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A novel approach to decision making of Mined Data using

Dynamic Snapshot Pattern Recognition Algorithm (DS-PRA)

Mahmoud Z. Iskandarani
Faculty of Science and Information Technology, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman-


A new approach to pattern recognition and decision machines profiling is proposed, proved
and tested. The technique adopts the Snapshot method dynamically as a function of both
organization policy and the organization department’s policies. Such policies are associated
with individual products and services provided by the organization with departments policies
derived from general organization profile with the organization policy being a function of the
various department’s profiles. It is proved through real data the ability of such algorithm to
classify, detect and predict policy changes and identify differences between different
organizations. Also, such algorithm combines the concepts of general Artificial intelligence
through the use of knowledge bases and Neural Networks by utilizing a similar weights matrix.
Keywords: Snapshot, Pattern Recognition, classification, Data Mining, Intelligent Systems.

In many real-world data mining tasks, decision making may change as the time changes. This is
due to change in the learned knowledge as a function of data exposure with a resulting
optimization of the knowledge base (KB) as a function of experience and multi-case handling,
which is a function of the everyday expansion of learned knowledge [1-3].
In order to learn and make accurate predictions, the evolution of the decision making concept
must be considered, and thus, a series of data sets collected at different times is needed to
keep updating the data base of learned knowledge, resulting in preserving the main
characteristics of the prediction model with modifications, adjustments and optimization due to
the constant input and feedback to and from the knowledge base. So a snapshot of the
characteristics and features of the system under consideration would suffice to reach a
decision. This would save significant time and storage and it will support the decision making
process without the need to have an updated data tapped in from the knowledge base [4-6].

DOI: 10.14738/tmlai.24.298
Publication Date: 3rd Aug 2014
Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2104

In this work it is shown that using the DS-PRA setup, a somewhat more natural way of temporal
dependent data classification can be achieved. In addition this setup, can successfully replace
all those processes of traditional classification scheme, such as, feature extraction and finding
sufficient classification algorithms. It is also demonstrated here that this task can be done with
a relatively small amount of data, which can be regarded as more suitable for real-time
applications Moreover the model has the ability to convert a human dependent task of the
selection of features into an automated computational task of finding DS-PRA parameters [7-


The traditional methods of actual classification schemes [11-13], usually consist of the
following basic parts as shown in Figure 1:
1) Feature Extraction
2) Applying classification algorithm
3) Decision Algorithm.

Feature Extraction (F1, F2… FN)

Classification (F1, F2… FN)

Decision Making (F1, F2… FN)

Figure 1: Traditional Decision Making System

The goal of the three steps to reduce the data explosion that is derived from real life data.
The feature extraction part requires substantial experience with the specific data task and the
success of finding good features can be affected by experience, extensive analysis of the data
and time-frequency manipulations. All of these are time demanding processes, and usually
computationally ineffective and somewhat not natural. Their main goal is data dimensionality
reduction for the classification algorithms.
The classification and decision making strictly depends on the previous one. Successful feature
extraction process will result in efficient and fast learning, which affect its accuracy and

Copyright © Society for Science and Education United Kingdom 25

Mahmoud Z. Iskandarani; A novel approach to decision making of Mined Data using Dynamic Snapshot Pattern
Recognition Algorithm (DS-PRA), Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 No 4, Aug
(2014); pp: 24-35
An accurate and effective model is developed from a single snapshot of data with the help of
domain knowledge. The correlation of snapshots gathered over a period of time is used to
establish a pattern of the organization and its decision making policy. Any change in the
periodical updating of the organization decision making process will result in a change in its last
snapshot and in the overall pattern and behavior of the model used.
In principle, an ensemble of data, called snapshots, collected from the database. The algorithm
is then used to produce a set of basic elements that can span the original snapshot collection. It
is such capability that allows extracting the representative characteristics of a decision making
system of an organization. The resulting few elements that form the final profile can be
regarded as dominant patterns. The proposed model and method indicate that the DS-PRA
method can successfully detect pattern changes and predict decisions without the need to tap
back into the database. The decision making machine profiling is affected by new data which
acts as a stimulus with a dynamic continuously changing history with sliding threshold for
decision making. This system is proposed and designed with an objective of achieving both
system accuracy while maintaining good generalizability properties [14-18]. The overall system
is illustrated in Figure 2.



Y1=Snap1(x) Y2=Snap2(x) Yn=Snapn(x)

Z1=Snap (Y1) Z2=Snap (Y2) Zn=Snap (Yn)

O1=Z1 (a,b,…,m) O2=Z2 (a,b,…,m) On=Zn (a,b,…,m)


O1(t), O2(t), O3(t),…,On(t) Decision Making

Figure 2: DS-PRA System

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Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2104

The resulting decisions and limits should correlate to the original policy of the organization
and can be described by equation 1:

Decision(tn ) = f (Snapshot (t , t2 , ..., tn )) ...(1)

Company Policy 1

Snapshot Company Policy = f (company Policy Variables ) ...(2)

For a snapshot to be valid and utilized for decision making and prediction, equation (3) must
be satisfied:

d (Snapshot )
= 0 ...(3)
The expression in (3) is used to also determine if there is a change in the decision policy if
the result does not equate to zero. This indicate a change in transformation function of the
concerned variables and is used to form new Snapshot if sufficient period of time is allowed to
establish stability. From the previous, equation (4) is used to map the Snapshot change and to
linearly predict the outcome for the new policy.

d (Snapshot n +1 ) d Snapshotn
VarPolicy − ≤α
dt dt ...(4)
0 ≤α ≤1

For the prediction and decision making to be valid, the Snapshot variation for real and
predicted data should not exceed the Snapshot variation limit of the general company policy
and profile, hence:

Vardata ≤ VarPolicy ≤ α ...(5)

Copyright © Society for Science and Education United Kingdom 27

Mahmoud Z. Iskandarani; A novel approach to decision making of Mined Data using Dynamic Snapshot Pattern
Recognition Algorithm (DS-PRA), Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 No 4, Aug
(2014); pp: 24-35

Tables 1 and 2 show DS-PRA Snapshot results of policies over two years for two
organizations dealing with products and services, where the transactions on these products and
services are affected by the organization policy that covers compensation aspects through
different departments.
Each main variable have snapshots of its sub variable that contributed to its value. The
snapshot of the policy is based on historical data gathering and intelligent correlation between
the snapshot variables shown in tables 1 and 2.

Table 1: Original snapshots for Organization1

Snapshot Variable Policy-2012 Policy-2013
Maximum Compensation 52.43% 53.13%
Minimum Compensation 40.48% 37.48%
No Compensation 6.14% 6.65%
Rejection 0.95% 2.74%
Maximum Compensation 0.75% 0.14%
Minimum Compensation 88.02% 88.54%
No Compensation 4.15% 6.57%
Rejection 7.08% 4.75%
Maximum Compensation 86.67% 81.53%
Minimum Compensation 8.04% 12.97%
No Compensation 5.23% 4.09%
Rejection 0.06% 1.40%

URL: 28
Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2104

Table 2: Original snapshots for Organization2

Snapshot Variable Policy-2012 Policy-2013
Maximum Compensation 46.84% 44.63%
Minimum Compensation 47.24% 43.12%
No Compensation 5.63% 10.50%
Rejection 0.29% 1.75%
Maximum Compensation 0.67% 0.84%
Minimum Compensation 89.60% 88.83%
No Compensation 8.72% 7.26%
Rejection 1.01% 3.07%
Maximum Compensation 89.73% 86.41%
Minimum Compensation 4.83% 4.80%
No Compensation 5.29% 6.95%
Rejection 0.15% 1.84%


The variables are integrated into to general variables as demonstrated in tables 3 and 4. After
integration, a boundary is constructed around the integrated variables to establish center
points and limits. The limits are then applied to departments in each organization to enable
decision making and prediction.

Copyright © Society for Science and Education United Kingdom 29

Mahmoud Z. Iskandarani; A novel approach to decision making of Mined Data using Dynamic Snapshot Pattern
Recognition Algorithm (DS-PRA), Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 No 4, Aug
(2014); pp: 24-35
Table 3: Derived Snapshots for Organization1
Decision System Policy Limits-Year1 Policy Limits-Year2 Var
Compensation 90.58%-92.91% 90.61%-92.93% 0.01%
No Compensation 9.42%-7.09% 9.39%-7.07%
Compensation 88.68%-88.77% 88.68%-88.77% 0%
No Compensation 11.32%-11.23% 11.32%-11.23%
Compensation 94.59%-94.71% 94.51%-94.62% 0.01%
No Compensation 5.41%-5.29% 5.49%-5.38%

Table 4: Derived Snapshots for Organization2

Decision system Policy Limits-Year1 Policy Limits-Year2 Var
Compensation 89.39%-94.08% 87.75%-93.17% 0.73%
No Compensation 10.61%-5.92% 12.25%-6.83%
Compensation 87.59%-90.27% 89.67%-91.9% 0.45%
No Compensation 12.41%-9.73% 10.33%-8.1%
Compensation 91.69%-94.56% 91.21%-94.25% 0.17%
No Compensation 8.31%-5.44% 8.79%-5.75%

From Tables 3 and 4 and referring to equations 3, 4, and 5, the following is realized:
1. The Var for each considered department in the considered organizations is within the
proposed limits and verifies the validity of the algorithm.
2. Organization1 shows no or negligible snapshot change over two years, with one
department policy suffers no change.
3. Organization2 shows more sizable shift in the general Snapshot for the organization
policy with all departments suffering Sub-Snapshot change over two years.

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Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2104

4. All department within both organizations have their Vardata that represents the
departments performance in providing services Less or equal to VarPolicy. This satisfies
the proposed algorithm and prove its validity.
5. Matrix of Sub-Snapshots is formed. This is equivalent to the matrix of weights in the
Neural Network algorithms, but much simpler as shown in matrices 1 and 2 shown in
expressions (6) and (7).

 2.33 2.32
M Organization 1 = 0.09 0.09 ...(6)
0.12 0.11

 4.69 5.42 
M Organization 2 =  2.68 2.23 ...(7)
2.87 3.04 

From the matrices it is realized that Organization1 had little or no change in its services
policy. This is supported by small variation per year compared to Organization2. The weights or
Sub-Snapshots are used by the algorithm to predict outcomes and make decisions dynamically
as Sub-Snapshots are updated. Hence the weights or Sub-Snapshots and subsequently the
matrices will be further populated and can only be limited by the choice of period of time
determined by the algorithm.
The general populated and accumulated matrix for an organization is given in equation (8).

 OrgVarYear1 OrgVarYear2 OrgVarYear3 ............... OrgVarYearn 

 Dep1Var
 Year1 Dep1VarYear2 Dep1Var Year3 ................ DepVarYearn 
M Organization =  Dep 2VarYear1 Dep 2VarYear2 Dep 2VarYear3 ................. Dep 2VarYearn  ...(8)
 
 DepiVarYear1 DepiVarYear2 DepiVarYear3 ................. DepiVarYearn 
 DepnVarYear
 1
DepnVarYear2 DepnVarYear3 ................. DepnVarYearn 

where: Org: Organization, Dep: Department.

The Var matrix is formed as shown in equation (9) and (10).

Var =
Organization 1  ≤ 0.01 ≤ 1 ...(9)
 0 . 01

Copyright © Society for Science and Education United Kingdom 31

Mahmoud Z. Iskandarani; A novel approach to decision making of Mined Data using Dynamic Snapshot Pattern
Recognition Algorithm (DS-PRA), Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2 No 4, Aug
(2014); pp: 24-35

Var Organization 2 =  ≤ 0.73 ≤ 1 ...(10)
 0.17 
The Var matrix changes over time in an accumulative way. Equation (11) describes a general
form of such matrix.

Var1 
Var 
 2
Var Organization K = Var3  ≤ 1 ...(11)
 
Vari 
Varn 

From the Var equations, the rest of the Var values for other departments within the
organization can be predicted as it is restricted to a maximum value of 1. So, for Organization1 ,
it is clear that its policy is constant with hardly any variation, which leaves 0.99 span for overall
policy change and for adding other departments or variables, and 0 margin of change for
current VarTotal. For Organization2, and as departments1 and 2 consumed most of the Var
values, the span for the rest of departments is narrow and of value 0.27 to reach the maximum
allowed value of 1 and 0.11 for current VarTotal. Such approach allows to predict and plan
policies that reflect on outcomes by using parts of the organization's profile and policies and
project that to obtain a dynamic curve of behavior. the algorithm is further enhanced through
scheduled policy selection, hence, a variable that is selected now, will become constant next
iteration and by final correlation and integration, the whole picture becomes integrated. this
can be illustrated in equation (12) and (13).
VarTotal = ∑Vari ...(12)
i =1

SnapshotTotal = f (VarTotal ) ...(13)

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Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Volume 2, Issue 4, August 2104

Snapshot Classification of Organizations

Var 0.4
0 Organization 2

Policy Total
Organization 1

Department 1

Department 2

Department n
Figure 3: Classification of Two Organizations

Figure 3 shows a clear difference in two organizations policies. These organizations deals
with same products but have different policy change rates. Obviously organization 1 has a
constant and stable policy, which should reflect on its market dealings and its services in
comparison to organization 2. such values obtained through Snapshot algorithm reflects on two
main issues:
1) Confidence level in the organization if stability is important.
2) Flexibility in policy adjustment to suit market and people, if such changes are
for the consumer benefits.

The developed algorithm proved to be effective in:
1. Reducing data size that characterizes general decision making of an
organization based on historical data.
2. Enable decision making and prediction dynamically.
3. Provide and efficient method for change in decision making as a function of
policy change.
4. Enable future planning of any organization policy and strategy.


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