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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

Effects of agricultural management on the use of

lowland grassland by foraging birds
Dave L. Buckingham *, Will J. Peach, Derren S. Fox
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Science, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL, UK
Received 17 November 2004; received in revised form 9 June 2005; accepted 28 June 2005
Available online 15 September 2005


A field-scale correlative study was used to identify which factors had the greatest influence on the usage of agricultural grassland by
foraging birds in the English West Midlands. The study extended previous work by directly comparing a more complete range of lowland
grassland management practises, bird species and seasons. Sward structure had more influence on bird usage than botanical composition. Bird
species fell into two groups based on their sward structure preferences, which closely reflected where they obtained their food. Species that
feed on soil-dwelling invertebrates selected short swards, while species that feed on sward-dwelling invertebrates or seeds selected taller
swards with greater spatial heterogeneity. Grazing had a greater influence on grassland usage than sward age and other management practices.
Birds mainly responded positively to grazing, especially by cattle. Weed control reduced the usage of grass fields by granivorous birds during
summer and winter. Intensive grazing systems create and maintain short, uniform swards that favour bird species foraging for soil-dwelling
invertebrates, but not those reliant on seeds or sward-dwelling invertebrates. It is proposed that excessive defoliation of agricultural grasslands
(associated with intensive grazing and mowing regimes) impacts granivorous birds by reducing prey abundance. Reductions in grazing
intensity and the avoidance of weed control should increase food availability for granivorous and insectivorous birds on grass fields.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Farmland birds; Grassland management; Sward structure; Grazing; Mixed models

1. Introduction farming systems. Pastoral farming has increased in

western Britain, which now holds over 60% of the area
Permanent grassland accounts for a large proportion of of grassland in Britain, compared to just 12% in eastern
all agricultural land in Britain (66% in 2001) and Europe arable areas (MAFF, 1997).
(40% in the EU15 countries in 2001) (UN Food and Farmland bird populations have declined in the UK since
Agriculture Organisation FAOSTAT data, updated Feb- the 1970s (Siriwardena et al., 1998). Most research into bird
ruary 2004, Since the mid- declines has focussed on arable systems, where there is
twentieth century, grassland management has intensified to increasing evidence of links to intensification (e.g. Brickle
increase livestock forage and fodder production. The et al., 2000). A general intensification of pastoral farming
resulting habitat changes have been widespread and practice coincided with relatively severe declines in the
pervasive. Grasslands of nature conservation value, mainly abundance and range of farmland birds, particularly seed-
defined by botanical communities, now comprise less than eating species, in western pastoral regions of Britain
2% of the area of lowland grassland in England and Wales (Chamberlain and Fuller, 2000). The presence of arable
(Blackstock et al., 1999). Farms have also specialised into crops in pastoral areas is associated with increased densities
either arable or livestock production, abandoning mixed of granivorous farmland birds (Robinson et al., 2001), so the
loss of arable cropping from many livestock farms may
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1767 680551; fax: +44 1767 692365. account in part for the declines in western Britain. The
E-mail address: (D.L. Buckingham). intensification of grassland management has probably

0167-8809/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
22 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

caused a reduction in seed and invertebrate densities and future work. A large sample of fields was employed to assess
possibly their availability to foraging birds (Vickery et al., the generality of foraging responses across the full suite of
2001). However, the key management practices and the management practises, bird species and seasons. Previous
mechanisms involved are poorly understood. studies have been restricted to winter and have considered
The UK government has committed to reversing the long- narrower ranges of management practices or bird groups
term decline in the numbers of farmland birds by 2020 (Tucker, 1992; Perkins et al., 2000; Barnett et al., 2004). It is
(Defra, 2002). Meeting this Public Service Agreement will particularly important to understand factors affecting the
require a better understanding of avian ecology on grass- utility of grasslands for birds during summer because the
lands, both to establish the mechanisms involved and to abundance and quality of grassland can be a key factor
design remedial measures. The development of potential influencing the breeding performance of farmland birds (e.g.
conservation measures on arable farmland is much further Evans et al., 1997).
advanced (e.g. Boatman et al., 2000).
The intensification of grassland management has
involved several interrelated changes in farming practice. 2. Methods
The principal changes that may have impacted bird
populations are increased use of fertilisers (especially 2.1. Study areas
inorganic nitrogen), the switch from hay to silage, increased
stocking densities, reseeding of grasslands and drainage A sample of 23 farms representing a wide range of
(Vickery et al., 2001). All of these actions promote pastoral businesses was selected for study in a mixed
structurally uniform, dense swards dominated by competi- farming region in the English West Midlands (Shropshire,
tive ryegrasses Lolium spp. and such swards now dominate Staffordshire and Cheshire). The farms comprised approxi-
agricultural landscapes. Grassland management has devel- mately 70–90% grassland, with the remaining area in arable
oped along the same lines throughout the parts of western crops. Farms were selected to stratify the sample of fields
Europe where farmland birds have declined (Lazenby, 1988; across the farming practices and management gradients
Donald et al., 2001b). (such as fertiliser inputs, Fig. 1) occurring in the region.
Behavioural studies have described foraging site selec- Thus, the sample maximised sensitivity to management
tion by birds as a trade-off between energy intake rates and effects but did not sample each management type in
perceived predation risk. Vegetation structure influences this proportion to its area in the region. The same fields were
trade-off via three main factors: food abundance, predation surveyed in both summer and winter, though some fields
risk and food accessibility. Food intake rates are higher were lost or subdivided between seasons (1392 ha of grass
where food is more abundant (e.g. Brodman et al., 1997). fields, n = 388 in winter and n = 373 in summer).
But food intake rates are lower where visibility is impaired: Thirteen farms had dairy herds and ten raised beef cattle.
for instance, deeper swards force birds to spend a greater Sheep grazed nine farms during summer and 15 during
proportion of their time watching for predators, rather than winter. In summer, almost all grazed fields were grazed by
feeding (Devereux et al., 2004; Whittingham and Evans, cattle and one-third by sheep. In winter, about three quarters
2004). Deeper swards also obstruct access to the bird and of grazed fields were sheep grazed and half cattle grazed.
conceal food items, further reducing intake rates (Whitting- Horses were kept on five farms, including two large livery
ham and Evans, 2004). Numerous studies have demonstrated stables and a racehorse stud, totalling 40 fields. Six farms
the importance of minimising the predation risk, but risk were managed as organic dairies. Agri-environment
avoidance strategies and consequently selection responses to management agreements were in place on 15 farms
sward structure vary substantially between species (Watts, (Countryside Stewardship Scheme, CSS): 12 farms with
1991; Devereux et al., 2004). No behavioural studies have whole-field management options and five with grass margin
explicitly considered situations where the effects of options. During the 5 years prior to fieldwork, hay was
vegetation structure on predation risk conflicted with those harvested on 17 of the farms and silage on 18. Zero-grazing
on food abundance. Grasslands are one such habitat as (involving daily mowing of grass for consumption by cattle
certain key prey items (e.g. herbivorous invertebrates, housed elsewhere on the farm) was practised on two
Morris, 2000) are more abundant in taller swards, where conventional dairies. Sward ages ranged from newly
predation risk is relatively high and accessibility relatively established leys to permanent pastures over 160 years old
poor. This behavioural framework needs to be applied to (25% fields 5 years old, 25% fields 50 years old). Sward
explaining the effects of grassland management on foraging types ranged from high-input ryegrass Lolium monocultures
site selection in order to identify the limiting factors before to low-input species-rich meadows. The predominant NVC
practical solutions can be developed. communities were MG6 (L. perenne-Cynosurus cristatus
The aim of this study was to identify the key components grassland) and MG7 (L. perenne leys), with a smaller sample
of lowland grassland management that influence the of MG4 (Alopecurus pratensis-Sanguisorba officinalis
suitability of grass fields as feeding habitats. A correlative grassland) and MG5 (C. cristatus-Centaurea nigra unim-
approach was used to generate hypotheses for more focussed proved grassland) (Rodwell, 1992).
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 23

Fig. 1. Nitrogen inputs to fields in the study area. (a) Distribution of annual nitrogen inputs from agricultural sources including fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
by clover 1995–1999 (XNALL/5) and (b) estimated percentage of total nitrogen inputs fixed by clover in 1999.

2.2. Bird usage of grass fields but with weighting scores adjusted to reflect regional hedge
management practice:
Birds were counted by walking parallel transects 50 m
apart after first walking the entire field perimeter and 1  L1 þ 2  L2 þ 3  L3 þ 4  L4
scanning the field with binoculars. At the discretion of the Li
surveyor, closer transect spacings were used to avoid
overlooking birds in taller swards. All birds feeding on or where L1 is the length of hedges or fences up to 1 m tall, L2
over the field were counted and care was taken to avoid hedges between 1 and 3 m tall, L3 hedges over 3 m tall and
double counting of flushed birds. Only grass fields were L4 the combined length of tree-lines over 8 m tall, woods and
searched and the routes taken around each farm were buildings. The index reflects the degree of enclosure by
randomised between visits to control for time of day. Each vertical structures. An index of field shape (AREAIND) was
farm survey took one whole day to complete. Two derived by dividing the field area by the area of a circular
fieldworkers did all the surveys, covering alternate areas field with the same perimeter length. Low AREAIND scores
on each visit. Bird counts did not take place within one hour identified narrow fields with a higher proportion of their area
of dawn or dusk, during rain, or in winds greater than close to the boundary; high scores indicated round fields
Beaufort force 4. with a proportionally larger field centre.
Bird usage was measured four times during the winter of Farmers were asked to classify the soils in each field as
1999/2000, and four times during the summer of 2000. This clay, clay-loam, loam, peat and sandy. Soil bulk density was
sampling rate was relatively low (cf. Perkins et al., 2000), scored from light to heavy by ease of cultivation. The pH-
allowing a larger sample of fields. The winter bird counts buffering capacity of soils was graded by the ease of
took place between mid-November 1999 and mid-March maintaining near-neutral soil pH (acid, slightly acid or
2000, thereby avoiding peak migration periods. Summer neutral). Calcareous soils were absent from the study sites.
counts took place from April to early September. Only birds Sward structure was assessed using sward height
of breeding age were counted during the summer and birds measurements. An HFRO sward stick (Hodgson et al.,
that were not foraging were excluded from analyses (e.g. 1986) was used to measure sward height at 20 points evenly
displaying skylarks Alauda arvensis L. and loafing gulls distributed along a fixed ‘‘M’’-shaped transect. Each transect
Larus). started at one end of a field, crossing from side to side to
cover the whole field. The sward surface was defined as the
2.3. Field characteristics height at which the descending Perspex window first
touched live foliage of any plant, excluding the leafless
A range of characteristics that might have influenced bird upper parts of flowering stems.
usage was recorded for each field (Appendix A). An index of Sward composition was quantified using a 0.7 m  0.7 m
field enclosure was calculated following Wilson et al. (1997) square quadrat, subdivided into 49 10 cm  10 cm squares.
24 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

Twenty quadrat measurements were collected from each hay was cut with years when only silage was cut. To reflect
field, at the same points as the sward height measurements. the likelihood of grass setting seed and intervals between
Three sward components were measured: bare ground, successive cuts, haylage crops were treated as hay, and each
agricultural clovers (red clover Trifolium pratense L. and zero-grazing cutting cycle was treated as a single silage cut.
white clover T. repens L.) and forbs, excluding the Weed control was subdivided into two categories:
agricultural clovers. The number of grid squares occupied herbicides (mainly reactive spot-spaying) and mechanical
by each sward component was counted. A grid square was methods (topping and hand weeding of ragwort Senecio
considered occupied if the sward component covered at least jacobea L.). Treatments for endoparasitic worms or
one quarter of the square. ectoparasites were only counted when the active ingredient
Sward measurements were collected once in each half of could reach the field (i.e. the animals were treated on the
the winter. During summer, sward heights were measured field or grazing by animals treated with avermectin boluses).
immediately after every bird count, as plant growth was Insecticides were not used on the study sites.
rapid and defoliations were frequent. Quadrat measurements Fields with CSS options were subdivided into those with
were collected after the first and third summer visits and on whole-field or margin options. Whole-field options included
other visits if the sward had changed significantly (usually extensive grazing, hay cuts and reseeding with customised
because of mowing). Seasonal means of sward measure- seed mixtures or hay from species-rich meadows. Margin
ments were used in the models (Appendix A). Standard options allowed a fallow period during the growing season.
deviations of measurements were calculated first for each Mowing was not permitted on margins if grass was cut in the
visit and then averaged. centres of fields, but grazing was allowed under some
Management histories for each field were obtained by agreements. Nutrient inputs were restricted in all cases.
interviewing farmers. Information was collated on manage-
ment during the current season, the preceding season and the 2.4. Data analysis
preceding 5 years. The management variables are sum-
marised in Appendix B. Bird usage on individual grass fields was modelled using
Nitrogen inputs from fertilisers were subdivided into general linear mixed models (GLMMs) in which ‘farm’ was
organic and chemical sources. The nitrogen content of organic declared as a random variable. The GLMMs modelled non-
fertilisers (farmyard manure, slurry and dirty water) was independence of field usage within farm units, unlike GLMs,
calculated using standard conversion tables (MAFF, 1994). which would assume independence (McCulloch and Searle,
Atmospheric nitrogen fixation by clover was estimated using 2001; Milsom et al., 2000). Not all treatments (management
a model based on the percentage of clover in the sward and the practices) took place on each farm, resulting in an
sward age (Kristensen et al., 1995). Average clover cover incomplete blocks design. GLMMs are better suited to
scores in summer 2000 were used in the models and clover incomplete blocks designs than GLMs, because they recover
cover was assumed to remain constant between years. information from the between-farms error stratum, reducing
Variables measuring total nitrogen inputs combined inputs between-farms bias (Brown and Prescott, 1999). In addition,
from fertilisers and clovers (Fig. 1); 114 fields received because between-farm effects were controlled in the
average annual nitrogen inputs below 50 kg N ha1. GLMMs, the estimated fixed effects were more general
Detailed records of the intensity and duration of grazing (wider inference space), applying to any field, not just the
were not generally available. Fields were classed as grazed fields within the specific farm groupings of the study.
by cattle, sheep or horses in summer or winter (after GLMMs were fitted using the macro GLIMMIX supplied
October). The number of survey visits when recent grazing with SAS 8.02 (Littell et al., 2002).
was evident (by the presence of animals or fresh dung) was Frequency of occurrence on each field was modelled
used to measure grazing frequency, but could not quantify using GLMMs with a binomial error distribution and a logit
grazing intensity or duration. The area of large patches of link function (a ‘binomial trials’ model). Frequency models
bare ground (1 m2) was measured during the bird counts. readily meet statistical requirements but discard information
Livestock trampling around hedges, gateways and feeding on the numbers of birds present. They may still be
stations produced almost all of the large bare patches, so representative of total bird usage if frequencies and total
their combined area was used as an indirect measurement of counts are strongly correlated (Perkins et al., 2000). If this
grazing intensity. Few large bare patches were produced by was not the case, count data may hold additional information
machinery. Quadrat measurements of fine-scale bare ground on habitat preferences, so maximum counts on each field
cover were not correlated with the areas of large bare patches were also modelled, using GLMMs with a Poisson error
(rs < 0.2 in both seasons). distribution and a log link function. Low Spearman
Fodder crops were harvested using four methods: hay, correlation coefficients (rs < 0.4) between frequencies of
silage, haylage and zero-grazing. Fields were often mown occurrence and total winter counts on each field identified
more than once in a growing season, sometimes using more four species where this was necessary: woodpigeon
than one harvesting technique. To allow a direct comparison Columba palumbus L., yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella
between hay and silage, variables contrasted years when any L., fieldfare Turdus pilaris L. and goldfinch Carduelis
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 25

carduelis L. (winter only, rs = 0.25–0.31). The GLIMMIX to simplify a group of 13 inter-correlated variables, describing
macro automatically rescaled the model deviance to correct long-term patterns of mowing and grazing. The four resulting
over/under-dispersion. Highly under-dispersed models (dis- axes (Appendix C) independently described the major
persion factor <0.3) were rejected. gradients of cropping practice across fields, thereby aiding
Field usage by each species was modelled separately in interpretation. Sward measurements were strongly inter-
winter and summer. Within each season, two models were correlated, but a PCA did not provide interpretable axes.
produced using alternative sets of explanatory variables, Nitrogen inputs were also strongly correlated, but the
describing sward condition or management. Most of the variables were retained so that non-linear relationships with
variables had been shown to be important in previous bird bird usage could be modelled explicitly.
usage studies. Each model was built in two stages. In the first Models were constructed for species that occurred on a
stage of model development, significant predictors of field minimum of about 20 fields. Most granivorous birds were
usage were identified from a suite of 26 variables describing scarce on grassland so datasets were combined to look for
field characteristics and adjacent land use (Appendix A). generic effects on usage. Winter data were combined for all
The influence of these variables is not interpreted here, but granivorous passerines excluding skylarks, which mainly
their influence was controlled for before modelling other use field centres (rather than margins) and, unlike other
explanatory variables. In the second stage of model granivores, can supplement their diet by grazing (Donald
development, either sward condition or management et al., 2001a). Summer data for granivorous passerines were
variables (6 and 39 variables, respectively) were added to grouped according to chick diet. Species that feed their
the set of field characteristics variables. Potential predictor chicks invertebrates (skylark, buntings, sparrows) formed
variables were incorporated into GLMMs as fixed effects the mixed diet seedeaters group while species feeding their
using a manual step-up procedure. At each step, the variable young only seeds (Cardueline finches) formed the obligate
with the lowest P value, based on the Wald statistic (Littell seedeaters group.
et al., 2002), was added to the model and the process Model fit was examined graphically, using plots of
continued until no further variables had a significant observed and predicted values (Milsom et al., 2000).
influence on the dependent variable. Additional fixed effects Predicted values were calculated for the full range of values
were only included in the model if all previously included of the variable of interest and mean values of the other
fixed effects remained significant (at P < 0.05) in Type 3 variables in the model (or modal values for categorical
Wald tests. Quadratic terms were fitted to check whether variables). For categorical variables, observed probabilities
selected continuous variables had non-linear effects on bird of occurrence were calculated as the average frequency
usage. Information theoretic approaches are recommended across all fields falling into each category, divided by the
for model selection in correlative studies (Rushton et al., number of visits. For continuous variables, the fields were
2004), but they cannot be used to select fixed effects in grouped into five bins, based on the variable of interest, with
mixed models (Welham and Thompson, 1997). Each time roughly equal numbers of fields in each bin. Observed
the fixed effects are changed, the random effects are re- probabilities of occurrence were then calculated across fields
estimated, changing the error structure (residual space) and in each bin and assigned to the mean value of the continuous
preventing comparisons of information criteria between variable within each bin.
models. In practice, most of the observed changes in the
random variables were small, so the change in the Akaike
Information Criterion (AIC) associated with the inclusion of 3. Results
each predictor variable was retained as an approximate (not
absolute) measure of explanatory strength. Birds used most fields on at least one survey visit (3.6%
Many of the explanatory variables were correlated and this of fields were unused in winter, 6.7% in summer) and
problem was addressed by variable substitution and principal feeding birds were detected on two-thirds of all field-visits.
components analysis. Correlations between pairs of predictor Numbers of birds and species were generally low: on 90% of
variables were assessed using Spearman rank correlation field-visits, there were 4 species and 32 birds in winter
coefficients, Cramér’s V (for pairs of categorical variables) or (3 species and 10 birds in summer). Blackbird T. merula
Kruskal–Wallis tests (for combinations of continuous and L. was the most ubiquitous species, utilising 65% of fields.
categorical variables). Factors with more than two levels were Carrion crow Corvus corone L., woodpigeon and magpie
compared using the test statistic chi-squared divided by Pica pica L. were the only other species to occur on over a
degrees of freedom (Table 2). As tests of model robustness, third of fields. In winter, 21 species were sufficiently
each sward or management variable in final models was ubiquitous to produce models and 19 species in summer.
replaced with the two most strongly correlated sward and
management variables. In practise, replacing variables 3.1. Sward condition
generally resulted in one or more of the other variables
ceasing to be significant, in which case the alternative model Sward height was the most consistent predictor of grass
was rejected. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used field usage with all species except skylark (Fig. 2a) avoiding
26 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

the tallest swards in summer and winter (Table 1, seasonal averages. Granivorous passerines only showed
Appendix D.1). The strongest avoidance of taller swards preferences for tall or above average sward heights.
was exhibited by thrushes Turdus, starling Sturnus vulgaris Fields with more bare ground (or its positively correlated
L. and corvids in both seasons and by pied wagtail Motacilla standard deviation) were preferred by five species during
alba L. during summer (Fig. 2b,c and e). All the thrushes and winter and three species plus the mixed-diet seedeater guild
starling were observed less frequently on the shortest swards in summer. Granivorous passerines only showed positive
(Fig. 2b and c), although the models did not always reflect associations with bare ground cover.
this. Field usage by yellowhammer (winter peak 10.7 cm, Fields with high forb cover tended to be avoided during
Fig. 2d) and linnet C. cannabina L. (summer peak 18.5 cm, winter (Table 1, Appendix D.1, Fig. 2g); only redwing T.
Fig. 2f) peaked at sward heights above the respective iliacus L. preferred fields with higher forb densities (peak

Fig. 2. Effects of sward condition on field usage. Predicted responses from the models are plotted as lines and observed values, averaged in bins, are plotted
1S.E. MHFRO is the mean sward height (graphs a–f); MFORB is the mean forb cover (graphs g–i).
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 27

Fig. 2. (Continued ).

cover score 4.1). Linnets preferred forb-rich swards in and pheasant Phasianus colchicus L. and were not avoided
summer, but yellowhammers and other mixed-diet seedea- by any species (Table 2, Appendix D.2). Blackbird and robin
ters did not (Fig. 2h and i). Clover-rich fields were preferred Erithacus rubecula L. preferred summer cattle grazing over
by redwings and seedeaters during winter and by obligate hayfields and horse grazing (CROP4), while pied wagtails
seedeaters and four other species during summer (peak cover preferred grazing to mowing (CROP1). Long-term cropping
scores in quadratic models were all greater than the mean). patterns influenced few species in summer (Table 2). CROP3
contrasted cattle grazing (preferred by pied wagtails) with
3.2. Long term grazing and mowing patterns hay (preferred by yellowhammers).

Fields with a history of silage cutting followed by winter 3.3. Recent grazing and mowing
cattle grazing (as reflected by a high CROP3 PCA score,
Appendix C) were strongly preferred in winter by thrushes, Recent grazing was one of the strongest predictors of
starlings, granivorous passerines, jackdaw C. monedula L. grass field usage for a wide range of bird species in summer
28 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

However, woodpigeon and stock dove avoided frequently

mown fields during summer. Stock dove was the only
species to select hay fields (Appendices D.2 and D.3).

3.4. Fertilisers

Effects of fertilisers on field usage were weaker than

those of grazing (smaller AIC reductions) and lacked
consistency across species (Table 2). Several species
(including jackdaw and woodpigeon, Fig. 4a) preferred
fields with intermediate nitrogen inputs. Negative responses
to nitrogen inputs were largely confined to small insectivores
(Appendices D.2 and D.3, Fig. 4b). Granivorous passerines
only showed weak responses to fertiliser use, including a
negative effect for obligate seedeaters in summer (Fig. 4c)
and a positive effect of chemical fertilisers for wintering
skylarks. There was no consistent preference between
organic or chemical fertilisers (Table 2).

3.5. Other management factors

Fig. 2. (Continued ).

There were few consistent effects of other management

and winter (Table 2). Cattle grazing in the preceding summer factors on field usage (Table 2). Regular chemical weed
and the area of bare ground patches (mainly caused by control reduced field usage (Table 2) by granivorous
grazing cattle) had a strong and consistent positive effect on passerines in winter (Fig. 5a) and by mixed-diet seedeaters
winter field usage by thrushes, starlings, corvids, small in summer, while mechanical weed control reduced field
insectivores and seedeaters (Appendix D.2, Fig. 3a and b). usage by wintering skylarks (Fig. 5b). Herbicide applica-
Wintering yellowhammers avoided fields grazed by cattle in tions were also associated with increased field usage by
the preceding summer; the only species to do so (Fig. 3c). swallow and magpie in summer. Rolling and harrowing were
However, a Poisson regression model showed that winter strongly inter-correlated, and mainly positively associated
grazing frequency (NGWIN99) had a positive effect on with field usage by birds (Table 2, Appendices D.2 and D.3).
winter yellowhammer counts. Sward age was not an important predictor of grassland
Frequent summer grazing and large bare patches usage, but was correlated with other influential variables
promoted summer field usage amongst a similarly wide such as field surface topography (Kruskall–Wallis test
range of species (Table 2, Appendix D.3). No granivorous between TOPOG and LAGE, x2/d.f. = 49.3, P < 0.0001),
passerines avoided intensively grazed fields, but chaffinch which was treated as a ‘nuisance’ variable in the models.
Fringilla coelebs L. was the only one to prefer them Surface topography had a positive influence on summer field
(positive response to BAREBITS). There was no consistent usage by chaffinches, rooks and mixed seedeaters (DAIC
preference for particular grazing animals in summer range 6.6–10.8), but a weaker negative influence on
(Table 2). yellowhammers (DAIC = 2.0). Substitution of LAGE for
Mowing affected fewer species (Table 2). Wintering TOPOG did not yield significant models. Woodpigeon and
mistle thrushes T. viscivorous L. and woodpigeons preferred yellowhammer (winter Poisson regression model) preferred
fields managed for silage during the previous summer. younger swards. Skylark was the only species to respond to
Table 1
Summary of sward condition variables in bird usage models
Winter Summer Most closely correlated variables
MHFRO 1 4 5 136 0 7 2 128 MSDHFRO (rs 0.87), MBARE (rs 0.35)
MBARE 5 1 1 80 1 0 0 2 MSDBARE (rs 0.43), MHFRO (rs 0.35)
MFORB 1 6 1 52 1 1 3 30 MCLOV (rs 0.26), MHFRO (rs 0.15)
MCLOV 3 0 0 12 0 0 5 49 MFORB (rs 0.26), MBARE (rs 0.09)
MSDHFRO 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 19 MHFRO (rs 0.87), MBARE (rs 0.27)
MSDBARE 0 1 0 2 3 0 0 11 MBARE (rs 0.43), MHFRO (rs 0.14)
The numbers of models incorporating each variable are tabulated according to the direction of the relationship: positive, negative or non-linear (+//NL) and
DAIC is the sum of the AIC reductions caused when the variable entered the models. The most closely correlated management variables are appended, with
correlation coefficients.
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 29

Table 2
Summary of management variables in bird usage models
Winter Summer Most closely correlated variables
Long-term grazing and mowing PCA
CROP1 1 0 9 0 0 0 LAGE (rs 0.50), MECHANCL (rs 0.40)
CROP2 0 1 4 0 1 2 NALLORG (rs 0.29), MECHANCL (rs 0.25)
CROP3 8 0 51 1 1 7 PARASITE (rs 0.38), BAREBITS (rs 0.24)
CROP4 0 2 13 3 0 21 MECHANCL (rs 0.27), BAREBITS (rs 0.20)
Recent grazing
BAREBITS 4 0 23 5 0 31 NGSUM2K (rs 0.58), NMOW2K (rs 0.44)
NGWIN99 2 0 19 PARASITE (rs 0.47), NALLORG (rs 0.35)
GR99C0W 8 1 125 LAGE (x2 37.5), MECHANCL (x2 30.7)
GR99SHE 0 0 0 PARASITE (x2 64.9), NGWIN99 (x2 44.0)
GR99HOR 0 1 3 NALLORG (x2 66.7), NGWIN99 (x2 47.5)
NGSUM2K 8 0 78 NMOW2K (rs 0.70), BAREBITS (rs 0.58)
GR2KCOW 2 1 18 NGSUM2K (x2 84.9), HAY2K (V 0.41)
GR2KSHE 1 0 11 PARASITE (x2 58.7), PARA2K (V 0.34)
GR2KHOR 0 0 0 NALLORG (x2 54.4), GR2KCOW (V 0.33)
Recent mowing
HAY99 0 0 0 CSS (x2 19.3), WEEDCONT (x2 15.9)
SIL99 2 1 18 NALLORG (x2 58.6), XN99 (x2 58.0)
HAY2K 1 0 4 NGSUM2K (x2 104.2), NMOW2K (x2 70.7)
SIL2K 1 0 1 NMOW2K (x2 172.3), LAGE (x2 102.02)
NMOW2K 0 2 10 NGSUM2K (rs 0.70), MECHANCL (rs 0.52)
Nitrogen inputs
XNALL 1 1 2 33 1 1 1 11 XN99 (rs 0.84), XN2K (rs 0.79)
XN99 0 0 1 2 XNALL (rs 0.84), NALLORG (rs 0.59)
XN2K 2 1 1 8 XNALL (rs 0.79), N2KORG (rs 0.67)
NALLCHEM 1 2 19 XNALL (rs 0.70), N2KCHEM (rs 0.76)
NALLORG 0 1 4 XNALL (rs 0.69), N2KORG (rs 0.73)
N2KCHEM 1 1 12 NALLCHEM (rs 0.76), XN2K (rs 0.62)
N2KORG 0 0 0 NALLORG (rs 0.73), XN2K (rs 0.67)
DUNGED 1 1 4 1 0 4 SIL2K (V 0.32), SIL99 (V 0.32)
Other management variables
LAGE 0 0 0 1 1 4 MECHANCL (rs 0.37), NALLORG (rs 0.29)
CSS 0 1 5 0 0 0 XNALL (x2 45.6), XN99 (x2 40.8)
HERBICID 0 2 16 0 1 2 NALLCHEM (rs 0.40), PARASITE (rs 0.25)
MECHANCL 0 2 15 1 0 5 NALLORG (rs 0.37), LAGE (rs 0.37)
PARASITE 2 1 21 0 0 0 NGWIN99 (rs 0.47), HERBICID (rs 0.25)
HARROW 2 1 11 0 0 0 ROLL (rs 0.60), NGWIN99 (rs 0.20)
ROLL 1 0 5 2 0 22 HARROW (rs 0.60), NGWIN99 (rs 0.14)
FOOD 2 0 4 NGWIN99 (x2 46.1), GR99SHE (V 0.34)
HERB2K 1 1 28 HERBICID (x2 55.7), NALLCHEM (x2 19.3)
MECH2K 0 0 0 MECHANCL (x2 210), NMOW2K (x2 53.7)
PARA2K 0 0 0 PARASITE (x2 148), GR2KSHE (V 0.34)
HARROW2K 2 0 4 HARROW (x2 235), ROLL2K (V 0.59)
ROLL2K 0 1 5 ROLL (x2 185), HARROW2K (V 0.59)
The numbers of models incorporating each variable are presented according to the direction of the relationship: positive, negative or non-linear (+//NL) and
DAIC is the sum of the AIC reductions as each variable entered the models. The most closely correlated management variables are appended with appropriate
correlation coefficients.

CSS options, avoiding fields during winter where the field studies. The stratification of fields maximised exposure to
centre was subject to CSS agreements. any potential management effects, in order to identify the
most influential ones. Mixed modelling techniques also
4. Discussion extended the inference space of factors modelled as fixed
effects to a notional population of all farms (Littell et al.,
4.1. Generality of results 2002). However, the region and the study sample were
dominated by fields grazed by cattle in summer and sheep
The study aimed to achieve generality by sampling a in winter, so the results may not be readily extended to
more complete range of farming practice than previous regions with year-round sheep grazing (e.g. Wales). The
30 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

Fig. 3. Effects of summer cattle grazing on field usage in the following winter (a–c). Predicted responses from the models are plotted as bars and average
observed values are plotted 1S.E. GR99COWS measures the presence or absence of summer cattle grazing.

study area was in mixed farmland, not a grassland 4.2. Sward models
dominated area, where bird declines were more severe.
This was a pragmatic decision to ensure adequate samples Sward structure had the greatest influence on the use of
of declining bird species, such as buntings. Grasslands can grasslands by foraging birds. Sward height and bare ground
be valuable habitats for such species, but do not readily (mainly in winter) influenced the widest range of species and
support populations in the absence of arable crops had the greatest explanatory power in the models. Individual
(Robinson et al., 2001). Additionally, the study only bird species fell into two main groups, based on the nature of
spanned one year and could not reflect inter-annual their responses to sward structure. These groupings were
variation in farming practice, sward condition or bird closely related to the diet of the birds. This division has not
responses. been explicitly demonstrated in previous studies.
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 31

Fig. 4. Effects of total nitrogen inputs on field usage by birds. Predicted responses from the models are plotted as lines and observed values, averaged in bins, are
plotted 1S.E. XNALL (a and c) is presented as the average annual nitrogen input from 1995 to 1999 and XN2K (b) is the total of nitrogen inputs in 2000.

Thrushes, starlings and corvids all strongly preferred The shortest swards occurred on intensively grazed fields,
short swards and, to a lesser extent, patchy bare ground where trampling can have a marked negative effect on soil-
within the sward. Previous studies also found this pattern dwelling invertebrates (Curry, 1994; Morris, 2000).
(Whitehead et al., 1995; Milsom et al., 1998, 2000; Perkins The second group included larks, sparrows, finches and
et al., 2000; Fuller et al., 2003). These species principally buntings. These species are granivorous but most also
feed upon soil-dwelling invertebrates like earthworms require invertebrate prey to rear chicks (Wilson et al., 1999).
(Lumbricidae) and insect larvae, particularly Diptera Some insectivorous passerines, notably meadow pipit,
(Tucker, 1992). Behavioural studies show that species in showed similar responses to sward structure. All these
this guild forage more efficiently on short swards, due to species obtain their food from the sward or the soil surface.
increased visibility (reducing the time spent watching for This guild was infrequent on grass fields, in keeping with
predators), prey accessibility and mobility (Devereux et al., previous studies (e.g. Wilson et al., 1996; Buckingham et al.,
2004). Reduced usage of the shortest swards (e.g. Fig. 2b 1999; Atkinson et al., 2002). None of these species showed a
and c) may have been a response to reduced prey abundance. negative relationship between usage and sward height.
32 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

Fig. 5. Effects of weed control on winter field usage by birds. Predicted responses from the models are plotted as bars and average observed values are plotted
1S.E. (a) HERBICID is the number of years when herbicides were used and (b) MECHANCL is the number of years of mechanical weed control, both
measured over the preceding 5 years. The winter seed-eaters guild excludes skylarks.

Instead, they preferred combinations of taller swards and increased, particularly in winter. Forbs were more likely to
greater spatial heterogeneity, in the form of patchy bare have inhibited prey accessibility, than abundance as
ground. Other studies found this pattern for yellowhammer invertebrate diversity and abundance increase with broad-
(winter only), skylark and meadow pipit (Wakeham-Dawson leaved plant diversity (Fuller et al., 2003). Linnet, which
and Aebischer, 1999; Milsom et al., 2000; Perkins et al., mainly feeds on the seeds of broad-leaved plants (Wilson
2000; Donald et al., 2001a). Avoidance of short swards that et al., 1999), was the only species to prefer high forb cover.
facilitate accessibility and vigilance suggests that these The direction of responses may have been dependent on the
factors were less influential than they were for soil forb species present, as clovers were associated with
invertebrate feeding species. Food abundance is proposed increased bird usage across feeding guilds.
to be the limiting factor for this bird guild. Experiments have
shown that the sward height preferences of chaffinches are 4.3. Management effects on birds with soil-dwelling
reversed where food abundance in tall swards exceeds that in prey
shorter swards by an appropriate threshold factor (Butler
et al., 2005). Food abundance is likely to be greater in taller Grazing was the most influential management practice,
grass swards. Taller swards support a greater abundance and strongly increasing field usage by soil-dwelling invertebrate
diversity of invertebrates (Morris, 2000) and most grassland feeders. Summer grazing increased field usage in both the
plants attain maximum height at seeding. Perkins et al. summer and the following winter. Mown fields were not
(2000) confirmed that grass seed heads were more frequent selected in the summer, but silage fields were strongly
in tall swards. The taller swards also exhibited greater selected in the winter if they were subjected to aftermath
heterogeneity in sward height (means and standard grazing by cattle. Consequently, a wider range of grass fields
deviations were strongly correlated), potentially improving became suitable in winter. Wilson et al. (1996) also detected
accessibility. However, most bird species preferred inter- a preference for recently grazed pastures in winter. These
mediate sward heights, suggesting that the tallest swards patterns probably reflect the availability of short swards
impeded foraging efficiency. Patchy bare ground was a under the different management regimes. Grazing during the
better predictor of sward accessibility to foraging birds than summer growing season maintains short swards, but swards
sward height heterogeneity. are too tall for birds in growing hay or silage crops. The bird
Sward composition was less influential than sward usage measurements were too widely spaced to detect the
structure. Bird usage generally decreased as forb cover fleeting burst of usage of short swards immediately after
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 33

mowing, but they did reflect the lack of usage over the populations. Short intervals between defoliations only favour
greater part of the summer. Grass growth largely ceases in r-selected phytophagous species that are multivoltine, mobile,
autumn, so short swards persist through the winter once all or fecund (e.g. certain Auchennorhycha and Dipteran grass
the summer growth is removed. This was achieved where leaf miners). Such taxa may be abundant in intensively
summer grazing continued until growth ceased or where managed grasslands, but they tend to be small-bodied and do
aftermath grazing removed any growth following the last not figure highly in the diet of farmland birds. Important
hay or silage cut of the summer. dietary items, including seeds and large invertebrates, are less
Summer cattle grazing was preferred to sheep or horse tolerant of intensive management. Key invertebrate taxa tend
grazing, particularly during the following winter. Cattle to be long-lived, less mobile and reproduce slowly (K-
were the dominant livestock on summer, but sheep were selected species) and these are characteristic of unmanaged
sufficiently widespread to suggest that this preference is grasslands (e.g. orthoptera and spiders). Frequent defoliations
correct. Cattle may promote the availability of soil prevent plants from flowering, limiting populations of flower-
invertebrates by their grazing and dunging patterns. Cattle feeding invertebrates (e.g. the heteropteran bug Leptoterna
initially reject grass around dung patches, which grows tall, dolobrata, McNeill, 1973) as well as stopping seed
excluding birds. Bare patches develop once grazing production. Invertebrates that winter in the sward may also
resumes, exposing weathered dung or bare soil where be eradicated by defoliations in the autumn or winter (Brown
coprophagous insects and earthworms buried dung. Copro- et al., 1990; Fry and Lonsdale, 1991).
phagous larvae (Diptera and Coleoptera) and earthworms Grazing affected winter field usage by the largest number
are also concentrated where dung enhances levels of organic of granivorous species. Fields grazed during winter were
matter in the soil (Curry, 1994). In contrast, horses do not favoured by several species. Autumn aftermath grazing also
graze their habitual latrine areas, which develop rank allowed wintering granivores to use silage fields, which were
vegetation, and sheep dung is finely distributed across the avoided at other times of year. However, summer grazing
field, only accumulating where sheep spend the night reduced field usage in the following winter by skylarks and
(Ausden and Treweek, 1995). yellowhammers, probably by preventing seeding. Grazing
The remaining management practices affected fewer had a more limited effect on field usage during summer, only
species and lacked consistency across the guild. Positive benefiting a few granivores and small insectivores.
relationships between usage and nitrogen inputs detected by Regular weed control, both by herbicides and mechanical
Fuller et al. (2003) were probably masked in these models by methods, had a consistent negative effect on field usage by
stronger grazing effects, because graziers adjust grazing granivorous birds. This result is analogous to the indirect
pressure to fully utilise herbage. Tucker (1992) found that this effects of pesticides demonstrated in arable crops, where
guild preferred frequent manure applications and older herbicides kill the plants that produce the seed and
permanent pastures, where earthworms were more abundant. invertebrate food of birds (Boatman et al., 2004).
The response to old swards may also be related to the benefits Granivores did not use mown fields in summer, with the
of summer cattle grazing, which was more frequent on older exception of yellowhammer, which showed a weak
swards in our study area. Barnett et al. (2004) showed that preference for hayfields. The timing of hay cuts allows
unimproved hayfields were preferred to improved silage fields grasses to set seed prior to mowing, unlike silage fields and
and pastures by wintering soil invertebrate feeders, but did not pastures. Few granivorous passerines took advantage of the
distinguish the effects of sward improvement from differences enhanced seed abundance on hayfields during winter,
between hay and silage. Seasonal drying of soil surface layers possibly because the seed was inaccessible in the relatively
is also known to limit prey availability (Peach et al., 2004) and dense swards. Fields with the tallest swards were avoided by
this is, in turn, exacerbated by drainage, fertiliser use and soil this guild, apparently contradicting the thesis that bird usage
compaction (Lazenby, 1988). increased with sward height because sward height was
positively related to defoliation intervals. The positive
4.4. Management effects on birds with food relationship between average sward height and defoliation
sources in the sward interval was probably qualitatively correct amongst grazed
fields and amongst silage fields, but quantitatively different
The sward models showed that this guild preferred fields between the two practices. The tallest average sward heights
with higher average sward heights compared to other bird (and, similarly, the highest clover contents) occurred on
species. This relationship was probably caused by manage- silage fields, but the cutting intervals were still too short to
ment practises that lengthened defoliation intervals (on all or allow prey production and the dense swards would also have
part of the sward), allowing the replenishment and survival limited access and visibility.
of key food taxa and incidentally allowing swards to grow
taller. Research on the effects of management on grassland 4.5. Conservation implications
invertebrates (reviewed in Curry, 1994) supports this
assertion. Defoliations remove the niches required by foliar This study showed that grazing, through its effects on
invertebrates and the primary production that supports their sward structure, had the greatest influence on bird usage of
34 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

agricultural grasslands. Increased grazing intensity since the provide spatial heterogeneity and is a focus of current agri-
1970s coincided with population declines of a range of environment development work (Buckingham et al., 2004).
farmland birds (Chamberlain et al., 2000). Intensive grazing Although this study detected no benefits from grassland
systems aim to maximise the efficiency of grass utilisation agri-environment measures for foraging birds, there was
by maintaining short, uniform swards (Milne and Fisher, noticeable variation in performance between individual
1993). Our models showed that the resulting swards were management agreements. Unfenced margins on silage fields
not attractive to granivorous passerines and this was likely to (left uncut during mowing, but exposed to aftermath
be because food abundance was low. The loss of feeding grazing) were heavily utilised by granivorous passerines
opportunities due to intensive grazing is likely to have been during winter, suggesting that grass margin techniques have
an important mechanism in the decline of granivorous potential for further development. It is questionable whether
passerines in pastoral areas. In contrast, the sward structure reinstating hay cutting on improved grasslands as an agri-
requirements of the soil invertebrate-feeding guild were environment measure will benefit foraging birds. However,
more easily satisfied on intensively grazed fields, providing if hayfields are cut sufficiently late it may be possible to
the swards were not over-grazed. reduce nest losses for ground-nesting birds, potentially
It is likely that severe, frequent or badly timed improving annual productivity (e.g. Brickle and Harper,
defoliations have a disproportionate negative effect on the 2002; Donald et al., 2002).
abundance of large sward-dwelling invertebrate prey, which, The lack of preferences for forb-rich grasslands suggests
in turn, limits breeding success in declining granivorous bird that the conservation needs of birds might not be congruent
species. For example, breeding productivity in cirl buntings with those of plants. The only species that selected forb-rich
E. cirlus L. is limited by grasshopper availability (Evans fields was linnet during summer. Linnets utilise seed from a
et al., 1997), which is reduced by intensive grassland succession of different grassland herb species through the
management (van Wingerden et al., 1992). This is also likely breeding season, so greater temporal diversity ensures
to affect large, soft-bodied larvae, particularly Lepidoptera, continuity of food supplies (D.L. Buckingham, unpublished
the availability of which is known to influence chick body data). Herbicide use reduced field usage by granivorous
condition in skylark and corn bunting Miliaria calandrella passerines, suggesting that the influence of botanical
L. (Brickle et al., 2000; Donald et al., 2001c). diversity may have been underestimated. Herbicide use
Extensification of grazing regimes has the greatest was surprisingly prevalent, with 46% of non-organic fields
potential to instate defoliation cycles that enhance food being treated over a 5 year period. Most herbicide was
abundance for granivorous passerines. Promising manage- applied conservatively by spot-spraying, as allowed under
ment tools include reducing grazing intensity (stocking rates existing agri-environment schemes, but this still had a
and duration) and increasing rest periods between grazing detectable negative effect on bird usage. More careful
periods. Both approaches allow all or part of the sward to targeting may be necessary if herbicide use continues to be
escape defoliation for longer, favouring production of seeds permitted on agri-environment grasslands (e.g. weed-wipers
or invertebrates. Furthermore, both approaches can be used in conjunction with light grazing).
manipulated experimentally to confirm this mechanism and
develop improved agri-environment measures. It is likely
that benefits to birds will require larger changes to grassland Acknowledgements
management than those available under current agri-
environment schemes. For example, defoliation cycles We are particularly indebted to all the farmers who
greater than 1 year in duration and rest periods spanning allowed us access onto their farms and provided detailed
the whole winter may be necessary to boost large management histories for all their fields. We would also like
invertebrate populations (Kruess and Tscharntke, 2002; to thank Roy Taylor and staff from FWAG and FRCA for
Fry and Lonsdale, 1991). helping to locate suitable study farms; Keith Chaney, Jerry
Accessibility requirements (including vigilance beha- Tallowin and Richard Smith for advice on agricultural
viour) are also key determinants of grassland usage by birds. issues; Steve Langton and David Elston for statistical
Spatial heterogeneity in sward structure, particularly the advice. Andy Evans, Simon Potts, Ken Norris and two
fine-scale availability of bare areas within the sward, was anonymous referees provided helpful comments to develop
shown to be a consistent requirement of birds across guilds. the manuscript. Irene Hutson and Ellen Kelly efficiently
Sward height probably acted as a surrogate measurement, computerised the large sward datasets. This project was
inversely related to horizontal accessibility, which is less funded by the RSPB and by a generous donation from the
easily quantified. Extensifying grassland management can Nottinghamshire RSPB Members Group.
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 35

Appendix A

A.1. Descriptions and summary statistics for field characteristics and sward condition variables

The number of fields in the modal category in winter follows the mode of categorical variables. Winter (W, n = 388) and
summer (S, n = 373) means are presented for the sward condition measurements.
Variable Description Mean (plus range) or mode
Field characteristics
ALT Altitude (middle of highest/lowest points, m) 103 (21–260)
AREA Field area (ha) 3.59 (0.24–18.3)
AREAIND Field area index (see Section 2) 0.63 (0.1–0.98)
ASPECT Direction of slope (highest to lowest points, nine levels) Flat (78)
BYARABLE By arable field (y/n) No (275)
BYBUILD By buildings (y/n) No (238)
BYFOOT By footpath (y/n) No (326)
BYLANE By lanes or tracks (y/n) Yes (201)
BYPLG By ploughed fields on at least one visit (y/n) No (328)
BYPOWER By powerlines (y/n) No (270)
BYSETAS By setaside (y/n) No (368)
BYSTUB By stubble on at least one visit (y/n) No (296)
BYWATER By water bodies, streams, or wet ditches (y/n) Yes (239)
BYWOOD By woods/scrub 0.25 ha (y/n) No (208)
DIPS Depressions/valleys running through field (y/n) No (278)
HEDGEIND Field enclosure index (see Section 2) 2.50 (0–4)
HILLTOPS Hilltops/ridgetops in field (y/n) No (266)
LTREES log10 (number of trees in field + 1) 0.15 (0–1.32)
MAXWIDTH Width of field at widest place (m) 288 (81–699)
PERIM Length of field perimeter (m) 810 (197–2460)
PH pH buffering capacity of soil (acid to neutral, three levels) Neutral (217)
SLOPE Slope between highest/lowest points (degrees) 1.76 (0–11.3)
SOILBULK Ease of tillage (light to heavy, four levels) Heavy (147)
SOILTYPE Soil type (five levels) Clay (128)
TOPOG Fine-scale surface topography; e.g. ridge and furrow (y/n) No (320)
WETBITS Area of large water patches (seasonal mean, m2) 56.6 (0–6630)

Sward condition variables (see Section 2)

MBARE Seasonal mean bare ground cover W 0.46; S 1.16 (0–23.3)
MCLOV Seasonal mean clover cover W 0.24; S 8.81 (0–45.7)
MFORB Seasonal mean forb cover W 0.40; S 6.86 (0–41.1)
MHFRO Seasonal mean sward height (cm) W 5.79; S 13.6 (1.6–35.4)
MSDBARE Seasonal mean standard deviation of bare ground cover W 0.28; S 1.52 (0–11.0)
MSDHFRO Seasonal mean standard deviation of sward height (cm) W 2.21; S 4.84 (0.5–14.9)

Appendix B

B.1. Descriptions and summary statistics for management variables

The 13 italicised variables were combined into four PCA axes describing grass cropping (CROP1-4, Appendix C). The
number of fields in the modal category follows the mode of categorical variables. Winter means or modes are presented
(n = 388), unless variables only apply to summer (n = 373).
Variable Description Mean (plus range) or mode
Management variables
BAREBITS Area of large bare patches (seasonal mean, m2) 253 (0–1670)
CSS Type of Countryside Stewardship Scheme (three levels) None (266)
DUNGED Manure/slurry winter 1999–2000 or summer 2000 (y/n) No (342)
FOOD Supplementary food, winter 1999/2000 (y/n) None (325)
GR2KCOW Cattle grazed, summer 2000 (y/n) Yes (241)
GR2KHOR Horse grazed, summer 2000 (y/n) No (328)
GR2KSHE Sheep grazed, summer 2000 (y/n) No (317)
GR99COW Cattle grazed, summer 1999 (y/n) Yes (279)
36 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

Appendix B (Continued )
Variable Description Mean (plus range) or mode
GR99HOR Horse grazed, summer 1999 (y/n) No (334)
GR99SHE Sheep grazed, summer 1999 (y/n) No (306)
HARROW Number of years when harrowed 1995–1999 0.86 (0–5)
HARROW2K Harrowed, summer 2000 (y/n) No (288)
HAY2K Cut for hay in 2000 (y/n) No (303)
HAY99 Cut for hay in 1999 (y/n) No (338)
HAYRATE Average Number hay cuts per year 1995–1999 0.13 (0–1.2)
HAYYRS Number of years when hay crop taken 1995–1999 0.62 (0–5)
HERB2K Sprayed with herbicide, summer 2000 (y/n) No (327)
HERBICID Number of years when herbicide used 1995–1999 0.79 (0–5)
LAGE log10 (age of sward) (range 0–2.2) 1.19 (0–2.2)
MECHANCL Number of years of mechanical weed control 1995–1999 2.89 (0–5)
MECH2K Mechanical weed control summer 2000 (y/n) No (198)
MOWRATE Average number mown crops per year, 1995–1999 0.64 (0–6)
N2KCHEM Nitrogen from chemical fertilisers 2000 (kg N ha1) 67.7 (0–666)
N2KORG Nitrogen from organic fertilisers 2000 (kg N ha1) 53.0 (0–843)
NALLCHEM Nitrogen from chemical fertilisers 1995–1999 (kg N ha1) 423 (0–5020)
NALLORG Nitrogen from organic fertilisers 1995–1999 (kg N ha1) 278 (0–2530)
NGSUM2K Number of summer visits with recent grazing 2000 2.24 (0–4)
NGWIN99 Number of visits with recent grazing winter 1999/2000 2.08 (0–5)
NMOW2K Number of forage crops taken, summer 2000 0.67 (0–6)
NSUMCOW Number of summers of cow grazing 1995–1999 3.27 (0–5)
NSUMGRZ Number of summers of grazing 1995–1999 3.15 (0–5)
NSUMHOR Number of summers of horse grazing 1995–1999 0.7 (0–5)
NSUMSHE Number of summers of sheep grazing 1995–1999 1.07 (0–5)
NWINCOW Number of winters of cow grazing 1995–1999 1.16 (0–5)
NWINGRZ Number of winters of grazing 1995–1999 3.15 (0–5)
NWINHOR Number of winters of horse grazing 1995–1999 0.68 (0–5)
NWINSHE Number of winters of sheep grazing 1995–1999 2.23 (0–5)
PARASITE Number of years of parasite treatments 1995–1999 3.11 (0–5)
PARA2K Parasite treatments in 2000 (y/n) No (292)
ROLL Number of years when sward rolled 1995–1999 1.26 (0–5)
ROLL2K Rolled, summer 2000 (y/n) No (252)
SIL2K Cut for silage/zero-grazing (no hay) in 2000 (y/n) No (281)
SIL99 Cut for silage/zero-grazing (no hay) in 1999 (y/n) No (311)
SILRATE Average number silage cuts per year 1995–1999 0.51 (0–6)
SILYRS Number of years of silage (but not hay) 1995–1999 0.7 (0–5)
XN2K Total nitrogen inputs in 2000 (kg N ha1) 164 (0–890)
XN99 Total nitrogen inputs in 1999 (kg N ha1) 180 (0–1430)
XNALL Total nitrogen inputs 1995–1999 (kg N ha1) 851 (0–5250)

Appendix C

C.1. Eigenvectors from a principal components analysis of long-term grass cropping variables

The table shows Pearson correlation coefficients between each component axis and the underlying variables for the winter
dataset. The summer PCA axes, based on a smaller sample of fields, showed similar relationships to the variables. The
eigenvectors were interpreted by correlation coefficients with magnitudes greater than 0.3 (highlighted in bold text).
Variables Eigenvectors
NSUMGRZ 0.40 0.01 0.11 0.10
NSUMCOW 0.31 0.23 0.14 S0.36
NSUMSHE 0.29 0.16 0.20 0.19
NSUMHOR 0.16 S0.40 0.11 0.46
NWINGRZ 0.36 0.05 0.28 0.19
NWINCOW 0.19 0.07 0.40 -0.16
NWINSHE 0.28 0.28 0.22 0.10
NWINHOR 0.15 S0.40 0.06 0.47
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 37

Appendix C (Continued )
Variables Eigenvectors
HAYYRS 0.12 0.43 S0.36 0.32
SILYRS 0.25 0.19 0.41 0.05
HAYRATE 0.12 0.43 S0.36 0.32
SILRATE S0.38 0.17 0.35 0.21
MOWRATE S0.36 0.27 0.26 0.28
Percent variance explained 28.7 18.9 15.4 13.4
Eigenvalues 3.73 2.45 2.00 1.74

Appendix D

D.1. Winter and summer bird usage models based on sward condition variables

The relationship sense (positive (no signs), negative , \- or [-shaped) and AIC reduction follow each variable. See
Appendices D.2 and D.3 for field characteristics variables and Appendices A and B for descriptions of the variables.
Winter Summer
Species/guild Dispersion factor Model Species/guild Dispersion factor Model
Blackbird 1.36 MFORB (16.3), Blackbird 0.93 MHFRO (10.7)
MHFRO (39.8)
Song thrush No sward model
Redwing 0.73 MBARE (9.1),
MCLOV (6.7),
MFORB (\ 6.6)
Fieldfare 0.71 MFORB (3.0),
MHFRO (13.4)
Mistle thrush No sward model
Starling 0.80 MHFRO (\ 5.0) Starling 0.70 MHFRO (8.0)

Magpie No sward model Magpie 0.97 MHFRO (17.4),

Jackdaw 0.74 MBARE (3.6) Jackdaw 0.98 MCLOV ([ 3.0),
MHFRO (32.3)
Rook 1.00 MFORB (10.1), Rook 0.77 MSDBARE (9.5),
MHFRO (3.9) MSDHFRO (3.7)
Carrion crow 1.15 MHFRO (\ 21.5) Carrion crow 1.13 MHFRO (18.8)
Skylark 0.37 MFORB (3.8),
MHFRO (3.3)
Chaffinch No sward model Chaffinch No sward model
Goldfinch No sward model
Linnet 0.33 MBARE (1.8),
MFORB (4.6),
MHFRO (\ 1.3)
Yellowhammer 0.33 MBARE (13.0), Yellowhammer 0.34 MFORB (8.3)
MHFRO (\ 2.7)
Mallard 0.64 MFORB (\ 3.1)
Pheasant 0.95 MCLOV (1.0) Pheasant No sward model
Moorhen 0.75 MFORB (1.9),
MHFRO (2.6)
Snipe 0.51 MBARE (2.8),
MHFRO (\ 17.2)
Woodpigeon 1.12 MBARE (\ 6.7) Woodpigeon 0.95 MCLOV (\ 20.3),
MSDBARE (0.5),
MSDHFRO (10.0)
Stock dove No sward model
Swallow 1.11 MFORB ([ 3.1),
MHFRO ([ 0.5)
House martin No sward model
38 D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40

Appendix D (Continued )
Winter Summer
Species/guild Dispersion factor Model Species/guild Dispersion factor Model

Meadow pipit 0.85 MBARE (13.6),

MHFRO (\ 9.8)
Pied wagtail 0.76 MBARE (16.3), Pied wagtail 0.43 MHFRO (35.8)
Wren No sward model
Dunnock 0.34 MCLOV (\ 12.2),
MHFRO (3.5)
Robin 1.02 MFORB (8.4) Robin 0.83 MCLOV (\ 11.5)
All seedeaters 0.94 MCLOV (4.1),
(except skylark) MFORB (1.9)
Obligate seedeaters 0.79 MCLOV (\ 2.0)
Mixed-diet seedeaters 0.98 MFORB ([ 11.3),
MSDBARE (1.2),

D.2. Winter bird usage models based on management variables

Each management variable is followed by the sense of the relationship (positive (no signs), negative , \- or [-shaped) and
the resulting reduction in the model AIC. Only the sense of the relationship is presented for field characteristic variables. See
Appendices A and B for descriptions of the variables.
Species/guild Dispersion factor Management variables Field characteristics
Blackbird 1.34 CROP3 (7.1), CROP4 (2.3), GR99COW (37.0) BYBUILD, BYLANE, BYWATER,
Song thrush 0.83 GR99COW (2.6) BYWATER, SOILTYPE
Redwing 0.91 CROP3 (8.7), GR99COW (8.9), HARROW (5.2) BYSETAS (), MAXWIDTH, SOILTYPE
Fieldfare 0.86 XNALL (\ 3.7) ASPECT, BYBUILD, MAXWIDTH
Mistle thrush 0.91 SIL99 (8.8) BYBUILD, MAXWIDTH
Starling 0.78 CROP3 (5.6), GR99COW (11.6) BYPLG (), BYPOWER, MAXWIDTH,
Magpie 0.93 HARROW (5.1), PARASITE (6.8) BYSETAS, PERIM
Jackdaw 0.75 CROP3 (5.3), NALLORG (4.2), XN99 (\ 1.8) AREAIND (\), BYARABLE (),
Rook 0.97 DUNGED (1.0), GR99COW (22.3), AREA, BYBUILD, BYPOWER (),
Carrion crow 1.15 GR99COW (21.0) AREAIND, PERIM
Skylark 0.58 CSS (5.5), DUNGED (2.6), GR99HOR (2.9), AREA, BYFOOT (), BYPLG (), BYPOWER (),
Chaffinch 0.96 BAREBITS (12.8), CROP3 (4.4), FOOD (2.6), ASPECT, BYWOOD (), PERIM
GR99COW (3.8)
Yellowhammer 0.35 CROP2 (4.0), CROP3 (2.0), GR99COW (6.5), No field characteristic variables
ROLL (4.9)
All seedeaters 0.91 BAREBITS (3.7), CROP3 (2.0), HERBICID (6.1) BYBUILD, BYWOOD (), PERIM
(except skylark)
Pheasant 0.95 BAREBITS (3.1), CROP3 (15.6), FOOD (1.4) BYFOOT, BYSETAS, MAXWIDTH
Moorhen 0.62 HARROW (0.9), XNALL (13.1) BYBUILD, BYSTUB (), BYWATER,
Snipe 0.51 PARASITE (9.2), SIL99 (3.5) AREAIND, BYARABLE (), BYWATER,
Woodpigeon 1.08 SIL99 (5.4), XNALL (\ 10.8) BYLANE, PERIM, WETBITS
Meadow pipit 0.88 GR99COW (11.1), HERBICID (10.4) AREA, BYBUILD, HEDGEIND (),
Pied wagtail 0.75 BAREBITS (3.2), CROP1 (9.0), XNALL (5.5) HEDGEIND (), HILLTOPS (),
Wren 0.82 MECHANCL (5.9) AREAIND ()
Robin 0.92 CROP4 (11.0), NALLCHEM (7.8), NGWIN99 (13.1) BYWATER, PERIM
D.L. Buckingham et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112 (2006) 21–40 39

D.3. Summer bird usage models based on management variables

Each management variable is followed by the sense of the relationship (positive (no signs), negative , \- or [-shaped) and
the resulting reduction in the model AIC. Only the sense of the relationship is presented for field characteristic variables. See
Appendices A and B for descriptions of the variables.
Species/guild Dispersion factor Management variables Field characteristics
Blackbird 0.94 HARROW2K (1.0), NGSUM2K (2.8) AREAIND (), BYBUILD, BYLANE, LTREES
Starling 0.73 BAREBITS (9.1), NGSUM2K (1.5) BYBUILD, DIPS, HEDGEIND (\)
Magpie 0.93 HERBICID (2.5), MECHANCL (5.2), PERIM
NGSUM2K (20.3)
Jackdaw 1.09 NGSUM2K (18.9) AREA, BYBUILD, BYPOWER
Rook 0.80 BAREBITS (8.6) AREA, TOPOG
Carrion crow 1.16 DUNGED (4.3), NGSUM2K (4.0) AREA
Chaffinch 0.88 BAREBITS (5.6) BYFOOT, TOPOG
Goldfinch 0.74 CROP4 (13.3) AREAIND (), BYWOOD (), HILLTOPS
Linnet No management model AREA (), BYLANE, BYWATER (),
Yellowhammer 0.33 CROP3 (1.3), N2KCHEM (0.7), ROLL2K (5.3) BYLANE, BYWOOD (), TOPOG ()
Swallow 1.08 HERB2K (18.8), ROLL (14.1) BYBUILD, BYSTUB (), BYWATER (),
House martin 0.78 ROLL (7.9) PERIM
Mallard 0.47 GR2KCOW (4.0), SIL2K (0.8), XNALL (\ 7.7) HEDGEIND (), WETBITS
Pheasant 0.79 XNALL (1.3) LTREES
Woodpigeon 1.00 LAGE (2.2), NMOW2K (8.8), XN2K (\ 3.6) AREA, BYBUILD, BYWOOD ()
Stock dove 0.41 CROP4 (4.0), HAY2K (3.7), NGSUM2K (3.2), BYBUILD, HEDGEIND (), MAXWIDTH, PH
NMOW2K (1.3) XN2K (0.5)
Pied wagtail 0.34 BAREBITS (3.5), CROP3 (6.2), GR2KCOW (3.6), BYBUILD, BYPLG (), PERIM
HARROW2K (2.8), LAGE (1.6), NGSUM2K (26.0),
XN2K (2.7)
Dunnock 0.31 GR2KCOW (10.5), N2KCHEM (11.5), AREAIND (), BYBUILD, BYPOWER (),
Robin 0.80 BAREBITS (4.6), GR2KSHE (10.7) AREA, BYBUILD
Seedeater guilds
Mixed-diet 1.03 CROP2 (2.0), HERB2K (8.9) AREA, HEDGEIND (), TOPOG
Obligate 0.82 CROP4 (3.4), XNALL (2.4) BYLANE, BYWOOD (), HEDGEIND (), PERIM

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