1945 F Wilcoxon. Individual Comparisons by Ranking Methods

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Individual Comparisons by Ranking Methods

Author(s): Frank Wilcoxon

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Biometrics Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Dec., 1945), pp. 80-83
Published by: International Biometric Society
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3001968 .
Accessed: 19/01/2013 15:14

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Frank Wilcoxon
American Cyanamid Co.

The comparisonof two treatmentsgenerally to probabilitiesof 0.05 and 0.01 respectively.

falls into one of the followingtwo categories: Paired Comparisons. An example of this
(a) we may have a numberof replicationsfor type of experimentis given by Fisher (2, sec?
each of the twotreatments, whichare unpaired, tion 17). The experimentalfigureswere the
or (b) we may have a numberof paired com? differencesin height between cross- and self-
parisonsleading to a series of differences,
some fertilizedcorn plants of the same pair. There
of which may be positive and some negative. were 15 such differences as follows:6,8,14,16,
The appropriatemethods for testing the sig? 23, 24, 28, 29, 41, ?48, 49, 56, 60, ?67, 75. If
nificanceof the differencesof the means in we substituterank numbers for these differ?
these two cases are described in most of the ences, we arriveat the series 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
textbookson statisticalmethods. 9, ?10, 11, 12, 13, ?14, 15. The sum of the
The object of the present paper is to indi- nagativerank numbersis ?24. Table II shows
cate the possibilityof using rankingmethods, that the probabilityof a sum of 24 or less
that is, methodsin which scores 1, 2, 3, ... n between 0.019 and 0.054 for 15 pairs. Fisher
are substitutedforthe actual numericaldata, in gives 0.0497 for the probabilityin this experi?
orderto obtaina rapid approximateidea of the mentby the t test
significanceof the differencesin experiments The followingdata were obtained in a seed
of thiskind. treatmentexperiment on wheat. The data
are taken froma randomizedblock experiment
UnpairedExperiments. The followingtable
with eight replicationsof treatmentsA and B.
gives the resultsof flyspray tests on two prep-
in columnstwo and threerepresent
arations in terms of percentage mortality. The figures
were run on each the stand of wheat
Eight replications prepara?

The fourthcolumngives the differences and the

fifthcolumn the correspondingrank numbers.
The sum of the negativerank numbersis ?3.
45 Table II showsthatthe total3 indicatesa prob?
Total 542 91 494
abilitybetween0.024 and 0.055 thatthese treat?
Rank numbershave been assigned to the re? mentsdo not differ. Analysisof varianceleads
sults in order of magnitude. Where the mor? to a least significantdifferenceof 14.2 between
talityis the same in two or more tests, those the means of two treatmentsfor 19:1 odds,
tests are assigned the mean rank value. The while the differencebetween the means of A
sum of the ranks for B is 45 while for A the and B was 17.9. Thus it appears thatwithonly
sum is 91. Referenceto Table I showsthatthe 8 pairs this methodis capable of giving quite
probabilityof a total as low as 45 or lower, accurate informationabout the significanceof
lies between 0.0104 and 0.021. The analysis differencesof the means.
of variance applied to these results gives an F Discussion. The limitationsand advantagesof
value of 7.72, while 4.60 and 8.86 correspond rankingmethodshave been discussed by Fried-

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man (3), who has describeda methodfortest- and also in order that the magnitude of the
ing whetherthe means of several groups differ rank assigned shall correspondfairlywell with
significantlyby calculating a statisticg2rfrom the magnitudeof the difference.It will be re-
the rank totals. When there are only two called that in workingwith paired differences,
groups to be compared,Friedman's methodis the null hypothesisis that we are dealing with
equivalent to the binomial test of significance a sample of positive and negative differences
based on the number of positive and negative normallydistributedabout zero.
differencesin a series of paired comparisons. The methodof calculating the probabilityof
Such a test has been shown to have an effi? occurrence of any given rank total requires
ciency of 63 percent (1). The presentmethod some explanation. In the case of the unpaired
forcomparingthe means of two groupsutilizes experiments,with rank numbers 1 to 2q, the
informationabout the magnitudeof the differ? possible totals begin with the sum of the series
ences as well as the signs, and hence should 1 to q, that is, q(p+l)/2; and continue by
have higher efficiency,but its value is not steps of one up to the highestvalue possible,
knownto me. q(3q+l)/2. The firsttwo and the last two
The method of assigning rank numbers in of thesetotalscan be obtainedin onlyone way,
the unpaired experimentsrequires little expla- but intermediatetotalscan be obtainedin more
nation. If there are eight replicates in each thanone way,and the numberof ways in which
group,rank numbers1 to 16 are assigned to the each total can arise is given by the numberof
experimentalresultsin orderof magnitudeand g-partpartitionsof T, the total in question,no
wheretied values exist the mean rank value is part being repeated,and no part exceeding 2q.
used. These partitionsare equinumerouswithanother
TABLE I set of partitions,namely the partitionsof r,
For Determiningthe Significanceof Differences where r is the serial numberof T in the pos?
in Unpaired Experiments sible series of totals beginning with 0, 1, 2,
No. of replicates Smaller rank Probability . . . r, and the numberof partsof r, as well as
the part magnitude,does not exceed q. The
latterpartitionscan easily be enumeratedfrom
a table of partitions such as that given by
Whitworth(5), and hence serve to enumerate
the former. A numericalexample maybe given
by way of illustration. Suppose we have 5 re?
plications of measurementsof two quantities,
and rank numbers1 to 10 are to be assigned to
the data. The lowest possible rank total is 15.
In how many ways can a total of 20 be ob?
tained? In other words, how many unequal
5-partpartitionsof 20 are there,havingno part
greaterthan 10? Here 20 is the sixth in the
possible series of totals; thereforer =5 and the
numberof partitionsrequired is equal to the
total numberof partitionsof 5. The one to one
correspondenceis shownbelow:
Unequal 5-partpartitions Partitions
of 20 of 5
In the case of the paired comparisons,rank 1-2-3-4-10 5
numbersare assignedto the differencesin order 1-2-3-5-9 14
of magnitudeneglectingsigns,and then those 1-2-3-6-8 2-3
rank numbers which correspond to negative 1-2-4-5-8 1-1-3
differencesreceive a negative sign. This is 1-2-4^-7 1-2-2
necessary in order that negative differences 1-3-4-5-7 1-1-1-2
shall be representedby negativerank numbers, 2-3-4-5-6 1-1.1-1-1

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By taking advantage of this correspondence,
the numberof ways in whicheach total can be
obtainedmaybe calculated,and hence theprob?
abilityof occurrenceof any particulartotal or r is the serial numberof the total undercon-
a lesser one. siderationin the series of possible totals
The followingformulagives the probability
of occurence of any total or a lesser total by 0, 1, 2,. . ., r,
chance under the assumption that the group q is the numberof paired differences.
means are drawn fromthe same population: In this way probabilitytables may be readily

M1+S % n}-T [('-<-?+i)n^]}/m[

nj representsthe number ofi-part partitionsof *',

r is the serial number of possible rank totals, 0, 1, 2, ? ? ? r.
q is the numberof replicates,and
n is an integerrepresentingthe serial number of the term in the series.
In the case of the paired experiments,it is TABLEn
necessaryto deal withthe sum of rank numbers For Determiningthe Significanceof Differences
of one sign only, + or ?, whicheveris less, in Paired Experiments
since with a given number of differencesthe Numberof Paired Sum of rank Probability
rank total is determinedwhen the sum of + or Comparisons numbers,+ of this total
? ranksis specified. The lowest possible total or ?, which- or less
fornegativeranks is zero,whichcan happen in ever is less
onlyone way,namely,when all the rank numb?
ers are positive. The next possible total is ?1,
whichalso can happen in onlyone way, thatis,
whenrank one receivesa negativesign. As the
totalof negativeranksincreases,thereare more
and more ways in which a given total can be
formed.These ways forany totals such as ?r,
are given by the total numberof unequal par-
titionsof r. If r is 5, forexample, such parti.
tions,are 5, 1-4,2-3. These partitionsmay be
enumerated,in case they are not immediately
apparent,by the aid of anotherrelationamong
partitions,which may be stated as follows:
The number of unequal i-part partitions
of r, with no part greater than i, is equal to
the number of j-part partitions of r?( 3 Y
parts equal or unequal, and no part greater
than i-j+1 (4).
For example, if r equals 10, / equals 3, and i
equals 7, we have the correspondenceshown
Unequal 3-partpar?
titionsof 10 1-2-7 1-3-6 1-4-52-3-5
3-part partitions of 10?3, or 7, no part
greaterthan 5 1-1-5 1-24 1-3-32-2-3
The formulafor the probabilityof any given
total r or a lesser total is:


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prepared for the 1 percentlevel or 5 percent level of significanceor any otherlevel desired.
Literature Cited
1. Cochran,W. G., The efficienciesof the binomial series tests of significanceof a mean and
of a correlationcoefficient.Jour. Roy. Stat. Soc, 100:69-73,1937.
2. Fisher, R. A. The design of experiments. Third ed., Oliver & Boyd, Ltd., London, 1942.
3. Friedman,Milton. The use ranks to avoid the assumptionof normality. Jour. Amer. Stat.
Assn. 32:675-701. 1937.
4. MacMahon, P. A. Combinatoryanalysis, Vol. II, CambridgeUniversityPress 1916.
5. Whitworth,W. A. Choice and chance, G. E. Stechert& Co., New York, 1942.


The Statistical Laboratoryof the University Stationlocated on the BerkeleyCampus. Per-
of California,Berkeley,was establishedin 1939 haps unexpectedly,in addition to practical
as an agency of the Department of Mathe? results, these contacts originated a purely
matics. The functionsof the Laboratoryin? theoreticalpaper in the Annals of Mathemat?
clude its own research, help in the research ical Statistics. Other theoretical papers are
carried on in otherinstitutions,and a cycle of expected because it appears that forest and
courses and of exercisesfor students. range experimentation involvesspecificand dif-
The outbreak of the war soon after the ficult problems which require new statistical
establishmentof the Statistical Laboratoryin- methods. Also, in contactwiththe Department
fluencedthe directionof its research to a con? of Entomology,some very interestingprob?
siderable extent. War problems were studied lems were found. The work done on them is
unomciallyfirstand thenundera contractwith also reflectedin some publications.
the National Defense Research Committee. The teachingin the StatisticalLaboratoryis
These activitiestraineda considerablenumber geared to train research workersand teachers
of persons who were later absorbed by the of statistics. The cycle of courses and of
Services. Also, the Laboratory acquired an laboratorywork now offeredis essentiallythat
efficientset of computingmachines and other planned in 1939, but some changes are under
equipment. consideration. Both the original set-up and
In the future,the Laboratory'sown research the reformsconsidered are based on the fol?
will be concerned with developing statistical lowing premises.
techniques on one hand and with analyses of The firstand generallyadmittedpremise is
applied problemson the other. that a universityteacher must be a research
Cooperationwith other institutionsis based worker,that is to say, mustbe effectively cap?
on the principleof free choice and, therefore, able of inventive work. As applied to sta?
care is taken to avoid anythingsuggestinga tistics such inventive work may be of two
tendency to centralize statistical research in kinds. First, inventivenessmay express itself
the Laboratory of the Department of Math? in developingnew sectionsof the mathematical
ematicsto the exclusionor the restraintof such theoryof statistics. In the presentstate of our
research in other Departmentsof the Univer? science this requires not only the knowledgeof
sity. The StatisticalLaboratoryhas a hand in the existingtheoryof statisticsbut also a con?
pieces of research for which the experimenter siderable masteryof the theoryof functions
requests statistical help. The help offered and otherbranchesof mathematics. Next, the
consists primarily of advice. However, in inventivenessmay concern the techniques in
cases where the numerical treatmentof the statistical design of experimentsor of obser?
problem is complex, computations are per? vation in relation to the already existing sta?
formedin the Laboratory. tisticaltools. Here the success of the research
Because of the voluntarybasis of cooperation, depends on a thoroughknowledgeof the tools
contacts with institutionsof experimentalre? and also of the particulardomainin whichthey
search are not systematic. The closest and have to be used.
most fruitfulcontactsthus far have been with It is obvious that proficiencyin the firstof
the California Forest and Range Experiment these itemsis especially desirable fora teacher


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