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Quality of English to Indonesian Translation of Background Story Punisher Class

in Game Chess Rush

Rizal ramadhani
STKIP Bina Insan Mandiri


This descriptive qualitative research is an embedded-case study and oriented to translation
product. The data consist of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in background punisher class
text, and the translation quality information from the key informants. The data are collected by
document analysis, and analyzed by interactive data analysis technique. The translation quality is
almost good enough; accuracy (46,2%), acceptability (61,6%), and readability (77%).

keyword: chess rush, quality translation, tencent


Since the vidio games has been a hobby or habbitually with the aim of having fun, free
time, or light exercise. Now the vidio games almost playing in all age, so the game not for only
kid’s. Vidio games are electronic and visual based games, video games are played using
electronic visual media. With the rapid development of technology, the world of video games has
also developed quite rapidly.

Due to the large number of game enthusiasts there have emerged various developers in
the field of games, most of the games they produce for the Android platform, because the
Android platform is quite attractive to the general public.

Android is an open source OS that rivals iOS, because the Android OS has been widely
used in gadgets that can be reached by the middle and lower classes, which makes Android
increasingly popularty with significant then iOS. I also did a survey about the smartphones used
in my country, and almost all of them using an Android OS then iOS.
According to Richard A. Rogers (2012: 1) Game applications are already used in 65% of
all smartphone users, that means around 40 million people currently play games using their
smartphones. That makes mobile gaming a profitable business.

In 2019 chess rush realesed and many people in countries play it. And in Indonesia chess
rush was top list in play store as the best game at July 2019. Chess Rush is an Auto Battler game
released by Tencent Games. Although it's just released, Chess Rush is a game that is no less
exciting with Dota Underlords or Auto Chess. Chess Rush provides different features compared
to other Auto Battlers.

Chess Rush is a turn based strategy game. Based on the classic auto battler game
base, Chess Rush also has an innovative 10+ minute match mode (Turbo Mode),
2v2 Cooperative Mode, and Squad Clash (4v4) mode which requires 4 players to
work together. Chess Rush is the best strategy auto battler game for mobile
devices! Strategy is the key, but we must remain lucky to win the competition!
(Tancent Games, 2019)
Because in Indonesia chess rush is so popular, so Tencent include Indonesian language in this
game.The researcher want to know quality of translation that used in this game.

Translation makes it easy to get any information easily. to form an honest translation, the
translator must use appropriate procedures in translating the source text to the target text to form
the text appropriate and meaningful (see Newmark, 1988; Newmark (1988; Larson, 1984; Vinay
and Darbelnet, 1973). by Gibova (2012, p. 27) which states that "when analyzing translations in
any form, whether literary or non-literary texts, there are certain categories that allow us to look
at how the target text (TT) functions in reference to the source text (ST). ”In addition, different
text genres have different treatments or procedures counting on functions like referential or
informative, expressive, and operative (Reiss, 1976; Nord, 1977, quoted in Colina, 2003, p. 14).

Translators must know the characteristics of an honest sort of translation to offer the right
meaning and straightforward to know . Good translations realize their intentions and carry
acceptable facts (Newmark, 1988; Tytler, 1797, 1797, 1978; also in Robinson 1997a, quoted in
Munday, 2009; Nida, 1964, quoted in Venuti, 2000). almost like that theory, Berman (1995)
quoted in Venuti, (2000) states that an honest translation shows respect for the linguistic and
cultural differences of foreign texts by developing "correspondence" which "enlarges,
strengthens and enriches the language of the translation".

The data of this research were texts in the form quotation translation of English to
Indonesia. The data were taken from Background Story Punisher Class in Game Chess Rush.
This research applied qualitative descriptive method. The method was used to emphasize note
with sentences in a detail, complete and exhaustively description defining the real situation to
support the presentation of data (Sutopo, 2006: 40). Meanwhile, the approach used is theory of
translation related to the quality of translation. This research using content analysis to collecting
data. The researcher had documentation by taking pictures of each background story punisher
class in game chess rush. This research using content analysis to review the data
This study uses qualitative approach with embedded cause study design. The strategy
done by researchers of qualitative study is by considering themselves know only few things
about what they want to study (Bogdan and Biklen, 1982). The descriptive qualitative approach
was chosen because this study is focused on problems that exist at the time this study conducted
(Nawawi, 1998). In addition, the text studied is qualitative data in the form of words, phrases,
clauses, and sentences in background story punisher class in game chess rush text translation.
Qualitative research collect, analyze, and interpret data in the form of verbal
description/words (Sumintono and Widhiarso, 2015). The data sources of qualitative study can
be human, event, activity, place or premise, object, image, recording, as well as document and
archive (Sutopo, 2002)6. The data source of this study background story punisher class in game
chess rush, and the information of accuracy, acceptability, and readability by key informant.
The data of this study are words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in background story
punisher class in game chess rush text and its English translation. The data were classified and
labeled in the form of data numbers. There were 13 data for this study, the researcher chose all
data with cultural terms to be analyzed the translation techniques and the translation quality. The
translation quality was analyzed by different informant in the aspect of accuracy, acceptability,
and readability.
Three kinds of instruments were used in this study; accuracy rating instrument,
acceptability rating instrument, and readability rating instrument. Those instruments are
statements provided to be chosen by key informant to see the translation quality of background
story punisher class in game chess rush text translation. To assess the translation quality of
background story punisher class in game chess rush text translation, the researcher adapt
translation quality instrument proposed by Nababan (2012). The model of data analysis applied
in this study is interactive model analysis by Miles and Huberman (2014)8 which is an
interaction among the components with the process of data collection in the form of cycle. Data
were analyzed by using interactive model of analysis Miles and Huberman performed
interactively and runs continuously until the end and no longer obtained new data or information.

The research was held one time in the first of year 2020. The researcher collecting data
on the background story of punisher class. The answers of the research question in this research
are (1) Accuracy: 46, 2% accurate, 46, 2% less accurate and 7, 7% inaccurate. (2) Readability:
61, 6% readable, 30, 8% less readable and 7, 7% not readable. (3) Acceptability: 77% acceptable,
15, 4% less acceptable and 7, 7% not acceptable. The result is provided in the following tables:

Table 1. The accuracy level of background story punisher class in game chess rush

scale category subtotal percentage

3 accuracy 6 46,2
2 less accuracy 6 46,2
1 inaccuracy 1 7,7
total 13 100
From the table above, it can be seen that the percentages of the accurate data and less
accurate data are in the similar number (46, 2% accurate and 46, and 2% less accurate).
Meanwhile, the data that are categorized into inaccurate are 7, 7%. The similar percentage
between accurate and less accurate data takes place that most problems found in accuracy are
about word selection and mistranslation. The translated text delivered slightly different ideas
than the original text so that it is considered as less accurate. Resulted that the source language
meaning is less accurately conveyed in the target language.
Table 1. The accuracy level of background story punisher class in game chess rush

scale category subtotal percentage

3 readability 8 61,6
2 less readability 4 30,8
1 unreadability 1 7,7
total 13 100
Based on the table above, 61,6% data are readable, 30,8% data are less readable while the
data that are categorized as unreadable data are only 7,7%. The result shows that the readability
aspect achieves the higher score compared to the accuracy aspect. Means that although the ideas
and meaning are not correctly accurate but the syntax in target language or Indonesian Language
meets the readers’ expectation. Moreover, if we pay more attention to this aspect, somehow it
also relates to the meaning and the accuracy aspect according to some distortion in diction
between English and Indonesian.

Table 1. The accuracy level of background story punisher class in game chess rush

scale category subtotal percentage

3 acceptability 10 77
2 less acceptability 2 15,4
1 unacceptability 1 7,7
total 13 100
Based on the table above, it can be seen that 77% data are acceptable, 15,4% data are less
acceptable while the data that are categorized as unacceptable are only 7,7%. The similar number
obtained as the readability result.

The purpose of the research is to explore the background story punisher class in game
chess rush translation quality. As the researcher observed the result, it can be said that the
background story punisher class in game chess rush translation quality is fair as it is not great but
also not bad because of one aspect which percentage is below 50% (the accuracy aspect).
The analysis of the data also shows that most of the accurate, readable and acceptable
data are simple sentences. Those sentences used familiar words and contained no specific
English term. This finding is similar to Nisak (2016) that conduct-ed a specific analysis of
sentence types in the translation assessment. The most accurate data is simple sentences. It is
admitted that those types of sentences influence the quality result; a sentence that has straight
forward idea. It is easier for the students in rendering the Indonesian version of the sentences.
Meaning indeed becomes the central issue when discussing about translat-ion quality.
However, the readability and acceptability aspect surely take part in the translation quality
matters. That is why all those three aspects should be considered in the same level. Even though
the scores of readability and acceptability level are good (above 50%) but the accuracy level is
below 50%, thus it can not be said that the translation quality is excellent. Therefore, fair, is the
best judgment of the translation work that had been done by the sixth semester students of
English Education Study program. While in the individual aspect, the translation quality in
accuracy aspect is fair, translation quality in readability aspect is good and translation quality in
acceptability aspect is good.
The consideration of the ‘less’ indicator also makes the percentages of the inaccurate,
unreadable and unacceptable data obtained the lowest percentage in the assessment. Only 5%
data is inaccurate while 1% data is unreadable and 2% data is unacceptable, while the less
accurate data is 47% and the accurate data is 48%. These findings are far similar to Nisak’s
findings in 2016 that the inaccurate data found in the research is 6,64 % while the less accurate
data is 13,3%, and accurate data is 80%. The difference and gap between the three levels of
accuracy is considerable. Reflect that there is a huge difference between accurate data and less
accurate data. The results are also different from Satria (2014) that divided the category into 4
levels: excellent, good, fair and bad.
Even though the result of this research is different than the other findings, the researcher
realizes that the result of each research could be various and did not have to get the exact similar
result because the result depends on the each subject’s condition, the text and also the assessment
of each rater. Again, refers to what Nerudova (2012:8) stated that the concern is not whether we
can measure quality, but by which means it can be measured. Moreover, in the discussion
between this research result and the goals in translation subject as it is yielded in the curriculum.
Those might not be achieved as it is carried out in this research result. Although this research
only concerned about the quality without including the translation technique, the result in the
accuracy level has not meet the excellent quality even though accuracy and meaning are the most
important aspect in translation.

Tancent Games, 2019
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