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HABITAT, 29 (2), 2018, 84-91

DOI: 10.21776/ub.habitat.2018.029.2.10

The Importance of Agribusiness Five Sub-System in The Cocoa Development

in West Sulawesi
Nurlina Harli1*, Irham2, Jamhari2
Postgraduate Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Flora
Street, Bulaksumur, Caturtunggal, Depok District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Province
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Flora No. 1 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta
Received: 21 September 2018; Revised: 27 September 2018; Accepted: 2 October 2018

West Sulawesi Province is one of cocoa production centers in Indonesia. This study aims to determine:
(1) Level of importance of criteria in cocoa agribusiness development, (2) Level of importance of
subcriteria in cocoa agribusiness development, and (3) Choosing appropriate priority strategy in cocoa
agribusiness development. Primary data and secondary data was used and analyzed using Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Expert Choice 11.0. Resulting analysis showed that the most important
criterion in the development of cocoa agribusiness in the upstream subsystem, the following priorities
respectively are marketing subsystem, cultivation subsystem, supporting subsystem, processing
subsystem. The priority criterion in upstream agribusiness subsystem was on the subcriteria availability of
cocoa seeds. Increasing cocoa production was the priority criterion in cultivation subsystem. The priority
criterion in processing subsystem was subcriteria of capital availability. The Cocoa quality improvement
was the priority in the marketing subsystem. The priority criterion in supporting subsystem was
subcriteria of infrastructure improvement. The main priority of alternative strategy was to rejuvenate old
plants using qualified plant material to increase production and quality of yield weighted as 0.241.
Keywords: agribusiness subsystem; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP); cocoa
How to cite:
Harli, N., Irham, & Jamhari. (2018). The Importance of Agribusiness Five Sub-System in The Cocoa
Development in West Sulawesi. HABITAT, 29(2), 84–91.
1. Introduction
The agribusiness development is an agro-industry developments (Syamsuddin &
approach in the agriculture development which Muhammad, 2014). In 2015, the cocoa plantation
does not only encompass agribusiness; but also has provided job opportunities and income
includes the production, the distribution of input sources for 1,699,617 farmers with 837,452 ha of
material instrument and agricultural service, as plantation area and 652,397 ton of production
well as the distribution and agriculture product (Directorate General of Plantation, 2017).
processing. Agribusiness system is a concept that Various problems faced in the cocoa
places activities agriculture as a whole and cultivation in West Sulawesi including the low
comprehensive activity as well as a concept that level or plantation productivity due to the attack
can examine and answer various problems and of cocoa pod borer (CPB), and the low quality of
challenge.(Marina & Yulistia, 2015) product will generate issues in the development
One of the imminent commodities of of cocoa for the communities in the future of this
plantation sector is cocoa which has quite region. Therefore, the comprehensive
significant role for the national economy since information regarding the condition of
the cocoa plantation provides working communities’ cocoa cultivation is required to be
opportunities/job vacancies, a source of income, discovered, thus, effective and efficient
and nation’s foreign exchange. In addition, cocoa development for cocoa cultivation in the future
also plays a role in enhancing the regional and will be able to be formulated. A higher
------------------------------------------------------------------ consumption of cocoa either on national or
Penulis Korespondensi foreign level will induce a bigger opportunity to
E-mail: establish a cocoa business both from the aspect of

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sufficient area availability and bank’s funding This research took place in June 2017 until
that able to support the cocoa development for July 2017 in West Sulawesi Province, precisely
the West Sulawesi people. (Syamsuddin & in two regencies, Polewali Mandar and Mamuju.
Muhammad, 2014) The election of the two districts is based on the
In recent years, farmer’s income has begun decision of the Regional Government of West
to decline as cocoa productivity declines. The Sulawesi Province which makes the two areas as
limitations of other supporting factors are the the area of cocoa agribusiness development.
limited supporting infrastructure for production The assessment in this research was
and marketing interests indirectly affect farmer’s conducted through the utilization of expert choice
income (Fatmawaty et al., 2015). 11 software. The steps in determining the
The identification of problem of cocoa strategic development for cocoa agribusiness
agribusiness that will be analyzed in the research used the Analytical Hierarchy Process explained
of strategic development for cocoa agribusiness as follows:
in West Sulawesi is by determining the priority a. Arrangied the hierarchy structure of the
of agribusiness system that will be developed in problem, shown in figure 1.
accordance with the five sub-systems of cocoa
agribusiness, namely the upstream sub-system, Goal
cultivation sub-system, processing/production
sub-system, marketing sub-system, and
supporting sub-system. (“Telaah Pustaka,” 1998) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
The final aim of this research is to discover
the priority level of the strategic development for
cocoa agribusiness in West Sulawesi Provinces
according to the five sub-systems of cocoa
agribusiness, namely the upstream sub-system,
cultivation sub-system, processing/production
sub-system, marketing sub-system, and A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
supporting sub-system by using AHP.
Figure 1. Hierarchycal structure
2. Method Attachment:
The respondents in this research were the C1 : agriculture input subsystem
representatives of stakeholders who understand C2 : cultivation subsystem
the program of agribusiness development for C3 : production subsystem
cocoa commodity in West Sulawesi Province C4: marketing subsystem
(Table 1.). The sample was taken purposively C5: supporting subsystem
(purposive sampling). A1: Alternative strategy 1
A2: Alternative strategy 2
Table 1. Respondent Sample
A3: Alternatif strategy 3
Number A4: Alternatif strategy 4
of A5: Alternatif strategy 5
No Sample
Sample b. Created a pairwise comparison matrix that
(People) illustrates the influence relative
1. Agriculture Department of 3 contribution of each element towards each
West Sulawesi Province criterion above its level.
2. The Research Center of 3 c. Calculated the weight/priority of each
Agriculutre Technology of variable on level 1 (criteria) which were
West Sulawesi the agriculture input subsystem, cultivation
3. Department of Plantation of 4 sub-system, production sub-system,
Mamuju Regency marketing sub-system, and supporting sub-
4. Department of Agriculture of 4 system. The steps are:
Polewali Mandar Regency 1) Created a pairwise comparison of each
5. Cocoa Farm Group 50 criterion.
Total 64 2) The results of respondent assessment were
then calculated in average by using
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geometric mean. This process was that has been set to produce priority
conducted because AHP only requires one weight. The priority weight is calculated
answer for comparison matrix. by manipulating through matrix or
3) The results of each pairwise comparison mathematic formulation solving.
were presented in a pairwise comparison
Table 2. Pairwise Comparison Scales
4) Divided each element on the specific Scale Information
column with the column total value. 1 Both elements are equally important
5) The results then normalized to acquire 3 One element is a bit more important
matrix eigenvector by averaging the total 5 One element is more important
raw towards five criteria. The calculation 7 One element is obviously more
above presents the eigenvector as the result 9 important
of priority weighting of the five criteria 2,4,6,8 One element is more important than
towards the objectives. others
6) Calculated the consistency ratio through The values between two consideration
the steps described as follows: values that adjacent
a) Multiplied the matrix value of pairwise Reciprocal If i activity acquires one number
comparison with the weight. Condition compared to the j activity, therefore, j
b) Multiplied the total row with the weight. has a reciprocal value compared to i
c) Calculated the λmax by summing the Source: Saaty, (2008)
multiplication results above which divided
with n. c. Logical consistency. The entire elements
d. Calculated the consistency index. are group logically and warned
e. Calculated the consistency ratio consistently in accordance with a logic
f. After the weight of each criterion was criterion.
discovered, the selected strategy was then
3. Result and Discussion
determined. The selected strategy was the
criteria that has the highest values. 3.1 The Condition of Five Subsystems of
The analytical hierarchy process is a Cocoa Agribusiness in West Sulawesi
method that formulates and analyses decisions by
Agribusiness system is a system consisting
decomposing a complex multicriteria decision-
of several subsystem, among of them: Upstream
making problem into a hierarchy of criteria and
subsystem, cultivation subsystem, processing
set of alternatives (Sharififar, Ghorbani, &
subsystem, marketing subsystem and supporting
Karimi, 2013). According to Ngatawi &
Setyaningsih (2011), the basic principles of AHP
The cocoa cultivation is conducted through
the processes of planting, treating, towards the
a. The criteria arrangement in hierarchy
harvesting. The aim of scheduled treatment for
process. The criterion in this research is the
the farm is to minimize the pests’ attack or cocoa
cocoa agribusiness sub-system as the first
disease (Rubiyo & Siswanto, 2012). The pests’
level in the hierarchy form of factor
attack of cocoa in West Sulawesi is still
(criteria) priority determination in cocoa
dominated by cocoa pod borer (CPB), while the
agribusiness development.
cocoa disease is commonly occurring in the event
b. Criteria assessment. The assessment is
of fruit decay and fungus. The effort conducted
conducted through pairwise comparison.
by farmer to overcome the problems is through
According to (Saaty, 2008), for various
farm’s treatment. However, the farmers who
issues, 1-9 scales are the best scale to
routinely perform treatment in West Sulawesi are
express opinion. The value and definition
usually the prominent farmers. The impact
of qualitative opinion from the Saaty
resulted from this is the prominent farmers
comparison scale can be seen in Table 2.
conceive higher productivity rate compared to the
The priority determination. For each
non-prominent farmers.
criterion, the pairwise comparison is
required. The values of relative
comparison from the entire alternative of
criteria can be adjusted with the judgment

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3.2. Determining the Priority of the Sulawesi Province. The results of the literature
Development Strategy of Cocoa study are formulated in a hierarchy structure
Agribusiness through the Five Sub- which divided into four levels, level 0 as an
Systems objective, the first level is the criteria in the
determination of the development strategies for
In order to determine the priority of
cocoa agribusiness, the second level is the sub-
development strategy, in this research the
criteria, while the third level is the alternative
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is conducted
strategies that should be taken.
as one of the instrument that can be used for
According to the AHP analysis, the
decision making in the planning process
criterion which become the priority in the
(Zulfiandri & Marimin, 2012).
development of cocoa agribusiness in West
In determining the cocoa agribusiness
Sulawesi is the development of the subsystem
development strategy in West Sulawesi, the
criteria of upstream agribusiness with 0.270
problems faced are grouped into five aspects
weight. The high level of weight on the upstream
based on the five cocoa agribusiness sub-systems,
subsystem criteria in the determination of
namely; (1) Agriculture Input Sub-System; (2)
development strategies of cocoa agribusiness in
Cocoa Cultivation Agribusiness Sub-System; (3)
West Sulawesi is caused by the upstream
Cocoa Processing Sub-System; (4) Cocoa
agribusiness subsystem that includes the
marketing Sub-System; (5) Supporting Sub-
availability of subsidized fertilizers, the
System. The problems and follow-up related to
availability of pesticides and the easiness of
cocoa agribusiness development are summarized
acquiring production facilities and the availability
in the following hierarchy.
of quality seeds.
In order to determine the priority of the
The upstream subsystem as the main
strategy in the development of cocoa
priority in which the agribusiness development
agribusiness, then, the priority of the elements is
on upstream subsystem is the agribusiness
determined by creating a paired comparison by
subsystem that conducts economy activities in
comparing the elements in pairs according to pre-
producing and providing decent facilities of
determined criteria. The criteria used in this
agriculture production in order to produce quality
research are the five cocoa agribusiness sub-
agriculture product. The importance of this
systems. The pairwise comparison matrix made is
subsystem is due to the necessity for the
filled by numbers to represent the relative
integration of various elements in the upstream
importance/ significance of an element towards
subsystem to manifest a success agribusiness.
the other elements (Harisudin, 2013).
3.3. The assessment of the criteria importance
In AHP method, the criteria are formulated
6/6/2015 12:02:17
in a hierarchy structure. The AMcriteria and sub- Page 1 of 1
criteria in this research is the criteria and sub-
criteria in the determination of development
strategies for cocoa agribusiness in Model WestName: AHP-LINA-1

Priorities with respect to: Combined

Goal: pemilihan strategi pengembangan agribisnis kakao

sub sitem hulu .270

sub sistem pemasaran .232
sub sistem budidaya .195
sub sistem penunjang .185
sub sistem pengolahan .118
Inconsistency = 0.00989
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 2. The results of primary data processing of the criteria priority determination

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3.4. The assessment of the importance level of Sulawesi has become the obstacle for cocoa
the sub-criteria of upstream subsystem farmers in West Sulawesi to perform the plant
revitalization. This condition occurs because the
From Figure 3., it can be known that the
farmers are forced to purchase certified cocoa
high priority factor in the development of cocoa
seeds in West Sulawesi which also cause the high
agribusiness on upstream subsystem is the
price of cocoa seeds. The provision of certified
availability of cocoa seeds with 0.331 value, this
seeds is aimed for the seeds that distributed in the
condition is a result of 350,000 ha cocoa land
community to have quality and have been tested
which already in the old age, therefore, the
against all pests.
revitalization of cocoa plant is required. The
in acquiring
8:13:52 AM cocoa seeds in West Page 1 of 1

Model Name: AHP-LINA-1 - Copy

Priorities with respect to: Combined

Goal: pemilihan strategi pengembangan agribisnis kakao
>sub sitem hulu

bibit kakao .331

saprodi .295
pupuk bersubsida .266
pestisida .107
Inconsistency = 0.00887
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 3. The results of primary data processing of the importance level assessment of the sub-criteria of
upstream subsystem

3.5. The assessment of the importance level of industry demand for cocoa production or the
the sub-criteria of cultivation subsystem export of cocoa seeds. At present, the cocoa
production in West Sulawesi is having a decrease
In Figure 4., it can be seen that the high
as what presented n the 2015 BPS’s data of West
priority factor in the development of cocoa
Sulawesi (Table 1. The development of area
agribusiness on cultivation subsystem is the
width of plant, production, and the number of
criteria of the improvement of cocoa production
cocoa farmers in West Sulawesi) which shows
with 0.339 value. This condition is a result of the
that the cocoa production has decreased around
improvement of cocoa production to fulfill the
5.54% from the previous year (2014).
high demand of 8:14:27
6/6/2015 cocoa AM
commodity to meet the Page 1 of 1

Model Name: AHP-LINA-1 - Copy

Priorities with respect to: Combined

Goal: pemilihan strategi pengembangan agribisnis kakao
>sub sistem budidaya

produksi kakao .339

petani kakao terampil .292
produktivitas .271
jumlah tenaga penyuluh .098
Inconsistency = 0.00658
with 0 missing judgments.

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Figure 4. The results of primary data processing of the importance level assessment of the sub-criteria of
cultivation subsystem

3.6. The assessment of the importance level of highly important considering that the long chain
the sub-criteria of production subsystem of cocoa production has made farmers to require
high amount of production cost which also
Figure 5. shows that the high priority defined as maintenance cost by the cocoa
factor in the development of cocoa agribusiness farmers. In addition, the cocoa plants which
on production subsystem is the criteria of the getting older have proved that a higher
availability of capital with 0.417 value. This maintenance cost is required as well as the capital
condition is a result of the availability of capital for farmers to revitalize their cocoa plants.
in developing the cocoa
6/6/2015 8:15:05 AM agribusiness which Page 1 of 1

Model Name: AHP-LINA-1 - Copy

Priorities with respect to: Combined

Goal: pemilihan strategi pengembangan agribisnis kakao
>sub sistem pengolahan

modal .417
fermentasi .391
teknologi pengolahan hasil .192
Inconsistency = 0.00043
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5. The results of primary data processing of the importance level assessment of the sub-criteria of
production subsystem

3.7. The assessment of the importance level of The importance of improving the quality of cocoa
the sub-criteria of marketing subsystem in the development of cocoa agribusiness is due
to the quality of cocoa which works as the
There are several criteria in the marketing supporting factor to acquired high profits in
subsystem. The assessment of the importance cocoa agribusiness. By improving the quality of
level of sub-criteria of marketing subsystem will cocoa, thus, the cocoa competitiveness in West
indicate a result that the priority in the sub- Sulawesi as one of the central productions of
criteria of marketing subsystem is on the criteria cocoa in Indonesia will be more superior and the
of the improvement of cocoa quality. The farmers will receive higher price if the issues of
criterion that becomes priority can be seen in quality improvement and the continuity of cocoa
Figure 6. namely the criterion of the production are immediately solved.
6/6/2015 8:15:38 AM Page 1 of 1
improvement of cocoa quality with 0.487 value.

Model Name: AHP-LINA-1 - Copy

Priorities with respect to: Combined

Goal: pemilihan strategi pengembangan agribisnis kakao
>sub sistem pemasaran

mutu kakao .487

harga jual .288
rantai nilai .225
Inconsistency = 0.00053
with 0 missing judgments.

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Figure 6. The results of primary data processing of the importance level assessment of the sub-criteria of
marketing subsystem

3.8. The assessment of the importance level of marketing processes are still unavailable. At
the sub-criteria of support subsystem present, not all the central productions of cocoa
own proper road infrastructures, especially the
The criteria on the support subsystem are central of cocoa at the hills. These inappropriate
measured to obtain the prioritized criteria. The road infrastructures are not only causing high cost
development priority on the sub-criteria of the on product distribution but also on the production
support subsystem as presented in Figure 7. is the facility for the centrals of cocoa with improper
improvement of infrastructures. Infrastructures road infrastructures.
are the important matter because the sufficient
infrastructures to support the distribution and

Figure 7. The results of primary data processing of the importance level assessment of the sub-criteria of
support subsystem

3.9. The Determination of the Priority of 0.241 value as presented in Figure 7. The
Development Strategies for Cocoa development of cocoa in West Sulawesi has
Agribusiness implemented for more than 30 years which since
1982. The condition of plants which mostly in the
Comprehensively, according to the criteria
old age and the rates of pest and disease attacks
and sub-criteria in the determination of the
especially the cocoa pod borer that cause the
development strategies
6/6/2015 of cocoa agribusiness in
8:07:10 AM Page 1 of 1 decrease,
production of cocoa to continuously
West Sulawesi, thus, the alternative strategies
therefore, the revitalization of cocoa plant is
that become the main priority are conducting the
revitalization of old plants by using Model
the eminent
Name: AHP-LINA-1 - Copy
plants to tie the production and yield quality with

Synthesis: Summary

Combined instance -- Synthesis with respect to:

Goal: pemilihan strategi pengembangan agribisnis kakao
Overall Inconsistency = .01

peremajaan tanaman .241

perbaikan infrastruktur .211
peningkatan SDM .210
bahan tanaman bermutu .206
pemberlakuan SNI .132

Figure 8. The results of primary data processing of the determination of the priority of development
strategies of cocoa agribusiness
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HABITAT, 29 (2), 2018 91

4. Conclusion Kabupaten Cianjur. Mimbar Agribisnis,

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Sulawesi is the development of upstream
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b. From the sub-criteria, what become the
different priorities of each criterion are as Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision Making with The
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3) The availability of capital becomes the Sustainable Agricultural Production by
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4) The improvement of cocoa quality
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c. From those five alternative strategies, the Telaah Pustaka. (1998).
selected strategy which appropriate in
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ISSN: 0853-5167 (p); 2338-2007 (e)

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