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The IMF and the World Bank the terms for their cooperation were set out in a

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the concordat to ensure effective collaboration in
World Bank are institutions in the United Nations areas of shared responsibility.
system. They share the same goal of raising
living standards in their member countries. Their High-level coordination. During the Annual
approaches to this goal are complementary, with Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the IMF
the IMF focusing on macroeconomic issues and and the World Bank, Governors consult and
the World Bank concentrating on long-term present their countries’ views on current issues
economic development and poverty reduction. in international economics and finance. The
Boards of Governors decide how to address
What are the purposes of the Bretton Woods international economic and financial issues and
Institutions? set priorities for the organizations.
The International Monetary Fund and the World A group of IMF and World Bank Governors also
Bank were both created at an international meet as part of the Development Committee,
conference convened in Bretton Woods, New whose meetings coincide with the Spring and
Hampshire, United States in July 1944. The goal Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank.
of the conference was to establish a framework This committee was established in 1974 to
for economic cooperation and development that advise the two institutions on critical
would lead to a more stable and prosperous development issues and on the financial
global economy. While this goal remains central resources required to promote economic
to both institutions, their work is constantly development in low-income countries.
evolving in response to new economic
developments and challenges. Management consultation. The Managing
Director of the IMF and the President of the
The IMF’s mandate. The IMF promotes World Bank meet regularly to consult on major
international monetary cooperation and provides issues. They also issue joint statements and
policy advice and capacity development support occasionally write joint articles, and have visited
to help countries build and maintain strong several regions and countries together.
economies. The IMF also makes loans and
helps countries design policy programs to solve Collaboration. IMF and Bank staffs collaborate
balance of payments problems when sufficient closely on country assistance and policy issues
financing on affordable terms cannot be that are relevant for both institutions. The two
obtained to meet net international payments. institutions often conduct country missions in
IMF loans are short and medium term and parallel and staff participate in each other’s
funded mainly by the pool of quota contributions missions. IMF assessments of a country’s
that its members provide. IMF staff are primarily general economic situation and policies provide
economists with wide experience in input to the Bank’s assessments of potential
macroeconomic and financial policies. development projects or reforms. Similarly, Bank
advice on structural and sectoral reforms is
The World Bank’s mandate. The World Bank considered by the IMF in its policy advice. The
promotes long-term economic development and staffs of the two institutions also cooperate on
poverty reduction by providing technical and the conditionality involved in their respective
financial support to help countries reform certain lending programs.
sectors or implement specific projects—such as The 2007 external review of Bank-Fund
building schools and health centers, providing collaboration led to a Joint Management Action
water and electricity, fighting disease, and Plan on World Bank-IMF Collaboration (JMAP)
protecting the environment. World Bank to further enhance the way the two institutions
assistance is generally long term and is funded work together. Under the plan, Fund and Bank
both by member country contributions and country teams discuss their country-level work
through bond issuance. World Bank staff are programs, which identify macroeconomic and
often specialists on particular issues, sectors, or sectoral issues, the division of labor, and the
techniques. work needed in the coming year. A review of
Framework for cooperation Bank-Fund Collaboration underscored the
The IMF and World Bank collaborate regularly importance of these joint country team
and at many levels to assist member countries consultations in enhancing collaboration.
and work together on several initiatives. In 1989,
To strengthen the IMF-WB collaboration at the countries, and support of the G-20 Compact with
Board level, the President of the World Bank Africa to promote private investment in Africa.
addressed the IMF Board in late 2017, which was Assessing financial stability. The IMF and the
followed by a presentation by the Managing World Bank are also working together to make
Director of IMF to the WB Board. Joint meetings of financial sectors in member countries resilient
Executive Directors of the two institutions are held and well regulated. The Financial Sector
once or twice a year to exchange views and Assessment Program (FSAP) was introduced in
capitalize on the strong complementarities in the 1999 to identify the strengths and vulnerabilities
two institutions’ work of a country's financial system and recommend
appropriate policy responses.
Reducing debt burdens. The IMF and World
Bank have also worked together to reduce the POSITIVE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION.
external debt burdens of the most heavily
indebted poor countries under the Heavily It is not easier to discuss the extent of positive
Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative and globalization in the world. However, the positive
the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). impacts have been experienced in various
They continue to help low-income countries societal demographic segments. For example
achieve their development goals without creating
future debt problems. IMF and Bank staff jointly Global market
prepare country debt sustainability analyses
under the Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF) The privatization of industries owned by the
developed by the two institutions. state has enabled the emerging markets to be
successful. Most of the companies are
Reducing poverty. In 1999, the IMF and the increasing the consumer demand through
World Bank launched the Poverty Reduction extension and expansion of their value chain to
Strategy Paper (PRSP) approach as a key international levels. As a result, the positive
component in the process leading to debt relief effects of globalization are expressed by the
under the HIPC Initiative and an important rising transactions across the borders.
anchor in concessional lending by the Fund and
the Bank. While PRSPs continue to underpin the Globalization has resulted in the formation of
HIPC Initiative, the World Bank and the IMF multinational corporations. The concentration of
adopted in July 2014 and July 2015, corporations in specific geographical economies
respectively, new approaches to country has led to investment in other new geographical
engagement that no longer requires PRSPs. The areas, where market competition is very high.
IMF streamlined its requirement for poverty Due to increased competition, the corporations
reduction documentation for programs supported continue to enlarge their market, in order to
under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) or the enjoy the economies of scale. This is because
Policy Support Instrument (PSI). globalization enables economies to compete
fairly at all levels, hence attracting investors.
Setting the stage for the 2030 development
agenda. Between 2004 and 2015 the IMF and Competition
the Bank jointly published the annual Global
Monitoring Report (GMR), which assessed Competition in the market is largely due to
progress towards meeting the Millennium globalization. As a result, the positive effects
Development Goals (MDGs). In 2015, with the are visible, since global competition leads to
replacement of the MDGs with the Sustainable products of high quality. The enhanced quality
Development Goals (SDGs) under the 2030 of both products and services are based on
Global Development Agenda, the IMF and the production approaches of customer demands
Bank have actively engaged in the global effort and customer services.
to support the Development Agenda. Each
institution has committed to new initiatives, For domestic companies to survive in the
within their respective remits, to support member market, they are forced to raise their customer
countries in reaching their SDGs. They are also satisfaction levels, as well as their standards,
working together to better assist the joint while fighting competition from foreign
membership, including through enhanced companies. Besides, a global product must live
support of stronger tax systems in developing to its goodwill when it gets into a new country.
For example, the competition between Samsung
and Apple has raised the market standards, as Fluctuation in prices
well as the customer service. Also, the two
brands are living on their goodwill to survive the Globalization has led to increased market
competition. competition, hence leading to fluctuation in
prices. For example, developed countries like
Culture the USA have been forced to reduce their
products prices, because countries such as
Globalization has resulted in numerous positive China offer the same products at cheaper prices.
effects on culture. There is no single civilization This is because the production cost in China is
that had all good practices. Instead, the coming lower than in the USA. As a result, for developed
together of various cultures has made the world countries like the US to withstand the
today a better place. The welcoming of people competition and have customers, they are forced
from various backgrounds and civilizations has to lower their prices. The impact is adverse, as
resulted in the creation of new cultures, thus the ability to sustain social welfare in the US
leading societal growth. gets reduced.

Legal effects Job insecurity

Human rights have been improved as a result of Due to globalization, most global economy jobs
globalization since media coverage on violations are insecure and temporary. The impact is
of the rights receives attention from all over the mostly felt in developed countries since they can
world. It is through globalization that leaders outsource cheaper white collar and
address inequalities since information and manufacturing jobs. For example, wages and
openness get promoted. In most cases, the manufacturing costs are lower in India and
result is enhanced prosperity and democracy. China, making countries like US and UK to
outsource cheaper labor. The effect is people in
Stable security developed countries losing or having fewer jobs.

Although the effect cannot be seen directly,

globalization has contributed greatly in
enhancing the world security. For example, it is
extremely difficult to see two countries attacking
each other if the economy of one of the
countries depends largely on the economy of the
other country.

Irrespective of the many violence that is being

experienced in the world today, it is evidently
clear that if some countries were not depending
on each other’s economy, deadlier conflicts
could have or would occur, but all have been
halted by globalization.


Environmental Damage

Increased production means increased

utilization of natural resources. Besides,
increased trade results to increased transport,
which uses fossil fuels. As a result, pollution has
increased, leading to climate change. The
changes in climate are now a serious threat to
humanity and the future of the world, all because
of globalization.

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