Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis of The Programming Field in PEO10LiCF3SO3-Polypyrrole Neural Switch

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Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis of the Programming

Field in PEO10LiCF3SO3-Polypyrrole Neural Switch
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Al-Zaytoonah Private University of Jordan
P.O.BOX 911597, Post Code: 11191

Abstract: - The design and numerical modeling using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of electric field strength
in a programmable neural switch is carried out. The obtained model provided good approximation to the
derived complex analytical solution, which is carried out by means of complex mathematical analysis
employing SCHWARZ-CHRISTOFFEL transform. Effect of electrode separation and field spread in both x
and y directions are studied and explained. Boundary effects on field strength representation is discussed and
numerically reduced through increasing the number of nodes for each element in the finite grid. Edge effect on
field strength is also eliminated using semi-infinite coplanar electrode approximation. Such a switch will
function as a synaptic processor behaving in an adaptive manner and suitable to be used as a compact
programmable device with other artificial neural network hardware.

Key-Words: - Neural, Numerical, Finite Element, Mathematical, Memory, Information Processing, Polymers

1 Introduction numerically modeled using various types of finite

A practical neural network would have to use data elements. Assuming two semi-infinite co-planar
structures with modeled neurons having electrodes separated by a gap [20].
distributions of synapses over reasonable dendritic
geometries, with spines and microcircuits, and ionic Effect of electrode separation and distance from the
channels representation. Charge would propagate origin on the field strength and device are analyzed.
through the dendrites and soma. Action potentials Mathematical representation of FEA is illustrated
would be initiated accordingly in the initial segment and discussed [21,22].
and would reach the terminals according to a
distribution of propagation times. Other than
diffusion losses, charge would remain in the soma 2 Background
and would be able to initiate a series of action The implementation of a neural prosthesis involves
potentials interior. The mentioned can be replacing a portion of the nervous system with an
represented by a finite-element or multilevel artificial device. Aside from developing hardware
adaptive approximation that approximate the and providing for its physical and physiological
appropriate electro diffusion equations [6-9]. integration with the nervous system, this requires
The architecture of the brain can be viewed with logical development which comprises the following:
greater or less granularity. Although understanding (1) Abstract model that shows what
of lower-level processing is relevant to higher computations need to be done, independently of
levels, it is possible to begin understanding the implementation.
higher levels without a complete picture of the lower (2) Theory of how these computations are
ones. At the level of single neurons, the several ion implemented in real neurons.
species present are assumed to obey a set of partial (3) Technology for implementing them in an
differential equations. Such equations can be artificial computer.
numerically modeled using Finite Element Analysis, (4) Plan for logical integration of the neural and
which proved to be a good approximation to the the electronic computations so that they jointly have
complex analytical solution and a fast tool for the desired effect.
validation of the analytical model and future For the simpler recognition and motion planning
variations [1,2]. In this paper the electrostatic tasks, these issues can be solved by ad hoc methods;
potential and field strength, which is an essential but for more complex tasks involving the integration
requirement for the operation of the neural switch is

ISSN: 1109-2750 1051 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


of multiple inputs and outputs a more systematic 4 Mathematical Modeling

approach is needed. For any regular complex potential function; its real
Our picture of the neuron is that of a processing and imaginary parts form orthogonal families of
element that performs a spatio-temporal integration curves that satisfy the CAUCHY-RIEMANN
of incoming signals. This integration is coded in a equations, and as conjugate functions of complex
state. The question is not so much whether a variables; the real and imaginary parts of the
presynaptic event is sufficient to cause an action complex potential functions also satisfy the
potential; rather, by changing the state it changes the LAPLACIAN differential equation as harmonic
ability to respond to subsequent events and it functions [17-18].
thereby modulates the dynamics of streams of action The orthogonality of the families of curves forming
potentials. The neuron transforms streams of states the complex potential function derived for a
in presynaptic neurons into streams of states in particular geometry can be preserved using a
postsynaptic neurons, and modifies them according comprehensive and powerful mathematical theory
to its state and according to its connectivity. Also, known as the theory of CONFORMAL
any local stream in a neuron corresponds to the set TRANSFORMATION. By this theory, the
of presynaptic streams that can bring it about, and geometry of the complex Z-plane is mapped onto
the structure of these sets can be analyzed logically. the complex potential plane, the W-plane, by means
of an analytical function w=f(z) which is obtained
through the elimination of a third complex variable t
3 Modeling the Neural Switch = u + jv between z = f1(t) = x + jy and w = f2(t) =
Figure 1 illustrates the designed and modeled neural Φ+ jψ. Consequently the field strength expression is
switch, using Polyethylene Oxide - Lithium then obtained as the gradient of the potential.
Trifluoromethane Sulphonate (PEO10LiCF3SO3), f1(t) and f2(t) are obtained using the SCHWARZ-
which is known as material for high energy, long CHRISTOFFEL differential equation which
life, flexible, and re-chargeable just like a neural assumes the potential and field boundaries to be
switch and has good mechanical and stable straight-line segments forming a polygon as they
electrochemical properties [3-5]. The material is meet at a vertex closing up the polygonal boundary
used together with a highly conducting polymer, with a vertex angle.
called Polypyrrole (PPY) that possess excellent Regarding the Z-plane as a rectilinear polygon with
chemical and thermal stability and has ability to only few sides the SCHWARZ-CHRISTOFFEL
switch between two states, namely conducting differential equation is used twice over to connect
(oxidized) and insulating (reduced), similar to the the real axis in the t-plane with the boundary of the
real neuron. Combining these polymers produced an polygon in the Z- and W- planes in such a way that
ionic-electronic interacting mixed conductor. The the upper-half of the t-plane transforms into the
resulting device was tested and proved to be able to interior of the polygon.
store the injected charge, affecting its conduction Figure 2 shows a cross section of the two planar
and switches states due to device resistance change. electrodes in the neural switch. The two co-planar
Such a change would be stable occupying a electrodes in the z-plane correspond to two
specified level until another charge is injected or divergent sides of a polygon extending at infinity
removed. with a negative vertex angle and six vertices I, J, K
and L, M, N. But since I, J and L, M reach infinity
Ag Gate with an angle of -π, and K and N are symmetrical
about the y-axis, then the polygonal boundary can be
considered to form a three vertices polygon, namely
L, M and N; with K and N having interior angles of
Au Source
PEO 10 LiCF3SO 3
Au Drain
2π with respects to the x-axis as shown in Figure 3.
PPY Film A conformal transformation of the real axis of the t-
SiO2 Substrate plane, (Figure 4), into the interior of the polygon,
(Figure 3) is carried out. Let the vertex M in the Z-
Fig.1: Neural Switch Structure plane correspond with the limit as tÆ∞ and assume
the following correspondence between the
remaining points and vertices:

(a) At N, t = +1, z = +d, θ1 = 2π

ISSN: 1109-2750 1052 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


(b) At -N, t = -1, z = -d, θ2 = 2π

(c) At L, t = 0, z = ∞, θ3 = -π t-Plane V (Im)

Substitution of these points in the SCHWARZ-
CHRISTOFFEL differential equation given by:
-L1 -N1 N1 L1
dz θ θ θ
= C1 (t- t1) ( 1 )-1 (t- t 2) ( 2 )-1...(t- t n ) ( n )-1 (1)
dt π π π U (Re)

Gives: Fig 4: t-Plane Mathematical Mapping

To obtain the required field expression, (Electrical

= C1 ( t 2 - 1) t -2 = C1 (1 - t -2) (2) Transformation), the co-planar electrode on the
dt positive x-axis in the z-plane is rotated by an angle π
(anti clockwise) so the two semi-infinite co-planar
Integrating (2) yields: electrodes will be transformed to two infinite
parallel lines which are used in the W-plane to form
⎛ 1⎞ (3) a polygon as shown in Figure 5.
z = F1 (t) = ∫ dz = C1 ∫ (1 - t 2) dt = C1 ⎜ t+ ⎟ + K1
⎝ t⎠
Z-Plane Y (Im)
Where, constants C1 and K1 depend on the
correspondence between the points in the two
planes. Now applying boundary conditions (a) and I K N L
X (Re)
(b) and solving for z will produce:
d ⎛ 1⎞ J
z = ⎜ t+ ⎟ (4)
2⎝ t⎠ -Π

Fig.5 Electrical Transformation into W-Plane

The expression in equation (4) has a pole at t = 0,
which corresponds to the infinite side of the co- By this rotation the vertices will meet at infinity
planar electrodes and satisfies boundary condition with a vertex angle of zero, and the boundary
(c) for z = ∞ at t = 0. conditions become as follows:

(a) At w = ∞ + jVo, t = -∞
Z-Plane Y (Im)
(b) At w = ∞, t = ∞
(c) At w = -∞, t = 0, φ = 0

X (Re)
These boundary conditions describe a polygon with
a single vertex. Now applying the following

-Π dw φ φ φ
= C2 (t- t a ) ( 1 )-1 (t- t b) ( 2 )-1 ...(t- t n ) ( n )-1 (5)
dt π π π
Fig2: Coplanar Electrodes Cross Section
Z-Plane Y (Im)

= C2 t -1 (6)
-L -N N L
X (Re)
Integration of equation (6) gives:
2d M
w = F2 (t) = ∫ dw = C2 ∫ t -1 dt = C2 ln(t) + K 2 (7)
Fig 3: Z-Plane Geometrical Mapping

ISSN: 1109-2750 1053 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


Since points w = -∞ and t = 0 are made to 5 Numerical Modeling

correspond, then K2 = 0, then equation 7 becomes:
5.1 Four-Node Plane Isoparametric Element
w = C2 ln(t) (8)
Let the field quantity be β = β(x,y) = β(u,v), where u
and v are dimensionless cartesian co-ordinates used
Now, as the semi-infinite co-planar electrode on the to generate elements in the (x,y) plane. If an
positive x-axis is rotated by an angle π to produce element has side lengths of 2a and 2b then u and v
the two parallel lines in the w-plane; a semi-circular are given by:
arc is formed in the t-plane with radius R with the
following points corresponding to each other:
x y
u= ,v= (14)
(1) At w = φo, t = Rexp(j0) = R a b
(2) At w = φo + jVo, t = Rexp(jπ)
For a four-node element, β is interpolated from nodal
Substituting these points in equation (8) and solving values {βe} = [β1,β2,β3,β4]T,
for C2 and w yields:

Vo β = [N] β e or β = ∑ Ni β i (15)
w= ln(t) (9) i =1
Where Ni is the interpolation or shape function given
Expression (9) is only defined for t>0 and it has a by:
zero at t = 1 and satisfies the boundary condition (c)
at t = 0. 1 1
N1 = (1 - u) (1 - v), N 2 = (1 + u) (1 - v) (16)
To obtain the complete conformal transformation, 4 4
the variable t needs to be eliminated as follows: 1 1
N3 = (1 + u) (1 + v), N 4 = (1 - u) (1 + v) (17)
4 4
⎛π w ⎞
t = exp ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (10) Where u = + 1, v = + 1
⎝ Vo ⎠
For an isoparametric element:
Substituting (10) into (4) gives:
{ } = [B] {β e} (18)
⎡ exp(π w/ V o) + exp(-π w/ V o ) ⎤ ⎛π w ⎞ (11) β, y
z = d⎢ ⎥ = dcosh ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎝ Vo ⎠
Where [B] is given by:
Hence, the complete transformation is:
⎡ N1 , x, N 2 , x N3 , x N 4 , x ⎤
⎢ ,y ,y ,y ,y⎥ (19)
Vo ⎛z⎞ ⎣ N1 N 2 N3 N 4 ⎦
cosh ⎜ ⎟
w= (12)
π ⎝d⎠
The field strength expression is given as the gradient (19) is the displacement matrix where, x and y are
of the potential, so: given by:

4 4
dw d ⎛ Vo -1 ⎛ z ⎞ ⎞
|E|= E = = ⎜⎜ cosh ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ x = ∑ N i X i , y = ∑ N i Yi (20)
dz dz ⎝ π ⎝ d ⎠⎠ i =1 i =1
The element characteristic matrix [K], with material
v property q and element thickness t is given by:
π (z 2 - d 2 )1/ 2

ISSN: 1109-2750 1054 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


[K] = ∫ ∫ [B ]T q[B] tdxdy

⎡ x1 y1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
1 1
= ∫ ∫ [B ] q[B] tJdudv
x 2 y2 ⎥
= [DN ] ⎢ (30)
-1 -1
⎢ x 3 y3 ⎥
Where; J is the Jacobian of the transformation from u- ⎢ ⎥
v plane to x-y plane. ⎣⎢ x 4 y4 ⎦⎥
In equation (21) second form, [B] is a function of u Where; DN is given by:
and v and β is expressed in terms of u and v so
equation (18) is re-written as:
1 ⎡- (1 - v) (1 - v) (1 + v) - (1 + v)⎤ (31)
[DN] =
4 ⎢⎣- (1 - u) - (1 + u) (1 + u) (1 - u)⎥⎦
{ } = [D N ] {β e} (22)
β,v From equations (28) and (29), Γ can be written as:

Where, 1 ⎡J 22 - J12 ⎤
[Γ] = [J ]-1 = (32)
∝ ⎢⎣ - J 21 J11 ⎥⎦
⎡ N1 u, N 2 , u N3 , u N4 , u ⎤
[D N ] = ⎢ ⎥ (23)
⎣ N1 , v N 2 , v N3 , v N 4 , v⎦ Where; ∝ = det [J] = (J11 J22 - J21 J12)

From equation (15): The JACOBIAN is a function of u and v and it is

regarded as a scale factor that transforms the area
1 1 dxdy in the first form of (21) from dudv in the
N1 , u = - (1 - v), N1 , v = - (1 - u) (24) second form of (21).
4 4
And so on. Now all the necessary expressions are developed
and by substituting them into equation (21) the
The relationship between (β,u), (β,v) and (β,x), (β,y) is characteristic matrix of a four-node quadrilateral
given by: element is evaluated using GAUSS
β,x β,u β,u
{ } = [J ]-1 { } = [Γ ] { } (25) 5.2 Eight-node plane isoparametric element
β, y β,v β,v By placing an extra node on each side of the four-
node quadrilateral element described previously a
From equations (18), (22) and (25) we obtain: quadratic quadrilateral element is produced. As
with the four-node bilinear element, the sides of the
[B] [ β e] = [Γ] [D N ] [ β e] (26) quadratic element are at u = + 1 and v = + 1. Axes u
and v may be curved in the quadratic element like
From (26): the ones used in the analysis.
The complete set of shape functions is as shown in
equations 33 to 40:
[B] = [Γ] [D N ] (27)
1 1
Where; N1 = (1 - u) (1 - v) - ( N8 + N5) (33)
4 2
Γ11 = u, x, Γ12 = v, x, Γ 21 = u, y, Γ22 = v, y (28) 1 1
N 2 = (1 + u) (1 - v) - ( N5 + N6) (34)
4 2
So, the required JACOBIAN matrix [J] is given by: 1 1
N3 = (1 + u) (1 + v) - ( N6 + N7) (35)
4 2
⎡ 4 4
⎤ 1 1
⎢ ∑ Ni , ux i ∑ N , uy ⎥
i i
(29) N 4 = (1 - u) (1 + v) - ( N7 + N8) (36)
⎡ x, u y, u ⎤ ⎢ i =1 ⎥
[J] = ⎢ ⎥= 4
i =1
4 2
⎣ x, v y, v ⎦ ⎢ ⎥

⎢∑ Ni , Vx i ∑ Ni , Vyi ⎥
⎣ i =1 i =1 ⎦

ISSN: 1109-2750 1055 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


1 pyrrole dissolved into 0.1 mol dm-3 TSA (sodium

N5 = (1 - u 2) (1 - v) (37) salt) as the supporting electrolyte. This degassing
process was carried out in order to remove any
1 2 oxygen. Nitrogen was continuously passed over the
N6 = (1 + u) (1 - v ) (38)
2 surface of the solution during the growth operation
1 2 to prevent re-oxygenation.
N7 = (1 - u ) (1 + v) (39) Films were grown by applying a potential step of
800 mV across the reference electrode and working
1 2
N8 = (1 - u) (1 - v ) (40) electrode, while submerging the finite electrode
2 structure in the growth solution. Current flowing
between the working electrode and the counter
To determine the characteristic matrix, the same electrode was measured over a specified period of
procedures are followed as before. It is important to time. As film thickness is known to be proportional
realize that isoparametric elements are geometrically to the length of time for which the potential is
isotropic, so, the numerical values of coefficients in applied, they were grown for 60 seconds. This
[K] do not depend on the order of numbering of growth technique has the advantage of being able to
nodes. However, the order must be maintained and produce thin films of poly(pyrrole) with an average
must run counter clockwise if J is not to become thickness of 3.5μm.
negative over part or the entire element [10-13].
6.1.2 PEO10LiCF3 SO3
Polymer films [3-5] were prepared using
6 Experimental Arrangements poly(ethylene oxide) with average molecular weight
In the process of planning the overall switch pattern, of 5 x 106 Daltons (Da). and density of 1.21 at
considerable efforts were made to allow for the 65°C, and lithium trifluoromethane sulfonate 97%
following: pure. The required amounts of lithium salt and
polyethylene oxide (PEO), to give an O:Li ratio of
(1) Uncomplicated and practical 10:1, were dissolved in acetonitrile 99% pure under
electrochemical growth and deposition of nitrogen atmosphere. The solution was then stirred
polymeric material (poly(pyrrole)), by at room temperature for 48 hours after which the
making the size of the contact pads of the solution was filtered to remove any un-dissolved
device large enough compared to the materials, and stored in 14, 2 ml plastic containers
working electrode potential connections. and kept well isolated from the atmosphere.
(2) Elimination of the edge effect, in the Z- The polymeric films were deposited using a drop
direction, on the conduction behavior of coating technique and then dried by heating for 30
the device, by permitting sufficient minutes in an oven at 50 °C.
electrode length at either side of the 3. Neural Switch Programming
polymer window. The RNS is programmed by means of charge
(3) Simplification of the bonding task through storage process, which proceeds as follows:
formation of relatively strong bonds by (1) The source and drain are shorted together.
deposition of NiCr on the contact pads. (2) A biasing potential is applied between the
shorted terminals and the gate.
(3) After a specific time (5 minutes) the bias
6.1 Polymers Preparation voltage is removed and the source and drain
disconnected from each other.
6.1.1 Poly(pyrrole) (4) The change in the device resistance is
Poly(pyrrole) films [19] were grown measured as the gate is left floating.
electrochemically using a three electrode cell The above process was carried out over a range of
consisting of: positive and negative biasing potentials with the
(1) Working electrode (finite gold electrode temperature kept constant at 25 °C using heating
structure). element under normal room atmosphere. The
(2) Reference electrode (calomel electrode). heating element was used not only to stabilize
(3) Counter electrode (platinum gauze). temperature at a certain value, but also to help
Before initiating the growth process of testing the device at various temperatures. The
poly(pyrrole), nitrogen was bubbled for 20 minutes, typical programming cycle consisted of applying 0
through the working solution of 50 mmol dm-3 volts up to +60 mV, and then back from +60 mV

ISSN: 1109-2750 1056 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


down to 0, then immediately after that a negative

cycle started by applying 0 mV to -60 mV and back
from -60 mV to 0.
Negative Closed Loop Programming Cycle

7 Discussion and Conclusion

Floating Resistance (Ohms)

When programmed, the bias applied between the 400
gate and the shorted source/drain terminal will set
up a field that will oxidize or reduce the polymer, as
shown in the following expressions [14-16]:

1. Gate Interactions -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10

Gate Biasing Voltage (mV)

(1) Ag Ag+ + e-
Fig 7: Negative Bias Showing Hysterisis
(2) pp+ + e- pp°
(3) Ag+ + CF3SO3- AgCF3SO3 Positive Closed Loop Programming
+ -
(4) Li + e Li 600

Floating Resistance (Ohms)

(5) pp + CF3SO3- ppCF3SO3 500


2. Positive Cycle 200

(a) Ag → Ag+ + e-
(b) CF3SO3-(α) → CF3SO3-(β) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(d) Ag+ + CF3SO3-(β) → AgCF3SO3 Gate Biasing Voltage (mV)

(e) pp+ + e- → pp°

Fig 7: Positive Bias Showing Hysteresis
3. Negative Cycle
Such actions are related to the established electric
field within the switching device where a slow and
(a) pp° → pp+
gradual (power) decrease in the programming field
(b) CF3SO3-(β) → CF3SO3-(α) value is realized (figure 9) as we travel along the x-
(c) Ag+ → Ag axis. This is consistent with all field theories and
with the geometrical co-planar electrode
construction shown in figure 2.
Hence when the programming voltage is removed
and a constant current is applied between the source
Also, a peak point occurred at x=5µm, which
and drain, the measured conductance will be related
corresponds to the internal edge of the electrode
to the previously applied bias and will be fixed until
structure as it equals half the separation between the
another latching potential is introduced. Such bias in
electrodes (2d = 10µm) according to figure 2. Such a
figure 6 with expected hysteresis shown in figures 7
peak point is valid as the field strength at the inner
and 8.
edge is at its peak, while the one at the far edge is at
its lowest. This is in agreement with the semi-
Bidirectional Programming infinite co-planar electrode assumption. A decrease
in the field value as we travel up the y-axis (figure
Floating R esistance (O hm s)

500 10) is evident. This is also consistent with field
400 theory and the increment of distance away from the
300 field lines linking the device structure.
200 Further analysis lead to the following conclusions
100 regarding the modeled field strength:
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Gate Biasing Voltage (mV)
(1) As the separation between the electrodes
increases, the field value decreases as
Fig 6: Gate Bidirectional bias shown in figure 11.

ISSN: 1109-2750 1057 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


(2) The decrement in the field value as a

function of distance along the y-axis is Numerically Simulated Electric Field Strength (En)
gradual and has a slow, power like for X=3 um
characteristics, where no peak point is 0.7

Electric Field Strength

present as the plot considers the effect of 0.6

travel along the y-axis as shown in figure


0.4 d=5 um
12. 0.3 d=7.5um
(3) Increasing the nodes per modeling element 0
in the finite mesh resulted in more uniform 0 5 10 15

field strength and better representation of Travelled Distance along Y-axis (um)

the derived analytical solution, as field Fig. 12: Effect of Electrode Separation on the
approximation and numerical simulation is Programming Field of Neural Switch
affected by the total number of nodes used
in constructing the grid needed for analysis.
Figure 13 illustrates the reduction in Numerical Simulation
simulation error as a function of used nodes.
Numerically Simulated Electric Field Strength (En) for

Average Error
Electric Field Strength

0.5 En(Y=4.5) 0.2

0.4 En(Y=6.5)
En(Y=8.5) 0.1
0.2 En(Y=12.5) 0
0.1 En(Y=14.5)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percentage nodes used in the simulation
0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 13: Effect of Number of Nodes on modeling

Travelled Distance in um (X-axis)

Fig. 9: Field Characteristics for Neural Switch Accuracy

Numerically Simulated Electric Field Strength (En) for

In conclusion, a bi-directional neural switch
d=7.5 um (synapse) is successfully designed, modeled and
0.6 tested with good characteristics. The design of such
an artificial device can help in future
Electric Field Strength

0.4 implementations and studies in the fields of

0.3 En(Y=4.5) memories, neural networks, intelligent computers
and medical applications to name a few. The device
0.1 En(Y=10.5)
uses organic materials and depends on ionic-
0 En(Y=14.5) electronic interaction, which might not be the fastest
0 10 20
in comparison to other types of materials and ways
Travelled Distance in um ( X-axis)
of carrier transport. In addition, hysteresis, which is
Fig. 10: Field Characteristics for Neural Switch though to occur due to charge storage, contributed to
the observed level shifting and slowness in response.
Numerically Simulated Electric Field Strength However, as it is usually the case in determining
(En) for X=0 um range of values to which a corresponding logical
action is considered, we can safely ignore hysteresis
Electric Field Strength

0.6 and charge storage effects if the switching speed is

considered to be sufficient for a particular

0.4 d=5 um
0.3 d=7.5um application. The RNS design and implementation
provides a good insight into the process of
0 combining high charge storage materials to provide
0 5 10 15 intelligent switching elements. Such a switch may
Travelled Distance along Y-axis (um)
be used to control and modulate the communication
Fig. 11: Effect of Electrode Separation on the between different artificial neurons.
Programming Field of Neural Switch

ISSN: 1109-2750 1058 Issue 7, Volume 8, July 2009


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