Crisis Communication Plan Uf

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Crisis Communication Plan

How to React to a Round Up/

Glyphosate Shortage

By: Kyle Helms

Created: August 20, 2010

Updated: November 26, 2018

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Signed Acknowledgement 4
Purpose and Objectives 5
Internal Key publics 6
External Key Publics 7
Crisis Communication Team 8
Interview Tips 9
Potential Trick Questions for Interview 10
Issue Experts 11
Emergency Personnel 12
Crisis Equipment 13
Crisis Room Set-Up 14
Key Messages 15
Message Dissemination 16
Press Release 17
Evaluation 18
Closing Statement 19

In the Bayer company, we are committed to providing the greatest care possible
for our customers when selling and distributing all of our products. After the acquisition
of Monsanto, Round Up has become one of our products and we are striving to be
innovators and leaders in the agriculture industry both at home and abroad.

Our company is committed to excellence and strives to over step boundaries in

an effort to provide necessary products to the people of the world. Bayer has numerous
research centers and production facilities across the globe, which allows for easier
communication when issues arise.

Great commitment calls for great responsibility in our corporation as challenges

occur. Bayer is prepared to face any unfortunate instances that may occur and could
have a negative impact on the community, stakeholders, and the company as a whole.
Working with the instability of the agriculture industry requires preparedness for any
potential issues that could arise.

In 2010, there was a global shortage of glyphosate, which is the main component
in the herbicide Round Up. Due to the shortage, glyphosate prices soared to nearly 80
percent more than their average. This caused Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, to
increase their prices by 40 and 50 percent.

Round Up is used by farmers around the world to prevent weeds from

obstructing crop growth. When glyphosate is scarce, the farming industry is challenged
by producing crops in spite of weed overgrowth.

Glyphosate has allowed for efficient crop growing for over a century now. The
use of Round Up allows for soil erosion and carbon emissions to be reduced globally.
Bayer is focused on many issues facing the industry and glyphosate allows farmers to
be part of the solutions.

The large size of the Bayer company means that when a crisis occurs, we must
all be on the same page and have the same plan of action. This is why the crisis
communication plan is of high importance and must be followed as closely as possible.

Signed Acknowledgement

By signing this statement, I acknowledge that I have read and

revised this plan and am prepared to initiate it whenever

President and CEO _____________________ ____________

Signature Date

Vice President and CEO ____________________ ____________

Signature Date

Vice President ____________________ ____________

Signature Date

Office Manager ____________________ ____________

Signature Date

Purpose & Objectives
Purpose Statement
If a glyphosate shortage occurs, we must immediately take action to inform
all Round Up consumers of the issue at hand. Word must be spread quickly
and efficiently to ensure minimum damage occurs to the company or the
brand. When addressing the media, we will work to eliminate all
contradictory and/or false statements and ensure the public that we are
being transparent with them. Bayer is committed to customer satisfaction
and providing farmers the tools needed to grow healthy, safe, and
affordable food. These commitments will allow effective resolutions to be
developed for the crisis at hand.
Objectives of the Plan
1. Initiate the Glyphosate Crisis Communication Plan within 2- hours.
2. Inform all agricultural organizations relying on the product of the
3. Notify all Bayer employees, managers, and stockholders within 3
hours of the crisis.
4. Initiate contact with all media inquiries in an honest manner.
5. Provide facts on producing glyphosate and have backup information
pertaining the price increases on Round Up and other glyphosate
6. Evaluate the glyphosate shortage plan and assess alternative
7. Provide an alternative product as a substitute for farmers relying on
the product.
8. Distribute findings to the media and all parties involved.

Internal Key Publics
If a glyphosate shortage occurs, the following individuals are to be informed
as soon as possible following the company receiving the news. The Public
Relations department is to be informed immediately and disperse the information
to the executive branch of the company. Once they are informed, regional
managers will be contacted through a conference call and will be informed of the
companies plan of action. Plant managers will then be contacted by the managers
and informed on how to continue operations with the shortage. Production will
be reduced and prices will rise due to the shortage. The chain of communication
can be adjusted as needed.


Public Relations Department Science and Technology Committee

Emily Pope – (561) 261-1831

President/CEO Sustainability and Corporate

VP/VFO Responsibility Committee
Alex Adams -- (786) 554-0353
Board of Directors
Roy Stein – (561) 518-8064 Director of Regional Development
Caleb Shelfer - (863) 990-7352
Executive Committee
Dana Terrell – (863) 781-1912 Investor Relations
Dawson Cohen – (407) 670-8565
Finance Committee Helena Investor Services, LLC
Cale Payne – (863) 214-9093

Corporate Governance Plant Managers

Codie Hall – (863) 873-3627 Daniel Miller – (863) 245-8369

External Key Publics

The external key publics should be notified by using media outlets in an effective
way. In the event of a glyphosate shortage, the public relations department will
be responsible for dispersing the information as it comes in. These individuals can
also be responsible for passing on information to the communications and social
media departments. The millions of farmers who are stake holders in Bayer will
be our primary focus in sending messages to forewarn them of the rising prices to
come and lowered supply of the product.

Media Contacts
Station/Channel Contact Title Phone/E-mail/Address

Fox News Irena Briganti VP Corporate (212) 301-3000


New York Times Chris Andres Public Editor (818) 239-7854

American Farm Ana Lipson Exec. Director (202) 409-4755


The Associated Joe Johnson Exec. Director (212) 786-9758

Press Communications

CNN Arnold Palmo Exec. VP Comm. (435) 453-8675

Crisis Communication Team

Title Employee Phone E-mail

Crisis Communication David Dominguez (561) 801-1546
Manager Public Relations (D)

Backup Crisis Comm. Drew Anderson (863) 251-9524

Manager Public Relations (AD)

Assistant Crisis Comm. Eli McMullen (305) 430-1114

Manager Director of Science

Crisis Coordinator Elliot White (772)-585-8581

Media Supplies

Spokesperson 1&2 Erin Rowe (863) 307-4950

Media Relations (D)
Gabriel Lucero (352) 638-4597
Media Relations (AD)

Glyphosate Expert Marup Hossain (352) 293-1110

University of Florida

TV/Radio Media Gracelynn Byrd (803) 634-0596

Media Relations

Multimedia/Social Harry Huff (863) 412-1920


Legal Advisor Lainey Williams (863) 397-9503

Interview Tips

Interview Tips for Crisis Spokesperson:

 Dress professionally
 Stand up straight with good posture
 Speak clearly at a steady pace and annunciate your words
 Be honest, clear, and concise
 Do not discuss extremely specific details pertaining to the
 Reassure the public that they are being updated as new
information comes in
 Do not share information that has not been verified
 Do not lie if you are unsure of an answer, tell the media that
you will get back to them with clarification

Potential Trick Questions for Interview

In the event of a glyphosate shortage crisis, the media is the best way to
disperse information to the public effectively and efficiently. The following
questions are potential trick questions the media may ask and suggested
responses that are in line with the key message Bayer wishes to convey:

1. Is Bayer increasing prices in order to increase revenue?

A: No, Bayer is committed to providing affordable products for global
agriculture. If prices are increasing, it is due to the increased cost of
inputs, not to increase revenue.

2. What are the side effects of using glyphosate-tolerant crops?

A: Using genetically modified glyphosate-tolerant crops can result in
water supplies being contaminated and soil erosion for years to

3. How can the media and local farmers still rely on Bayer?
A: Bayer is an international company over 150 years old with the goal
of feeding the worlds growing population. We are committed to the
highest degree of excellence and select only the best people and
products for our company.

4. What are the negative impacts of a glyphosate shortage?

A: The negative impact for the agriculture industry would be
tremendous because weeds would overtake crops causing much
smaller yields.

Issue Experts

Bayer Internal Head Scientists

Bayer External Head Scientists

Glyphosate Expert:

Andrew Conroy
Division of Herbicides and Internal Fertilizers
Augusta, Georgia 30805
(564) 569-8445

Human Resource Department Manager:

Johnny Tellechea
(863) 253-7201

Seed Engineer:
Thomas Hathaway
(863) 226-8524

Chemical Engineer:
Gunner Smoak
(863) 454-7755

Emergency Personnel

American Farm Bureau Federation

600 Maryland Ave SW

Washington, D.C. 20024
(202) 406-3600

United States Department of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Agriculture

1800 Independence Ave, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20250
(202) 720-2791

National Alliance of State Agriculture Emergency

1600 East Beach Boulevard
Gulfport, MS 39501
(859) 753-1256

All other individual state agencies pertaining to agriculture to be

contacted as well.

Crisis Equipment
Web Camera
Conference Phone
White Board
Information Packet
High speed router
Hole Puncher
Extension cords
Fax machines
USB drives

Crisis Room Set Up

The T-shaped crisis room configuration will be used so that the

executives of Bayer can meet with all company experts required
to resolve the crisis in one sitting. The leadership will be seated at
the end of the table with a TV/Camera set up opposite of them so
that they can conference in anyone who is needed but is not
centrally located.

Key Messages

In the instance that there is a glyphosate shortage Bayer will work with all
agencies involved to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. Our priorities are to
keep farmers in business without significantly increasing their expenses. We will
negotiate prices with them for Round Up distribution and sales.

We will stay true to our company’s core values of leadership, integrity, flexibility
and efficiency. Bayer will continue to be honest with the media and stakeholders
as prices rise from the shortage but will be as flexible as possible with consumers.

These key points will be highlighted based on their importance respectively:

1. Our greatest concern will be for farmers who rely on Round Up in their
production process
2. We are working diligently to address the issue and reduce prices as much as
3. The shortage has been an ongoing issue and will continue to be addressed
until it is resolved
4. We will continue to be as flexible as possible with farmers incurring
increased prices due to the need for herbicides

Message Dissemination

We will cover the following means of disseminating the key messages of Bayer
during a glyphosate shortage.

 Hold conferences to reach farmers
 Press releases to the media
 Phone calls to internal publics and relations.

Individuals that seek concern for the company of Bayer usually fall into the non-
seekers. Many local farmers still go on without internet therefore only receiving
information through the mail. Bayer goes through all efforts to reach the public in
any way, shape, or form. The more they use different media outlets, the quicker
the word will spread about the shortage increased prices on herbicides.

Information Seekers
 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other media output updates with the
 Bayer website blog updates on the shortage.
 Post conference videos to website pertaining the increased prices.
 Website updates (mostly weekly depending on the crisis)

Information seekers will be mainly used when providing information to the public
that actively seeks and looks further into the crisis. By providing daily reports on
all social media and websites, seekers will be reassured of our transparency when
communicating to the public. While many people may not have access to cable,
many can receive these updates all around the world whether it’s on a cell phone,
or a computer.

Press Release
News Release

Contact: ________________________

E-mail: _________________________


Round Up/Glyphosate Shortage

All Bayer plants are in shortage of herbicides containing isopropylamine salt which
is the main ingredient for Round Up. Upon their notification, Bayer officials have
released news on up-price surges with herbicides.

Although there hasn’t been any extreme shortage concerns that have come to
Bayer’s attention, but we are being very careful when it comes to supplying and
distributing the herbicide. All farmers have been notified about the surging prices
of glyphosate and accessibility of these products.

Local and industrial farmers using Bayer products especially Round Up are staying
tuned into all our main stream outlets pertaining the shortages and when it will
become available in particular areas across the country.

Bayer is committed to assuring proper safety and providing excellence to the

public who is cooperating. “We are working night and day to decrease the surge
in prices by finding and producing more glyphosate to help our local farmers that
feed this country,” said Dr. Michael Preuss, Direction of Communications and
Public Affairs for Bayer. “We strive to keep the public informed about our scarcity
of the product.”


After this glyphosate shortage, Bayer will follow the information provided to
ensure that the corporation is prepared for any type of crisis. This evaluation
reviews the management of the team performance and handing of the crisis. We
must take the time to evaluate or crisis plans and analyzing all aspects that will
help Bayer continue on the path of success and excellence. Monsanto will strive
to continue to prepare better for future crises.

Crisis management team –How did these individuals deal with the media while
also being appropriate? How well did the Bayer members perform under
Should these members remain involved in Bayer if a future crisis occurs or should
any members be replaced? Was there anything left out of the crisis room?

Community Response – How did the public handle this crisis? How did the
community react to the shortage of Round Up from Bayer? What are the
implications that go along with this crisis Bayer is facing?

Media relations – What did the media portray when talking about the key
messages of Bayer? What steps could Bayer learn from and can improve on a
regular basis? Does the media negatively or positively impact Bayer?

When completing this evaluation, we can use this information to make changed
on an everyday basis and when dealing with crises. These changes can positively
impact safety procedures and much more. Crisis communication plans like this
among other crisis Bayer has faced over time is a procedure to them. When
changing these procedures, we look into conducting training to provide more
information to our new and current employees at Bayer.

Closing Statement

Here at Bayer we show our full interests in customers with high satisfactions from
our quality products. During this shortage of glyphosate, we bonded as a team to
help all farmers recover from this tragedy. At Bayer, we are dedicated to getting
our company running consistently and quickly as possible. Thank you to everyone
who’s supported us since the beginning and for your commitment to Bayer.


Bayer Public Relations Department


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