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Characterization of Ag-PEO10LiCF3SO3-PolyPyrrole-Au Neural Switch

Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan
P.O.BOX 911597, Post Code: 11191

Abstract: - The design, build and characterization of a semiconducting, organic neural switch are carried out.
Voltage-Current characteristics for an ionic-electronic interacting neural switch are presented. Neural Switch
characteristics analyzed using an electronic equivalent circuit model. The model is proved to describe to a great
degree of soundness the interacting mechanism between the used materials. Programmability of the switch is
proved to be bi-directional and reversible with hysterisis effect which is due to excess charge storage, with a
behavior similar to a biological Synapse.

Key-Words: - Neural, modeling, Synapse, Memory, Information Processing, Polymers, Computing, Intelligence

1 Introduction reversibly alter their magnitude in small increments

Electronic neural network hardware during learning [13, 14, 15, 16, 17].
implementations, particularly with parallelism and In this paper the design of a three terminal double
self-learning abilities, generated a need for layered, sandwiched (Ag-PEO10LiCF3SO3-ppy-
miniature variable analog memory elements Au) device is presented to be used as analogue,
(synapses). The connection strength (electrical reversible, programmable; resistance variable neural
resistance) of such film deposited devices is switch is introduced. The device behaves in a
reversibly modified through an electrochemical similar manner to a SYNAPSE through which
process. The electrical resistance of such a device NEURONS are inter-connected in a sophisticated
can be modified to, and stabilized at, any desired fashion. The description of network activity at such
value over a wide dynamical range. level, analyzing the switching pattern under
Such compact devices are used in an artificial neural different conditions, provides a vast amount of
network arrangement that comprises a collection of information about neural network behavior.
simple processors (Neurons), interconnected Mathematical modeling is a powerful approach for
through a complex network of weighted elements understanding the complexity of biological systems.
(synapses). Such massively parallel architecture Recently, several successful attempts have been
possesses unusual properties applicable to complex made for simulating complex biological processes.
problems in concurrent information processing, fault In this paper the fundamental characteristics that
tolerant pattern recognition, and other fields [1, 2, 3, describe the main functionality of an artificial
4, 5]. synapse are presented, modeled and analyzed. Such
The development of neural circuits based on a model based analysis provides a good insight into
correlated activity, relies on two critical the behavior of the neural switch and any futuristic
mechanisms. The best known of these is activity- implementations.
dependent synaptic modification along the lines
proposed by Hebb. Equally important is a 2 Neural Switch Design
mechanism that forces various synapses to compete Polymer electrolytes, in particular polyethylene
with one another so that when some synapses to a oxide - alkali salt complexes, and the extensively
given postsynaptic neuron are strengthened, others studied polyethylene oxide - lithium
are weakened. trifluoromethane sulphonate (PEO10LiCF3SO3),
In an electronic neural network, the weighted have been applied as materials for high energy, long
synaptic interconnections modulate the life, flexible re-chargeable batteries with good
communication between the neurons. The key mechanical and stable electrochemical properties
requirement for learning in networks as a result of [22, 24, 25, 26]. Moreover the remarkable
communication between various neurons is the achievement of producing highly conducting
programmability of synaptic connections to polypyrrole (PPY) with excellent chemical and

ISSN: 1109-2750 1139 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


thermal stability and its ability to switch between very different. A fundamental reason for this
two states, namely conducting (oxidized) and difference is that the polymers are molecular
insulating (reduced) has brought about the idea of materials. Therefore, charge - transfer (electron-
combining these polymers to produce an ionic- excitation) processes cause appreciable local
electronic interacting mixed conductor. Such a modifications (relaxation) of the polymer chain
device should have the ability to store the injected geometry. The equilibrium geometry of organic
charge, affecting its conduction and switches states materials in the ionized or excited state is different
due to device resistance change. Such a change from that in the ground state because electron-
would be stable occupying a specified level until phonon coupling occurs in addition to the local
another charge is injected or removed. Such geometrical modifications of the chain, markedly
advances in polymeric science together with affecting the electronic structure by inducing
artificial neural networks enabled the design of an localized electronic states in the band gap. These
analogue neural processor [6, 7, 8, 9]. are related to the charge-transfer-induced changes of
Ethylene oxide (CH2 CH2 O) is highly reactive with the π-system of the polymer that are intrinsic to the
particular importance as a chemical intermediate parent material (organic polymer). In contrast
due to the tendency of the ring to open in the inorganic semiconductors have states in the gap
presence of ionic catalyst. Co-dissolving an alkali related to their dopant levels. The evidence that
metal salt with PEO [HO(CH2CH2O)nH] and ionization or electronic excitation results in a local
removal of the solvent will result in a mixed phase relaxation of the geometric and electronic structures
system which retains, in part, a complex of the of organic materials forms the basis of analysis of
polymer and the salt. It is shown that the paired conducting polymers. Conducting polymeric films
ether oxygen electrons, which give the polymer can easily be obtained by electrochemical oxidation/
strong hydrogen - bonding affinity, can also be polymerization of the pyrrole monomer C4H5N.
involved in association reactions with a variety of This electro synthesis has two advantages:
monomeric and polymeric electron acceptors with
polymer-alkali salts recognised as fast ionic (1) The polymer is formed in the conducting
conductors with wide charge storage using them as state.
solid electrolytes in batteries, chemical sensors and (2) The films possess good mechanical
other applications e applications .For pure PEO the properties.
crystalline phase occupies approximately 80% of the
available volume, with the remainder being taken up Poly(pyrrole) is considered to be one of the most
by a dispersed amorphous phase. On addition of interesting materials because of its accessibility,
LiCF3SO3, Li+ ions form cross-links between substantial conductivity and reasonable stability
ethylene oxide segments of neighbouring chains as with considerable efforts made to establish the
the cation (Li+) forms ionic bonds with the relationship between molecular structure,
negatively polarised oxygen atoms forming a closed morphology, texture and electrical properties have
helical structure with the (Li+) ions inside. The been made. It is suggested that transport occurs as a
CF3SO3- anion forms another ionic bond with the three-dimensional variable-range-hopping process
methylene group outside the helical structure when (VRH) where charge carriers not only hop between
the ring structured monomers. Ionic conduction in sites of closest contact of adjacent chains of
PEOxLiCF3SO3 occurs by the cation (Li+) hopping poly(pyrrole) at low temperatures, but also to more
between sites in either the single or double helix remote sites in order to minimise the consumed
structures. However, this hopping model was energy. At higher temperatures the conduction
discredited other by studies, which showed the ionic dependency changes to cover exclusively the nearest
conductivity occured mainly in the amphorous sites.
phase rather than in the crystalline phase. Figure1 illustrates a classical structure of a neuron
Furthermore experiments with dopant ions that form with synapses indicated, while figure 2 shows a
immobile ion pairs indicated that transport was not simplified view of a synapse as the primary
occurring down a helical path. A variety of information-processing element based on its ability
experiments showed that ion transport in the to control the current in or out of an electrical node
majority of the polymer-salt complexes occurs by the potential on the other node. Hence, the
through segmental motion of the polymer. synapse will control the conductance of the
Despite some apparent similarities between membrane between the inside of the postsynaptic
electrically conducting polymers and conventional, cell and the extracelluar fluid, which is controlled
doped inorganic semiconductors, their physics is by the potential across the presynaptic membrane.

ISSN: 1109-2750 1140 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


Inside this membrane is a high accumulation of the previously applied bias and will be fixed until
specific neurotransmitting molecules where another latching potential is introduced. So, the
depolarized calcium channels permit its ions (Ca+2) switch may be used to control and modulate the
to proceed to the presynaptic cell from the synaptic communication between different artificial neurons
gap activating the subcellular mechanism that in applications such as:
releases the neurotransmitter molecules into the (a) Pattern recognition as in speech, image and
synaptic gap from which they diffuse to the odor discrimination,
postsynaptic membrane. This initiates a sequence of (b) Complex optimization problems,
events resulting in the opening of ion-specific (c) Adaptive equalization in communication
channels with three patterns of behavior [10, 11, links
12]: In the process of planning the overall switch pattern,
(1) Excitatory: depolarization of the efforts were made to allow the following:
postsynaptic membrane as a result of presynaptic (1) Uncomplicated and practical
depolarization due to the channels opened by electrochemical growth and deposition of polymeric
neurotransmitters being specific to other ions like material (e.g. poly(pyrrole)), by making the size of
sodium (Na+). the contact pads of the device large enough
(2) Inhibiting: hyperpolarization of the post compared to the working electrode connections used
synaptic membrane as the potassium-specific to apply the potential to them.
channels are opened (Ca+2). (2) Elimination of the edge effect, in the z-
(3) Shunting: when chloride channels open and direction, on the conduction behavior of the device,
increase the membrane conductance without a by permitting sufficient electrode length at either
significant change in potential. side of the polymer window.
Analogy can immediately and easily be drawn (3) Simplification of the bonding task and
between the behaviour of a synapse and the organic formation of relatively strong bonds by deposition
neural switch shown in figure3, as in the organic of NiCr on the contact pads.
neural switch the gate bias potential affects the dc
resistance between the source and drain. When
programmed, the bias applied between the gate and Ag Gate

Impulse Impulse
Au Source Au Drain
PPY Film

Synapse Neuron SiO2 Substrate


Fig.1: Biological Neuron Fig. 3: The Designed Neural Switch

3 Experimental Arrangements
Synaptic Cleft
3.1 Processing of the device structure
In order to make the final device, barriers or
insulations are necessary between the conductive
polymeric materials (poly(pyrrole),
PEO10LiCF3SO3) and the silicon substrate[23, 27,
28, 29]. Holes or windows are etched through one
Fig.2: Biological Synapse barrier (photoresist) wherever contact is desired.
The windows shapes are transferred to the surface of
the shorted source/drain terminal will set up a field the oxidized silicon wafer using photolithography as
that will oxidize or reduce the polymer, and hence a refined type of the photoengraving method. The
when the programming voltage is removed and a process involves transferring the patterns from the
constant current is applied between the source and masks to a light-sensitive material (photoresist),
drain, the measured conductance will be related to after which chemical etching is used to transfer the

ISSN: 1109-2750 1141 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


windows geometry from the photoresist to the ratio of 10:1, were dissolved in acetonitrile 99%
insulating material (SiO2) on the surface of the pure under nitrogen atmosphere. The solution was
silicon wafer. The photoliographical process then stirred at room temperature for 48 hours after
comprises all the steps required to transfer a which the solution was filtered to remove any
prototype from the mask to the surface of the silicon undissolved materials, and stored in 14, 2 ml plastic
wafer. During the lithography process clean containers and kept well isolated from the
conditions are maintained as any dust particles on atmosphere.
the original substrate, or particles dropping on the The polymeric films were deposited using a drop
surface of the wafer during production, can result in coating technique and then dried by heating for 30
defects in the final resist coating. So, prior to use, minutes in an oven at 50 °C.
silicon wafers were cleaned to remove any particles
on the surface as well as any remains of organic, 4. Neural Switch Programming
ionic, and metallic impurities. The Neural Switch is programmed by means of
charge storage process, which proceeds as follows:
3.2 Polymers Preparation (1) The source and drain are shorted together.
(2) A biasing potential is applied between the
3.2.1 Poly(pyrrole) shorted terminals and the gate.
Poly(pyrrole) films were grown electrochemically (3) After a specific time (5 minutes) the bias
using a three electrode cell consisting of: voltage is removed and the source and drain
(1) Working electrode disconnected from each other.
(2) Reference electrode (4) The change in the device resistance is
(3) Counter electrode measured as the gate is left floating.
The working electrode is the finite gold electrodes The above process was carried out over a range of
structure. The reference electrode used is a calomel positive and negative biasing potentials with the
electrode while platinum gauze was used as the temperature kept constant at 25 °C using heating
counter electrode. element under normal room atmosphere. The
Before growth of the poly(pyrrole) was initiated, heating element was used not only to stabilize
nitrogen was bubbled for 20 minutes, through the temperature at a certain value, but also to help
working solution of 50 mmol dm-3 pyrrole testing the device at various temperatures. The
dissolved into 0.1 mol dm-3 TSA (sodium salt) as typical programming cycle consisted of applying 0
the supporting electrolyte. This degassing process volts up to +65 mV, and then back from +65 mV
was carried out in order to remove any oxygen and down to 0, then immediately after that a negative
nitrogen was continuously passed over the surface cycle started by applying 0 mV to -65 mV and back
of the solution during the growth operation to from -65 mV to 0.
prevent re-oxygenation.
The films were grown by applying a potential step 4.1 Gate Programming
of 800 mV across the reference electrode and the When the gate is programmed, a biasing potential is
working electrode, while submerging the finite applied between the gate and the shorted source-
electrode structure in the growth solution. The drain terminals, then a constant current is injected to
current flowing between the working electrode and measure the change in the device resistance between
the counter electrode was measured over a specified the source and drain while the gate is to float. The
period of time. The film thickness is known to be following interactions are thought to occur:
proportional to the length of time for which the
potential is applied. In this case films are grown for (1) Ag Ag+ + e-
60 seconds. This growth technique has the
(2) pp+ + e- pp°
advantage of being able to produce thin films of
poly(pyrrole) as the devices produced for this (3) Ag + CF3SO3-
+ -
research have average film thickness of 3.5μm. (4) Li + e Li
(5) pp + CF3SO3-
3.2.2 PEO10LiCF3 SO3
Polymer films were prepared using poly(ethylene
oxide) with average molecular weight of 5 x 106
(1), (2) and (4) accounts for the polarity of the gate
Da. and density of 1.21 TM at 65 C, and lithium
bias which contributes to ionization of silver and
trifluoromethane sulfonate 97% pure. The required
oxidation/reduction of poly(pyrrole), while (3) and
amounts of lithium salt and PEO, to give an O:Li

ISSN: 1109-2750 1142 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


(4) hypothesize cation/anion migration and the

N eural S w itch V oltage-C urrent C haracteristics
effective role that anions plays in the overall
conduction process. 0.006
Programming of the neural switch was carried out
over two gate polarities comprising different levels
of biasing as follows:

Curren t (A)
4.2 Positive Programming Cycle -0.02 -0.015 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
As positive bias is applied between the gate and -0.002

source-drain, the following set of interactions would -0.004

occur: -0.006
Vo lta ge (V )

(a) Ag → Ag+ + e-
(b) CF3SO3-(α) → CF3SO3-(β) Fig.5: Voltage-Current characteristics of the Neural
(d) Ag+ + CF3SO3-(β) → AgCF3SO3 Switch at 20 mV gate bias.
(e) pp+ + e- → pp°
N eural S w itch V oltage-C urrent C haracterisitcs

From these reactions it is apparent that ionization, 0.006

neutralization and reduction processes have taken 0.004

place, resulting in an ionic-electronic exchange Curren t (A)
between Ag and CF3SO3, and reduction of 0
poly(pyrrole). During the process CF3SO3 ions -0.025 -0.015 -0.005 0.005 0.015 0.025
travel toward the gate due to the positive field set up
by the bias while Li+ moves toward the shorted
drain-source electrode. -0.006
Vo lta ge (V )
4.3 Negative Programming Cycle
When negative bias is applied between the gate and
the source-drain, the following set of reactions Fig.6: Voltage-Current characteristics of the Neural
believed to have occurred: Switch at 40 mV gate bias.
Neural Switch Voltage-Current Characteristics
(a) pp° → pp+
(b) CF3SO3-(β) → CF3SO3-(α) 0.004
(c) Ag+ → Ag 0.002
Curren t (A)

-0.07 -0.05 -0.03 -0.01
-0.002 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07

4 Characterization of the Neural -0.004

Switch -0.006

Figures 4-8 illustrate the characterization curves Voltage (V)

obtained for the neural switch. These curves cover

biasing voltage from 0 mV up to 65 mV. Fig.7: Voltage-Current characteristics of the Neural
Switch at 50 mV gate bias.
N eural S w itch V oltage-C urrent C haracteristics
N e u r a l S w itc h V o lta g e -C u rre n t C h a ra c te ris tic s
0 .00 5
0.0003 0 .00 4
0.0002 0 .00 3
0 .00 2
Curren t (A)


0 .00 1
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 -0.0001 0 0. 01 0.02 0.03
-0. 0 8 -0.0 6 -0 .04 -0 . 02-0 .00 1 0 0.02 0.04 0.0 6 0. 0 8

-0.0002 -0 .00 2

-0.0003 -0 .00 3
-0 .00 4
-0 .00 5
Vo lta ge (V )
V o lta g e (V )

Fig.4: Voltage-Current characteristics of the Neural Fig.8: Voltage-Current characteristics of the Neural
Switch at 0 mV gate bias. Switch at 65 mV gate bias.

ISSN: 1109-2750 1143 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


5 Analysis, Discussion and Conclusion (2) Vx > Vg: The diode is in its conducting state
Analysis of the designed and tested Neural (forward biased) and the circuit can be analyzed
assuming that (V - Vx) > 0 and (Vx - Vg) > diode
Switch is achieved through an electrical circuit
barrier potential of ~ 0.6 volts.
model employing a diode as the semiconducting
device as shown in figure 9, while figure 10 Thus
represents an electronics circuit equivalent
model for the device. V − Vx
( 2) … I =

R1 V

(3)… I = Ix + I1



Fig. 9: Electrical circuit model for the Neural Switch (4)… V − Vx = IxR + I1R

V From

(5)… I1 = − 2Ix


R1 Switching

Process We obtain

(6)… Vx = IxR = I1R 1 + Vd + Vg


Now substituting for I1

⎛V ⎞
(7)… IxR = ⎜ − 2Ix ⎟R 1 + Vd + Vg
Fig.10: Electronic circuit model for the Neural Switch ⎝R ⎠
In applying the model and on the assumption that both
gate-drain and gate-source resistances are equally
matched, two cases can be considered: So,
(1) Vx ≤ Vg: The potential across the diode is
(8)… Ix (R + 2R 1) =
VR 1
either negative or zero, hence, it is not in its + Vd + Vg
conducting state (reversed biased), which reduces the R
circuit to two resistances in parallel with each other
giving voltage-current expression of the form:

V Then,
(1)… I =
⎛ VR 1 Vg + Vd ⎞
(9)… Ix = ⎜ + ⎟
Equation 1 expresses an overall linearity of the I-V
⎝ R (2 R 1 + R ) (2 R 1 + R ) ⎠
characteristic (Vg ≤ 20 mV).

ISSN: 1109-2750 1144 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


(14)… I =
But R

V − Vx V (2) R1Æ ∞
(10)… I = Ix + I1 = = − Ix
R R ⎛ V ⎞
(15)… I = ⎜ ⎟
Hence, ⎝ 2R ⎠

V ⎛ VR1 ⎞ ⎛ Vd + Vg ⎞ These extreme cases are represented in table 1, and

(11)…I = −⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟
R ⎝ R(2R1 + R) ⎠ ⎝ (2R1 + R) ⎠
figure 12.

R I(R1Æ0) I(R1Æ∞)
⎡ ⎛ R + R 1 ⎞ ⎛ Vd + Vg ⎞⎤
(12)… I = ⎢V⎜ ⎟−⎜ ⎟⎥ 1 1*V 0.5*V
⎣ ⎝ R (2 R 1 + R ) ⎠ ⎝ (2 R 1 + R ) ⎠⎦
2 0.5*V 0.25*V

If R is of unit value (R=1), then the value of I 3 0.33*V 0.167*V

4 0.25*V 0.125*V
⎛ R1 + 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
(13)… I = V⎜ ⎟ − (Vd + Vg )⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2R 1 + 1 ⎠ ⎝ 2R 1 + 1 ⎠ 5 0.2*V 0.1*V

6 0.167*V 0.083*V
As the diode in the equivalent circuit becomes
saturated or unable to learn, the value of R1 will show 7 0.143*V 0.0714*V
a gradual increase proportional to the amount of
exposure time to programming charge. Thus a power- 8 0.125*V 0.0625*V
like curve is produced as shown in figure 11.
9 0.111*V 0.0556*V
Effect of Diode Resistance on Programming
Current 10 0.1*V 0.05*V
Programming Current


Table 1: Voltage-Current Relationship


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Diode Resistance Neural Switch Current Limits
Current (I)

0.6 I(R→0)
Fig. 11: Effect of gate resistance on programming 0.4 I(R-->∞)
current. 0.2
Two extreme cases are realized: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Resistance (R)
(1) R1Æ0
Fig.12: Resistance-Current Limits.
The programming current expression is reduced to:

ISSN: 1109-2750 1145 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008


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ISSN: 1109-2750 1148 Issue 8, Volume 7, August 2008

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