Guide in Writing A Position Paper 1

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Guide in writing a Position Paper

Instructions: Write this draft in an intermediate paper (white paper).

Make sure to include citation and your reference list.

Refer to your activity in your notebook. Choose an issue which will serve as your topic. Write down
the claims you would like to include on your position paper.

Claim 1: __________________________________________________

Claim 2:__________________________________________________

Claim 3:__________________________________________________

Next, Prepare your thesis statement for the position paper. Include an outline.

Thesis Statement:_____________________________________________

Preparing for the Introduction

Essential parts: Background information, introduction of the issue, and thesis statement.

Fill in the following chart with keywords and details, which will be useful for your introduction.

Part of the Introduction Essential Points

Background Information

Introduction of the Issue

Thesis Statement

Using your essential points, draft the introduction of your position paper. You may consult your
classmates or peers for feedback.

Preparing for the body

In writing the body of your position paper, make sure that you observe two things:

1. Claims should be developed from topic sentences;

2. Claims should be backed up by solid evidence.

Fill in the following information

Claim Topic Sentence Evidence Needed Explanation

Claim 1

Claim 2

Claim 3

Include also the counterclaims or the opposition.

With the above essential points, draft the body of your position paper.

Next is Conclusion - it is composed of two parts namely, a summary of the main claims in your
argument and a restatement of your thesis statement. Examining the previous sections you have
drafted, prepare your conclusion.

Format of the Final Output in a Short Bondpaper

Verdana 12

Single spacing

Remember: Attach your Draft in your Final Output

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