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Michela Vian A. Gestiada


QUESTIONS: Who is Jesus for you?

We believe in one God, The Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live… in one

Lord Jesus Christ through whom all things came and through whom we live and in the Holy Commented [Office1]:

Spirit, the Spirit of truth who guides, teaches and reminds believers into all truth. We believe that

the true church of Christ was founded on the day of the Pentecost and there is the continuing

operation of the complete gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church today, including the office of

Apostleship and other gifts of the Spirit as mentioned in the Scriptures for the perfection of the

saints. We believe that the true Church of Christ was founded with an evangelistic purpose that is

to make disciples of all nations by preaching the Gospel of salvation, baptizing them, by

immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and by teaching those who are

saved everything Jesus Christ Commanded. We believe that man’s salvation is through the

finished work of Jesus Christ demonstrated by his suffering, death and resurrection. And this

salvation is attained by grace – not of works by any man or religion. We believe in the Bible as

the inspired God’s words and are therefore inerrant and infallible. That is the final authority on

faith and morals for all men. We believe in the imminence of Christ’s return in our time – the 4th

watch. We do not believe in the practice of predicting the exact hour, day, month and year of His

return. Those true believers who are waiting for this blessed hope must live their lives on earth in

holiness and service unto God.

Our apostle, Arsenio T. Ferriol, has always envisioned reaching the farthest ends of the world

with the gospel of Jesus and with the true doctrines of God. This is why the PMCC (4th Watch)

is now in over 100 cities of the world, including in the major capitals of the world even touch the

multicultural lands of Canada. The Pentecostal Missionary CHURCH of CHRIST (4th Watch)

Canada District in not exempted from this vision. We as a church in this humble nation have

grown to reach over 15 cities and counting! With the vision to preach the gospel of Christ, we

are not stoping or halting our effort to spread the word. The church has multiple avenues of

preaching the gospel, whether it be by television, webcasts, or even social media. We as a church

believe that Christ will return, this is why we advance the gospel through many avenues. We are

in the 4th Watch, which is the last hour for us to hasten our expansion of the Gospel. We value

the scriptures and adhere to its guidance for us to live a holy life and to all the more prepare

ourselves for the coming of Christ.

Michela Vian A. Gestiada

QUESTIONS: What is the best approaches in doing Christology?

Christology, Christian reflection, teaching, and doctrine concerning Jesus of Nazareth.

Christology is the part of theology that is concerned with the nature and work of Jesus, including Commented [Office2]:
such matters as the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and his human and divine natures and their

The underlying methodological assumption of Christology is that the New Testament contains
the authentic and accurate record of Jesus, both explicitly and implicitly. The New Testament is
taken to convey that the earliest followers of Jesus were convinced that God was revealed in him
and that they attributed a number of titles to him, such as “Messiah,” “Son of Man,” “Son of
God,” and “Lord.” Christian discourse uses the portrayal of Jesus in the foundational documents
of Christianity as a point of departure. Traditionally, Christological reflection has focused on two
specific aspects of that portrayal—namely, the person and the work of Jesus. It has also sought to
clarify and systematize the meaning of the scriptural depiction of Jesus.

The basic sources for the historical development of Christology are the New Testament,
containing the foundational Christian writings; the creeds of Christianity, especially those from
the first five centuries; and the reflections of theologians. Clearly, those three are interrelated,
with theological reflection occupying a pivotal place. Theologians explicated what they
understood to be the meaning of both the New Testament and the creeds. In so doing they played
a crucial role in the formulation of the Christological creeds. The argument has also been put
forward that the liturgy of early Christianity played an incisive role in the formulation of the
creeds, including those of Christology.

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