English Majorship 10

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1-5 SITUATION: Supply the plural form of the following singular nouns.
1. Food, water, equipment
a. Foods, waters, lots of equipment c. Foods, waters, equipments
b. Food, 3 pails of water, equipment d. 2 plates of food, water, equipments
2. Milk, chocolate, music
a. Milk, chocolate, music c. Milk, chocolates, music
b. Milks, chocolates, musics d. Milk, chocolate, musics
3. Love, index, furniture
a. Love, indices, furniture c. Love, index, furnitures
b. Loves, indexes, furnitures d. Loves, indices, furnitures
4. Trash, garbage, brother
a. Trashes, garbages, brothers c. Trash, garbage, brethrens
b. Trashes, garbage, brethren d. Trash, garbages, brothers
5. Coffee, thunder, electricity
a. Coffees, thunder, electricities c. Coffees, thunders, electricities
b. Coffees, thunders, electricities d. Coffee, thunders, electricity
6-10 SITUATION: Pronoun Cases. Fill in the appropriate pronoun/s in the blank provided. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.
6. My grandmother really loved Johnny. She left all her money to(preposition) Federico and ____.
a. He- b. She c. Him d. HiS
7. A student in that all-women’s college should have no fears about ___ future.-denotes possession
a. They b. Her or him c. His or her d. Their
8. Everybody in this class has completed ____ requirements for the licensure exam already.-the predicate noun
is plural, it suggests that the pronoun antecedent to to used to refer to EVERYONE is THEIR.
a. Their b. His or her c. They d. Him or her
9. No one on this bus seems to know ___ way around this part of Manila.
a. Their b. His or her c. They d. Him or her
10. This is an issue for you and ___ to decide.- for is a preposition, choose objective pronoun
a. I-subjective b. My-possesion c. Mine-possesion d. Me
11-20 SITUATION: Subject-Verb Agreement. Fill in the appropriate verb/s in the blank provided.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
11. 10 dollars ___ all I have in my wallet.-
a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Are going
12. Some people ____ that the government ___ not doing its job well due to the late respond to the typhoon
-People is plural, government is singular
a. kept on saying, was c. kept on saying, is
b. keep on saying, is d. keep on saying, was
13. He seems to forget that there ___ things to be done before he can pass the exam.
a. Are b. Have c. Is d. Has
14. Some of the lawyers ___ still angry at the decision of the court.
-lawyers plural
a. Is b. Are c. Seems d. Did
15. In the 1050s, English teachers still believed that a background in Latin ___ essential for an understanding of
English.-background is singular, 1050s- past
a. Is b. Are c. Was d. Were
16. They believe that they ___ the right candidate up to now.
-they is plural/ use present perfect tense to refer to action that started in the past, still true up to the
present (NOW)
a. Elected c. Have elected
b. Will be electing d. Will have been electing
17. The college will probably close its doors next summer if enrolments ____.
-enrolments- plural, same explanantion with 17
a. Did not increased c. Will be increased
b. Have not increased d. Have not been increased
18. In the last hundred years, travelling ___ much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it ____ two
or three months to cross North America by a covered wagon. The trip (be) was very rough and often
dangerous. Things ___ a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to
Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
a. Became, had taken, changed c. Had became, took, changed
b. Becomes, has taken, had changed d. Has become, took, have changed
second sentence does not suggest that there is only one action, TOOK. We only use past perfect tense,
HAD TAKEN, if there are two past actions, such that the first action took place before the other
19. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture ___
by the time Europeans first arrived in the New World.
-use past perfect tense because there are two past actions-- established first, then disappeared
a. Had virtually disappeared c. Has virtually disappeared
b. Have disappeared virtually d. Will have disappeared virtually
20. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) to the train station, Susan (wait) for
us for more than two hours.
-two past actions are involved, the waiting of susan for more than two hours and ARRIVAL (by the time
we got to the train station)—past perfect progressive
a. Got, has been waiting c. Has gotten, was waiting
b. Got, had been waiting d. Had gotten, was waiting
21-30 SITUATION: Identifying tenses.
21. A presence on the World Wide Web is now becoming an essential part of a college’s public relations
a. Present perfect progressive c. Present perfect
b. Present progressive d. Simple present
22. Three years ago not all colleges recognized the advantages of being on the web.
a. Present perfect progressive c. Past perfect
b. Present progressive d. Simple past
23. Our Academic Technology Committee had decided to invest in the necessary hardware.
a. Past perfect c. Present perfect
b. Past progressive d. Simple past
24. Now anyone who will create a text document can create a decent and colourful web-page.
a. Simple present c. Simple future
b. Past perfect d. Past future
25. The technology for creating web-pages, however, was becoming much easier to use.
a. Past perfect c. Present perfect
b. Past progressive d. Present perfect progressive
26. As a result, graphics end up in the wrong place and some text will have been coming out the wrong color or
a. Future perfect c. Future progressive
b. Future perfect progressive d. Simple future
27. He moves up the mountain like a packhorse, crunching many small sticks and branches underfoot.
a. Simple present c. Simple past
b. Present progressive d. Past progressive
28. They have been doing the project for three months now.
a. Present progressive c. Past progressive
b. Present perfect progressive d. Past perfect progressive
29. I will be announcing the winners of our daily raffle at 5pm later.
a. Simple future c. Future progressive
b. Future past d. Future perfect progressive
30. The painting has been bought by the wealthiest man in town.
a. Present perfect c. Present progressive
b. Past perfect d. Past progressive
31-35 Identifying adjectives: What is/are the adjective/s in the given sentence?
31. And he hastened straight down, running over the wet, sodden fields; pushing through the hedges; down into
depression of callous, wintry obscurity.
a. Hastened, callous, obscurity c. Straight running, wet
b. Wet, sodden, wintry d. Pushing, depression, hedges
32. He stood on the bank, breathing heavily. He could see nothing astounding. His eyes seemed to penetrate the
dead deep water.
a. Astounding, dead, deep c. Breathing, astounding, deep
b. Breathing, dead, deep d. All of the above
33. Yes, perhaps that was the dark shadow of her black clothing beneath the surface of the calm water.
a. Shadow, black, surface c. Dark, black, surface
b. Calm, black, dark d. Perhaps, dark, black
34. He slowly ventured into the pond. The bottom was deep, soft clay; then he sank in, and the mushy waster
a. Slowly, deep, soft c. Deep, soft, mushy
b. Deep, clay, mushy d. Soft, clasped, slowly
35. As he stirred he could smell the cold, rotten clay that fouled up into the water. It was objectionable in his
lungs. Still, repelled and yet not heeding, he moved deeper into the pond.
a. Cold, deeper, repelled c. Cold, objectionable, fouled
b. Cold, rotten, deeper d. Heeding, deeper, stirred
36- 40 Identifying adverbs
36. Select the sentence in which usually appears in an appropriate position.
a. She usually shops for clothes at the local thrift store.
b. Usually she shops for clothes at the local thrift store.
c. She shops for clothes at the local thrift store usually.
d. Either A or B is fine
37. Select the sentence with the most appropriate order of adverbial phrases.
a. She leaves the island during the months of December and January after dark.
b. She leaves the island after dark during the months of December and January.
c. Either A or B is fine
d. Neither A or B is fine
38. Select the sentence with the most appropriate position for the adjectival modifier.
a. These miniature roses only grow to be an inch across.
b. These miniature roses grow to be only an inch across.
c. Either A or B is fine
d. Neither A or B is fine
39. Select the sentence with the most appropriate order of modifiers.
a. Dry the car carefully with a soft fluffy towel.
b. Dry the car with a soft fluffy towel carefully.
c. Carefully dry the car with a soft fluffy towel.
d. Either A or B is fine
40. Select the sentence with the most appropriate order of adverbial phrases.
a. Juan made an appointment to see his doctor at two o’clock on the first Thursday of July next
b. Juan made an appointment next summer to see his doctor next July at two o’clock on the first
c. Either A or B is fine
d. Neither A or B is fine
41-50 Identifying prepositions: What is/are the preposition/s in the given sentence?
41. My best friend lives ___ Boretz Road.- SAME AS along boretz road…ON is used in place of ALONG.
a. In b. At c. On d. To
42. The child responded to his mother’s demands ___ throwing a tantrum.
-by is used…shows manner of responding
a. With b. From c. By d. At
43. I will wait ___ 6:30, but then I’m going home.
a. From b. At c. Until d. On
44. My fingers were injured so my sister had to write the note ___ me.
a. With b. To c. By d. For
45. My best friend, John, is named ___ his great-grandfather.
a. From b. By c. After d. At
46. My parents have been married ___ forty-nine years.
a. Since b. Until c. For d. At
47. I told Mom we’d be home ___ an hour or so.
a. On b. For c. At d. In
48. I’ll see you ___ home when I get there.-place
a. In b. For c. At d. In
49. You frequently see this kind of violence ___ television.
a. On b. For c. At d. In
50. I will meet up to you later ___ dawn.
a. In b. For c. At d. In
51. “Her dress is as blue as the sky” is an example of ____.
a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Onomatopoeia
52. In the poem below, what could be the author’s feeling toward lesbian women?
To an Uncultured Lesbian Woman
“Yes, thou shalt die,
And lie
Dump in the silent tomb;
Nor of thy name
Shall these by any fame
a. Pity b. Sadness c. Regret d. Anger
53. The line expresses ___. “While a cold hand snatched you away like a kite – I should have come home”
a. Regret b. Loss c. Sadness d. Love
54. What lesson can be inferred in the passage: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is
founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain
follows him; as the wheel follows the fool of the ox that draws the carriage” – Bhagavad Gita
a. We must change for the better c. We must have right thoughts
b. We must think carefully d. We must be hard working like the ox
55. “She transformed a dragon into a pinworm” is an example of _____.
-uses exaggeration..metonymy- uses a substitute word which is attributed or closely related ; metaphor-
direct association; alliteration- repetition of first consonant sounds
a. Hyperbole b. Metonymy c. Metaphor d. Alliteration
56. What virtue is shown in the poem below?
“It’s the little things we do or say
That make or break the beauty of the average passing day
Heart, like doors, will open with ease
To very, little keys,
And don’t forget that two of these
Are ‘I thank you’ and ‘If you please’”
a. Encouragement b. Kindness c. Friendliness d. Confidentiality
57. What is the person of the one speaking in the poem in number 56?
a. First person-I b. Second person c. Third person d. Fourth person
58. Which is acceptable in English?
a. Gilbert cleaned the table up c. That she dances well surprises me.
b. Tess is eager to talk to d. He desires that you go
59. Wh- questions must have ___ intonation.
a. Level c. Falling d. Rising
b. Rising falling
60. Who is speaking in the poem below?
“Sunset and the evening star
And one clear call for me
And may these be no moaning of the bar
When I put out to sea”
a.A dying man b.A captain of a c. A fisherman
ship d.A traveller
61. ____ is an epic about the adventures of Achilles and his best friend Patroclus.
a. Iliad c. Troy d. Agamemno
b. Odyssey n

62. This book in the New Testament tells about the vision of the second coming of Jesus, and the end of the
a. Epistle of Hebrews b. Revelations c. Epistle of James d.Colossians
a. The epistle opens with an exaltation of Jesus as "the radiance of God's glory, the express image of his being,
and upholding all things by his powerful word". The epistle presents Jesus with the titles "pioneer" or
"forerunner", "Son" and "Son of God", "priest" and "
b. revelation culminating in the Second Coming ofJesus Christ.
c. to encourage Christian Jews not to revert to violence in their response to injustice and poverty, but rather to
stay focused on doing good, staying holy, and embracing the wisdom of heaven not the wisdom of the world.
d. The Epistle to the Colossians declares Christ's supremacy over the entire created universe and exhorts
Christians to lead godly lives.

63. This term describes Greek Literature in terms of its subject matter, style, tone and attitude
a. Romanticis b. Realism d. Naturalism
m c. Classicism

64. ____ died at the end of Iliad.

a. Achilles
b. Agamemno c. Menelaus
n d. Hector

65. _____ is not an example of a lyric poem.

a. Ode b. Sonnet c. Elegy d. Ballad
Ode is a type of lyrical stanza. A classic ode is structured in three major parts: the strophe, the antistrophe,
and the epode. Different forms such as the homostrophic ode and the irregular ode also exist
Sonnet is a poetic form which originated in Italy; Giacomo Da Lentini is credited with its invention. The
term sonnet is derived from the Italian word sonetto (from Old Provençal sonet a little poem, from son
song, from Latin sonus a sound)
Elegy is a sad poem, usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead. Although a
speech at a funeral is a eulogy, you might later compose an elegy to someone you have loved and lost to the
Ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads derive from the medieval French chanson
balladée or ballade, which were originally "dancing songs"
66. ___ is the most authentic records of Confucian teaching from which the “Tao” or “way” was learned.
a. Tu Fu c. Shih Ching d. Tao
b. Analects TeChing
Tu Fu also known as Du Fu, Tu Fu is considered with Li Po to be one of China’s greatest poets of the Tang
Analects, also known as the Analects of Confucius, is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the
Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been written by
Confucius' followers
Shih Ching or "Book of Poetry,' is the third of the five Confucian canons and was compiled by the sage at
about the same time that he compiled the Shu Ching after returning to his home state.
Tao Te Ching, along with the Zhuangzi, is a fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism,
and strongly influenced other schools, such as Legalism, Confucianism, and Chinese Buddhism, which
when first introduced into China was largely interpreted through the use of Daoist words and concepts
67. This is a literary movement in America that looks through life as it is
a. Romanticis b. Realism d. Naturalism
m c. Puritanism
Roman ti cis ma st yl e of art, l it erat ure, etc., duri ng t he l at e 18t h and earl y 19th cent uri es
t hat em phasiz ed the i m aginati on and emoti ons.
The qual it y or st ate of bei ng im pract i cal or unreali st i c : romanti c feeli ngs or i deas
Realism in the arts is the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic
conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements
Naturalism was a mainly unorganized literary movement that sought to depict believable everyday reality, as
opposed to such movements as Romanticism or Surrealism, in which subjects may receive highly symbolic,
idealistic or even supernatural treatment.

68. ____ wrote the very first true novel “The Tale of Genji”
a. AkutagawaRyunosuki c. Kawabata Syaonari
b. Lady MurasokiShikibu d. Lady Murasaka
a. He is regarded as the "Father of the Japanese short story"
c. A character in Hannibal Rising
69. French ___ is best exemplified by the novel “Madame Bovary”
a. Realism b. Naturalism c. Existentialism d. Symbolism
Madame Bovary (1856) is the French writer Gustave Flaubert's debut novel. The story focuses on a
doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to
escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life.( most readers think of as modern realist
70. All the works below are made by Leo Tolstoy except ______.
a.Father and Sons b.The Death of Ivan c. War and Peace
Illyach d.Anna Karenina
"Father and Son" is a popular song written and performed by English singer-songwriter Cat Stevens (now
known as Yusuf Islam) on his 1970 album Tea for the Tillerman.
71. This narrative poem is about the adventures of great heroes.
a. Romance b. Ballad c. Epic d. Lyric
Ballads derive from the medieval French chanson balladée or ballade, which were originally "dancing
Lyric ,t he words of a song : a poem t hat ex presses deep personal feel i ngs i n a way t hat i s
l ike a s ong : a l yri c poem
Epic, a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of
heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
Romace, a feeling of excitement and mystery//--- literary works associated with love

72. In the epic, “The Odyssey”, who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years?
a. Athena b. Calypso c. Helen d. Penelope
Calypso is remembered most for her role in Homer's Odyssey, in which she keeps the
fabled Greek hero Odysseus on her island to make him her immortal husband.
Athena she is a consistent supporter of Odysseus, intervening repeatedly on behalf of the hero and his son,
Telemachus—greek goddess of wisdom
Penelope Wife of Odysseus and mother of their son, Telemachus, she is shrewd and faithful in fending off
the suitors.
73. This short narrative poem is intended to be sung.
a. Ballad b. Lyric c. Epic d. Romance
Ballads derive from the medieval French chanson balladée or ballade, which were originally "dancing
Lyric ,t he words of a song : a poem t hat expresses deep personal feeli ngs in a way t hat i s
l ike a s ong : a l yri c poem
Epic, a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of
heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
Romace, a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love
74. During the 18th century, what kind of novel is most common?
a. Religious b. Picaresque c. Epistolary d. Gothic
Picaresque, relating to an episodic style of fiction dealing with the adventures of a rough and dishonest but
appealing hero (16th century)
Epistolary, relating to or denoting the writing of letters or literary works in the form of letters (18th century)-
literary eoks in the form of letters
Gothic, relating to a style of writing that describes strange or frightening events that take place in mysterious
places (12th to 16th century)
75. A Comedia usually ends with the ___
a. Death of a Prince c. Death of the Queen
b. Victory of the Muslims-opposites wit D d. Victory of Christians
76. The American Renaissance also known as the American Romantic Movement paved the way for the birth of
a. Romanticism c. Transcendentalis d.Realism
b.Naturalism m
Naturalism- style of literature that disregarded the existence of the supernatural
Transcendentalism is an American literary, political, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth
century, centered around Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Realism- style of literature that shows people and things as they are
77. This is Geoffrey Chaucer’s Collection of stories in poetic form.
a. The Canterbury b. Decameron d. Boewulf
Tales c. Iliad

78. Who is the writer of this poem?

a. Robert Frost c. Emily d. Oscar Wilde
b. William Blake Dickinson

A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end. And with soft deceitful wiles.
I was angry with my foe
I told it not, my wrath did grow And it grew both day and night.
Till it bore an apple bright.
And I watered it in fears, And my foe beheld it’s shine
Night and morning with my tears; And he knew that it was mine.
And I sunned it with my smiles,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see Mt foe outstretched beneath the tree.
A Poison Tree is a poem written in 1794 by the poet William Blake as a part of his collection of poems,
Songs of Experience. Although it is one of Blake's less known poems, it is full of meaning and is sometimes
considered to be one of his finest poems.
Robert Frost (The Road Not Taken)
Emily Dickinson (Why Do I love You Sir?)
Oscar Wilde (Ballad of Reading Gaol)
79. What inference can be drawn out from the first stanza?
a. The persona hides his anger inside his heart
b. The persona thinks that it is better to be honest about your feelings
c. The persona values friendship
d. The persona hates his enemies
80. What tense was consistently used in the first stanza?
a. Past c. Present perfect
b. Future d. Past perfect
81. What is the rhyme scheme of the first stanza?
82. What can be inferred on the second stanza?
a. The persona is being true to his dealings with his foe
b. The persona is trying to show his true emotions toward his enemy
c. The persona is masquerading his anger by being kind to his enemy-opposite with B
d. The persona wants to wreak vengeance toward his foe
83. The second stanza achieved vitality because of the use of:
a. Effective b. Figures of c. Action verbs d.Impressive
adjectives speech diction
84. What is being represented by the “apple” in the second stanza?
a. A trap that the persona was able to make for his enemy
b. A symbol of longstanding friendship
c. A symbol of forgiveness, redemption, and unwavering kindness
d. Evil that is personified
85. What figure of speech is used in the second line of the fourth stanza?
a. Hyperbole b. Personificatio c. Onomatopoeia
n d. Apostrophe
APOSTROPHE- sometimes represented by an exclamation; a writer or speaker speaks directly to someone
who is not present or is dead, speaks to inanimate objects

86. The general tried to instill in his troops the hope of victory, Instill means…
a. Infuse b. Inscribe c. Delay d. Indict
Instill - gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one) in a person's
mind.(synonyms: imbue, inspire, infuse, inculcate, etc.)
87. Which story by Edgar Allan Poe resembles the theme of the given poem above?
–no poem
a. The Fall of the House of Usher c. Annabel Lee
b. The Cask of Amontillado d. The Raven

88. The Rubaiyat has the theme:

a. Always looking forward to a new day c. Grasping pleasure while you can
b. Never giving in to death easily d. Creating your own world and beautify it
89. What is “true learning” as exemplified in this quotation: “Only one who trusts with eagerness do I instruct.
Only one who bubbles with excitement do I enlighten”
a. Learning makes human beings a follower of c. Learning has the ability to make a man
instruction d. Learning is coupled with commitment and
b. Learning involves patience and tenacity passion
90. In the Loreto Paras Sulit’s story “The Bolo”, what is being treasured by the main character?
a. The bolo that was given to him by her c. Their house and lot
husband d. The sword that her husband bought from
b. Their wedding ring Barcelona, Spain
Despite their shared admiration toward the belief of the bolo being a legendary artifact that
has been passed down from generation to generation
91. What can be the obvious lesson in the short story “The Bolo”?
a. That food is a primal need
b. That heritage is more important than physiological needs
c. That culture is as important as hunger
d. That hunger can drive people to do things that they never thought they can do
92. In the School Paper, who is in-charge of the entire publication?
a. Editor-in- b. Features editor c. Managing d. News editor
chief editor
93. English has been the Lingua Franca of the world since America gained its international power. Lingua
Franca means:
a. Language of France c. Language of the World
b. Language of the Rich d. Language of the Powerful
94. What is the subject of this sentence: Walk away!
a.The implied b.The implied “I” d.All of the listeners
“you” c. None
95. A paragraph is believed to have a coherence if:-unity consistency
a. The sentences are all about the topic sentence
b. The sentences are smoothly connected with each other through a transitional device
c. The sentences are correctly written in terms of grammar rules
d. The sentences are in independent
96. Among the following statements below, which is not an accurate representation of ancient Greek religious
a. The Greeks credited humanity with intervening morality
b. The Greek god Zeus was subject to the mysterious power of fate
c. The Greek gods were expressions of the world’s uncontrollable forces
d. The Greeks blamed humanity for disorder in the universe
97. The following are works of Sophocles except
a.Agamemnon c. Antigone d.Oedipus at
b.Ajax Colonus
“Agamemnon” is the first of the three linked tragedies which make up “The Oresteia” trilogy by the ancient
Greek playwright Aeschylus, followed by “The Libation Bearers” and “The Eumenides”.
98. Which of the following statements below will help the students, who are asked to listen to a set of
instruction in English, process the material?
a. Identifying the topic sentence c. Listening to every word
b. Identifying the key words d. Repeating each sentence
99. Vowels are characterized by _____.
a. Freely flowing air through the nasal c. Friction that is present in the vocal tract
cavity d. Vibrations of the vocal chords
b. The little obstruction in the vocal tract
100. If a teacher believes that language is a system of structure composed of sounds, words, and sentences,
then his syllables might focus on ___.
a. Communication tasks c. Functions of language
b. Building blocks of language d. Form and function of language
101. Only 85% of the total number of applicant last year ____ able to pass the entrance test last year.
a. Are b. Was c. Is d. Were
102. Neither Emily Bronte nor her sisters ____ their real names in their writing career.
a. Use b. Uses c. Using d. Has used
103. The man looks ____.
-subjective complement
a. Strange b. Strangely c. Stranger d. Has strange
104. A number of whale species- ____ now extinct because of illegal hunting and alarming change in sea
water temperature.
a. Are b. Is c. Were d. Was
105. The problems that I encountered were ____ for me to handle.
a. So much b. Too much c. Very much d. Too more
106. In Benjamin Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Almanac”, it was said that: “early to bed, ___ makes a man
a. Early rising c. Early to rise d. Waking up
b. Rising early early
107. It surely takes a lifetime for Edgar Allan Poe to forget his lost love, but he ____ hard to move on amidst
tremendous loneliness and despair.
-it suggests that until now, he is still trying to move on….
a. Has been b. Has tried d. Had been
trying c. Had tried trying
108. What is the tense of the following sentence: As of this fall, Meet the Press WILL HAVEE BEEN
ENTERING our living room on Sunday mornings for fifty years!
a. Present perfect progressive c. Past perfect
b. Future progressive d. Future perfect progressive
109. My best friend lives ___ Boretz Road.
a. In b. At c. On d. About
110. My best friend, John, is named ____ his great-grandfather.
a. from b. by c. after d. at
111. Which among these words has the voiceless /th/ sound?- no vibration of vocal cords
a. These b. Mother c. Think d. There
112. Which word must have the primary stress in the sentence below if we want to emphasize possession?
“That is my bag”
a. That b. Is c. My d. Bag
113. What can be an assumption in the sentence? “I have been teaching for two years now”
a. And she plans to quit teaching c. And she hates it
b. And she plans to stop teaching soon d. And she has no plans of quitting
114. What made the sentence wrong? “I had turned off the lights”
a.Had b.Off c. Turned d.No error committed
115. The senators will have been passing the Reproductive Health Bill when the session ended. What made
this statement wrong?
a. Ended- b. Have been d. Passing
ends c. Will
116. If he ____ the class president, he would have won the leadership award.
- -contrary to fact
a. Was b. Is c. Were d. Are
117. In the sentence “John likes exercising at the YMCA,” the underlined word is correctly classified as
which of the following?
a. Participle- b. Gerund d. Infinitive- form of
functions as c. Main verb to +base verb
118. What is true of the following example? “She reads the journals to watch professional trends.”
a. It contains a prepositional phrase functioning as an adjective
b. It contains a prepositional phrase functioning as an adverb
c. It contains an infinitive phrase functioning as an adverb
d. It contains an infinitive phrase functioning as an adjective
119. Which of the following sentences is prescriptively correct?
a. I appreciate your taking the time to c. Both of the above
talk with me.- possessive+ gerund d. None of the above
b. I appreciate you taking the time to talk
with me.
120. In the sentence “My father, refusing to believe that someone had stolen his truck from our driveway,
rushed out the front door to check himself,” the underlined element is correctly classified as which of the
a. A prepositional phrase- ex. To the market c. An appositive phrase- renames a noun
b. A participial phrase- modifier just right beside it.
d. None of the above
121. The children were so ___ that the teacher had to yell to be heard.
a. Truculent-hostile c. Obstreperous-disruptive
b. Morose d. Morose-miserable

122. The professor became so forceful, so _____ in his expression of opinions, that students began to leave
his course.
a. Dormant c. Dogmatic-rigid
b. Credible d. Lucid-articulate

123. A kind of ___ seemed to occur when David graduated from high school. He became a serious student all
of a sudden.
a. Metamorphosis-change c. Epithet-nickname
b. Milieu-setting d. Accolade-tribute
124. Esmeralda’s dissertation was on such a subject that no one could understand it.
a. Equitable b. auspicious-favorable c. esoteric d. austere-severe
125. What is the antonym of abhor?- abhor means hate
a. Despise b. Hope c. Deter d. Love
126. The death of Ninoy Aquino prompted the conglomeration of people from different walks of life. The
words below are synonyms of the underlined word except:
a. Gathering c. Accumulati d. Diffusion
b. Assembly on
127. Which among the words below does not belong?
-alin alin ang naiba
a. Conceal b. Screen c. Reveal d. Obscure
128. Emily Dickinson was ostracized by her peers primarily because of her eccentric principles. The
underlined word means:
a. Criticized b. Condemned c. Excluded d. Praised
129. For a non-believer, the noise heard during the street procession would seem cacophonous. The
underlined word means:
a. Loud and unpleasant c. Soft and yet pleasant
b. Loud and yet pleasant d. Soft and pleasant
130. As a historian, Herodotus never missed any salient point in his creation “The Hiostories”. The words
below are synonyms of the underlined word except:
a. Leading b. Relevant c. Significant d. Minor
131. After saying Beverly made too many mistakes, Bob added insult to injury by saying:- said when
you feel that someone has made a bad situation worse by doing something else to upset you:
a. They were small mistakes c. Her work was excellent
b. She worked very slowly d. It is a nice job
132. If you read between the lines, you will- look for or discover a meaning that is hidden or implied rather
than explicitly stated.
a. Know what the writer really thinks c. Make up the story for yourself
b. Be able to read a lot quicker d. Be a good story-teller
133. Many people claim that insults or negative comments are like water off a duck’s back, but in reality,
many of them are- a potentially hurtful or harmful remark or incident that has no apparent effect on the
person mentioned.
a. Pleased by such things c. Unaffected by such things
b. Upset by such things d. None of the above
134. We realised the teacher was a wolf in sheep’s clothing when he
- used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous,
particularly false teachers
a. Was seen smoking a cigarette in a bar c. Was arrested for abusing one of his
b. Was given the “Teacher of the Year” students
award d. Was teaching his troubled students
135. The investigators knew that examining the company’s books might open a can of worms. They
suspected there’d be
- a complicated matter likely to prove awkward or embarrassing.
a. A huge number of worms c. Evidence of serious crimes
b. Nothing seriously wrong d. A surprise party
136. If you’re keeping your head above water,- to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial
-change answer please.
a. You are making a lot of money c. You aren’t making any money
b. You are making just enough money to d. You are not doing anything
137. Beth said she had a gut feeling that her husband was cheating on her, but she
- An instinct or intuition; an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale.
a. Couldn’t prove it c. Had proved it already
b. Could prove it d. Think there is nothing wrong
138. They got to see the final game, but they paid through the nose for their tickets because
- pay much more than a fair price.
a. They weren’t feeling well c. The tickets were given for free
b. They didn’t have much money d. They were so hard to get
139. Mary-Louise was the captain of the basketball team last year, and she had her nose put out of joint when
a. She was named captain again this year
b. Sarah-Lee was named captain this year
c. She accidentally head-butted Sarah-Lee in the face
d. She became a cheerleader instead of a basketball player
-to make someone resentful
140. Once they get into the studio, the band are going to play it by ear and
a. Record all their old songs c. Do whatever the producer tells them to do
b. See what they can come up with d. Make a music video
-To let things go as they may. -It is usually said when a person who is asked a question is not quite sure as
to what to answer with.
141. Leila said the new restaurant was nothing to write home about. She thought it was
a. Excellent c. Very unforgettable
b. Really terrible d. Just average
- not as good as you expected.
142. The union’s proposal for higher wages is dead in the water. Most companies
a. Cannot afford to pay higher wages c. Are dying to pay higher wages
b. Won’t mind playing higher wages d. Won’t pay anything
-Unable to function or move; inoperable.
143. David said, “Never say die!” after
a. Failing his driving test again c. Coming to work late
b. His friends said “Die!” d. Saying die another day
- Do not give up.
144. Kenny gave me a knuckle sandwich and I said,
a. No thanks, I’m not hungry c. Thanks, I am hungry
b. Thanks, I needed that d. Ouch! That hurt!
- A punch in the mouth. Associated with urban street toughs
145. When Hector went to the dance club, he stuck out like a sore thumb because he was the only person
there who
a. Had a swollen thumb c. Was wearing brown socks
b. Was over fifteen years old d. Does not know how to sing
- to be very obvious.
146. If someone lays down the law, they tell people what they have to do in a
a. Quiet and gentle way c. Serious and stern way
b. Funny and lively way d. Weak and horrendous way
- to scold someone; to make something very clear to someone in a very stern manner.
147. Georgina says she finds it difficult to blow her horn because she is
a. Not very musical c. Problematic
b. Very proud of herself d. A very shy person
- to display one’s achievements or good characteristics to make others feel bad.
148. Ken says he feels like a voice crying in the wilderness because
a. He likes the sounds of wild animals d.Everybody supported him that he may cry out
b.He hurt his leg while hiking in the forest of joy
c. Nobody seems to support his opinions
- if you are a voice in the wilderness, you are the only person expressing a particular opinion, although lat
er other people understand that you were right
149. We don’t have a lot of time to discuss the issue, so we’ll have to zero in on
a. Lots of unimportant details c. The most important points
b. Everything that is connected in any way d. The inconspicuous details
- to direct your attention to one particular thing
150. Gillian’s business has been losing money for years, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel now because
a. She’s closing
down her
b. She’s starting
to get more
c. The tunnel has
been completed
d. The light is
- something which
makes you believe
that a difficult or
unpleasant situatio
n will end

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