Intro To Policy Analysis

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Introduction to Policy Analysis

Inducements by D. Stone

Promised Reward or Incentives, Deterrence or Threatened Penalty or sanctions are the two sides of the
same coin of inducements. Every Reward contains an implicit or potential penalty of withdrawal, and
every penalty short of death contains an implicit reward of cessations. Therefore, they share the same

The Theory of Inducements

Inducements as one of the responses to common problems, where there is divergence of public and
private interest. The purpose of inducements is to align individual interests with what is good for the

System of Inducements can be categorized into three parts; a. Inducement giver b. Inducement
receiver or the target c. Inducement itself.

Inducements not by direct force, but by making people change their minds. Based on the Utilitarian
model of Human Behavior.

a. People are rational. b. They are goal-driven c. Each decision is based on

economic calculus of; what will get me to the goal in the easiest and the cheapest way?

Theory of Inducements: People’s self-propelled behavior towards their goals can be altered by the
obstacles and opportunities they face.

Assumptions: a. Individuals are adaptable. But loyalty in polis suggests the other way.

b. Inducements giver and receivers are unitary actors capable of rational behavior. However, in
polis they are likely to operate in a collective entity, which can alter the way individual responds
to inducements.
c. Receiver has an orientation towards the future. The longer the time span between the reward of
penalty on one side and the behavior change on others, the more likely the situation of the
target will change and the value of inducement.

Rules mandating behavior and the rules conferring power

Formal and Informal Rules



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