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Master of Commerce
Semester – III

A Project Submitted to

University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of

Master in Commerce
Under the faculty of Commerce


Under the Guidance of



Lords Universal College

Topiwala Marg, Off Station Road,
Goregaon West.


Master of Commerce
Semester – III

A Project Submitted to

University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of

Master in Commerce
Under the faculty of Commerce


Under the Guidance of



Lords Universal College

Topiwala Marg, Off Station Road,
Goregaon West.


I, the undersigned Mr. Hitesh Salgaonkar hereby, declare that the work
embodied in this project work titled “A Study on The Role of
Organization in Ensuring Mental and Physical Health of Employees”
forms my own contribution to the research work carried out under the
guidance of Prof. Zarin Dumasia is a result of my own research work and
has not been previously submitted to any other University for any other
Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.

Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been
clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.

I, hereby further declare that all information of this document has been
obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical

Name and Signature of the learner

Certified by
Name and signature of the Guiding Teacher


To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth is
so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to
do this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, Dr. Swati Desai for providing the necessary
facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator Imran Khan, for his moral support
and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide

Prof. Zarin Dumasia whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.



1 6-16
CHAPTER 2 Research Methodology:
a) Objective of this study.
b) Hypothesis.
c) Scope of study. 17-24
d) Limitation of study.
e) Significance of the study.
f) Selection of Problem, Sample Size, Data
g) Techniques and tools to be used

CHAPTER 3 Literature Review 25-29
CHAPTER 4 Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation 30-58
CHAPTER 5 Conclusion, Findings and Suggestion 59-69

6 Appendix 70-73

7 Bibliography 74


As it is said that an Organization is born when more than one person coordinates to
execute a work, such as one person passing bundles to another person who puts them
in an order. People helping one another in work constitute an organization.
When men or materials are arranged to act in a fixed relationships that can be endlessly
repeated, an organization is born.
Examples of different types of organizations:

 A village is an example of an organization mainly composed of people.

 A computer is an organization consisting mainly of rules of coordination.
 A political party is an organization mainly led by one significant goal.
 A machine is a material organization with material parts.
 A railway is organizations whose essential part is the train.
 Family is, in this sense, an organization in which the binding force is affection
born out of blood relationship.


There are a various types of organisations which include corporations, governments,

non-governmental organisations, political organisations, international organisations,
armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, and
educational institutions etc. Organisation is one of the major functions of management.
One can look at organising as an activity to eliminate chaos and introduce a systematic
functioning in the enterprise. Technically, the organisation helps in establishing
authorities, dividing workloads, assigning responsibilities, grouping tasks and
allocating resources. This is of absolute importance because once the plans have been
laid there is a need to allocate resources, divide tasks, workforce, ensure optimal
utilisation of resources etc. So that the objectives are fulfilled. Further it facilitates the
collective working of the various members of the enterprise in an ordered manner.
Organisation involves defining various roles that need to be filled by suitable
employees and establishing relationships between these defined goals to eliminate

doubts in performance. In turn, it help to group the activities clarifies the amount of
power and authority in the hands of different employees and clarifies the responsibility
for various activities within the enterprise.

According to Louis Allen, “Organization is the process of identifying and grouping

work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority and
establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively
together in accomplishing objectives.”

In the words of Allen, organization is an instrument for achieving organizational goals.

The work of each and every person is defined and authority and responsibility is fixed
for accomplishing the same

Steps in the Process of Organisation:

So we can broadly list the steps in the process of organisation as follows:

1] Identification and Division of work

The organizational work commences with an identification of work that needs to be

done and by dividing the work into manageable activities. The idea behind this is to
eliminate repetition and to share the burden of work.

2] Departmentalization

Now as the work has been identified, the next step is to group activities according to a
predefined basis. This basis decide what activities are similar to each other. All the
similar activities are assigned to a particular department.

other activities which are well defined are assigned to different departments which is
concerned with the well-defined activities.

3] Assignment of Duties

The next step involves the distribution of work among the employees. The
responsibility of looking after the functioning of each department is given to an
individual. Further, jobs are allocated to the employees.

It is important to realize that this assignment of jobs should be done in such a manner
that the employees most suited for a particular type of job ultimately perform it. This
ensures, a proper match between the ability and the type of job of the employees which
they would perform.

4] Establishing Reporting Relationships

The final step is concerned with erecting a hierarchical structure and effecting
communication among the diverse departments. This is done by establishing
relationships. Effectively this means that every employee should be made aware of
whom he has to take orders from and prove his accountability.

The characteristics of organisations are as follows:

1. Division of Work

Organisation deals with the whole task of business. The total work of the enterprise is
divided into activities and functions. Various activities are assigned to different persons
for their efficient accomplishment. Organisation helps in dividing the work.

2. Co-Ordination

Various functions in an organisation depend upon one another and the performance of
one influences the other. Unless all of them are properly co-ordinated, the performance
of all segments is adversely affected.

3. Common Objectives

All organisational structure is a means towards the achievement of enterprise goals. The
goals of various segments lead to the achievement of major business goals. The
organisational structure should build around common and clear cut objectives.

4. Co-operative Relationship

An organisation creates co-operative relationship among various members of the group.

An organisation cannot be constituted by one person. It requires at least two or more
persons. The structure should be designed that it motivates people to perform their part
of work together.

5. Well-Defined Authority-Responsibility Relationships

An organisation consists of various positions arranged in a hierarchy with well-defined

authority and responsibility.

Importance of organisations:

Organisations brings adaptability to the table for any enterprise. It helps in a smooth
transition in accordance with the dynamic business environment. To point out, this is
achieved by facilitating growth and survival.

The importance of organisations are as follows:

 Benefits of Specialization

Organisations assigns work in a systematic manner to the diverse employees within an

organisations. It ensures that suitable work is handed out repetitively to an employee
who is a good performer in his field. An employee working regularly in a specific area
gains invaluable experience in the long run. Consequently, this leads to specialization.

 Clarity in Working Relationships

As discussed before, organisations encourages accountability by defining relationships

among the employees within an enterprise. This is done by defining whom an employee
is accountable to. In effect, it provides a systematic flow of information and
instructions. Furthermore, this also helps in clarification of the extent of authority and

 Optimum Utilization of Resources

Organization helps in optimum utilization of financial and human resources. It not only
aids in the proper assignment of jobs to suitable employees but also keeps track that
there is no waste of resources and efforts due to repetition of work.

 Effective Administration

Another important feature of organizing is that it ensures that the jobs are clearly
defined within an enterprise such that there is no repetition and wastage. Coupled with,
facilitating the clarification of work relationships, it promises effective administration.

 Development of Personnel

Assignment of jobs to suitable personnel is an important step for the organisations. This
delegation of jobs helps in the induction of creativity in managers. This happens
because, with the help of delegation, a manager not only looks to reduce the workload
but also discover new ways of getting the tasks done.

Further, this gives them the tie to explore areas for growth of the company. From the
employee’s perspective, it generates experience and prepares him to face new
challenges which effectively helps him to realize his full potential.

 Growth and Expansion

Organization ensures that the enterprise undertakes new challenges. As a result, the
company grows and diversifies.



The origin of the concept of workplace safety can be traced back to labour movement
during the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th century.
During this revolution, unions of workers were formed to work towards the welfare of
workers. Workers began to demand better working conditions. Authorities gradually
allowed to the demands of the workers and put in place several regulatory measures to
this effect.
Workplace safety is a field related to safety, health and welfare of people at work.

The World Health Organisation's (WHO) definition of health is the best known
definition available "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" This definition recognizes the
mental, physical and social dimensions of health.WHO estimated 264 million people
suffer from depression, one of the leading causes of disability, with many of these
people also suffering from symptoms of anxiety. A recent WHO led study estimates
that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year
in lost productivity. Unemployment is a well-recognized risk factor for mental health
This Study is related to mental and physical health of employees at workplace.
The factor which can have negative impact on well-being of employees such as:
 Work is good for mental health but a negative working environment can lead to
physical and mental health problems
 A negative working environment may lead to physical and mental health
problems and because of excessive stress employees use to alcohol
consumption, smoking which would affect their physical health
 Depression and anxiety have a significant economic impact the estimated cost
to the global economy is US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity

 Harassment and bullying at work are commonly reported problems, and can
have a substantial adverse impact on mental health. Inadequate health and safety
 Inadequate health and safety policies
 Low levels of support for employees
 Unclear tasks or organizational objectives
 Inflexible working hours
 Long work hours
 Unrealistic deadlines
They are associated with both psychological and physical problems. These health
consequences can have costs for employers in terms of reduced productivity
Workplace health promotion
There are many actions that organizations can take to promote mental and physical
health in the workplace health promotion is the combined efforts of employers and
employees to improve the mental and physical health and well-being of people at work.
There benefit from having an effective health promotion program facilitates:
 Healthy workers are productive
 Much pollution and many environmental exposures that are hazardous to health
arise from industrial processes that adversely affect health of employees. By
undertaking proper health policies organisation could provide safe environment
to the employees
 Identify additional policies and initiatives that may promote health and well-
 Increased Productivity
 Reduce Absenteeism
 Health promotion enhances the quality of life for all people
 Health promotion reduces premature deaths

Active efforts in mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment can significantly
reduce an individual's risk of developing a mental illness. Workplaces that promote
mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce
absenteeism, increase productivity

Importance of Mental health.
Corporate India is expanding like wildfire with each passing day. While the expansion
creates employment opportunities for millions of people, allowing them to fulfill their
hopes and dreams, a serious problem that is coming to the forefront is the rapid increase
in the number of people suffering from mental health conditions like depression and
anxiety. High stress levels come from the pressures of job, money and family linked
issues and one’s inability to effectively deal with this stress tends to make people
vulnerable. Various studies have shown that the number of mental health illnesses have
risen, especially amongst the millennial.
Corporate India must realize that employees’ intellectual wealth is linked to their
physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to view health and wellness in a
holistic manner.
Strategies for Managing Mental Health and Stress in the Workplace.
 Employees can encourage employer to offer mental health and stress
management education and programs.
 Employees can reach out to mental health practitioners like counsellors and
clinical psychologists in confidence to seek therapy for their problems.
 Workshops/talk sessions on stress management, meditation, and relaxation,
how to maintain a work-life balance, emotional intelligence etc. are also
organized as a way to acknowledge mental health illnesses.
 Regular sessions focusing on emotional and mental care can help to improved
mental health practices in the corporate space.
 Efforts could taken by organisation to change policies and create an
environment that is pro mental health. Several organizations have come up with
wellness programs that specifically focus on emotional and psychological
Importance of Good Physical health.
Well-being is more than being healthy. It includes physical fitness, but it incorporates
mental and social fitness, too. In short, it is the feel-good factor. Improving well-being
in the workplace has been a goal of the World Health Organization for many years.
Some organizations value well-being and promote it more than others, but there is

almost universal agreement that a healthy workforce is a productive and happy one.
Good mental health enables us to thrive. As individuals we understand this and now
business leaders to are increasingly acknowledging the importance of wellbeing in the
Adopting a health program in the workplace is not only beneficial for employees, but
also for the employer as it creates a more dynamic, effective and efficient environment.
Individuals spend more than 50% of their time at the workplace and therefore delivering
a health program in the workplace is important as it promotes positive behavioural
patterns, improves dietary habits, reduces absenteeism levels and helps to improve the
overall productivity.
Poor health habits create unhealthy individuals, which in turn impacts negatively on the
Strategies for Good Physical Health in the Workplace.
 A workplace health program integrating nutrition, physical activity and mental
wellness has yielded effective results in reducing stress levels, combating back
 Improves quality of life.
 Health and wellness programmes
Organization may also provide health and wellness programmes to achieve work
life balance like yoga meditation programmes, subsidised nutritional food services.
Every company can follow a simple well-being agenda for the benefit of its
For a business to succeed in its actions, it is vital for its employees to be fit and healthy.
For great workplace productivity, the health of your employees is the determining
Health can be described as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing.
To live a healthy life, people need to have a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get
enough sleep. They must also live in a stress-free environment and have good hygiene.
Creating a work culture that promotes health of employees’ it has various health
benefits. So the employees can be fit, healthy, satisfied and happy. It contributes
massively to overall employee engagement within the organisation.
1. In recent times, promoting health has become an integral and accepted part of
the corporate culture. Studies show that healthy employees tend to be more

productive and more hardworking. A clean, safe and healthy work environment,
providing the requisite facilities, flexible work hours, open lines of
communication along the chain of command, management accountability, strict
policies against discrimination and harassment – especially when it comes to
women, minorities and those with mental health concerns, and nurturing a
healthy work-life-and-mental-health balance are the new mantras of
sustainability and success.
2. Free and confidential assessments short-term counselling services for can go a
long way in promoting a healthier, happier work culture. Research tell us that
for every US$ 1 put into the treatment for common mental disorders, there is a
return of US$ 4 in improved health and productivity
3. Organisations must regularly hold mental health workshops and seminars to
educate their workforce about the causes, symptoms of mental illnesses.
4. Stress-busting initiatives like teamwork and bonding programs, behavioural
change and emotional intelligence programs, yoga, meditation and mindfulness
sessions, and office picnics, trips and sporting events can also help employees
deal with the anxiety and stress.
5. Companies should treat mental health with the same weightage as physical
health. Sick leave should be allowed for mental health concerns just as they are
for physical complaints. Companies must also provide their employees with a
holistic healthcare package that covers both physical and mental health
insurance. Mental and emotional health check-ups can be integrated into the
employee welfare program
According to By Neerja Birla ET CONTRIBUTORS Research indicates that 36% of
the larger Indian companies and 25% of the multinationals do not have a complaints
committee, although it is required by the law. It is essential that every company has one
now. Any employee should be able to file a grievance, anonymously if need be, so that
the system can treat them fairly. Most people spend about one-third of their lives in
their workplace. On average that amounts to 90,000 hours over a lifetime. It is essential
that companies do more to care about the mental and emotional wellbeing of people in
the workspace.



Research refers to a search for knowledge. It is a systematic method of collecting and

recording the facts in the form of numerical data relevant to the formulated problem
and arriving at certain conclusions over the problem based on collected data.

Thus formulation of the problem is the first and foremost step in the research process
followed by the collection, recording, tabulation and analysis and drawing the
conclusions. The problem formulation starts with defining the problem or number of
problems in the functional area. To detect the functional area and locate the exact
problem is most important part of any research as the whole research is based on the

According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems,

formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions: collecting, organizing and evaluating
data making deductions and reaching conclusions and at last carefully testing the
conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

Research can be defined as “the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the
purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge
aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art”

In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding
solution to a problem is research.


 To understand the importance of effective health and mental policies.

 To know how much employees are aware about the importance of mental and
physical health in the workplace.
 To understand the roles and responsibilities of organization in ensuring healthy
 To understand key factors that supports the employee to recover from mental
health problems.
 To understand what work-related stress is, what causes it and how it can be
prevented and managed.
 To provide support to individuals experiencing work related stress
 To find out different measures to improve physical and mental health of the
 To know whether employees have stable work life balance.
 To know how much employees are satisfied with their job.
 To know what are the stress full aspect of employees.


1) Employees feel that the organisation should not assigned too much or too little

2) Most of employees expect a stable shifts.

3) Most of Employee want a healthy work life balance.

4) Satisfied employee are more likely to recommend there organisation to the

friends and there family members.

5) Employees don’t get sufficient time to complete the work.

6) Organisation or companies should give employees breaks throughout the day.

Completing the same tasks for eight hours each day often results in diminishing
returns. Without a break during an employee will become bored with his job
and put forth little effort to ensure he completes each task to the best of his
ability. To know whether employees get time to relax.


 The purpose of this study is to understand how much the employees are satisfied
with their job.
 To carry out this study, a Questionnaire has been created online and people from
different age group were requested to fill up the questionnaire to procure first
hand primary data.
 The Link of the questionnaire has been provided below:
 A sample size of 50 people comprising of working population is targeted.
 Minor Data editing has been done to control the quality of the collected data, as
some of the response given by respondents were unclear.
 The respondents were selected irrespective of the geographical location
considering the nature of the topic.


 A small sample size of 50 employees was selected to ensure the quality of the
data but this limits the opinions of employees as most of them are working with
various organisation so the opinions of different employees differ.
 With the presence of a neutral answer choice, it was difficult to gauge the
attitude and profile of certain respondents.
 Contradictions were found in a few responses.
 A few respondents had chosen multiple options where only one option was
required according to the question.
 A few respondent where not told there designation.
 Respondent not answered to the question which were not mandatory.
 Unwillingness of respondents: While collection of the data many respondents
were unwilling to fill the questionnaire. Respondents were having a feeling of
wastage of time for them.
 Few respondents not replied properly to the question their reply to the question
is not relevant.


 This study help to find out the various problem related to mental and physical
health of employees.
 This study help to identify how much the employees are satisfied with their jobs.
 This study enable us to know what kind of problems employees face.
 The study tell how much employees are satisfied with their job.
 This study enable the organization to know the different aspect in which the
organization have to improve.
 It let the organization to know whether there is favorable work environment.
 This study will help the organization to undertake various promotional activities
so as to facilitate career development of employees.
 This study undertake the various factors related to mental and physical health
and the measure which the organization could take to improve the situation.
 This enables the organization to undertake various measures to improve
employees satisfaction by undertaking effective policies related to mental and
physical health which would help to improve mental and physical health of
 This study also let the organization to look at the different aspect from the
employee’s point of view.


 Data is collected from the person who are employed from the age group of 18
and above.

 Data is collected from those who are working with different organisations.

 Questionnaire is responded by various employees from the different


 The collected data is regarding mental and physical health of employee at the

 The reasons to collect data is to know how much employees are satisfied with
their job.

 It help to find the various mental stress related problems and its effect on
physical well-being of employee which employee face.

 The Sample size collected is of 50 peoples from different age groups from above
18 years of age.

 For collection of data an online questionnaire was formed which was distributed
among friends, family and colleagues.

 The response from this questionnaire is used as a primary source of data.

 LINK to the online questionnaire is given below –


The task of data collection begins after the research problem has been defined and
research design chalked out. While deciding the method of data collection to be used
for the study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and
secondary data.

Primary Data: -
The primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus
happen to be original in character. The primary data were collected through well-
designed and structured questionnaires based on the objectives.
• Questionnaire technique has been used for collection of data
• The questionnaire was responded via internet hence, the tool used here is
Secondary Data:
The secondary data are those, which have already been collected by someone.
The secondary data required was collected through various newspapers, magazine and
Internet etc.
Sample size:
Questionnaire is filled by 50 employees.
The questionnaire was filled in the office and vital information was collected which
was then subjects to:-
 Data collection was also done with the help of personal observation.
 After completion of survey the data was analyzed and conclusion was drawn.



Review of literature is the most important aspect in any research work. It is a measure,
stating the recent output on a particular area of research and organized in a helpful
sequence to strengthen the present research techniques. The main objective of the
review of literature is to understand the research activities that have taken place in a
particular discipline in general and the area of research in particular. The contribution
of academicians, information scientists, research scholars and library professionals on
this topic in various dimensions has generated invaluable set of research output.

According to the article of Times of India

The article has been authored by Swati Yadav, Vice President – Strategic HR,
Hilleman Laboratories.

Mental wellbeing of the workforce is a growing concern for governments as well as

businesses, globally. Mental health alone, as a cause, accounts for global loss of
productivity worth INR 65.39 trillion (US$ 1 trillion) annually. Poor mental health of
employees is rapidly gaining momentum and is increasingly affecting organizations in
India too. There has been a rise in the number of reported cases of employees suffering
from poor mental health, coming from organizations across all sectors due to
depression, anxiety, hypertension and high workplace stress, which are becoming the
most common work-related illnesses. Despite global attention and initiatives to raise
awareness, the stigma associated with the subject stands as a major challenge for
organizations. For some, it is the fear of being singled out, while others feel that the
workplace environment is not appropriate to open-up. Clearly, a reorientation in the
approach to address the issue is needed. A culture that embraces the fact that everyone
is susceptible to a mental health challenge, at some point in life, can be a significant
first step in this direction.Being perpetually stressed impacts the physical, mental and
emotional well-being of people and leads to high absenteeism, turnover, adversely
impacting the productivity of the company in several ways. As a consequence,
employees suffer from inability to focus, unhappy state of mind, loss of efficiency,
degradation of work quality, and cases of project deadlines being pushed are
increasingly becoming common for organizations in India and across the world.

According to an Assocham study By Dr. Pallavi Aravind Joshi
clinical depression has risen by around 50 per cent in the last eight years. This in turn,
results in an array of multifarious ailments that are gradually creeping in. 23 per cent of
the private sector employees are afflicted by obesity, which in turn augments the threat
of diabetes, hypertension and cardiac disorders.

The National Crime Records Bureau statistics reports show that 35 in every 100,000
people in Bangalore commit suicide due to depression. Hence it is imperative to seek
professional help - counselling therapy or medicinal therapy can be immensely
beneficial for recovery and mental well-being

The National Crime Records Bureau statistics reports - The author is a Consultant
Psychiatrist at Columbia Asia Hospital Whitefield. show that 35 in every 100,000
people in Bangalore commit suicide due to depression. Hence it is imperative to seek
professional help - counselling therapy or medicinal therapy can be immensely
beneficial for recovery and mental well-being.

A study conducted by Assocham last year showed that 42.5 percent of employees in
the Indian private sector are afflicted with general anxiety disorder or depression, as
compared to government employees. This is attributed to less pay and more working
hours which contribute to an atmosphere of constant fatigue. This further leads to stress
and frustration, thereby acutely affecting mental health. India has become the hub of
'cheap labour' for most of the employers across the globe. A private sector employee in
India works for a minimum of 48-50 hours a week when compared to 33 hours a week
in UK and 40 hours a week in US. Also the pay scale in India, a 'developing country',
is meagre when compared to these 'developed countries' which pay almost six times
more even after deducting the indexing prices and cost of living. This leads to extremely
demanding schedules, elevated stress level and performance pressure. Thus in a bid to
aid and add to the 'cheap labour' of the corporate industry, Indian working class has
traded its peace of mind and leisure. Even for managers, and other top ranking officers,
the situation is nothing different, and often even graver. Stress and frustration don't take
time to metamorphose into anxiety and depression. In such situations, restlessness,
exhaustion, anger, guilt, recurrent panic attacks, suicidal thoughts are also regular
guests. No wonder the corporate world is often compared to a roller coaster ride because
of the perks and exhilarating highs punctuated with miserably depressing lows.

Workload coupled with unrealistic expectations, lack of work-life balance and drastic
lifestyle are the prime factors that trigger such psychological conditions. Moreover,
sedentary lifestyle added with lack of fresh air and physical exercise worsens the
situation. Furthermore, most of these employees are sleep deprived and hardly ever get
to sleep peacefully even for six hours

According to the Article of Economic Times.


A study by a mental health charity in the UK revealed that the most stressful thoughts
in people’s minds are work-related. Mental health conditions are the second biggest
cause of absences from work and result in the loss of 15.4 million work days annually
in the UK.Recent research in the international retail sector suggests that one in every
ten work hours is lost to ‘unplanned time off’. The estimated cost to the global economy
due to depression and anxiety is US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity In light of
these statistics, it is worrying that 42.5% of the employees in the private sector of
corporate India suffer from depression or some form anxiety disorder. That’s almost
every second person. Studies indicate that two-thirds of people who have suffered from
depression face prejudice at work or while applying for new jobs.

The World Health Organization estimates that India will suffer economic losses
amounting to a staggering 1.03 trillion dollars from mental health conditions between
2012 and 2030.In India, mental health issues are even bigger taboo than in the West.
The stigmas attached to mental illnesses ensure that people sweep things under the
carpet and suffer in silence instead of speaking out and seeking help. Studies shockingly
show that 71% of Indians still use terminology associated with stigma and prejudice to
describe mental illnesses.

According to a Wall Street Journal report in recent study found out that, millennial
Indians spend far more time at work than their counterparts in 25 other countries – 52
hours a week on average. In such a scenario, job insecurity, challenging projects,
ambitious targets, tough deadlines, heavy performance pressures and the much-dreaded
appraisals can all lead to elevated stress levels. Bullying, discrimination and
harassment, an overtly competitive or hostile company culture, office politics and long
working hours that are physically, emotionally and mentally draining lead not only to

stress but also to trauma. 38% of working women in India show signs of psychiatric
morbidity compared to only 26% of the women who don’t work. Personal, family-
related or financial problems to any of these issues have a fertile breeding ground for
mental illnesses and disorders.

Mathew3 (1991) tested the relationship between Satisfaction and Organisational

commitment with a Non-recursive model that permitted the simultaneous examination
of the influence of satisfaction on commitment and the influence of commitment on
satisfaction. The study highlighted that the two variables were reciprocally related but
that the influence of satisfaction on commitment was stronger.


As Richard Carlson says that, “Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form
of mental illness”. Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. It was
conceived of as pressure from the environment, then as strain within the person. The
generally accepted definition today is one of interaction between the situation and the
individual. It is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of
the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the situation.
Thus, stress is more likely in some than others and in some individuals than others.
Stress can situations undermine the achievement of goals, both for individuals and for
organizations. Acute responses to stress may be in the areas of feelings (anxiety,
depression, irritability, fatigue), behaviour (being withdrawn, aggressive, tearful,
unmotivated), thinking (difficulties of concentration and problem solving) or physical
symptoms (palpitations, nausea, headaches). Stress is the way human beings react both
physically and mentally to changes, events, and situations in their lives. People
experience stress in different ways and for different reasons. The reaction is based on
your perception of an event or situation. If you view a situation negatively, you will
likely feel distressed i.e. overwhelmed, oppressed, or out of control. Distress is the more
familiar form of stress. The other form, Eustress, results from a “positive” view of an
event or situation, which is why it is also called “good stress.” Stress is your body’s
response to change.

P.S. Swaminathan,& Rajkumar S. in their work on ―Stress levels in Organizations

and their Impact on Employees’ Behaviour‖ (2013). They have conducted a study that
focused on the levels of stress among the age group, profession, different varieties of

jobs, hours of work and the influence of work environment on the degree of stress faced
by employees. Stress in an employees’ individual in nature. This study indicates that,
an optimum level in which every individual can perform with his full capacity and
identified three conditions responsible for work stress they are 1) Role overload 2) Role
self distance 3) Role stagnation

Satija S. & Khan W. in their research work titled ―Emotional Intelligence as

Predictor of Occupational Stress among Working Professionals‖ (2013). According to
them Occupational Stress is as same as Job Stress that needs to be controlled at the
workplace otherwise it will negatively affect on employee’s work attitudes & behavior.
This study investigates that, the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and
Occupational Stress. This study revealed findings that, Emotional Intelligence is a most
significant predictor of Occupational Stress

Michie (2002) associated workplace factors with stress and health risks that can be
categorized as those to do with the content of work and those to do with the social and
organisational context of work. Those that are intrinsic to the job include long hours,
work overload, time pressure, difficult or complex tasks, lack of breaks, lack of variety,
and poor physical work conditions (for example, space, temperature, light).


Below is the graphical representation of the data collected?

The response of a sample size of 50 respondents is used for data analysis and

Following are the Respondents

1) What is your Name?

Sr No. Names of the Respondents:

1. Nilesh Salgaonkar
2. Lokesh Moolya
3. Anil Quadrous
4. pooja bachhe
5. prakash karande
6. Munna Tripathi
7. Joseph
8. Amit Yadav
9. Sunil
10. Deepak bhardwaj
11. Sonali bhede
12. Gavin Fernandes
13. Sylvester
14. Harsh Gawda
15. Sonali kulkarni
16. hepziba
17. Suresh singh
18. Maria Alphanso
19. Hiten patel
20. Shawn fernandes
21. Lawrence Dsouza
22. shantanu parab
23. Abhishek

24. Abhishek
25. Manoj pillai
26. Pankaj Athimuthu
27. Sathish Malandkar
28. Yogesh Main
29. Rohan Kalmadi
30. Geeta Purabia
31. Jithal deshmukh
32. Joshna
33. Dipti padwal
34. Pranay Pashtey
35. Clifford castellino
36. Genelia Dsouza
37. Jennifer Joseph
38. Blessing Raj
39. Harsha Waghale
40. Ronit khorjuvekar
41. Anil Bachhe
42. Subham Vishwakarma
43. Gilbert Alphanso
44. Neil Dias
45. Janet coutinho
46. Mayur Chetri
47. Mrunal Thukrul
48. Saili Gunde
49. Saurab kulkarni
50. Rajesh Bhagat


Tabulation of data:



MALE 35 70 %

FEMALE 15 30 %

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

The above pie chart shows the gender of the respondent who have respondent male
represent 70% i.e. (35 respondents) an of female is 30% i.e. (15 respondents).

3) Which company you are working with?

Sr No. What is your Name? Which company you are working


1. Nilesh Salgaonkar Taj sats

2. Lokesh Moolya Business

3. Anil Quadrous Lumina datamatics

4. pooja bachhe Tracevfx

5. prakash karande LTI

6. Munna Tripathi Kaleen Bhaiyya

7. Joseph Ernst&Young

8. Amit Yadav Vk Enterprises

9. Sunil Tata consultancy

10. Deepak bhardwaj Mahendra

11. Sonali bhede Samsung

12. Gavin Fernandes Bharat petroleum

13. Sylvester HOLY SPIRIT

14. Harsh Gawda Synergy ltd

15. Sonali kulkarni Plada Infotech

16. hepziba Plada Infotech

17. Suresh singh Changs

18. Maria Alphanso LIC

19. Hiten patel Mahindra

20. Shawn fernandes HDFC

21. Lawrence Dsouza Sytel

22. shantanu parab hitachi

23. Abhishek Accenture

24. Abhishek Accenture

25. Manoj pillai Kirloskar Group

26. Pankaj Athimuthu STATE BANK OF INDIA

27. Sathish Malandkar Update Fashion

28. Yogesh Main Blue dart

29. Rohan Kalmadi hyatt

30. Geeta Purabia Bajaj Capital

31. Jithal deshmukh Indusland Bank

32. Joshna CPWD

33. Dipti padwal JW Marriott

34. Pranay Pashtey Blue dart

35. Clifford castellino Hitachi

36. Genelia Dsouza ICICI BANK

37. Jennifer Joseph Accenture

38. Blessing Raj Kalpataru

39. Harsha Waghale BHN Consultancy

40. Ronit khorjuvekar Air costa

41. Anil Bachhe Cornerstone on demand

42. Subham Vishwakarma Kotak Mahindra Bank

43. Gilbert Alphanso MTNL

44. Neil Dias Maruti Suzuki

45. Janet coutinho Tata

46. Mayur Chetri HDIL

47. Mrunal Thukrul Hdfc

48. Saili Gunde HDFC

49. Saurab kulkarni ACCENTURE

50. Rajesh Bhagat Toyota India

The Below graph represent the companies to whom the respondent belongs:

Interpretation of Data:

Above graph represent the companies of the respondent with whom they are working

4) Your Designation?

Below Graph represent Designation of the 50 respondents:

Tabulation of data:




18-24 Assistant,Business 21 42 %

25-34 Senior, 17 34 %
Finance Manager,
35-44 Senior, 12 24 %
Finance Manager
Total 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

According to the survey the designation of the employees stated as follows:

Counts means Respondents

As per survey the executive count is 10, functional counts is 5, Junior counts 9,

Senior counts 20, Assistant count 3, Hr. counts 2, Finance manager 1, Relationship
manger 1.

The Respondent above the age of 35 years founds to be seniors.

Above table show the relation between designation and the age.

From the survey about 86% employees state that there company offers them adequate
promotion and career development opportunities. Promotions and Career Development
opportunities facilitate career development of employee.

5) Your Age?

The Below Pie Chart represent the ages of Employees working in different

The questionnaire was prepared for the purpose to find out how much the employees
are satisfied with their job the data is being collected from the 50 respondents a
questionnaire was prepared and was circulated online as the tool followed here is
online. The data is collected from the age group of 18 and above and from those who
are working in various organisations. Age is an important factor that has an influence
of job satisfaction. Hence according to age levels the respondents are classified into
three factors.


Tabulation of data:



18-24 21 42 %

25-34 17 34 %

35-44 12 24 %

Total 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

Majority of the respondents (42%) are in 18 to 24 years age group and 34% of the
respondents are above 25-34 years age group and 24% of the respondents are above 35
years age group.

6) Does Your Company offer adequate opportunities for promotions and career

Interpretation of Data:

The following data is a graphical representation regarding career development

opportunity in the company. As per the survey about 43 respondent i.e. 86% selected
yes as their company provide them career development and the remaining 7 respondent
i.e. 14% have selected no as there company do not provide them promotion and career
development opportunity.

7) Do you feel stressed at work?

Below question was asked to find out whether the employees feel stressed at work and
if yes then what are the symptoms:

Tabulation of data:



YES 39 78 %

NO 11 22 %

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

Above diagram shows that about 39 respondents i.e. 78% are stressed due to work.

8) If “Yes”, could you please select the symptoms you experience due to stress (select
whichever is applicable)

Interpretation of Data:

About 78% feels stressed at work which causes symptoms like headache, Depression,
Anxiety, Insomnia which effects mental and physical well-being of an employee about
30 respondent i.e. 65.2% feel frequent headache, 21 i.e. 45.7% feel depression, 6
respondent i.e. 13% feel Anxiety and 1 respondent i.e. 2.2% remain tensed and

9) How long have you had this particular job stress?

Tabulation of data:



Less Than A Month 7 14 %

1-3 Months 7 14 %

4-6 Months 3 6%

6 Months - 1 Year 2 4%

More than 1 Year 31 62 %

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

About 62% of employees having stressed from more than a year and 14 % have stress
from less than a month and 14% have from 1-3 month and 6% have stress from 4-6
months and 4% have stress from 6-1 year about 56% states that they have been allotted
too much of work. None of the respondent have left their previous job due to medical

10) How would you rate the level of your job stress?

Tabulation of data:



Mild 14 28 %

Moderate 29 58 %

Severe 7 14 %

Extreme 0 NIL

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

Above pie chart states the level of job stress which individual face usually face in their
work Life 28 % rate their stress level mild, 58% rate their stress level moderate, 14%
respondent rated their stress level to extreme. to know how much what is the level of
stress of employees

11) Do you have too much work allotted?

Tabulation of data:



Strongly Disagree 1 2%

Disagree 5 10 %

Neutral 28 56 %

Agree 14 28 %

Strongly Agree 2 4%

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

Above question was asked to find out whether the employees are being assigned too
much of work 2% strongly disagree, 10% disagree, 56% remain neutral, 28% agree,
4% strongly agree, in total 16 respondents agree that they are being assigned too much
of work.

12) Do you have too little work allotted?

Tabulation of data:



Strongly Disagree 4 8%

Disagree 12 24 %

Neutral 26 52 %

Agree 6 12 %

Strongly Agree 2 4%

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of Data:

Above Pie diagram show whether the respondents are being provided with ample or
little work8% i.e. 4 respondents agree, 24% i.e. 12 respondents disagree, 52% i.e. 26
respondents remain neutral, 12% i.e. 6 respondents agree and 4% i.e. 2 respondent
strongly agree with the question, in total 8 respondents agree that they are being allotted
too little work

13) Do your work is repetitive and monotonous?

Tabulation of data:



Strongly Disagree 3 6%

Disagree 7 14 %

Neutral 29 58 %

Agree 10 20 %

Strongly Agree 1 2%

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of data:

This question was asked to find out whether there work is repetitive in nature which
would affect the interest of employee by doing the same work 6% i.e. 3 respondents
strongly disagree, 14% i.e. 7 respondents disagree, 58% i.e. 29 respondents remains
neutral, 20% i.e. 10 respondents agree with the question, 2% i.e. 1 respondents strongly
agree with the question . In total 11 respondents agree that there work is repetitive.

14) Don’t have sufficient time to complete your work?

Tabulation of data:



Strongly Disagree 2 4%

Disagree 8 16 %

Neutral 19 38 %

Agree 17 34 %

Strongly Agree 4 8%

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of data:

The question was asked to find out whether the employees are being provided with
sufficient time to undertake their work activity 4% i.e. 2 respondents strongly Disagree,
16% i.e. 8 respondents disagree, 38% i.e.19% remain neutral , 34% i.e. 17 respondents
agree, 8% i.e. 4 respondents strongly agree with the question in total 21 respondents
agrees with the question asked

15) Do you get enough rest breaks to relax in between work?

Tabulation of data:


Strongly Disagree 0 Nil

Disagree 3 6%

Neutral 19 38 %

Agree 18 36 %

Strongly Agree 10 20 %

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of data:

The above diagram show whether or not employees are provided sufficient time to
relax.6% i.e. 3 respondents disagree, 38% i.e. 19 respondents remain neutral, 36% i.e.
18 respondents agree and 20% i.e. 10 respondents strongly agree to the question. In
total 28 respondent agree to the question asked.

16) Do you feel you have a healthy work-life balance?

Interpretation of data:

Above Pie Chart show how much satisfied the employees are with their job from the
50 respondents 50% i.e. 25 respondent are satisfied with their work life along with their
personal life and remaining 50% i.e. 25 respondent feel that they don’t have a stable
work life balance.

17) If “No”, then which of the following statements best describes your work-life

Tabulation of data:


S (%)

My inflexible work hours causes issues like childcare, 4 8%

domestic issues etc.

I am expected to work long hours to achieve my targets 8 16%

I usually miss my children’s games and other activities. 5 10%

I am too tired after work I never go out with my family 17 34%

or friends.

I couldn't able to be with my family an friends even I 1 2%

work on the weekends

No Issues 15 30%

TOTAL 50 100%




Interpretation of data:

In the above question the respondents were asked to select the statement if they feel
they don’t have stable work life balance. The above pie diagram represent the issues
which employees feel which affect their personal life among 50 respondent about 8%
i.e. 4 respondent told that their inflexible work hours causes issues like childcare,
domestic issues etc., 16% i.e. 5 respondents were forced to work for long hours to
achieve their targets, about 10% i.e. 5 respondents told that they miss their children,
about 34% i.e. 17 respondents told that they become too tired and about 30% i.e. 15
respondent are satisfied with their job

18) Do you have a known health condition or disability?

Interpretation of data:

Above question was asked to find out the whether if the responded left any previous
job due to medical or health condition. Above pie diagram represent that about 80% i.e.
40 respondents don’t have any health conditions, about 18% i.e. 9 respondents have
said that they have health issues, about 2% i.e.1 respondent have the problem of poor
eye sight.

19) Have you ever left any previous employment on health grounds or required
adjustments to previous roles because of health problems?

Interpretation of data:

Above pie diagram represent that none of the respondents left there previous job due to
the health or medical conditions

20) Do you have very long working hours?

Tabulation of data.



Strongly Disagree 2 4%

Disagree 4 8%

Neutral 29 58 %

Agree 15 30 %

Strongly Agree 0 NIL

TOTAL 50 100 %

Interpretation of data:

This question was asked to find out how much employees are doing their shifts beyond
their job timing. Above Pie diagram represent that 8% i.e. 4 respondent disagree, 58%
i.e. 29 respondent remains neutral and about 30% i.e. 15 respondent agrees that they
have long working hour.

21) Considering your overall experience how likely are you to recommend this
organization to your family or friends?

Interpretation of data:

Above graph is regarding how much the employees are satisfied with their organization
the rating range is from 0 to 10.It help use to known how much employees are satisfied
with their job and how well they would recommend their organization to the friends
and family members even to the other known peoples.

1) A questionnaire of about 24 questions was prepared and shared online the
primary tool used over here is questionnaire.
2) However some of the respondent not answered relevantly their answer to the
question was irrelevant.
3) Most of the respondents ignore the question which were not mandatory
4) Many of the respondent selected more than one answer were only one answer
was required.
5) Most of the respondents remain neutral to the questions.
6) It was found that many of the respondents were not filling up the survey even
also reminding them.
7) Most of the respondents were not serious of the survey.
8) As most of the respondents remain neutral. So it creates problem to arrive at the


1. About 86% respondent told that their company offer adequate promotion and
career development opportunities and 14% respondent have no career
development opportunity
2. About 78% i.e. 39 respondent are found to be stressed.
3. Most of the respondent said that the most stressful aspect of their job which the
respondent include are. Night shifts, Workings on Sundays, Back to back
meetings, Long shifts, Delayed salaries.
4. It is found that about 62% respondents have stress from more than one year.
5. About 28% agree and 4% strongly agree that they are been allotted too much of
work and 12% agree and 4% strongly agree that they has been allotted too little
6. About 34% percent agree that they have to work for very long hours to achieve
their target.
7. It is found that about 20 percent have problem of physical health condition like
poor eye sight and blood pressure.
8. None of the respondent were found to leave their previous job because of health
9. Out of the total respondents 50 percent expressed their ability to balance their
work in their organization and the other 50 percent employees were not
confident to balance their work in any manner. It is suggested to insist the
employees in selected organizations and to create awareness about the
importance of work life balance.


As per the survey 78% employee’s sense stress at work which affects their mental
health which cause symptoms like headache, anxiety, Insomnia and 18% have health
conditions like hypertension, eye sight problems and most of respondent also said that
the organization should also provide health facilities like health checkup. Organisations
must place emphasis on physical well-being of a person organisations have the
responsibility to provide healthy workplaces.

As the organizations must provide a career development opportunity about 14% i.e. 7
respondent said that they are not been provided career development opportunities and
remaining 86% i.e. 43 respondents have adequate career development opportunity.
Most of the respondents in survey state that the organization if provide them salary
increment, stable shifts, travelling and overtime allowance would help them to cope up
with stress.

Corporate in India must realise that employees intellectual wealth is linked to their
physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to view health and mental
wellness in a holistic manner

Corporate in India is growing rapidly with each passing day. While the expansion
creates employment opportunities for millions of people, allowing them to fulfill their
hopes and dreams, a serious problem that is coming to the forefront is the rapid increase
in the number of people suffering from mental health conditions like depression and

According to the survey conducted some of the employees are satisfied and some were
not. A well satisfied employees are more likely to recommend their organization to their
friends and family members.


1) Employees feel that the organisation should not assigned too much or too little work
to them. – This Hypothesis proved to be true.

- As around 28% i.e. 14 respondent said they are been allotted too much of work and
56% i.e. 28 respondents remains neutral.

- As around 12% i.e. 6 respondent said they are been allotted too little work and 52%
i.e. 26 respondents remains neutral.

2) Most of employees expect a stable shifts. – This Hypothesis proved to be true.

- Most of the employees doesn’t like a long shift or night shift as working for long hours
increase the stress level of the employees and sitting for long hours effects their physical
health as they prefer if organization could provide them with a stable shift.

3) Most of Employee want a healthy work life balance. . – This Hypothesis proved to
be true.

Almost 50% of employees don’t feel that they are getting time to spend with their
family, children, some work for long hours to achieve their targets, some miss their
children games.

About 34% of employees feels that they get tired and never go out with family and

4) Satisfied employee are more likely to recommend their organization to the friends
and there family members. -This Hypothesis proved to be true.

It has been found that a more satisfied employees have rated their organization well and
are more likely to recommend their organization to their friends and family members.

5) Employees don’t get sufficient time to complete the work.

This Hypothesis proved to be true.

As around 34% i.e. 17 respondent said they are been allotted insufficient time to
complete their work and 38% i.e. 19 respondents remains neutral.

6) Organizations or companies should give employees breaks throughout the day.

Completing the same tasks for eight hours each day often results in diminishing returns.

Without a break or two during the day, an employee will become bored with his job
and put forth little effort to ensure he completes each task to the best of his ability.-This
Hypothesis proved to be true.

As around 36% i.e. 18 respondent said they are given breaks in between to relax in
order to complete their work more effectively and efficiently and 38% i.e. 19
respondents remains neutral.


Practical ways which employees could undertake to boost their Physical Health.

1. Do more physical activity

This mean walking, cycling or running all or part of the way to work. If you take public
transport, you could get off your bus or train early and walk the rest of the way. It's a
simple way to build up fitness, strength and stamina, and you may even reduce your
travelling costs!

Consider how much longer your journey will take, and whether you need to invest in
the right kit (good running shoes or a better bike, for example). And investigate what
facilities your organization offers (such as cycle bays, showers and changing areas) to
support a more active commute.

2. Build more activity into your working day.

• Take regular screen breaks

Despite being environment-friendly, Blue-light is one more factor for increasing

employee stress. Since most employees are exposed to blue light emitted from laptops
and smartphones, their circadian rhythm turns upside down. When this happens, the
quality of sleep suffers as a result, causing stress.

It's easier said than done, but aim to get away from your chair and screen once in a
while. For instance, you can stand up to do stretching exercises, take phone calls while
standing, or get up to talk to people rather than emailing them. A sticky note in the
corner of your computer screen or a regular alarm on your phone can be a useful
reminder to take a break.

• Use the stairs, rather than the elevator. Often, the time difference will be
minimal. But the activity will build up your aerobic capacity, raise your heart rate, and
increase your muscle strength. Of course, you need to apply your common sense.

3. Go outside (or just be more active) at lunchtime.

By making an effort to leave your desk at lunchtime, even for a short walk around the
block, can be beneficial. It can flex your joints, boost blood circulation, and allow for

mental recharging and reflection. Pedometers, fit bit® watches and app-based activity
trackers can provide activity goals to work toward during your working day.

4. Remember your diet.

Healthy behavior change has to combine exercise and diet to be effective. Research has
shown that, even if you're relatively active, carrying extra weight can significantly raise
your risk of heart problems. So, choose the healthy options from the staff restaurant and
the vending machine, or take your own nutritious food to work.

Physical wellbeing is crucial to satisfaction at home, work and beyond. It's important
for health and also for mental wellbeing, long-term thriving and being productive and
successful at all times in the modern organisations. With the pace of change in society
and at work, physical wellbeing is more important than ever in helping us stay strong
and able to meet the challenges of the day head-on.

Following are the measures by which organisations could Encourage
Employees to improve Mental and Physical Health.

Encouraging good health among employees is very important. Productivity will

increase to a great extent. Also, the overall well-being of employees will improve

Some measures to encourage employee health could be followed such as:

 By promoting regular exercise.

Regular exercise has many benefits to health in general. It lowers blood pressure and
blood cholesterol and improves cardiovascular health. It also strengthens bones and
joints and increases energy levels. Overall, it creates a healthier state of mind. It impacts
the health of an individual as much as nutrition does. Promoting regular exercise for
employees has many benefits. Sitting for long hours is one of the reasons for bad health
in workplaces. Avoid long sitting hours at the workplace. It causes many health effects
such as slowed metabolism and bad posture. It also affects the body’s abilities to
regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. Employers should encourage their employees
to use the stairs instead of elevators. Call in a fitness expert to conduct seminars on
physical exercise in workplace. Provide employees with gym memberships as rewards
and gifts. Promote cycling schemes at workplace. Employer can also tell employees to
participate in sporting events such as marathons. Or employer could conduct events like
a sports day.

 To promote good nutritional habits among employees.

Employees should get good nutrition’s good nutrition helps to maintain the energy and
concentration levels of employees. Poor nutrition impacts health significantly. It can
affect the quality of life of employees. It can create risks of illness and health problems,
cause stress and reduce productivity.

Good nutrition has a positive impact on the health and productivity of employees. It is
essential for employer to promote proper nutrition at workplace. This creates a healthy
work environment, promoting work-life balance and increasing overall productivity.
Provide free healthy options like fruits and juices at the workplace.

 To promote health by conducting awareness campaigns.

Discourage employees from indulging in unhealthy snacks. Encourage them to snack
on healthy foods such as fruits and nuts. Promoting Cleanliness in the Workplace

 Public cleanliness is necessary for the health of an individual. A dirty workplace

environment can cause the spread of harmful disease causing germs and viruses.
An employer must ensure that the garbage should be collected and dispose of
regularly. If this is not done, employees' health can suffer severely.
 Promoting Social Equality and Harmony in order to be happy one must be fully
healthy. If employees react at each other, they cannot be healthy or happy. As a
result, social equality and harmony are essential for the health of your
 To appoint counselor.

Mental health is a valuable aspect of the overall health of an individual. Good mental
health improves the quality of lives. It enables employees to have healthy relationships
and to make good life choices and to reach the full potential. Employees are prone to
bad mental health. Lack of sleep, overworking, workplace stress causes depression and
anxiety among employees. This results in a loss of productivity and increases

To improve the mental health of employee’s employers can invite a counselor to train
employees on mental health. They will learn how to combat their problems using
mental health strategies such as meditation and its benefits to employees. Meditation
relieves depression, anxiety, stress, etc.

 By Creating a Smoke-Free Workplace.

Besides causing cancer, smoking causes harm to nearly every organ in the body. It is
directly responsible for a number of diseases and ailments. Smoking shortens the lives
of men by about 12 years and the lives of women by about 11 years. It causes damage
to the bones, brain, heart, immune system, reproductive organs and many more. It is
one of the main reasons for deaths around the world. The Organisations should restrict
smoking at workplace to improve overall employee health. Organisations must ensure
that entire workplace is devoid of smoking. Prohibit smoking indoor and also in
company vehicles.

Invite doctors to conduct seminars at workplace. Let them promote awareness of the
health problems caused by smoking. Making a company smoke-free by conducting
“quit smoking” campaigns. Encouraging the employees to join campaigns and also
provide nicotine replacement therapies to employees to help them quit smoking.

 By reducing Alcohol Consumption.

Alcohol consumption is also one of the leading causes of diseases and premature deaths
throughout the world. It causes cancer, heart problems, kidney failure, liver problems
etc. Reducing alcohol consumption of your employees should be one of the main
concerns of an employer. Alcohol consumption needs to be reduced in order to improve
employee health.

Promote awareness of alcohol-related health issues and deaths in workplace. Invite a

doctor or nutritionist to inform employees about the health effects of alcohol.

At company functions and events employers should promote and provide options to
choose non-alcoholic drinks to the employees. Encourage them to drink responsibly.
Organize therapeutic programs where your employees can address their alcohol
consumption problems.

High workplace stress can cause employees to look at drinking as a solution to their
problems. This is associated with alcohol abuse and has health risks. Try to find the
root causes of stress at workplace and combat them with whatever means necessary.

Providing Health and Wellness Incentives and Programs. As a concerned employer

need to determine the needs of employees. Employer should encourage healthy habits
among their employees. An employer should also offer more healthy options in
workplace and promote regular breaks and time off.

 By preventing Health Problems in General.

Provide annual health screening tests and health services for employees. This will create
awareness of underlying health issues. Arrange doctor visits to workplace for
discussion on common health problems and how to combat them and also arranging

onsite vaccinations and check-ups for your workforce. These will prevent and protect
them from any harmful disease.

Summarizing It All:

Bill Gates and other world leaders have advocated the benefits of corporate employee
health. The benefits are being fast recognized throughout the world. All successful
companies have healthy employees.

Promoting the health of your employees will help them perform better. It will create
team building opportunities. They will be happier, satisfied and stress-free in general.
This will support a healthy work environment and create a work-life balance. It is vital
for organisations to encourage a healthier workforce. Promoting employee health is not
only beneficial for employees. It is beneficial for organisations as well. It creates a
positive and efficient work culture and environment.

A healthier workforce is more engaged, focused and productive. Being healthy

improves the overall quality of life reducing risk factors for diseases. Furthermore, a
healthy workplace will reduce absenteeism and employee turnover. The organisations
will reap many benefits by promoting employee health in their workplace.



1) What is your Name?

2) Your Gender?

o Male
o Female
o Other

3) Which company you are working with?

4) Your Designation?

 Executive
 Functional
 Junior
 Senior
 Assistant
 Other

5) Your Age?

o 18-24 years old

o 25-34 years old
o 35-44 years old
o 45-54 years old
o 55-64 years old
o 65-74 years old
o 75 years or older

6) Does Your Company offer adequate opportunities for promotions and career

 Yes
 No

7) Do you feel stressed at work?

o Yes
o No

8) If “Yes”, could you please select the symptoms you experience due to stress (select
whichever is applicable)

 Frequent headache
 Depression
 Anxiety Attacks
 Insomnia
 Loss of appetite
 Other reasons (Please specify)

9) What is the most stressful aspect of your job?

10) How long have you had this particular job stress?

o Less Than A Month

o 1-3 Months
o 4-6 Months
o 6 Months - 1 Year
o More than 1 Year

11) How would you rate the level of your job stress?

o Mild
o Moderate
o Severe
o Extreme

12) Do you have too much work allotted?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

13) Do you have too little work allotted?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

14) Do your work is repetitive and monotonous?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

15) Don’t have sufficient time to complete your work?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

16) Do you get enough rest breaks to relax in between work?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

17) Do you feel you have a healthy work-life balance?

 Yes
 No

18) If “No”, then which of the following statements best describes your work-life

o My inflexible work hour’s causes issues like childcare, domestic issues etc.
o I am expected to work long hours to achieve my targets
o I usually miss my children’s games and other activities.
o I am too tired after work I never go out with my family or friends.
o Other

19) What are the positive aspects of your job?

20) What are the three things you would like the organization to do differently to help
you cope with work stress?

21) Do you have a known health condition or disability?

o Yes
o No

22) Have you ever left any previous employment on health grounds or required
adjustments to previous roles because of health problems?

o Yes
o No

23) Do you have very long working hours?

o Strongly Disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

24) Considering your overall experience how likely are you to recommend this
organization to your family or friends?

0 To 10











9. Search Engine =



12. Occupational Health Magazine on Workplace Wellbeing, Health & Wellbeing

at Work – A Three Step Approach Health and wellbeing at work: a three-step
approach. By Lawrence Mitchell on 2 Dec 2014 in mental health and stress,
Occupational Health, Wellbeing and health promotion.


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