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Research Paper

Preet Gupta
B. Arch.
Fourth year

August 14, 2018

Real v/s Reel Architecture 1
Research Paper [AP-403]

"It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic, of all things physical and
metaphysical, of all things human and all things superhuman, of all true manifestatons of the
August 14, 2018
head, of the heart, of the soul, that the life is recognizable in its expression, that form ever
follows functon. This is the law." Louis Sullivan

“Form follows functon - that has been misunderstood. Form and functon should be one, joined
in a spiritual union.” Frank Lloyd Wright

“Form equals Functon.” Mies van der Rohe

As one examines form‘s relatonship to functon within the dimensional model, form not only
follows functon, but functon follows form, which is the real (utlitarian) architecture as it
evolves as the primary need if any design and generates further design upon itself and reel
(aesthetcal) architecture, which is ficton or something that just there on outer terms, a false
projecton used for ornamentaton purpose only. Form and functon are bound together in a
cause and effect relatonship; functon is the cause of the form, while form facilitates functon.

There is always a subjectve opinion of designers that whether real (utlitarian) or reel
(aesthetcal) architecture should be given more importance while designing. The dilemma in
between form and functon has stayed for centuries and it would be remain a hot topic of
discussion forever. But the soluton to such a discussion is to develop a middle way where not
only aesthetcal or functonal elements are used but a fusion of the two is manifested and taken
forward along with technological developments. So, can there be a mid-way where we merge
the two to get a 99% sufficient and efficient design?


The need of the study develops from the decline in the standards of current architectural
environment. The lack of healthy genuine architectural environment and its method of
implementaton brings out the need for this research topic. Therefore, this research would
develop by explaining the past architectural practces to giving future recommendaton to revive
the lost importance and beauty of architecture.

To study and conclude improvised architectural practces in terms of form and functonal
element to promote healthy architectural environment.
Real v/s Reel Architecture 2
Research Paper [AP-403]

 To study the basics and evoluton of architecture through tmelines of Indian and
foreign context.
To study the basics and evoluton of two architectural concepts, which is form
 2018
August 14,
follows functon and functon follows form.
 To study the parameters of consideraton while designing of a space.
 To study the design methodologies and architectural elements associated with the
two architectural concepts.

The research would be open to public buildings only and would cover the following parameters
of research:

 Site context - Surroundings

 Concept
 Form – Roof Form, Building envelope, façade, material, elements, climate response
 Utlity – entrances, planning, accessibility, light & shadow, open spaces, roofs &

And their comparatve analysis with recommendatons will also be incorporated in the end.

 The subjectvity of the parameters such as, psychological and spiritual vary from person
to person.
 The shortage of tme in which the research is taking place limits the extend of
exploraton in terms of interviews and parameters, such as
1. Services
2. Bylaws
3. Urban Context
4. Landscaping
 The research would only be dealing with form and functonal aspect of the study and will
not cover the psychological and spiritual context of the same.

A balanced architectural design is achieved when approached in an organized ethical manner.

Real v/s Reel Architecture 3
Research Paper [AP-403]


3.1.1. Historical evoluton and basics of Architecture
 What is architecture?
 What is a healthy architecture?
August 14, 2018  What is the difference between architecture and healthy architecture?
 Factors affectng Healthy Architectural practce (Form, Functon,
Psychological and spiritual)
 Evoluton of Architecture over tme through various architectural styles
3.1.2. Types of Architectural Concepts
 Utlitarian Architecture (Definiton along with a reference study)
 Form Follows Functon (Definiton along with examples of renowned
Architect’s building examples and quotatons)
 Aesthetcal Architecture (Definiton along with a reference study)
 Functon Follows Form (Definiton along with examples of renowned
Architect’s building examples and quotatons)
3.1.3. Design Methodologies for Both Architectural concepts
I. Percepton
II. Noton
III. Idea
IV. Concept
3.1.4. Parameters to consider while Designing
3.1.5. Elements supportng both Architectural Concepts
I. Elements’ Definiton
II. Justficaton of the Element in the category
III. Example of Usage of the element

3.2. SURVEYS: (To compare various beliefs of different strata of Architects)

3.2.1. Surveys from young generaton practcing architects
3.2.2. Surveys from architectural students
3.2.3. Surveys from renowned architects of present tme

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