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Rajneesh Sharma

3103, A , Avalon,
Hiranandani Gardens
Powai ,Mumbai
022-25701274,cell 9820187416

Dec 29th,2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm applying for a position of captain at your esteemed company. Based on the posted description, I'm
confident that I am fully qualified and have adequate experience for the position and will be a strong
addition to your flight operations team.I would appreciate a job interview at your earliest convenience.
Please find my resume attached.

I can be reached at the number above or at my email address.

Capt Rajneesh Sharma

Rajneesh Sharma
Rajneesh Sharma
3103, A , Avalon, Hiranandani Gardens Powai ,Mumbai 400076
022-25701274,cell 9820187416 • rajneesh71@live.com

Application For Employment As Captain

Educational Qualifications
● HSC - Science,Gyan Bharti School, Delhi.
● SSC- Gyan Bharti School, Delhi

Licences And Experience

Type Rating Instructor Presently

● DGCA ATPL#2441
● English Proficiency Level 6
● Instrument rating current 03/09/2020
● Class 1 Medical valid 26/10/2020

Flying Experience September 1994-Presently

● TOTAL - 12092:15
● Boeing 777, P1 - 5940:05
● Boeing 777, P2- 58:15
● Airbus 310, P1- 2274:10
● Airbus 310, P2- 1615:20
● Boeing 747-200/300-P2- 1612:20
● CPL/Instructional- 592:10

Work Experience
Presently Joint general manager Operations Training.

● Captain B777- 2007-presently

● Captain Airbus310- 2003 to 2007
● First officer Airbus 310- 1994 to 1998
● First Officer Boeing 747-200/300- 1998 to 2003
● Employee of Air India for 25 years since 12th September 1994 to presently.
● Instructor on single engine -1993-1994

Personal Details

● Married.
● Two children.


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