concrete is a versatile
material for modern
construction, however, on
its own, it has high
compressive strength but
low tensile strength.
Concrete can be prepared
by mixing well-
proportioned quantities
of cement (even lime in
some cases), sand,
crushed rock or gravel, 2.PURPOSE OF RE-
and water. The re- ENFORCEMENT IN
enforcement is therefore
added to increase its
tensile strength.
Concrete has a very high
compressive strength but
It has been used from
low tensile strength.
foundations to the
Thus, there is no need for re-
rooftops of buildings, in
enforcement when only
the construction of
compressive forces are
highways roads traffic,
acting on the concrete
and hydro-power tunnels,
irrigation canals, drains
etc. However, when tensile forces
are also acting, like in beams
or slabs then there is a high
risk of failure in case of plain
Therefore, to eliminate the (i) Steel bears the main tensile
high risk of failure, a stresses
material with high tensile (ii) concrete bears the main
strength (steel) is added to compressive forces;
the concrete.
both acting in complete unison.
Steel not only has high
tensile strength but also
good compressive strength. Compatibility of steel and
Therefore, it is capable of concrete:
withstanding all three types (i) the steel re-enforcement
of forces acting on a used does not rust due to the
structure: compressive, alkaline nature of concrete,
tensile and shear forces. which is because of its principle
element being Calcium
(ii) The bond or ‘grip’ between
the steel and concrete is
established easily;
(iii) R.C.C. does not crack
easily as the thermal expansion
of steel and concrete is almost

4.Placement of
It requires very complex
and careful design
considerations for each
member of reinforcement
concrete. Thus, the size,
shape, spacing, and
location of reinforcement
3.Nature of will be entirely different in
Reinforced Cement a slab or beam or a
Concrete: column.
In beams, for example,
The main principle in the
steel bars may be required
preparation of the
more in the lower sections
reinforced cement
and in fixed beams, in the
concrete is to make a
end, sections as well
structural material in
where the tensile stresses
are most effective.
The top section of the 5. Types of
beam may need no Reinforcement used in
reinforcement. R.C.C:
The horizontal Reinforcement used in
reinforcements are often concrete is principally
tied up with square made of steel of different
stirrups at suitable types. Further, it may be
intervals. made in required shape
These stirrups also and volume. Some
provide additional common types of
strength to the Reinforced reinforcement are:
Cement Concrete against
shearing stresses. (i) Mild Steel Bars:
The reinforcement These come in various
requires the minimum diameters and are
prescribed covering of required to possess a
concrete. characteristic strength in
The covering is essential
to protect the
reinforcement from
deterioration under attack
from weathering agencies
and also from casual fires.

tension which is specified

in relevant codes. This
steel bar used as
reinforcement can be
commonly bent easily
without cracking at the

(ii) Hot Rolled Bars and

Cold Worked Bars: They
are specially prepared
The first type has a
characteristic strength in
tension which is almost
double than that of mild
steel bars. Further, as
these come commonly in
thick sections. They can
be bent by heating (up to
100°C) without developing
any defects. This is not
possible with the ordinary
mild steel bars.
Similarly, the cold worked
steel bars come in twisted
or stretched forms having 6. Advantages of
elongated ribs or such Reinforced
structures along their
length. Concrete (RCC):
They also have a much There are 100s of
higher characteristic advantages of Reinforced
strength of the order of Concrete, but here we will
425 N/mm2 against 250 discuss some important
N/mm2 for mild steel advantages of Reinforced
bars. Concrete.
Such bars may not be (i) Structures made
heated for bending and re- from Reinforced
bending. Concrete are
(ii) It has a high
strength (due to
(iii) It has a high tensile
strength (due to
(iii) Steel Fabric: This is
made from a variety of (iv) It is resistant to fire
bars and wires. and other climate
These may include plain changes.
round wires, indented and
deformed wires, deformed (v) Easily available almost
steel bars of cold-worked anywhere in the world.
type. The mesh from such
wires is made by welding (vi) Too much expertise is
together straightened not required for working
lengths very carefully and on it, normal skilled
strictly in accordance with labour can also do it.
the specifications.
(vii) It can be moulded in any 7.R.C.C. GRADES:
form, shape.
Architects refer the
(viii) It can be used in any part following concrete code
of the structure i.e., from table in drawing.
foundation to the top roofing. Knowing this table will
help you in deciding the
(ix) Repairing cost is almost nil. proportion of cement,
sand and gravel in RCC.
(x) It is more economical
Concrete code and
compared to other materials.
concrete ratio:

n of Expected
Concret Cement: Compressiv
e Grade Sand: e Strength
Stone at 28 days

10 N/mm2
M100 1: 3: 6 or 100

15 N/mm2
M15 or
1: 2: 4 or 150

20 N/mm2
M20 or
1: 1.5: 3 or 200

25 N/mm2
M25 or
1: 1: 2 or 250
The cement used shall he any
of the following and the type
selected should be appropriate
for the intended use:

a) 33 Grade ordinary Portland

cement conforming to IS 269

b) 43 Grade ordinary Portland

cement conforming to IS 8112

c) S3 Grade ordinary Portland

cement conforming to IS

d) Rapid hardening Portland

cement conforming to IS 8041

e) Portland slag cement

conforming to IS 455

f) Portland pozzolana cement

(fly ash based) conforming to
IS 1489 (Part 1)

g) Portland pozzolana cement

(calcined clay based)
conforming to IS 1489 (Part 2)

h) Hydrophobic cement
conforming to IS 8043

j) Low heat Portland cement

conforming to IS 12600

k) Sulphate resisting Portland

cement conforming to IS

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