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1. A countdown was done to reduce reaction time error.

2. All windows were closed to reduce interference form the wind.
3. Stood directly in front of the pendulum to reduce parallax error.

Sources of errors:

1. Interference such as vibrations will affect the experiment.

2. The length of the string in the loop was not exactly 180cm so this affected the value of L.
3. Approximations had to be made when calculating the values of tavg, T and T4.

This experiment was successful because the period of the v shaped pendulum was investigated and the
distance between the supports changed the value for the acceleration due to free fall was also
accurately obtained. From the graph plotted of T4against d, a negative gradient, m of -15s4m-1
was achieved this showed that T4 is indirectly proportional to d hence , this shows that the
period of the pendulum, T increases as the distance between the stands increased . The y-
intercept, c was not read off the graph so calculations was required for finding it the y intercept
this was found by using the equation y=mx+c using corresponding values of y(T 4) and x(d) as
well as the gradient, m and the y intercept, c was found to be 1.3.58s4. The equation 𝑇 4 =
4Π4 𝐿
+ (𝐾 − 2𝑑) was then used to find the acceleration due to gravity, g which turned out to be
9.67ms-2 and the constant, K which was found to be 97.47 . This experiment can be
improved by using more accurate instruments like a ruler with less percentage error and also
taking more readings for t to find a more accurate average.


Within the limits of experimental error, the relationship between the period of oscillation of the
v shaped pendulum and the distance between the supports was investigated it can be
concluded that they share a relationship of indirect proportionality.

Knowing the relationship between the period of oscillation of the v shape pendulum and the
distance between the stands can be very useful in a practical scenario so you would be able to
tell how far away to put the stands to obtain a certain period. Tis can be useful in making
pendulum clocks the advantage of a pendulum for timekeeping is that it is a harmonic
oscillator: it swings back and forth in a precise time interval dependent on its length, and resists
swinging at other rates.

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