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Environmental science is a field that deals with the study of interaction between human

systems and natural systems. Natural systems involve the earth itself and life. Human
systems are primarily the populations of the earth.

Environmental science is the academic field that takes physical, biological and chemical
sciences to study the environment and discover solutions to environmental problems.
Sciences used in environmental science include geography, zoology, physics, ecology,
oceanology, and geology. Environmental science also branches out into environmental
studies and environmental engineering. It provides integrated and interdisciplinary
approach to the study of environmental problems.

 Environmental studies are the study of social sciences to understand human

interactions with the environment.

 Environmental engineering is the focus on analyzing and deducing problems

with the environment and the effect of man-made programs on the
environment, and for finding solutions to help protect and preserve the
environment by disposing of pollution in the air, water, and land.

Importance of Environmental Science

1. To realize that environmental problems are global
Environmental science lets you recognize that environmental problems such as climate
change, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rains, and impacts on biodiversity
and marine life are not just national problems, but global problems as well. So, concerted
effort from across the world is needed to tackle these problems.

2. To understand the impacts of development on

It’s well documented and quantified that development results in Industrial growth,
urbanization, expansion of telecommunication and transport systems, hi-tech agriculture
and expansion of housing. Environmental science seeks to teach the general population
about the need for decentralization of industries to reduce congestion in urban areas.
Decentralization means many people will move out of urban centers to reduce
pollution resulting from overpopulation. The goal is to achieve all this sustainably
without compromising the future generation’s ability to satisfy their own needs.

3. To discover sustainable ways of living

Environmental science is more concerned with discovering ways to live more
sustainably. This means utilizing present resources in a manner that conserves their
supplies for the future. Environmental sustainability doesn’t have to outlaw living
luxuriously, but it advocates for creating awareness about consumption of resources and
minimizing unnecessary waste. This includes minimizing household energy consumption,
using disposals to dispose of waste, eating locally, recycling more, growing your own
food, drinking from the tap, conserving household water, and driving your car less.

4. To utilize natural resources efficiently

Natural resources bring a whole lot of benefits to a country. A country’s natural resources
may not be utilized efficiently because of low-level training and lack of management
skills. Environmental science teaches us to use natural resources efficiently by:

 Appropriately putting into practice environmental conservation methods

 Using the right tools to explore resources
 Adding value to our resources
 Making sure machines are maintained appropriately
 Thorough training of human resources
 Provision of effective and efficient supervision
 Using the right techniques to minimize exploitation
 To understand behavior of organisms under natural conditions

Behavior is what organisms manifest to respond to, interact with, and control their
environment. An animal exhibits behavior as the first line of defense in response to any
change of environment. So, critical look at organism’s behavior can offer insightful
information about animal’s needs, dislikes, preferences and internal condition providing
that your evaluation of those observations firmly hinge on knowledge of species’-natural

5. To shed light on contemporary concepts such as how

to conserve biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth. The present rate of biodiversity loss is at an
all-time high. Environmental science aims to teach people how to reverse this trend by:

 Using sustainable wood products

 Using organic foods
 Embracing the 3R’s, reduce, reuse, and recycle
 Purchasing sustainable seafood
 Supporting conservation campaigns at local levels
 Conserving power
 Minimizing consumption of meat
 Utilizing eco-friendly cleaning products
 To understand the interrelationship between organisms in population and

Organisms and humans depend on each other to get by. Environmental science is
important because it enables you to understand how these relationships work. For
example, humans breathe out carbon dioxide, which plants need for photosynthesis.
Plants, on the other hand, produce and release oxygen to the atmosphere, which humans
need for respiration. Animal droppings are sources of nutrients for plants and other
microorganisms. Plants are sources of food for humans and animals. In short, organisms
and humans depend on each other for survival.

6. To learn and create awareness about environmental

problems at local, national and international levels
Environmental problems at local, national and international levels mostly occur due to
lack of awareness. Environmental science aims to educate and equip learners with
necessary environmental skills to pass to the community in order to create awareness.
Environmental awareness can be created through social media, creating a blog dedicated
to creating awareness, community centered green clubs, women forums, and religious
Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and
their environments. Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the
human societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the
natural environment, and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people.
Geography seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they
develop and change over time.

The natural environment is the primary concern of physical geographers, although many
physical geographers also look at how humans have altered natural systems. Physical
geographers study Earth’s seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans.
Some disciplines within physical geography
include geomorphology, glaciology, pedology, hydrology, climatology, biogeography,
and oceanography.

Human geography is concerned with the distribution and networks of people and cultures on
Earth’s surface. A human geographer might investigate the local, regional, and global impact of
rising economic powers China and India, which represent 37 percent of the world’s people.
They also might look at how consumers in China and India adjust to new technology
and markets, and how markets respond to such a huge consumer base.

Physical Geography and Environmental Studies analyzes the interactions among natural forms
and processes on the earth’s surface, the impact and implications of global climate change, and
human connections with those natural phenomena. Natural resource scarcity and the mounting
challenges of global climate change provide strong external demand for new geographic
professionals with expertise in these areas.

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