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The Neural Basis of Cognition

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Recovery from tactile agnosia: a single case study

Daniela D’Imperio, Renato Avesani, Elena Rossato, Serena Aganetto, Michele

Scandola & Valentina Moro

To cite this article: Daniela D’Imperio, Renato Avesani, Elena Rossato, Serena Aganetto, Michele
Scandola & Valentina Moro (2019): Recovery from tactile agnosia: a single case study, Neurocase,
DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2019.1694951

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Published online: 22 Nov 2019.

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Recovery from tactile agnosia: a single case study

Daniela D’Imperioa,b, Renato Avesanic, Elena Rossatoc, Serena Aganettoc, Michele Scandolab and Valentina Morob
Social Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; bNPSY.Lab-Vr, Department of Human Sciences,
University of Verona, Verona, Italy; cDepartment of Rehabilitation, IRCSS Sacro Cuore-Don Calabria, Negrar, Italy


In a patient suffering from tactile agnosia a comparison was made (using the ABABAB paradigm) between Received 30 August 2018
three blocks of neuropsychological rehabilitation sessions involving off-line anodal transcranial direct Accepted 9 September 2019
current stimulation (anodal-tDCS) and three blocks of rehabilitation sessions without tDCS. During the KEYWORDS
blocks with anodal-tDCS, the stimulation was administered in counterbalanced order to two sites: i) the Tactile agnosia; tDCS;
perilesional parietal area (specific stimulation) and ii) an occipital area far from the lesion (nonspecific parietal lobe; somatosensory
stimulation). deficits; object identification;
Rehabilitation associated with anodal-tDCS (in particular in the perilesional areas) is more efficacious tactile discrimination
than without stimulation.

1996), Associative TA is associated with lesions in the infer-
Tactile agnosia (TA) is a modality-specific deficit affecting
ior parietal, supra-marginal gyrus (Platz, 1996; Veronelli,
the tactile recognition of objects, in the presence of ade-
Ginex, Dinacci, Cappa, & Corbo, 2014), the angular gyrus
quate sensory, linguistic and cognitive functions (Bauer,
(Nakamura, Endo, Sumida, & Hasegawa, 1998), the posterior
1993). Patients with TA are unable to identify simple objects
insula and the temporal cortex (Caselli, 1991). A patient
when these are manipulated using the affected hand. In
suffering from TA after a lesion in the corpus callosum
contrast, they can easily recognize the same objects using
(trunk and splenium) has also been reported (Balsamo,
the other hand and when they see them or hear the sound
Trojano, Giamundo, &Grossi, 2008).
they make (e.g., the jingling keys) (Saetti, De Renzi, &
In effect, TA is a rare syndrome, often discussed in
Comper, 1999).
single-case reports (but see Caselli, 1991). To the best of
Following the first anecdotal descriptions of the syn-
our knowledge, there have been no studies to date on the
drome (Lissauer, 1890), TA was subsequently interpreted as
subject which have specifically investigated the possibility
the consequence of sensory disorders (Bay, 1944; Campora,
of rehabilitation by means of specific programs.
1925) but recent studies indicate that itis the result of
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) offers a
disconnections between the modality-specific encoding for
new method of intervention since it modulates the elec-
tactile sensations and the processes relating to multimodal
trophysiological activity of the brain by means of the
integration (Platz, 1996) or semantic memory systems (Endo,
polarization of neuronal populations (Flöel, 2014). This
Makishita, Yanagisawa, & Sugishita, 1996; Hömke, Amunts,
may potentially be useful in order to facilitate the pro-
Bönig, Fretz,& Binkofski et al., 2009). In some cases (Platz,
cesses of perilesional reorganization, contrast post-lesional
1996; Valenza et al., 2001), the presence of non-efficacious
symptoms due to hyperactivity in some networks or mod-
exploratory motor procedures has suggested that percep-
ulate inter-hemispheric activations (Bolognini et al., 2011;
tual-motor integration may contribute to the syndrome.
Vines, Cerruti, & Schlaug, 2008). Anodal-tDCS increases
Finally, a theory concerning the role of general supra-
cortical excitability with positive effects on learning pro-
modal disorders in spatial perception has also been
cesses (Flöel & Cohen, 2010; Reis et al., 2009) while cath-
advanced (Araneda et al., 2015; Berlucchi, Moro, Guerrini,
odal tDCS has inhibitory effects on neural activity.
& Aglioti, 2004; Caselli, 1991; De Renzi, 1982; Ettlinger,
Here we report the case of a man with unilateral, left-
Warrington, & Zangwill, 1957; Semmes, 1965).
hand TA following a vascular lesion in the right parietal
After elementary sensory perception encoding, the pro-
cortex. Neurological and neuropsychological assessments
cess of object recognition by touch may be compromised at
were associated with an accurate analysis of his lesion.
two steps: i) when sensory elements are integrated
Since our patient was able to perceive simple tactile sti-
(Apperceptive TA) or ii) when the semantic representation
muli, but could not recognize objects as a whole, we
of an object is activated (Associative TA) (Lissauer, 1890).
investigated the effects of anodal-tDCS stimulation on
While Apperceptive TA is reported following damage to the
the perilesional areas. In particular, we addressed i)
inferior parietal and insular cortex (Bay, 1944; Bohlhalter,
whether brain stimulation can enhance the effects of
Fretz, & Weder, 2002; Caselli, 1991; Reed, Caselli, & Farah,

CONTACT Valentina Moro

© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

traditional rehabilitation and ii) whether stimulating two was no longer able to recognize objects with his left hand,
different sites impacts on the efficacy of the program. although he reported that he was able to identify their shape
For this reason, we used an ABABAB paradigm, alternating and size. This deficit could not be attributed to motor deficits (i.
anodal-tDCS plus behavioral training (A blocks) with a beha- e., there was no hemiparesis or disorders in finger movements)
vioral program (B blocks). In addition, in the A blocks, we and it did not affect his right hand.
compared the efficacy of tDCS stimulation to two different One month after the lesion onset, an in-depth neuropsycho-
cortical areas: i) a specific perilesional area (P4) and ii) a non- logical assessment confirmed that he did not suffer from
specific area far from the lesion area (Oz-O2). In this way, we neglect, apraxia, memory or language disorders, although mini-
were able to evaluate not only the efficacy of tDCS in beha- mal deficits in executive functions were present (Table 1).
vioral training for TA but also whether its effects are driven by
an increase in neuronal excitability in specific perilesional areas
Tactile agnosia assessment
or by a general cortical activation.
In order to isolate TA with respect to sensory deficits, the
Evaluation of Somatic Sensation Test (Smania, Montagnana,
Methods Faccioli, Fiaschi, & Aglioti, 2003) was administered (Table 2).
Although US did not show any left-hand deficits in the detection
Case report
of tactile stimuli and somatic sensations (but had some difficul-
US is a right-handed, 56-year-old German man (a fluent speaker ties with tactile extinction and temperature discrimination), he
of Italian) with a high standard of education (PhD). After an failed to localize tactile stimuli (with both hands) and to imitate
ischemic frontoparietal stroke (Figure 1), he complained that he the position of his right hand with his left hand (Table 2).

Figure 1. US’s lesion.

US’s structural MRI carried out 3 days after stroke was manually mapped on the standard T1-weighted MRI template (ICBM152, Montreal Neurological Institute coordinate system,
approximately matched to the Talairach space) (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988) using MRIcron software (Rorden & Brett, 2000). The template was first oriented on the midsagittal and midcoronal
axis to match the original scan of the patient. Then, an expert clinician (in blind) manually traced the lesion using the MRIcron Software (Moro et al., 2016; Rorden & Brett, 2000). The final image
of the lesion was superimposed onto the Automatic Anatomical Label (AAL) template (Tzourio-Mazoyer, Landeau, Papathanassiou, Crivello, & Etard et al., 2002) to ascertain the number of
voxels involved in the lesion in each area and the center of mass of the lesion. The main areas damaged in the right hemisphere (in red) are the supramarginal gyrus (-x = 53, y = −22, z = 18),
the inferior parietal cortex (x = 37, y = −50, z = 38), the angular gyrus (x = 38, y = −53, z = 22), the rolandic operculum (x = 53, y = −10, z = 11), the postcentral gyrus (x = 63, y = −15, z = 15),
the Heschl gyrus (x = 40, y = −24, y = 12), the superior temporal gyrus (x = 60, y = −12, z = 11) and the insula (x = 41, y = −6, z = 11). The same procedure was used by overlapping the lesion to
the JHU (Johns Hopkins University) DTI-based white matter atlas (Mori et al., 2008) to analyze the white matter tracts. This indicates that the lesion involves the superior longitudinal fasciculus
and the posterior and superior corona radiata. The same test repeated at 10 days from the stroke gave analogous results. The traced lesion (in red) is shown in (a) Axial, (b) Coronal, (c) Sagittal
views and (d) on a 3D brain representation (the right hemisphere is on the right). (e) The tables show the percentage (%) and number (N.) of voxels (Vox) of damaged tissue in each area in the
gray (left table) and white matter (right table). (f) View of the lesion (in red) affecting the white matter. (g) Axial view of the MRI (the right hemisphere is on the right).

Table 1. Neuropsychological Assessment. With the aim of determining the type of TA that US was
Cutoff afflicted with (i.e., associative or apperceptive), we capitalized
Score (ES 0–4) on the method of assessment proposed by Veronelli and col-
General cognitive functions
leagues (Veronelli et al., 2014).
MMSE1 30 >24
Attention US was blindfolded during all these tasks, which were first
Trail Making Test2 executed with the left hand and then with the right hand as
Test A (sec.) 50 >93
control (Table 2).
Test B (sec.) 151 >282
Test B-A (sec.) 101 >187
Attentional Matrices3 46.5 30 Tactile recognition
Visual Elevator (TEA4) 8.3 9.2
Stroop Test5 5 different objects were presented at three different time inter-
Word (sec.) 44 <50 vals from the lesion onset in order to verify the stability of the
Color (sec.) 74 <80 symptoms. US was unable to recognize them (15 days: score 1/5;
Color/Word (sec.) 143 <120
PASAT6 25 days: 1/5; 40 days: 2/5; Figure 3(a)), to give any information
ISI 4000 10* ≤6* about their function or to mime their use. Nevertheless, he could
ISI 3000 9* ≤6* describe the shape of the objects in terms of their outline, texture
ISI 1800 24* ≤9*
Spatial neglect and temperature (see supplementary video materials – SM).
BIT7 To verify the patient’s ability to recognize the elementary
Conventional Subtests 141 129 features of the objects, his tactile recognition of geometrical
Behavioral Subtests 80 67
Memory shapes was investigated by means of two tasks. In a same/
Short-term spatial memory3 3.75 3.75 different task (the discrimination of geometrical shapes), US
Long-term spatial memory (Corsi3) 13.9 5.75 was asked to manipulate 12 pairs of three-dimensional geome-
Short-term verbal memory (Word Span3) 2.25 3
Story Recall3 14.4 4.75 trical shapes (i.e., triangles, squares, circles, and rectangles;
Rey 15-words Test8 small = 1.5x1.5 cm; large = 3x3 cm) and to compare their
Immediate Recall 52.2 28.53 sizes and shapes. In a denomination task, the same geometrical
Delayed Recall 13 4.69
Rey Complex Figure Recall9 14.15 6.20 shapes were presented individually and he was asked to name
Imitation hand positions10 20 12 them. US did not any have particular difficulties although his
Apraxia performance with the left hand was not as accurate as with the
Rey Complex Figure Copy11 28.33 28
Clock Drawing Test12 9 7.57 right hand (Table 2).
Ideational Apraxia Test13 14 (4) Finally, the patient performed a Drawing task after haptic
Ideomotor Apraxia Test14 66 53 exploration (Veronelli et al., 2014). In this task, US was asked to
Constructive Apraxia Test3 10.50 (2)
Executive Functions draw an object (with his right hand) after having manipulated it
FAB15 16.8 12.03 (out of sight) with his right or left hand. In cases where there is a
Raven’s progressive Matrices16 36.75 20.72 linguistic deficit, the translation of tactile percepts into a draw-
Tower of London17 23 26.54
WCST18 97.8 90.50 ing should be difficult in both conditions (i.e., right or left hand).
BADS19 In contrast, in the presence of a unilateral agnosic disorder, only
Rule shift cards 0* (4) the object explored by the affected left hand should be inac-
Temporal judgment 3 (3)
Key search 6 (1) curate. US manually explored five different objects (i.e., a birth-
Zoo map 14 (3) day candle, a wooden spoon, a bottle of nail varnish, a pair of
Modified six elements 5 (3) glasses and pincers) and was then asked to draw them imme-
AAT20 diately afterward (using his right hand). After this, in order to
Token test 49 (4) assess his performance, he was also asked to identify the
Repetition 147 (4) objects in his drawings.
Writing 90 (4)
Naming 118 (4) He only found it difficult to recognize his own drawings after
Comprehension 119 (4) manipulating the object with his left hand but did not have any
US’s scores in tests assessing: General cognitive function (1Folstein, Folstein, & problems with his right hand (Left Hand: 2/5; Right hand: 4/5,
McHugh, 1975), Attention (2Giovagnoli et al., 1996; 3Spinnler & Tognoni, 1987; Figure 2).
Robertson, Ward, Ridgeway & Nimmo-Smith, 1994; 5Caffarra, Vezzadini, Dieci,
Zonato & Venneri, 2002a; 6Ciaramelli, Serino, Benassi & Bolzani, 2006), Spatial
Neglect (7Wilson, Cockburn, & Halligan, 1987), Memory (8Carlesimo et al., 1996; Praxic ability
Caffarra, Vezzadini, Dieci, Zonato, & Venneri, 2002b. 10Reynolds & Bigler, 1994),
Apraxia (11Reynolds & Bigler, 1994; 12Mondini, Mapelli, Vestri, & Bisiacchi, 2003; A comparison between active and passive manipulation
De Renzi, Pieczuro, & Vignolo, 1968; 14De Renzi, Motti, & Nichelli, 1980), allowed us to distinguish between symptoms due to agnosic
Executive functions (15Appollonio, et al., 2005; 16Caffarra, Vezzadini, Zonato, and apraxic deficits. In the active condition, US was asked to
Copelli, & Venneri, 2003; 17Shallice, 1982; 18Laiacona et al., 2000; 19Wilson,
Alderman, Burgess, Emslie, & Evans, 1997) and Language (20Luzzatti et al., identify 12 3D-letters that he was permitted to manipulate
1996) are reported. All scores (second column) are corrected for age and freely. In the passive condition, the same 12 letters were written
education. ES = Equivalent Score. * = tests where the score is based on the by the experimenter on the palm of US’s hands (graphesthetic
number of errors. Pathological ES are 0 (severe) and 1 (moderate). ISI = Inter-
stimuli Interval in msec. Pathological results are in bold; scores at cutoff are in function). In both tasks, US was requested to (i) identify two
italics. letters as being the same or different from each other

Table 2. Clinical assessment of tactile agnosia and correlated functions..

At 1 month At 6 months
Task (number of items) (no. errors) (no. errors)
Tactile Perception
Lightly touch (12) 100 91.66 (1) 100
Touch with Pressure (12) 100 100 100
Vibration (8) 100 100 100
Temperature (12) 100 75 (3) 100
Tactile extinction (19) 94.7 (1) 84.5 (3) -
Localization of the touch by the other hand (12) 75 (3) 66.66 (4) 75 (3)
Imitation of other hand position (12) 91.66 (1) 50 (6) 75 (3)
Discrimination of movement (12) - 91.66 (1) -
Somatic Sensation Test43
Joint Position Sense (Error 0–51) - 78.43 (11) 84.31(8)
Pressure Sensation (Error 0–16) - 75 (4) 100
Motor Sequences (Error 0–16) - 100 100
Thumb–index grip force control (Error 0–316) - 94.94 (16) 91.14 (28)
Functional tests (Error 0–40) - 100 97.5 (1)
Object recognition (15) 100 26.66 (11) -
Tactile Recognitions17
Geometrical shapes
Discrimination (12) 100 83.33 (2) -
Naming (12) 100 83.33 (2) -
Drawing objects after haptic exploration (5) 80 (1) 40 (3) -
Praxic Abilities17
Letters during active manipulation
Discrimination (12) 91.66 (1) 83.33 (2) 100
Naming (12) 75 (3) 25 (9) 50 (6)
Letters during passive manipulation
Discrimination (12) 91.66 (1) 91.66 (1) 91.66 (1)
Naming (12) 66.66 (4) 41.66 (7) 50 (6)
Supra-modal Spatial Representation17
Tactile Spatial Representation (9) 77.77 (2) 66.66 (3) -
Visual Spatial Imagery
Imagery of letter shape44 (40) 100
The results in the two examinations, before training (at 1 month from lesion onset) and 6 months after lesion follow-up (i.e., 3 months after the end of the training).
Results are reported in percentages of correct responses and number of errors. Sensory perception was assessed by means of clinical tasks and the Evaluation of
Somatic Sensation Test (1Smania et al., 2003). Clinical tests of Tactile Perception, Praxic Abilities and Supra-modal Spatial Representation for the diagnosis of tactile
agnosia were administered following the procedure suggested by 2Veronelli et al. (2014) and 3Sartori and Job (1988). RH = right hand; LF = left hand. * =number of
errors. In parentheses (first column) the number of items per task. For the task involving the imagery of letter shapes, the scores are not hand specific. Pathological
scores are in bold.

(Discrimination task) and (ii) name one of the letters left”). No real difference between the two hands was found
(Denomination task). (Table 2), supporting the possibility that some spatial dis-
An isolated deficit in identification abilities after active manip- orders were probably present. In effect, although the task
ulation may be an index of praxic disorders (Valenza et al., 2001), may be executed by means of semantic, non-spatial strate-
while in the presence of TA, patients are expected to fail in both gies (e.g., by counting), US committed errors.
the active and passive conditions (Veronelli et al., 2014). US was Finally, a test of mental imagery of letters (Sartori & Job,
able to recognize whether the pairs of letters were the same or 1988) was administered. In this test, the clinician asks the sub-
different both in the active and passive conditions ject to describe the lines used to form capital letters in terms of
(Discrimination tasks), and performed with similar results with whether they are curved or straight, vertical or horizontal lines.
both of his hands. The number of errors increased in the US performed without errors.
Denomination of letters task in both the active and passive Considering the results of these tasks as a whole, the pre-
conditions. Although his performance with the left hand was sence of minimal spatial disorders cannot be totally excluded
worse than that of the right hand, the presence of bilateral errors but this would still not explain the patient’s left-hand agnosic
may also indicate the presence of spatial deficits (Table 2). symptoms.

Supra-modal spatial representation

The rehabilitation program
The presence of spatial neglect had been excluded as a
result of a specific assessment test (Table 1), but we also A series of anodal-tDCS stimulation sessions was administered
assessed Supra-modal spatial representation after tactile to US with the aim of investigating its potentially beneficial
exploration (Veronelli et al., 2014). A 30 × 30 cm base effects. In 6 weeks of daily occupational/neuropsychological
with 36 nails in it was placed in front of the patient. He rehabilitation sessions (including manual assembly activities,
was asked to move one of his hands touching the tops of exercises for attention and executive functions and simple
the nails according to nine different sets of directions given autonomy tasks involving everyday activities), three 5-day-
by the examiner (e.g., “Please move your hand 3 nails to the blocks of anodal-tDCS stimulation (the A blocks) were

Figure 2. Drawing objects after haptic exploration.

Examples of US’s drawings after tactile exploration of objects. Drawing of a birthday candle after left (a) or right (b) hand exploration. US identified (a) as a little flower and (b) as a birthday
candle. Drawing of glasses after left (c) or right (d) hand exploration.US could not recognize anything in (c), and recognized glasses in (d).

alternated with three 5-day-blocks without tDCS (the B blocks) Two different assessments were carried out. The aim of
but with similar tactile recognition tasks (Figure 3). these was, respectively, to evaluate i) the impact of tDCS sti-
In the A blocks, the anodal-tDCS was administered in an off- mulation with respect to traditional rehabilitation (i.e., a com-
line stimulation procedure without any simultaneous behavioral parison between the A Blocks and the B Blocks, to assess
tasks or stimulation. Specifically, in accordance with safety guide- General Improvement) and ii) any differences in the efficacy
lines (Nitsche et al., 2003), off-line anodal-tDCS stimulation was of the stimulation to peri-lesional areas (parietal) with respect
administered by means of a constant current stimulator to stimulation to areas far from the lesion (occipital), that is in
(BrainStim, EMS), using two saline-soaked sponge electrodes (5 order to assess the Specificity of the stimulation site.
× 7 cm; 35 cm2). In each session, the anodal-tDCS lasted 20 In order to test General Improvement, a task involving 12
minutes (with fade in and fade out of 120 s) at an intensity of different objects (i.e., the external assessment list) was used as a
2mA (Hesse et al., 2011; Kim, Lim, Kang, You, & Oh et al., 2010). general measure of tactile recognition ability. It was adminis-
The sites of the electrodes were identified following the interna- tered at baseline, between each individual block (e.g., after A1,
tional 10–20 system coordinates (Herwig, Satrapi, & Schönfeldt- after B1, after A2, etc.) and in two follow-up assessments (at 20
Lecuona, 2003; Jasper, 1958). On each day which included a days and 3 months after the end of the training).
stimulation session, the anodal electrode was positioned in two To assess the Specificity of the stimulation site, a second test
sites corresponding to the two experimental conditions: the involving another set with 25 different objects was used across
perilesional parietal area on P4 (the specific stimulation condi- individual sessions with anodal-tDCS (i.e., only in the A Blocks).
tion) and the occipital area on Oz-O2 (the nonspecific stimulation These objects were used to produce various different lists of
condition). Stimulation in the two conditions was administered objects (5 objects repeated, for a total of 10 objects in each list),
at intervals of at least 2.5 hours and the order of the sites was so that each day the difficulty of the objects to be recognized
counterbalanced across allsessions. The cathodal electrode was was balanced and any learning effects due to the repetition
always located in an extra-encephalic position on the contralat- were avoided (see Table 3 for the order in which the lists of
eral side of the forehead. objects were administered).

Figure 3. Experimental Design. (a) Timeline of the entire experiment (6 weeks): 3 weeks of tDCS stimulation associated with traditional occupational/neuropsycho-
logical and motor rehabilitation (A Blocks) were alternated with 3 weeks when the patient participated exclusively in occupational/neuropsychological and motor
rehabilitation, without tDCS stimulation (B Blocks). Before training (baseline), between the A and B blocks and in two follow-ups (20 days and 6 months after the end of
training program), the potential improvement was assessed with a tactile recognition of objects task involving objects which were different from those used during the
training sessions (External Assessment list). Other activities (neuropsychological/occupational activities) were never executed during stimulation but always at different
times in the day. (b) Timeline of an individual tDCS daily session (Block A): the tDCS stimulation was delivered to two different brain areas (i.e., specific – in P4 or
nonspecific – in Oz-O2), in counterbalanced order. Between the two stimulation conditions, there was an interval of at least 2.5 hours. Before and after each brain
stimulation, a tactile object recognition list (different for the two conditions) was used to assess any short-term improvement in performance.

Results follow-ups). This was done by means of the Friedman Test and
repeated Wilcoxon Tests as post hoc analyses.
US’s familiarity with the objects was confirmed by his perfor-
mance with his right hand (accuracy = 93%).
Due to the fact that the number of objects was small and the Table 3. The lists of objects used to assess the effects of anodal-tDCS (A blocks)
data were ordinal in nature, non-parametric analyses were and the order of administration is schematized.
computed and the effect size r was adopted (r ≤ 0.05 = no Specific Parietal Nonspecific Occipital
A Blocks stimulation stimulation
effect, 0.1 ≤ r ≤ 0.23 = small effect, 0.24 ≤ r ≤ 0.36 = intermedi- (5 days per week of tDCS) condition condition
ate effect, r > 0.37 = large effect) (Cohen, 1988). All scores were A1 (10 objects) List List
blindly assigned after the end of the task by two examiners Day 1 A F
based on a recording of the patient’s responses. Day 2 B G
Day 3 C H
Day 4 D I
Day 5 E L
General improvement A2 (10 objects)
Day 1 F A
In order to verify the results of the program as a whole, the Day 2 G B
Day 3 H C
functional strategies used by the patient in order to recognize Day 4 I D
the object were considered in order to record his performance. Day 5 L E
In fact, although in some cases an improvement was seen in A3 (12 objects)
Day 1 M N
correspondence with the correct recognition of an object, at Day 2 O P
other times he deduced the nature of the object by means of Day 3 N M
resorting to other information resulting from his tactile explora- Day 4 P O
Day 5 Q R
tion. A comparison was made between the raw scores for each
Each list was composed of 5 objects repeated once (10 objects in total), except for
object (0 = failure to recognize; 0.5 = recognition of the correct block A3 which involved 6 objects repeated once (12 objects in total) in order to
semantic category – e.g., the typical use or the place where the increase the number of trials according to US’s improvement. The same list was
object is usually found; 1 = correct recognition) with reference administered before and after a single session of anodal-tDCS, but the lists were
different within each day for the two conditions of tDCS (in different stimulation
to the external assessment list of objects in the various different sites) and were randomized across all weeks. Capital letters indicate which lists
phases of the programme (Baseline, A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3, two were used.

The results of the comparison were significant (χ2(8) = 21.37, comparison was made between the number of objects recog-
p < 0.01, effect size r: 0.77). At the post-doc analyses, significant nized after specific and nonspecific stimulation (Parietal vs.
differences in the baseline with respect to A3 (Z = −2.07, p = Occipital sites). For each session, the scores related to the
0.02, r = 0.59) and B3 (Z = −1.89, p = 0.04, r = 0.54) were found. differences between the recognition of objects before and
The improvement in performance lasted until the first (Z = after tDCS stimulation (with the values for the performance
−2.18, p = 0.02, r = 0.63) and second follow-ups (Z = −1.95, p index as described in the Effects of stimulation section).
= 0.04, r = 0.56) (Figure 3(b)). In addition, significant differences The results indicated that tDCS applied to the specific, peri-
emerged in the comparisons between the first follow-up versus lesional Parietal area was globally more efficacious than non-
A1 (Z = −2.20, p = 0.03, r = 0.63) and B1 (Z = −2.02, p = 0.053, r = specific stimulation applied to the Occipital cortex (Z = −2.00, p
0.58) (Figure 4). = 0.046, r = 0.38).
For each stimulation site (i.e., specific and nonspecific), the
three blocks were further compared by means of a Friedman
Effects of stimulation Test (Time: first, second, third). Although the results were not
In order to assess the patient’s performance with reference significant, in the specific Parietal Stimulation Site Condition
to the presence as compared to the absence of tDCS, the the improvement was different between the three blocks
effects of rehabilitation in the individual A blocks (with (Friedman χ2(2) = 5.80, p = 0.05, r = 0.13) (Figure 5).
tDCS) were compared to those relating to the B blocks
(without tDCS) by means of a Wilcoxon test. For each
block, the analysis was computed on the differences
between the scores for the external assessment list of In this single case study, an in-depth neuropsychological
objects in the post-block and those for the respective pre- assessment of a patient affected by TA was carried out. In
vious assessment (i.e., the differences between post-A1v. addition, the effects of tDCS on the symptoms were investi-
Baseline, post-B1 v. post-A1, post-A2 v. post-B1, etc.). For gated. The results indicate that tDCS enhanced US’s perfor-
each object, a performance index was calculated: +1 or +0.5 mance in tasks involving the tactile recognition of objects and
= the patient identified correctly or partially correctly an that perilesional Parietal stimulation is more efficacious than
object which had not been identified in the previous stimulation to a nonspecific Occipital area.
block; 0 = performance did not change; −1 or −0.5 = he
failed to recognize an object which had been previously
correctly or partially correctly identified. Phenomenology and neural correlates of TA
The Wilcoxon test showed that the patient’s performance The patient US presented with left hand unilateral TA (Lissauer,
was better in the blocks after tDCS (i.e., the A blocks) than 1890).A neuropsychological assessment allowed us to exclude
those without tDCS (i.e., the B blocks) (Z = −1.87, p = 0.054, the possibility that US’s symptoms directly depended on tactile,
r = 0.31). motor, language or spatial representation disorders, although
minimal spatial disorders were probably present.US was not
impaired in the recognition of the size and shape of objects
Specificity of the stimulation site
(morphoagnosia) or in the discrimination of specific features
In order to investigate any potentially different effects relating relating to objects, such as the weight, texture or temperature
to the site being stimulated, a further analysis was computed (hyloagnosia) (Delay, 1935), thus excluding a main role of his
on the A blocks. By means of a repeated Wilcoxon test, a sensory-motor and praxis minimal disorders. He was also able

Figure 4. Measures of Stability of symptoms and General Improvement. (a) US’s performance in object recognition tasks in three sessions before the experimental
procedure as a measure of stability of symptoms (see “Tactile recognition“ section), (b) General improvement: analysis of performance after each training block (with
A1, A2, A3 and without tDCS B1, B2, B3) and in the two follow-ups. *:<0.05.

Figure 5. Measure of Specificity of the stimulation site. Differences between post and pre stimulation are reported with the comparison between the scores relating to
Parietal (specific) and Occipital (nonspecific) stimulation in the three blocks involving stimulation to each site. Significant direct contrasts are reported. * = 0.038, effect
size: r = 0.16.

to describe objects in detail after manipulation with his left previously described patients, the connections between the
hand. Nevertheless, US showed relevant deficits when integrat- posterior parietal lobe and the post-central gyrus turned out
ing tactile elements in order to achieve object recognition and to be relevant to the processing of tactile elements from a
could not denominate or describe objects or mime their parallel perception of individual elements to their serial asso-
function. ciation and the identification of the object in question, respec-
An analysis of the patient’s lesion supported the diagnosis as tively (Bohlhalter et al., 2002).
TA symptoms are usually due to a disconnection between the Finally, a ventral pathway (connecting SI, SII, insula and
primary somatosensory cortex and the networks involved in medio-temporal areas) is involved in the nonspecific modality
the higher order cognitive processes associated with object of object recognition, as shown in memory tasks involving the
identification (Platz, 1996), or between these latter and the recognition of the shape of objects (Bonda, Petrides, & Evans,
semantic memory system (Endo et al., 1996). 1996), object discrimination (Saetti et al., 1999) and the integra-
In line with previously reported cases of Associative TA tion of different modalities in object recognition (Bay, 1944).
(Caselli, 1991; Nakamura, Endo, Sumida, & Hasegawa, 1998;
Platz, 1996; Veronelli et al., 2014), US’s brain damage mainly
The effects of tDCS
involved the right hemisphere in the supramarginal gyrus, the
inferior parietal cortex, the angular cortex, the insula and the The application of tDCS in rehabilitation programs is relatively
temporal cortex. recent and to date only a few studies have investigated the
However, similarly as with other previously reported cases of efficacy of this stimulation when associated with a specific
Apperceptive TA, US’s brain damage also involved the inferior rehabilitation program for brain-damaged patients (e.g.,
parietal cortex and insula (Bay, 1944; Bohlhalter et al., 2002; Boggio et al., 2007; Bolognini et al., 2014, 2011; Làdavas,
Caselli, 1991; Reed et al., 1996). These results are consistent with Giulietti, Avenanti, Bertini, & Lorenzini et al., 2015; Rocha et
the neuropsychological data indicating a mixed form of TA. al., 2015). In line with these previous studies, we chose to
Furthermore, the patient’s lesions involved the subcortical administer repeated tDCS sessions in order to monitor the
white matter, in particular the posterior and superior corona additive effects of stimulation (Bolognini et al., 2011; Rocha et
radiate and the superior longitudinal fasciculus. This connects al., 2015) in a rehabilitation program. In addition, we assessed
the posterior and anterior networks pertaining to attentional the impact on US’s performance by comparing his results after
processes (Bartolomeo, de Schotten, & Doricchi, 2007; de the application of tDCS to two different stimulation sites.
Schotten et al., 2011) and damage to this area might explain The results of the present study show that in the case of this
the dysfunctional signs relating to executive functions. These patient, tDCS enhances the effects of rehabilitation, with pro-
subcortical lesions may also have damaged the connections longed long-term effects. These were also confirmed by the
between the parietal (SII, inferior parietal and posterior asso- patient himself who reported an improvement in daily life
ciative areas) and frontal (prefrontal, SMA, premotor, FEF) cor- activities, in particular during bimanual actions and in tactile
tices, which are active in normal people during tactile investigations of objects. The possibility of a spontaneous
recognition tasks (Crutch, Warren, Harding, & Warrington, recovery is excluded as US’s deficits were stable at the three
2005; Platz, 1996; Reed, Shoham, & Halgren, 2004; Valenza et measurements of baseline. It is to be further noted that he
al., 2001). carried out identical rehabilitation activities in the A and B
There is thus a distributed neural network underlying the blocks (i.e., with occupational/neuropsychological rehabilita-
complex system relating to tactile recognition. In two tion) and that the tDCS stimulation (only in the A blocks) was

administered off-line without any simultaneous tasks. It may Dieckhöfer et al., 2006; Fujimoto, Yamaguchi, Otaka, Kondo, &
thus be inferred that any improvement in the A blocks with Tanaka, 2014; Matsunaga, Nitsche, Tsuji, & Rothwell, 2004;
tDCS was not influenced by other exercises. Ragert, Vandermeeren, Camus, & Cohen, 2008; Rogalewski,
We consider that the tDCS program was relatively long. This Breitenstein, Nitsche, Paulus, & Knecht, 2005; Terney et al.,
may have facilitated some processes of long-term potentiation 2008). Finally, a study on chronic stroke patients with sensory
(LTP) (Brunoni, Nitsche, Bolognini, Bikson, & Wagner et al., 2012; deficits showed that they made improvements in tactile spatial
Liebetanz, Nitsche, Tergau, & Paulus, 2002; Nitsche, Cohen, discrimination after dual-hemisphere tDCS stimulation over S1
Wassermann, Priori, & Lang et al., 2008; Stagg & Nitsche, 2011) and S2 (Fujimoto et al., 2016).
with a plastic perilesional reorganization of neural networks. In conclusion, the main aim of our study was to expand on
Post stimulation effects have been reported elsewhere the results from previous studies on the discrimination of simple
(Nitsche & Paulus, 2000), but we exclude any potential effects tactile stimuli and, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first
of adaptation to stimulation since the improvement gained by attempt to apply a specific tDCS program in TA and the first to
the subject in our study was maintained, even though our provide evidence that it may be possible to ameliorate the
paradigm included long intervals without tDCS (1-week blocks symptoms with a combination of specific tDCS stimulation and
– B1, B2 and B3) (Nitsche& Paulus, 2000; Siebner, Lang, Rizzo, behavioral rehabilitation. Further investigations into tDCS as a
Nitsche, & Paulus et al., 2004). means of aiding recovery from TA are needed in order to clarify
Another interesting result arose from the comparison that the role of the other areas in the complex cortical and subcor-
was made between the two stimulation sites indicating that tical frontoparietal network which are involved in tactile
tDCS is more efficacious when applied to the perilesional recognition.
Parietal area than the Occipital area. This is in line with other The study has some limitations. The first is that it involves
recent studies that discuss the importance of focused stimula- only one individual patient due to the rarity of the syndrome,
tion (Woods et al., 2015) and the utility of intervening on the meaning that only a within-subject comparison was possible.
reorganization of perilesional networks rather than on far from Nevertheless, US’s TA was stable at the beginning of the inter-
lesion circuits. vention, thus excluding the hypothesis of a spontaneous recov-
The absence of a proper “sham” condition (i.e., fake tDCS ery. Moreover, it appears that the association of tDCS with the
stimulation) was due to two factors: i) US’s high sensitivity to contemporary execution of specific tasks can potentially
any changes in tDCS intensity and ii) the desire to focus on the increase the efficacy of treatment, driving the neuromodulation
neural network of activation with a view to comparing two induced by stimulation toward the network actually involved in
areas of interest in without other individual variables (for a the tactile task. Further studies are needed to better under-
discussion, see Fertonani &Miniussi, 2017). This is in line with stand the potential of tDCS in clinical practice.
the recent debate on the advisability of comparing various
different target areas of stimulation, which may reveal the
importance of a specific localized stimulation versus a control Acknowledgments
area (Ellison, Lane, & Schenk, 2007). We wish to thank US and his relatives for their kindness and their willing
In particular, P4 (PPC) is a stimulation site which has been participation in our study.
previously used, in particular in the rehabilitation of neglect
(Làdavas et al., 2015) and apraxia (Bolognini et al., 2014). PPC
corresponds to the area between the superior and inferior Disclosure statement
parietal cortices in the parietal-frontal network which is often No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
disconnected in TA (Caselli, 1991, 1993; Reed & Caselli, 1994;
Reed et al., 1996). Indeed, patients with apperceptive TA pre-
sent mainly post-central gyrus and SII lesions, but also more Funding
posterior parietal damage in relation to more severe deficits This work was supported by the University of Verona [Bando di Ateneo per
(Bohlhalter et al., 2002). Furthermore, right posterior parietal la Ricerca di Base 2015];Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della
regions are reportedly involved in the development of spatial Ricerca [Progetti Di Ricerca Di Rilevante Interesse Naziona];CEMS, Verona
abilities, and are susceptible to specific neurodegeneration [Verona Memory Center].
(focal progressive disease, see Miller et al., 2018). For this rea-
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