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Name: Lauren Matthews LESSON PLAN GUIDE

TEKS: (C2) TLW count to 20 with Objective: (C3)

and without objects By the end of the unit, with and without concrete
objects, students will be able to count to 20

Grade:K Subject: Math

Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: n/a Strategy to teach Language: (C4)
Go over language together as a class
What skills must be taught: counting to 20 using
Student repeats to demonstrate
manipulatives and without

Assessment: (C5)
Formative assessment-students will demonstrate counting to 20 orally using bears and then counting without bears.

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Students will be paired with partner to work on counting I will use ELMO(projector) to project my bears on the board
to 20 as I count

Learning Styles Addressed: (C6)

Visual – I will show them how I count Resources / Materials needed: (C6)
my bears on the board using an ELMO Sufficient amount of manipulatives (mini plastic bears).
projector. Sufficient amount of small treats (marshmallows or
Auditory – goldfish)
aloud as a
Kinesethic –
students will
be using bears
to count out

Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. Can each student show me they

can count to 20 without assistance?

2. What works better counting groups of ten or counting straight through?


Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Show a fun short video about counting Students will raise their hands once they have successfully
counted to 20 on their own and will recite counting to me
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)

I will show students how to count out one group of ten with the bears and then count out a second group of bears.
After counting out two groups of ten I will show them how to continuously count all the bears together.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Each student will receive a sufficient amount of mini plastic bears. As a class we will start by counting two groups of
ten and then count altogether. We will then start over counting straight through to 20.

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Students will practice counting out 20 bears on their own using either method

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

As a modifiction I will reduce the amount needed to
master. I will work with learners at teacher table and
provided numerous prompts when counting.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of today’s lesson is to teach students how to count to 20 on their own

OPENING: We will begin by watching a fun video on counting to 20


TEACHER INPUT: Using a ELMO projector I will be able to give students a visual of how to count using
manipulatives to 20

MODEL: I will demonstrate counting aloud with manipulatives for the class by moving bears to one side as
I count

GUIDED PRACTICE: Students will work with partners counting to 20 and then will work independently to
master the skill on their own
Retaining / Rehearsing

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Work independently on counting w/wout manipulatives to 20

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Students will raise their hand for me to come over and hear an oral
demonstration of them counting to 20 as they visually show me using their manipulatives and then again without

ASSESSMENT: Oral demonstrations

RESOURCES / MATERIALS: Small manipulatives (small plastic bears)

CLOSURE: Students will be able to successfully count out 20 bears


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