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- comes from two ancient Greek words, demos meaning " the people" and graphos meaning "charting
or mapping"

- study of the human population.

- the discipline also studies how people move from place to place.

The main source of data are census and other vital statistics. Some basic demographic concepts include
fertility, morality, migration and population growth.


-is the incidence of child bearing in a country's population.

- is measured using crude birth rate or the number of lives births for every 1000 people in a population.


- is the incidence of death in a country's population.

- - is measured using crude death rate, or the number of deaths for every 1000 in a population.


- movement of people into and out of a particular territory.


- is simply the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate.


- a contemporary of Plato, commented on his ARTHASHASTRA that a large population is a source of

military, political and economic strength of a nation.
The same ideas is espoused by


- a fourteenth century Arab historian, who contented that a sense population growth is generally
favorable to the maintenance and increase of imperial power.


- he was the first scientist to study a person's likelihood of death as he or she passed through different
age groups using death statistics from across the different age groups.

- he also wrote a book entitled An estimate bof the degrees of the mortality of mankind, drawn from the
curious tables of the birth and funerals at the city of Brealaw: with an attempt to ascertain the price of
annuities upon lives


- who has already been mentioned in the subtopic Economics

The discipline economics highlighted in his book An Essay on the Principle of Population, it's main are of
inquiry, which vis scarcity of resources DEMOGRAPHY, on the other hand, highlights it's main area of
inquiry who is population growth rate, and which MALTHUS believes to be growing in a geometric

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