Patil 2015

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Two-Colored Dental Surveying Tool as an Alternative

for Carbon Marker

Pravinkumar G. Patil, BDS, MDS, FISOI1 & Smita Nimbalkar-Patil, BDS, MDS2
Division of Clinical Dentistry, International Medical University, School of Dentistry, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA University, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia

Keywords Abstract
Dental surveyor; dental surveying and
designing; removable partial denture.
Various tools are used with a dental surveyor, including analyzing rods, carbon mark-
ers, undercut gauges, and protective sheaths for a specific function. A carbon marker
is a parallel-sided carbon rod used to mark the survey line on a cast or a crown on
Pravinkumar G. Patil, Division of Clinical a cast. The carbon marker (with or without protective sheath) cannot differentiate
Dentistry, School of Dentistry, International more than one survey line on the cast if needed. The wear of the carbon marker along
Medical University, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur the parallel walls after repeated use may give an incorrect survey line. We suggest a
57000, Malaysia. E-mail: simple modification in the analyzing rod to prepare a two-colored surveying tool. An analyzing rod is a parallel-sided rod used to analyze the relative parallelism of two or
more surfaces of a cast and to mark survey lines on wax patterns. With the modified
The authors deny any conflicts of interest. analyzing rod, the survey lines can be marked with two colors, and the problem of
breaking of the carbon marker also can be eliminated.
Accepted September 4, 2015

doi: 10.1111/jopr.12425

The dental surveyor is a paralleling instrument used in con- most favorable undercut areas for direct retainers and paths of
struction of a prosthesis to locate and delineate the contours and insertion/removal of the prosthesis. The carbon marker (with or
relative positions of abutment teeth and associated structures.1 without protective sheath) cannot differentiate more than one
Several manufacturers produce mechanical surveyors. Al- survey line on the cast if needed.
though these surveyors have slight construction differences, We suggest a simple modification in the analyzing rod to
they are basically the same and are used in a similar manner to prepare a two-colored surveying tool. An analyzing rod is a
produce identical results. Various tools are used with a dental parallel-sided rod used to analyze the relative parallelism of
surveyor, including analyzing rods, carbon markers, undercut two or more surfaces of a cast and to mark survey lines on wax
gauges, and protective sheaths.2,3 patterns.2,3 With the modified analyzing rod, the survey lines
Each tool has a specific function. A carbon marker is a can be marked with two colors, and the problem of breaking of
parallel-sided carbon rod used to mark the survey line on a the carbon marker also can be eliminated. With this tool, the
cast or a crown on a cast.2,3 The protective sheath is a metal survey lines can be marked on the wax pattern as well.
sheath used with the carbon marker to protect it from frac-
ture when it is secured in the chuck.2,3 Many manufacturers Technique
do not supply the protective sheath, and hence the fracture of
the carbon marker during surveying is a common occurrence. 1. Procure two analyzing rods from the surveying tools
The wear of the carbon marker along the parallel walls after (Fig 1). Alternately one analyzing rod and any other sur-
repeated use may give an incorrect survey line. Sometimes two veying tool with a parallel-walled shank can be procured
survey lines (before and after the tilt of the cast) are beneficial from the same set of the tools.
to identify favorable undercut areas. Often in some situations 2. Cut a piece of blue and a piece of red articulat-
like planning the rotational or dual path removable partial den- ing paper (Ardent Articulating Paper 63µ; Whip Mix
ture prosthesis, teaching the concept of height of contour or Corp., Louisville, KY) of dimensions 35×15 mm2
demonstrating how the tilt of the cast can create different sur- (Fig 1).
vey lines, two survey lines play a crucial role. Two survey lines 3. Apply adhesive glue (UHU glue pen; UHU GmbH, Her-
(first when the occlusal plane is parallel to the surveying table rmannstr, Germany) on blue articulating paper on one
and second when the cast is tilted in favorable position) help the side of the paper by keeping it on the flat surface like a
clinician (or technician) to differentiate, analyze, and select the glass slab. Wipe off excess glue with the edge of a tongue

Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2015) 1–2 

C 2015 by the American College of Prosthodontists 1
Two-Colored Dental Surveying Tool Patil et al

Figure 1 Analyzing the rod and articulating paper to make the modified
surveying tool. Note that 1 is analyzing rod, 2 and 4 are articulating
papers, 3 and 5 are modified surveying tools.

blade or a small brush to provide a uniform thin layer of

the glue. Stick the glued paper by rolling the longest side
(35 mm) parallel to the long axis of the analyzing rod
(Fig 1).
4. Repeat step no. 3 to paste the red articulating paper to
another rod.
5. Attach the modified surveying tool (red first) upside
down on the vertical arm of the surveyor and mark the
survey line without tilting the cast (Fig 2A).
6. Tilt the cast, if favorable areas of undercuts are not avail-
Figure 2 A. Marking the survey line with the red tool. B. Marking the
able at the initial horizontal position of the cast.
survey line with the blue tool.
7. Remove the previous tool and attach the blue tool
(Fig 2B) to mark the survey line after tilting the cast
analyzing rod (without marking) followed by marking of
to achieve favorable undercut areas.
the survey line with the blue tool.
8. Analyze the prospective areas of undercuts for different
components of the cast partial denture framework and
proceed with designing. References
9. Detach the glued articulating paper (blue or red) from 1. The glossary of prosthodontic terms. J Prosthet Dent
the analyzing rod by wetting it under tap water once the 2005;94:10-92
color becomes lighter or the paper becomes damaged. 2. Carr AB, Brown DT: Surveying. In Carr AB, Brown DT (eds):
Repeat step 3 or 4 for reapplication of the articulating McCracken’s Removable Partial Prosthodontics (ed 12). St. Louis,
paper. Mosby, 2011, pp. 138-148
10. Note that, alternately, surveying can be done with a con- 3. Davenport JC, Basker RM, Heath JR, et al: Surveying. Br Dent J
ventional method of initial analysis of the cast with the 2000;189:532-541

2 Journal of Prosthodontics 00 (2015) 1–2 

C 2015 by the American College of Prosthodontists

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