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Topic: Website on Wipro.
Shakun Garg
Summit Sakhre

Here under the grace of God I have completed my Term paper of Web

I would like to thank my university Lovely professional university and all the staff

I would also like to thank my friends, classmates for giving me help in making this
term paper and helping me to complete my term paper successfully.

I would like to thank my WEB teacher Mr. Shakun Garg for helping me to
complete this term paper under her complete guidance and helping hand. Whenever
I came across a doubt he was always there to guide me.

I would now like to thank my parents too because they helped me mentally in
completing my Tern Paper . Under their mental support I was able to complete my
term paper.
And at last I would thank each and every person who some or other way helped me
to complete my Term Paper.

Thanks to everyone.

Summit Sakhre




Wipro BPO
Few snapshots on Wipro Sites


Wipro Technologies Limited is a giant information technology services corporation
headquartered in Bangalore, India. According to the 2008–09 revenue, Wipro is one of the
largest IT services company in India and employs more than 112,925 people worldwide as of
June 2010. It has interests varying from information technology, consumer care, lighting,
engineering and healthcare businesses. It is 9th most valuable brand in India according to an
annual survey conducted by Brand Finance and The Economic Times in 2010. Azim Premji is
the Chairman of the board.

Wipro (an acronym of "Western India Pine Refined Oil") started as a vegetable oil trading
company in 1945 from an old mill at Amalner, Maharashtra, India founded by Azim Premji's
father .

When his father died in 1966, Azim, a graduate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford
University, took on the leadership of the company at the age 21. He repositioned it and
transformed Wipro (Western India Palm Refined Oil Ltd) into a consumer goods company that
produced hydrogenated cooking oils/fat company, laundry soap, wax and tin containers and later
set up Wipro Fluid Power to manufacture hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders in 1975. At that
time, it was valued at $2 million.

In 1977, when IBM was asked to leave India, Wipro entered the information technology sector.

In 1979, Wipro began developing its own computers, and in 1981 started selling the finished
product. This was the first in a string of products that would make Wipro one of India's first
computer makers. Wipro Technologies hired managers who held their employees to strict
performance standards.

In 1980 Wipro moved into software development and started developing customized software
packages for their hardware customers. This expanded their IT business and subsequently
developed the first Indian 8086 chip. Since 1992 Wipro has begun to grow its roots offshore in
United States and by 2000 Wipro Ltd ADRs were listed on the New York Stock Exchange site.
The company's revenue grew by 450% from 2002 to 2007.

Wipro started a highly appreciated initiative called WASE - Wipro Academy of Software
Excellence in 1996 .Under this program, some of the brightest science graduates are selected and
enrolled in an MS (Software Engineering) program in collaboration with BITS,Pilani.


Wipro Floating learning Centre, Electronic City 2, Bangalore, India.

• 1946 - Incorporation as Western India Products Limited

• 1947 - Establishment of an oil mill at Amalner, Maharashtra, India
• 1960 - Manufacture of laundry soap 787 at Amalner
• 1970 - Manufacture of Bakery Shortening Vanaspati at Amalner
• 1975 - Diversification into engineering and manufacture of hydraulic cylinders as
WINTROL (now called Wipro Fluid Power) division in Bangalore.
• 1977 - Name of the Company changed to Wipro Products Limited
• 1980 - Diversification into Information Technology.
o This is the time the top IT Managers Sridhar Mitta, Dr. A Lakshman Rao,
Venkatesh, Sadasivam quit in one stoke from the IT division of giant public sector
ECIL,Hyderabad to join Wipro.
• 1988 - Crossed the $10 million mark in annualized revenues.
• 1990 - Incorporation of Wipro-GE medical systems
• 1992 - Going global with global IT services division
• 1993 - Busny to achieve the "TL9000 certification" for industry specific quality
o Wipro acquires American Management Systems’ global energy practice.
o Becomes world's first PCMM Level 5 company.
o Premji established Azim Premji Foundation, a not-for-profit organization for
elementary education.
o Wipro becomes only Indian company featured in Business Week’s 100 best-
performing technology companies.
• 1995 - Established Wipro Academy of Software Excellence
• 2002
o Wipro acquires Spectramind.
o Ranked the 7th software services company in the world by BusinessWeek
(Infotech 100, November 2002)
• 2003
o Wipro acquires Nervewire.
o Wipro Technologies Wins Prestigious IEEE Award for Software Process
o Wipro Technologies awarded prestigious ITSMA award for services marketing
o Wipro wins the 2003 Asian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Award.
• 2004
o Crossed the $1 Billion m
o IDC rates Wipro as the leader among worldwide offshore service providers
• 2005 - Wipro acquires mPower to enter payments space and also acquires European
System on Chip (SoC) design firm NewLogic.
• 2006 - Wipro acquires Enabler to enter Niche Retail market
• 2007 - Wipro acquires US's Infocrossing for 600mn
• 2009 - Wipro acquires Gallagher Financial Systems to enter mortgage loan origination
o Wipro stops Semiconductor IP Solutions and closes NewLogic Sophia-Antipolis
R&D, France
• - Wipro Launches ESS - Electronic Security Solutions with Products in CCTV System,
Access Control System and Building Management Systems.

Offices and Development Centers

(This list is incomplete and is still being updated)

• India
o Bengaluru (Headquartered)
o Chennai
o Kolkata
o Pune
o Hyderabad
o Greater Noida
o Gurgaon
o Kochi
o Bhuvneshwar
o Mumbai (Wipro Technology Services Ltd. Erstwhile Citigroup Infomation
Technology and Operation Services)
• Americas

• Europe
o London
Who had started company named Wipro Technologies and when?
Wipro started as an edible oil company in year 1945 in Western India. Azim Premji (Current
Chairman) took over company leadership in 1966. Company diversified into computers and IT
products and technology services business in 1980 since that it has grown in India globally as
one of the top technology services providers.

Wipro BPO

BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing

Wipro BPO India

is committed to offering quality and long term services to its customers. There are mainly three
areas where Wipro focuses - knowledge processing, equipping BPO technology, and
reengineering the business process.

Wipro is more than just a BPO as it places the customer first, thus making every effort to ensure
that all client requirements are duly fulfilled.
The services that are offered are meant for various industries as mentioned below:

• Travel and Hospitality

• Banking and Capital Markets
• Telecom
• Healthcare sector
• Insurance
• Hi-Tech Manufacturing

The solutions offered by Wipro BPO India are in the following areas:

• Finance and Accounting

• Loyalty Services
• HR Services
• Knowledge Services
• Procurement

Recently, Wipro BPO India had joint hands with MeritTrac services, a skills assessment firm, for
establishing a so called, 'hands-free recruiting process' through which a candidate willing to join
Wipro will undergo tests on spoken English. The candidate will be observed on the basis of the
following parameters:

• Neutrality of accent
• Voice clarity
• Fluency in speaking
• English grammar

Wipro had acquired Spectramind in 2002 but has now changed its name to Wipro BPO and is
doing well in the offshoring venture. Wipro, before it changed its name to Wipro BPO, had
worked well through the Spectramind e-services and had 31 clients in 2004-05. Wipro's
acquisition of Spectramind had jointly offered quality non-voice services and effective solutions
to clients.

Wipro BPO is working towards setting up 2 BPO centers at Shanghai and Chengdu in China.
The total number of employees will be 300. Apart from working on establishing the BPOs within
this year, Wipro BPO is also planning to set up BPOs in the US and Brazil as well.

Wipro BPO India registered a revenue of Rs. 263.6 crore in March and Rs. 251.5 crore in June,
making Wipro one of India's top 10 BPO firms.
Few Snapshots of Wipro Sites:
Implementation required in its sites:
1. There should be some flash videos for attraction.

2. There should be information regarding industrial training.

3. There should be some background images which makes more attraction towards

4. There suppose to be link of blogs which gives more information about them.

5. Few more links such as:

• New software.

• New products.

• Location near to you.

6. Latest live project they completed which makes people to join there and only
there company none other than that.


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