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matter much to the cultists, as it’s all they have.
Lower Dura is a crime-ridden, filthy cesspit avoided
by the city watch and largely treated as a dumping
AN EBERRON EXCURSION FOR 3RD LEVEL ground for all the waste the city has to offer.
Adventurers routinely pillage and trash the place.
Steady food and work are difficult to maintain, and
We are all Divine. We all carry a spark of Creation money is hard to hold onto. The people attracted
within us, and noone can take this from you. If you to the Blood of Vol take solace in the idea that
are poor, if you are hungry, if you have nowhere else there might be something special inside them it’s
to go...the blood of Vol will be there for you, as it al- impossible for someone to steal from them. This is
ways has been. the spark of divinity the Blood of Vol believe resides
— She Who Knows Our Worth in everyone - taking it by force would be blasphemy,
but to give it willingly? This is the action of a
The characters are called upon by a contact to MORAL QUESTIONS
investigate a new cult gaining traction in Lower
Dura. An elderly priestess linked to the Blood of Vol The cult members are ordinary people driven
has been gathering followers at an alarming rate, to extraordinary actions by madness, pain or
but rumours of disappearances relating to the cult circumstance. Whether that absolves them of
are worrisome. The adventurers pay the location killing fellow humanoids and eating them is
a call, and find the place awash in blood. The new another question, one your player characters are
devotees have been won over by the Priestess, and best placed to decide. Is the priestess responsible
her offers of community and safety. Unfortunately, for her crimes, and need she die to pay for her
the priestess has encouraged some rather transgressions? Are the people of the cult equally
unsavoury habits in her insistence on...sharing. culpable? How does cannibalism compare to
The adventurers must put an end to the Priestess murder when the victims volunteered themselves?
before the entire district falls to cannibalism - or Will the characters take prisoners, and how will
dies of blood transmitted diseases. they effect this when the amount of them begins to
add up?
An elderly elf, She Who Knows Our Worth is
a priestess of the Blood of Vol, who until very You can use any of these hooks to drag most char-
recently served her faith with honesty, integrity acters into the adventure. Once the characters are
and diligence. In her dotage, however, she has inside, it should become evident to any character
begun to slip into delirium and madness. The that the problem needs solving. Unless they’re
old priestess means well, she’s just too addled to 100% okay with people murdering and eating each
make sense. The close bonds she forged with the other, in which case maybe they’ve found a new
community over the many years she has been alive family.
have rendered them insensible to her faults, and Missing Persons. Someone hasn’t seen a missing
when her sermons began to take a darker tone the friend or relative in weeks, but knows they often
people listened eagerly. Given free reign to ramble, attended this church
She Who Knows Their Worth eventually advocated
Acquisitions. A business is looking into buying the
cannibalism as the only true way to reach divinity.
crumbling building and wants you to ask the priest-
If we are all divine, as the Blood of Vol decrees,
ess if she’ll consider relocating
what could be holier than eating and drinking of
each other? This was met with suspicion at first, Bounty Hunting. There’s rumours of an escaped
but as time went on, the tide began to turn in criminal with an aberrant Dragonmark in the area.
favour of the mad plan. Dissenters were exiled, and He may have sought sanctuary there
the cult began to volunteer to be eaten. A week has Plot Dump. Perhaps the PCs are looking for some-
passed since this decision, and many have already one (eg. the Priestess) who has information they
given themselves so that others may live.) need.
The temple to Vol known as the beating heart was
once a space for quiet and meditation on the self.
In recent days, this purpose has been eschewed
for space to conduct sacrificial rituals and feast on
the remains. There are no cages - all who give here,
give freely. The shrine is buried out of sight and
out of mind, the entrance hard to access, and the
building is in a shoddy state of repair. This doesn’t





The following areas correspond to labels on the map CULTIST TACTICS
Cultists of the Crimson Tabernacle are just people
A - ENTRANCE who’ve been tipped over the edge by suffering into

The dirty cobbles fall away to reveal a small - Yell “Divinity is within” very frequently, sometimes in
passage set into one of the many crumbling tower unison
bases that make up the majority of Lower Dura’s - Weep and beg for mercy if seriously hurt
- Fight like desperate commoners, not trained soldiers
infrastructure. The stone here has scrawled on with
chalk in many places, depicting humanoid hearts. The Red Ones are a little more dangerous. These are
A thick double stone door lies at the end of the the few souls who have given everything they know to
passage. the cult, including some family members.

- Don’t say much apart from “divinity within us”

This is the main entrance into the Tabernacle. - Fight viciously, and to the death
The door is enchanted to swing open as easily as a - Always at the front, blocking blows from reaching
lesser cultists
wooden door, and is not locked.
The cultists are a family, and they fight like one. If a
cultist is injured, others will attempt to stabilize them
whilst a fanatic moves in to hold the intruders off.
They know each others names, and use them. They are
humans, and it’s important to get this across to players
who might march in thinking they’ll get a free moral
pass if they just kill everyone in the room.

The cultists are extremely defensive of their place of

worship. EVERYTHING in this life up until now has been
stolen from them by criminals or the negligence of the



Beyond the stone door, a wide hallway stretches

around a hundred feet ahead towards a corner
room. The hallway itself is occupied by an elderly
couple on their hands and knees, scrubbing red-
stained floor tiles with sopping rags. They are
dressed in red robes, and stumble to their feet.
“No further, strangers,” spits the old man. He turns
to the old lady. “Agatha, go and fetch a Red One. We
have trouble.”

The old man is Herbert, and he joined the

Tabernacle a long time ago before the cults
unsavoury practices started. He’s accepted the
new ways with grace - he and his wife Agatha (LE
crimson cultists)) are old, and don’t see much point
fighting against the tide. If allowed, Agatha retreats
to area D and fetches the Red One from there.
Herbert stands his ground and attempts to stop
the adventurers passing. He sees their intrusion
as an insult to his faith, and DCs to persuade him
otherwise should be difficult.

This extensive alcove is lined with human

garbage and rubble. Eleven humanoids,
women and children, are sleeping here
currently, curled up in thin red sheets.
Bloodstains are evident here too.

The crimson cultists in this room are not

expecting to be woken. Many are new devotees,
seeking shelter from the outside where they are
more vulnerable to thieves, murder and worse.
As the cult does not have unlimited space, it has
been prioritizing women an children.
Gerta (crimson cultist) is a large set woman whose
house was burned down in an accident. She lost her
husband, and has thrown herself on the mercy of
Vol with her five children, all younger than five.
Brunhildr (crimson cultist) is young but frail. She
came here for healing from an illness, unable to pay
another church for their services. She coughs loudly
and frequently.
There are three early teenage children (N
noncombatants) the cult has rescued from the
street. The cult doesn’t know the names of the
children, who have (obviously) been jaundiced from
their experiences.
Alara is a wood elf commoner who is on the run for
possessing an aberrant dragonmark. The mark runs
down the side of her neck, and she covers it with a
hood. She doesn’t intend to stay long. If threatened,
her mark goes haywire and triggers a wild magic
No cultist will allow a child to be threatened or come
to harm whilst they live, with the obvious exception
of the Cults own rituals.



A corner room has been decked out with a lavish

rug, the effect of which is somewhat spoiled by the
northwestern wall, which has caved in. There is a
large curtain on the eastern wall.

This room isn’t used much at the moment, ever since

the wall caved in and injured a Red One. Willym is
a half-elf red one, and he’s sitting on the rubble
smoking a pipe. He finds himself drawn to the place
where he was hurt, often staring at it for hours. His
left leg ends at the knee, and his speed is 5ft, as long
as he has his crutches. (Without them, he’s unable
to walk properly).The curtain on the eastern wall is
kept closed

Heavy metal cell doors line this corridor, each with

a small peephole at eye level. Five of the doors are
open, revealing tiny stone floored cells bereft of
windows, furniture or prisoners. The sixth is closed.

These cells were originally conceived as a place for

priests and lay worshipers to seclude themselves for
days on end, seeking enlightenment through silent
connection with the self. Now, they stand largely
unused. Characters subdued by cultists are thrown
in individual cells and sealed in. Red Ones hold keys
to all the cells.
Stone walls (AC 17, 50 hit points, immune to
slashing/piercing, vulnerable to thunder)
Steel door (AC 19, 30 hit points, vulnerable to fire,
Thieves’ Tools 15, Strength 25)

“Psst!” a voice whispers as you pass the last cell.

Red eyes stare at you through the peephole in the
door. “Please! Let me out!”

The Anchoress is a vampire spawn. She was locked

in this cell over 50 years ago by cult superiors who
found out she had been feeding on people without
their consent. She’ll say anything she has to if she
thinks it will secure her release. The Anchoress has
the appearance of a young woman with alabaster
skin and bright crimson eyes. She goes berserk if
released, slaying and drinking the blood of everyone
she can find. If she is released, any nearby cultists
join in the fray against her.



The cell passage turns, heading south. On the

corner, a bright red curtain covers the wall, black
earth seeping out underneath it. Further down
the passage, the hall leads into a much larger from
which the scent of blood is stomach-churningly

This room is empty.


Behind the curtain, a cave has been hollowed out

into the stone, tiles ripped out. A pile of skulls and
bones sits against the far wall. Hundreds of bats
hang from the ceiling. Their eyes open.

This room is home to three swarms of bats. If the

bats are disturbed (such as by someone entering
the room, or throwing open the curtains) the bats
flutter out into the main halls, causing a ruckus
and pooping on everyone. If a character brings a
torch or a light spell near the bats, they turn violent
and attack.

This room contains a large pool of clear water.

Blood stained robes and knives have been left
around the edge in heaps. Towels lie on the floor
against the eastern wall.

This bathing area is used by the cultists to clean

themselves after they have engaged in their rituals.
The Red Ones often prefer not to clean themselves,
but like having the option. The three towels against
the far wall are minor magical items - each can be
used to cast the prestidigitation cantrip once every
24 hours. The cultists use these to clean themselves
of particularly tenacious stains. The water in the
pool is purified by the priestess each day at dawn
and sunset.


A high vaulted ceiling stretches above you, where Yes, the Crimson Tabernacle is not a place
bats flutter in the rafters. The floor, tiled in delicate you probably want to come just before you
patterns, is awash with blood. A giant basin stands eat. If you find yourself (quite reasonably)
in the center of the room, in front of which an
ancient looking elf woman is delivering a sermon. uncomfortable with gratuitous, senseless
“Give of yourself,” she says, and a passion burns in violence, then you might want to consider
her expression. “It is the greatest gift any mortal playing it for laughs, a little like the scene
can give another. Consume the willing gifts of in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where
the faithful! Accept their sacrifice!” The cultists the Black Knight gets all his limbs cut off
sitting in the pews cry out in wordless ecstasy. One and insists “‘‘tis but a scratch”.
reaches for his dagger, and cuts off his own hand.
His neighbor grabs it, and tears into it with his teeth.

A high vaulted ceiling stretches above you. where

bats flutter in the rafters. The floor, tiled in delicate
patterns, is awash with blood. A giant basin stands
in the center of the room, in front of which an
ancient looking elf woman (She Who Knows Our
Worth) is delivering a sermon. “Give of yourself,” she
says, and a passion burns in her expression. “It is
truly the greatest gift any mortal can give another.
Consume the willing gifts of the faithful! Accept their
sacrifice!” The cultists sitting in the pews cry out to
her in wordless ecstasy. One reaches for his dagger,
and cuts off his own hand. His neighbor grabs it,
and tears into it with his teeth.

She Who Knows Our Worth has no desire to

fight. She just wishes to continue her cannibalistic
practices in peace. She won’t brook any interruptions
to the worship of her faithful, however, and scorns
any who try to forcefully stop the cultists from
mutilating themselves. Aside from the priestess, the
room contains 12 crimson cultists, and 2 red ones.
At any one time, there is a 50% chance these cultists
are eating each other/cutting themselves instead of
fighting or paying attention.
Characters who attack She Who Knows Our
Worth are fended off by cultists literally throwing
themselves in the path of danger for her. If they kill
her, the cultists go berserk, attacking the nearest
living creatures until they perish or are knocked
The basin is filled with over 10 gallons of humanoid

This largely depends on how the characters
approach the cult, and how fine they are with people
eating each other. Either way, it’s bound to be messy.
How the characters approach the cult, and how
fine they are with people eating each other. Either
way, it’s bound to be messy. What these poor people
really need is something else to hope for. A brighter
future, perhaps.


Medium humanoid, lawful evil Medium humanoid, lawful evil

Armor Class 11 (robes) Armor Class 11 (robes)

Hit Points 9 (2d8) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4, Religion +2
Skills Deception +2, Religion +2 Senses Passive Perception 11
Senses Passive Perception 10 Languages Common
Languages Common Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Dark Devotion. The Red One has advantage on sav-
Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving ing throws against being charmed or frightened.
throws against being charmed or frightened.
Aura of Bloodthirst. If this creature isn’t incapac-
Actions itated, any friendly Crimson Cultist can make its
Hungry Jaws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach Hungry Jaws attack as a bonus action while within
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage. 10 feet of this creature.

Reactions Spellcasting. The Red One is a 4th-level spellcast-

Heroic Lunge (Recharges after a Short or Long er. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
Rest). As a reaction when an ally within 5 ft is re- 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). The fanatic has the
duced to 0 hit points, that ally is instead reduced to following cleric spells prepared:
1 hit point
Cantrips (at will): spare the dying, thaumaturgy

1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, healing word, sanc-

Hungry. Lost, Despairing. These are the recruits 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, aid
for the Crimson Tabernacle - people with nowhere
else to go, who desperately want to believe that Actions
there is something special about them. Since the Multiattack. The fanatic makes two Hungry Jaws
priestess She Who Knows Out Worth descended attacks.
into senility, this noble goal has become warped
into something violent and depraved. Hungry Jaws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

The Red Ones are chosen cultists of the Crimson
Tabernacle. They usually have a distinctive
mutilation, such as a missing limb or a grisly scar.
They have given of themselves (literally), and in
return are imbued with the divine magic of their
zealotry. Despite their sinister hobbies, Red Ones
care a great deal about their congregation, like a
shepherd to their flock. Their presence inspires
lesser cultists to boldness.


Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral LEVEL 3rd
Armor Class 11 (robes)
Hit Points 45 (10d8)
Speed 30 ft. COMPONENTS V, S, M *
DURATION Concentration 10 Minutes
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
You create a wall of blood on the ground at a
Skills Intimidation +4, Religion +4
Senses Passive Perception 10 point you can see within range. You can make
Languages Common the wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1
Challenge 2 (450 XP) foot thick, or you can make a ringed wall up to
20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot thick.
Insanity. She Who Knows Our Worth has advantage
The wall vanishes when the spell ends. The wall’s
on saving throws against being charmed or fright-
ened. space is difficult terrain.

The Flesh Will Endure (Recharges after a Short Any ranged weapon attack that enters the wall’s
or Long Rest). If this creature is reduced to 0 hit space has disadvantage on the attack roll, and fire
points, it immediately makes a DC 10 Constitution
damage is halved if the fire effect passes through
saving throw. If it succeeds, it is instead reduced to
1 hit point. the wall to reach its target. When a creature
enters the area of the wall for the first time in a
Spellcasting. She Who Knows is a 5th-level spell- turn, it gains 1d4 temporary hit points.
caster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has the
following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, thaumaturgy
She Who Knows Our Worth is an elderly elf,
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, false life, sanctuary having survived some eight hundred years of
daily, humble dedication to her faith. In recent
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, aid years, she has descended into endless reveries
and frequent trances in which she has lost
3rd level (2 slots): aura of vitality, wall of blood her mind to old age. She had the misfortune
to enter this phase of her life whilst converting
Actions. an abandoned shrine to the worship of Vol.
Hungry Jaws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach Her message became corrupted, and she soon
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. began to openly advocate the consumption of the
congregation’s flesh.
Redirect Attack. When a creature She Who Knows
Our Worth can see targets it with an attack, she
chooses another cultist within 5 feet of her. She
and the cultist swap places, and the cultist becomes
the target instead.


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