Summary and Conclusions

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Summary and Conclusions

Student Diversity: Effectiveness of Culturally Responsive Teaching Inside the Classroom

The effectiveness of Culturally Responsive teaching can be manifested if the teacher has

developed a knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultures, explore how equitable and inclusive

practices can be implemented in schools, and imagine strategies for challenging existing barriers.

Furthermore, teachers must have the opportunity to understand their evolving identities and how

they influence (in)action, counter or perpetuate biases, and expose or ignore injustices. (Samuels,

2018). When teachers are provided opportunities and spaces to reflect on themselves, interrogate

their assumptions and investigate the realities of their biases, they are better prepared to consider

how to promote equitable and inclusive classrooms which can add up to the effectiveness of

Culturally Responsive teaching.

Not only on the teacher can effectiveness of Culturally Responsive teaching inside the

classroom be measured but on how the way they teach or expose their pedagogical skills. To make

the teachings be considered effective we must consider the differences of each learner and design

teaching strategies that will cater the needs of each learner. Every Culturally Responsive teacher

must apply these Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices which are collaborative teaching,

responsive feedback, modeling, instructional scaffolding. Teachers must also take into

consideration the approaches and considerations recommended for Culturally Responsive

Teaching which are problem-solving approach, child-centered instruction, assessments, materials.

Therefore, to achieve effectiveness of Culturally Responsive teaching in the classroom,

teachers must possess knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultures and implement different

kinds of teaching strategies that promote equal learning opportunity to the students.

Samuels, A. (2018). Exploring Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Teachers’ Perspectives on

Fostering Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms. SPRATE Journal (pp. 22)

Aceves, T. C, & Orosco, M. J. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching (Document No. IC-2) (pp.

13-20). Retrieved from

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