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NAME: Aira C.

Maiso DATE: 01-18-20


to NOT

The World is composed of different countries and nations and each of these
countries and nations represents different raises and culture that makes each of them
unique. Those differences of ours should not be an excuse for us not to have a good
relationship with one another. Let communication be an opportunity for all people to be
a member of a peaceful world as one.

Communication is best practice at home. When each member of the household

initiates to communicate with one another verbally or non-verbal. When best practice at
home, we will be able to apply what we are used to at home whenever we interact with
other people outside our comfort zone.

We should know how to value the essence of communication for we apply this
every day. It is something that should not be master but something that should always
be remember so that, the next time we communicate we already knew the ethiquet way
of communicating with other as to how we want to be communicated with. Aside from
that, always look the beauty in every person that we deal with in order for us to instill
positivity every time we communicate. Let communication be a tool in order for a
country to stand as one towards success and prosperity.

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