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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

Effects of livestock grazing on rangeland grasshopper

(Orthoptera: Acrididae) abundance
Kevin M. O’Neill a,∗ , Bret E. Olson b , Marni G. Rolston a , Roseann Wallander b ,
Deanna P. Larson a,1 , Catherine E. Seibert c
a Department of Entomology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
bDepartment of Animal and Range Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
c Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
Received 8 February 2002; received in revised form 14 February 2003; accepted 4 March 2003

Livestock may impact habitat quality for grasshoppers by reducing food availability and by altering microclimate and
potential oviposition sites. A 5-year study was conducted to create consistent grazing impacts on replicated plots and measure
their effects on plant cover, microclimate, and grasshopper abundance. Cattle were used to produce two levels of graz-
ing intensity that were compared to ungrazed controls. Differences in plant cover were greatest immediately after grazing
each summer, grasshopper microhabitats tending to be shadier, cooler, less windy, and more humid in the ungrazed plots.
The grasshopper assemblage included five of the worst pest grasshopper species in North America: Ageneotettix deorum,
Aulocara elliotti, Melanoplus sanguinipes, M. packardii, and Camnula pellucida. Most species had greater abundance on
ungrazed pastures, particularly during the 4–6 weeks after grazing each year. However, A. elliotti was often more abun-
dant in heavily grazed areas early in the year when early instars were present and in late summer when adults were pre-
dominant. There was no strong evidence that the effect of grazing on grasshopper abundance increased over the 5-year
study. At this time, all changes in grasshopper numbers cannot be directly attributed to particular habitat characteristics
that changed after grazing, but the results suggest that grazing management could be used to reduce pest grasshopper
© 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Cattle; Grazing management; Grasshopper assemblages; Microclimate; Pest Management; Montana; USA

1. Introduction vertebrate grazers (Hewitt and Onsager, 1983). In

competition with domestic livestock, grasshoppers
Grasshoppers are major primary consumers of may consume more foliage than that allocated to
grassland vegetation and also sever plant materials livestock in grazing programs (Onsager, 2000). Con-
that fall to the ground and become unavailable to versely, foraging by livestock reduces food available
to grasshoppers. Grazing and trampling may also
modify the microclimate, as well as the physical
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-406-994-2333;
structure of vegetation and the soil surface, thereby
fax: +1-406-994-6029.
E-mail address: (K.M. O’Neill).
influencing the quality of the thermal environment and
1 Present address: 1205 East 2500 North, North Logan, UT the availability of oviposition sites. Thus, appropriate
84341, USA. manipulation of the timing and intensity of livestock

0167-8809/03/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
52 K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

grazing could depress grasshopper populations and Bouteloua. The plots were small enough that changes
reduce the frequency and severity of pest outbreaks in grasshopper abundance would at least partially re-
(Curry, 1994; Onsager, 2000). flect habitat selection by grasshoppers moving into and
The effects of grazing on insects have not been em- out of the plots. In 1993, four 0.37 ha (105 m × 35 m)
phasized in managing western US rangelands (Quigley blocks were subdivided into three 35 m × 35 m plots
et al., 1989; Vavra et al., 1994; Fuhlendorf and Engle, surrounded by temporary electric fencing. Each plot
2001), although studies show that grazing is often fol- was assigned to one of three treatments: (1) control—
lowed by changes in grasshopper density (Knutsen and no grazing from 1993 to 1997, (2) mosaic—grazing
Campbell, 1974; Holmes et al., 1979; Capinera and that resulted in a mosaic of grazed and ungrazed plants
Sechrist, 1982; East and Pottinger, 1983; Jepson-Innes (mean ± S.E. = 2.4 ± 0.2 days of grazing per year;
and Bock, 1989; Quinn and Walgenbach, 1990; Miller N = 20 = 5 years × 4 plots/year; Table 1), and (3)
and Onsager, 1991; Welch et al., 1991; Fielding and uniform—grazing of longer duration that resulted in
Brusven, 1993; Onsager, 2000). These studies varied uniformly short plants (mean ± S.E. = 4.9 ± 0.3 days;
in methodology, however, some being unreplicated, N = 20; Wilcoxon paired signed-rank test comparing
some providing no data on individual species or tem- mosaic to uniform, P < 0.001). The uniform treat-
poral variation in grazing effects. To further investigate ments closely mimicked a common grazing system in
the effect of grazing, a 5-year study was conducted North America referred to as “short-duration grazing”
in southwest Montana, USA, to create two levels of (Holechek et al., 1989). Within a block, the center
grazing impacts on replicated plots, measure grasshop- plot served as the control and the two others were as-
per abundance multiple times before and after graz- signed randomly to mosaic and uniform treatments.
ing each year, and identify grasshoppers to species. To Each block was separated from the others by at least
gain insight into the mechanisms linking grazing to 200 m and each plot was assigned to the same grazing
grasshopper abundance, the effects of grazing on plant treatment during all 5 years. Cattle were allowed to
cover, temperature, wind speed, and humidity were graze until the remaining vegetation was judged (visu-
measured. The objectives were to determine the tim- ally) to be at the desired height and patchiness. In June
ing and magnitude of grasshopper responses to grazing 1993, the electric fences were temporarily opened to
and variation in species responses. The results indicate allow access of about 300 cattle in the paddock to uni-
that grazing can cause major changes in grasshopper form plots for 7 days and to mosaic plots for 1 day
microhabitat and that most grasshoppers at the site are (with the exception of Block 1 which the cattle did
affected negatively by these changes. not enter at first). From 1994 to 1997, grazing was
controlled more precisely by simultaneously enclos-
ing four cattle within each uniform plot for 4–7 days
2. Materials and methods and each mosaic plot for 2–3 days. Thus, from 1994
to 1997, both treatments were grazed at an intensity
The effects of livestock grazing on grasshoppers of 10.8 cattle/ha, though for different durations each
was studied 9 km south of Three Forks, Montana, year. All grazing occurred during the part of the sea-
USA, in a crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum son in which the pastures are usually grazed.
(L.) Gaertn) pasture that also contained scattered na- Once before and twice after grazing each year
tive grasses and forbs, including needle-and-thread (Table 1), forage structural diversity was assessed non-
grass (Stipa comata Trin. and Rupr.), blue gramma destructively with a LiCor LAI-2000 Plant Canopy
grass (Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. ex Steud.), Analyzer that measures leaf area index (LAI) of the
scarlet globemallow (Spharalcea coccinea (Pursh) vegetation, providing an accurate estimate of standing
Rydb.), and yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis plant biomass in crested wheatgrass pastures (Olson
(L.) Lam.), the latter being a biennial that appeared et al., 2000). Within each plot, forage structure was
in great quantity only in 1993, 1995, and 1997. measured at the four main compass points on each
Small plots were used so that each would have rel- of three randomly placed 1 m diameter circles; per-
atively homogeneous topography and vegetation con- manent markers allowed measurement of LAI in the
sisting primarily of A. cristatum rather than Stipa or same locations each year. The LAI data were analyzed
K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64 53

Table 1
Dates on which measurements and grazing took place during the 5 years of study, in Montana (USA)
Year LAI measurement Grazing

Pre-grazing Post-grazing 1 Post-grazing 2 Date grazing begun Date grazing ended Grazing ended on
on all plots on mosaic plots uniform plots
1993 27 May 3 June 21 July 27 May 28 Maya , 1 Juneb 3 June
1994 7 June 15 June 21 July 7 June 9 June 11 June
1995 13 June 22 June 3 August 15 June 17 June 19 June
1996 2 July 11 July 24 September 5 July 8 July 10 July
1997 17 June 27 June 29 July 20 June 23 June 24 Junec , 25 Juned
a Blocks 2–4.
b Block 1.
c Blocks 1–3.
d Block 4.

with repeated measures, analyses of variance with tests to compare treatment with control plots; pairs of
grazing treatment and date as main effects (SAS, data consisted of measurements taken along the same
1989; von Ende, 1993). transect. Measurements were made once before graz-
After the 1995 season, plant litter was collected ing in 1993, 1994, and 1996, twice after grazing in
from the soil surface in five 0.1 m2 (0.36 m diame- 1993 and 1994, and once after grazing in 1996. Wind
ter) circles in each of the 12 plots; the circles were speeds were measured using a Cole-Parmer Tri-Sense
at least 5 m from one another in randomly selected air velocity meter, with an 8 mm diameter sensor. Two
spaces among clumps of crested wheatgrass. Dry mass days after grazing in 1993, wind speed was measured
of litter was determined after washing the samples at three heights (0.5, 10, and 50 cm) in 100 randomly
to remove soil and drying them at 38 ◦ C for 7 days. chosen locations within each treatment of Block 3.
The five samples within each plot were combined and Log transformed data were analyzed in a 3 × 3 facto-
treatments were compared using a Kruskal–Wallis test rial (grazing treatment × height) analysis of variance.
for overall comparisons and Student–Newman–Keuls Relative humidity at the soil surface was measured
tests for pairwise comparisons. using a Cole-Parmer Tri-Sense humidity meter and an
Microclimate measurements were made under 11 mm diameter probe. Humidity measurements were
cloudless conditions on warm days when grasshop- made after grazing in the control and uniform plots
pers were active. The relationship between grazing of Block 3 in 1993 and Blocks 1 and 2 in 1994. Data
intensity and temperature was examined using Omega were analyzed using Wilcoxon pair signed-rank tests.
Close Focus Infrared Pyrometers. The person mea- Community composition and abundance of
suring temperature walked 10 parallel, equidistant grasshoppers was estimated from 38 cm diameter
transects along the 105 m length of each block, first sweep net samples, which provide fairly accurate
traversing a uniform plot, then a control plot, and estimates of the relative abundance of grasshoppers
finally a mosaic plot; on the next transect, the order (Mulkern et al., 1978; Evans et al., 1983; Larson
was reversed. The pyrometer was directed downwards et al., 1999). Sampling within each plot consisted
and perpendicular to the soil surface from a height of of 50 (1993), 100 (1994), or 150 (1995–1997) 180◦
60 cm, so that it measured the temperature of a 0.6 cm sweeps along an S-shaped transect, parallel to and
diameter spot on the soil surface or a spot up to 1.0 cm 10 cm above the ground, and at least 5 m from the
diameter on plant surfaces. On each transect, the py- plot boundary to minimize edge effects. Each year,
rometer made about 30 temperature measurements plots were sampled 1–6 times before grazing and
producing a single mean temperature that provided 4–10 times after grazing. For 1993–1995, pre-grazing
an integrated assessment of the temperatures of vege- counts were analyzed with one-way analyses of vari-
tation and soil surfaces. Data for each block were an- ance. For pre-grazing samples in 1996–1997 and for
alyzed separately using Wilcoxon paired signed-rank post-grazing samples in each of the 5 years, counts
54 K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

were analyzed with repeated measures analyses of

variance with grazing as the between-treatment factor
and date as the within-treatment factor. All counts
were square-root transformed before analysis (Zar,
After the summers of 1995–1997, densities of
Aulocara elliotti Thomas egg pods were estimated
in control and uniform plots. Each year, twenty
15 cm × 10 cm × 4 cm deep soil samples were col-
lected along transects at least 5 m from plot bound-
aries. At 1 m intervals, soil was excavated from the
nearest patch of bare soil large enough to hold a sam-
pling frame placed against the southeast edge of the
surrounding vegetation, the preferred oviposition site
of this species (Fisher, 1993). After being counted,
pods were placed at a constant 25 ◦ C. Each of the
hundreds of nymphs that emerged was A. elliotti.
Data (square root of egg pod counts) were analyzed
with repeated measures analyses of variance with
grazing as the between-treatment factor and year as
the within-treatment factor.

3. Results

Before grazing in 1993, mean LAI values were sim-

ilar in plots planned for different treatments, but af-
ter grazing LAI diverged widely (Fig. 1). Similarly,
from 1994 to 1997, there were no pre-grazing differ-
ences among treatments. After grazing, control plots
had the highest LAI and uniform treatments the low-
est (except for 1997 when mosaic and uniform treat-
ments did not differ). By late August, LAI values
among the treatments converged, although they re-
mained higher in control than in uniform plots. As the
study progressed, patches of soil among grass clumps
in the control plots accumulated plant litter. By the fall
1995, the amount of plant litter differed among treat-
ments (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = 0.001). Control plots
(mean ±S.E. litter mass = 71.2±5.4 g per 0.5 m2 ) ac-
cumulated more litter than mosaic (44.2 ± 4.8 g) and Fig. 1. Mean LAI values for pre- and post-grazing samples from
uniform plots (29.2 ± 6.9 g) (Student–Newman–Keuls 1993 to 1997 (N = 4). F-values are for treatment×date interactions
tests; P < 0.05 in both comparisons); mosaic and uni- (d.f. = 4, 12), repeated measures analyses of variance (∗ P < 0.01,
∗∗ P < 0.001); means associated with different letter for each date
form treatments did not differ (P > 0.05).
Grazing influenced the microclimate experienced are significantly different (least-square mean tests at α = 0.05
by grasshoppers. Temperatures before grazing in
1993 were similar among treatments. Immediately
after grazing, however, temperatures in control plots
K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64 55

Fig. 2. Differences in mean temperatures between pre- and post-grazing samples (∗ : significantly different at P < 0.05, Wilcoxon paired
signed-rank tests; N = 10).

were lower than in uniform plots in all four blocks P < 0.001, N = 40 (Block 1), P < 0.001, N = 40
and lower than in the mosaic plots in two of the (Block 2)).
blocks (Fig. 2). The differences persisted into late Pre- and post-grazing sweep samples combined
summer of 1993 and the pre-grazing periods of 1994 contained 24 species of grasshoppers, 90% of which
(when mosaic temperatures exceeded controls in two were seven species whose relative proportions var-
blocks). After grazing in 1994, temperatures were ied among years (Fig. 4). The 81,023 grasshoppers
lowest in controls during June and July. In 1996, were collected in 54 samples in each of the twelve
pre-grazing measurements suggested an even stronger 1225 m2 plots, so sweep netting removed an average
cumulative effect, and post-grazing differences were of 0.10 grasshoppers/m2 /sample; the largest sample
again observed. Analysis of wind velocities revealed (817 grasshoppers) removed 0.67 grasshoppers/m2 .
a significant treatment × height interaction (F4,891 = Thus, sampling removed a relatively small num-
8.82; P < 0.001; N = 900), with the greatest dif- ber of grasshoppers compared to the standard eco-
ferences occurring at 10 cm (Fig. 3). Relative hu- nomic threshold for western US rangeland of about
midity was higher in control than in uniform plots 10 grasshoppers/m2 (Skold and Davis, 1996).
in all three sets of measurements (Wilcoxon pair Before grazing in 1993, there was no differ-
signed-rank tests; 1993, P < 0.01, N = 37; 1994, ence among treatments in the overall abundance of
56 K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

Fig. 3. Mean air velocity at different heights, Block 3 (1993) and

mean relative humidity at the soil surface (N = 100).

grasshoppers (Table 2, Fig. 5). After grazing in 1993,

total abundance continued to be similar among treat-
ments. Pre-grazing samples in 1994 and 1995 also
showed no differences among grazing treatments, but
after grazing, abundance in controls exceeded that in
the other treatments until late July each year; counts
in mosaic plots were intermediate between those in
control and uniform plots. During the pre-grazing Fig. 4. The proportion of each of the seven most abundant species
periods of 1996 and 1997, grasshopper abundance of grasshopper (pre- and post-grazing samples combined); dashed
tended to start out higher in the uniform plots. Af- lines are each species average proportion in combined 5-year
ter grazing, numbers in mosaic and uniform plots counts.
immediately declined, while they remained high in
controls, before declining over several weeks.
During 1993, there was no evidence that Melanoplus was most abundant on control plots and least abun-
sanguinipes responded to grazing (Table 2, Fig. 6). dant on uniform plots in the month after grazing. The
However, there were significant grazing treatment × effect was not strictly related to the stages of M. san-
date interactions in 1994–1997 when M. sanguinipes guinipes present, because the instars most abundant
K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64 57

Table 2
Analyses of variance of pre-grazing (Pre) and post-grazing (Post) grasshopper abundance
Year Period Species Treatment effectsa Treatment × date interactions

F d.f. Probability F d.f. Probability

1993 Pre All species combined 0.35 2, 9 ns – – –

Post 0.45 2, 9 ns 1.33 6, 27 ns
1994 Pre 1.66 2, 9 ns – – –
Post 1.97 2, 9 ns 2.94 16, 72 P < 0.05
1995 Pre 2.56 2, 9 ns – – –
Post 4.59 2, 9 P < 0.05 7.69 18, 81 P < 0.001
1996 Pre 2.10 2, 9 ns 1.82 10, 45 ns
Post 33.41 2, 9 P < 0.001 14.32 16, 72 P < 0.001
1997 Pre 6.19 2, 9 P < 0.05 4.23 6, 27 P < 0.01
Post 0.34 2, 9 ns 7.18 16, 72 P < 0.001
1994 Post A. deorum 0.10 2, 9 ns 1.27 16, 72 ns
1995 Post 0.43 2, 9 ns 2.30 18, 81 P < 0.05
1996 Pre 1.71 2, 9 ns 1.00 10, 45 ns
Post 15.87 2, 9 P < 0.01 8.64 16, 72 P < 0.001
1997 Pre 1.68 2, 9 ns 1.88 6, 27 ns
Post 0.92 2, 9 ns 4.38 16, 72 P < 0.01
1993 Pre A. elliotti 0.26 2, 9 ns – – –
Post 2.33 2, 9 ns 1.58 6, 27 ns
1994 Pre 2.26 2, 9 ns – – –
Post 2.83 2, 9 ns 1.75 16, 72 ns
1995 Pre 9.51 2, 9 P < 0.01 – – –
Post 18.00 2, 9 P < 0.001 3.52 18, 81 P < 0.01
1996 Pre 13.8 2, 9 P < 0.01 7.93 10, 45 P < 0.001
Post 0.05 2, 9 ns 1.48 16, 72 ns
1997 Pre 11.99 2, 9 P < 0.01 2.41 6, 27 ns
Post 2, 90 2, 9 ns 4.26 16, 72 P < 0.01
1995 Post C. pellucida 0.01 2, 9 ns 1.94 18, 81 P < 0.05
1996 Pre 0.43 2, 9 ns 2.16 10, 45 P < 0.05
Post 2.74 2, 9 ns 2.45 16, 72 P < 0.01
1997 Pre 2.00 2, 9 ns 2.05 6, 27 ns
Post 0.49 2, 9 ns 2.49 16, 72 P < 0.01
1994 Post M. infantilis 0.55 2, 9 ns 1.33 16, 72 ns
1995 Post 0.47 2, 9 ns 3.41 18, 81 P < 0.01
1996 Pre 0.08 2, 9 ns 1.91 10, 45 ns
Post 3.45 2, 9 ns 4.65 16, 72 P < 0.001
1997 Pre 0.52 2, 9 ns 1.5 6, 27 ns
Post 0.32 2, 9 ns 4.78 16, 72 P < 0.01
1994 Post M. packardii 0.54 2, 9 ns 1.51 16, 72 0.2
1995 Post 1.54 2, 9 ns 3.3 18, 81 P < 0.05
58 K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

Table 2 (Continued )
Year Period Species Treatment effectsa Treatment × date interactions

F d.f. Probability F d.f. Probability

1996 Pre 2.38 2, 9 ns 1.8 10, 45 ns

Post 12.89 2, 9 P < 0.01 4.82 16, 72 P < 0.01
1997 Pre 5.18 2, 9 P < 0.05 2.74 6, 27 P < 0.05
Post 2.22 2, 9 ns 4.75 16, 72 P < 0.001
1993 Pre M. sanguinipes 0.48 2, 9 ns – – –
Post 0.69 2, 9 ns 0.84 6, 27 ns
1994 Pre 5.64 2, 9 0.03 – – –
Post 6.58 2, 9 0.017 3.43 16, 72 0.016
1995 Pre 0.97 2, 9 ns – – –
Post 35.49 2, 9 P < 0.001 15.83 18, 81 P < 0.001
1996 Pre 22.25 2, 9 P < 0.001 5.86 10, 45 P < 0.001
Post 46.95 2, 9 P < 0.001 13.47 16, 72 P < 0.001
1997 Pre 0.37 2, 9 ns 3.9 6, 27 P < 0.01
Post 10.88 2, 9 P < 0.01 8.92 16, 72 P < 0.001
1994 Post P. nebrascensis 15.65 2, 9 0.0012 2.69 16, 72 P < 0.05
1995 Post 10.49 2, 9 P < 0.01 5.68 18, 81 P < 0.001
1994 Post P. delicatula 1.53 2, 9 ns 1.44 16, 72 ns
1995 Post 2.40 2, 9 ns 1.17 18, 81 ns
a Repeated measures analyses of variance, except for 1993–1995 pre-grazing samples where one-way analysis of variance was used;

ns: not significant at α > 0.05.

in the first sample after grazing varied among years: nebrascensis (Thomas) tended to be more abundant
1994 (II–III), 1995 (I–II), 1996 (III–V), and 1997 in controls (Table 2).
(III). The effect of grazing appeared to carry over A. elliotti abundance tended to be higher in uni-
from year to year, as M. sanguinipes was more abun- form plots, especially before grazing and in late sum-
dant in control plots before grazing in 1994, 1996, mer (Fig. 9). In 1993, A. elliotti was more abundant
and 1997. Melanoplus packardii (1995–1997) (Fig. 7) on uniform plots in the first samples after grazing. By
and Melanoplus infantilis Scudder (1996–1997) re- late summer 1994 and during the pre-grazing period
sponded to grazing in a manner similar to M. san- of 1995, it was again more abundant on uniform plots.
guinipes (Table 2). During the pre-grazing periods A similar pattern occurred in late 1995 and, to a lesser
of 1996 and 1997, M. packardii and M. infantilis extent, during the pre-grazing period of 1996 (Table 2).
abundances in control plots were comparable to or In 1996 and 1997, dual peaks of abundance in uniform
lower than those in the mosaic and uniform plots. plots occurred when instars I–III (pre-grazing) and
Immediately after grazing, however, their abundances adults (mid- to late-August) were present. Egg pods of
stabilized or increased on the control plots, but de- this species were also more numerous on uniform than
clined on mosaic and uniform plots. From 1995 to control plots. The mean number of egg pods collected
1997, the response of Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder) per uniform plot was 22.0 ± 3.6 in 1995, 16.8 ± 2.8 in
(Fig. 8) and Camnula pellucida Scudder to grazing 1996, and 18.7 ± 5.3 in 1997; means in control plots
was similar to that of Melanoplus (Table 2). In 1994 were 0 in 1995, 1.0 ± 0.4 in 1996, and 2.3 ± 1.9 in
and 1995 Psoloessa delicatula Scudder exhibited no 1997 (repeated-measures analysis of variance; treat-
difference among treatments, whereas Phoetaliotes ment effect: F1,12 = 67.3, P = 0.0002; year effect:
K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64 59

Fig. 5. Mean number of grasshoppers per sweep sample of all

species combined, 1993–1997 (N = 4); dashed line is the time at Fig. 6. Mean number of M. sanguinipes per sweep sample,
which grazing occurred. 1993–1997 (N = 4); dashed line is the time at which grazing

F2,12 = 0.07, P = 0.93; grazing treatment × date in-

teraction: F2,12 = 1.39, P = 0.29). Onsager, 2000) or higher (Holmes et al., 1979;
Campbell et al., 1974; Knutsen and Campbell, 1974;
van Wingerden et al., 1991) overall grasshopper
4. Discussion densities following grazing. Within a grasshopper
assemblage, however, species may respond differ-
Previous studies have found either lower (Capinera ently to grazing. Holmes et al. (1979) found that the
and Sechrist, 1982; Jepson-Innes and Bock, 1989; abundances of Chortippus longicornis (Latr.) and M.
Quinn and Walgenbach, 1990; Welch et al., 1991; sanguinipes tended to decrease with grazing intensity,
60 K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

Fig. 7. Mean number of M. packardii per sweep sample, 1995–1997 Fig. 8. Mean number of A. deorum per sweep sample, 1995–1997
(N = 4); dashed line is the time at which grazing occurred. (N = 4); dashed line is the time at which grazing occurred.

whereas those of C. pellucida, M. dawsoni, and M.

infantilis increased. In contrast to the other species, A. elliotti was often
In the present study, a reduction in grasshopper most abundant in the heavily grazed treatments, par-
density with increased grazing intensity was observed ticularly in late spring when instars I–III predominated
for grasshopper assemblage as a whole, for M. san- and in late summer when adults were present. The
guinipes in 1994–1997, and for M. packardii, M. in- greater number of A. elliotti in sweep samples from
fantilus, A. deorum, and C. pellucida in 1995–1997. uniform plots is consistent with several other observa-
Differences were most pronounced 4–6 weeks follow- tions. During a behavioral study, it was difficult to find
ing grazing each year. The lack of a grazing effect A. elliotti in control plots, even when it was abundant
on grasshopper abundance in 1993 may be partially on adjacent uniform plots (O’Neill and Rolston, per-
due to the substantial regrowth of vegetation that oc- sonal observation). In the late 1980s and early 1990s,
curred after heavy rains in June and to low sampling the site was more heavily grazed and A. elliotti was by
intensity that year. Although P. nebrascensis was more far the most common grasshopper, while it remained
abundant in control plots after grazing in 1994 and relatively rare at an ungrazed crested wheatgrass pas-
1995, results for this species are unreliable because its ture nearby (O’Neill et al., 1993). Gillespie and Kemp
abundance tends to be overestimated in sweep samples (1996) found more A. elliotti in grazed pastures than
from ungrazed areas (Larson et al., 1999). The amount in adjacent pastures that had been taken out of graz-
of plant litter accumulating decreased with increasing ing production. Pfadt (1949) concluded that A. elliotti
grazing intensity, and temperature differences among was excluded from the dense vegetation of tall grass
treatments carried over from year to year. However, prairie.
LAI differences among treatments did not increase af- The grazing treatment × date interactions have sev-
ter 1993, and were often similar in the spring each year. eral possible explanations. Differences in LAI values
K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64 61

Individual grasshoppers can move considerable dis-

tances relative to the size the 35 m2 plots in this study.
Joern (1983) found that four species moved an aver-
age of 5–8 m per day. Adult M. sanguinipes moved up
to 90 m per day (Reigert et al., 1954), and grasshopper
nymphs may move tens of meters in less than a week
(Chapman, 1959). As a result, changes in grasshop-
per abundance in the present study probably reflected
not only birth and death rates within plots, but also
migration. A patch with high quality vegetation may
harbor higher grasshopper densities than the surround-
ing habitat (Heidorn and Joern, 1987; Joern, 1996)
which may explain why high densities of sweetclover
in control plots in 1995 were associated with high den-
sities of M. packardii and M. sanguinipes. In 1994,
higher numbers of both species were found in patches
of sweetclover than in adjacent crested wheatgrass at
a nearby site (O’Neill and Larson, unpublished data).
However, green islands of sweetclover existed only
briefly during 3 years, so their existence cannot explain
differences among treatments over the entire study or
even over an entire season. Movement of grasshop-
pers in response to variation in patch quality forms
the basis for using trap strips as a management tool
(Joern, 1996), whereas ungrazed patches of preferred
food plants may exacerbate grasshopper problems on
rangeland planted with legumes (Hewitt et al., 1982),
or where legumes are used as cover crops (Milbraith
et al., 1998).
Ungrazed grassland with dense canopy cover pro-
vides a different microhabitat for grasshoppers than
heavily grazed rangeland (Waterhouse, 1955). Re-
moval of vegetation modifies microclimate by increas-
ing insolation on the soil surface and changing air
Fig. 9. Mean numbers of A. elliotti per sweep sample, 1993–1997; flow over the ground (Geiger, 1966; Detling, 1987).
N = 4 for each mean; dashed line is the time at which grazing Grasshopper microhabitat on uniform plots tended
occurred. to be warmer, windier, drier, and less shaded. Dense
vegetation in ungrazed areas eliminates ground-level
between the grazed and ungrazed plots declined in late basking sites for some species, whereas heavily grazed
summer, and nitrogen and water content of crested habitats have less shade and fewer elevated perches
wheatgrass is often lowest immediately after graz- for cooling. Microclimate changes may affect hatch-
ing (Miller and Onsager, 1991). Furthermore, the pe- ing date, early season survival, rates of development,
riod of greatest vegetational differences among treat- susceptibility to pathogenic fungi, and availability of
ments coincided with the presence of nymphs of most oviposition sites (Parker, 1930; Kemp and Sanchez,
species. During the 4–6 weeks following grazing in 1987; Kemp and Dennis, 1989; Fisher, 1994). Some
1994–1997, most M. sanguinipes were instars III–V, species prefer to lay eggs in soil trampled by livestock
but adults predominated from late July to mid-August (Curry, 1994), whereas A. deorum, C. pellucida, M.
when counts in different treatments converged. sanguinipes, and M. infantilis oviposit within grass
62 K.M. O’Neill et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 97 (2003) 51–64

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on the manuscript. This work was supported by the
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grants from the USDA-CSREES Rangeland Research fertilization of Calamovilfa longifolia. Funct. Ecol. 1, 369–
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