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Humanities comes from the Latin humanus, which means FOUR COORDINATES OF ART CRITICISM

human, cultured, refined.

Subjects covered in the study of Humanities: Two Types Of Subj Matter:
REPRESENTATIONAL-portrays something other than
VISUAL ARTS: art forms that we perceive with our eyes its own form
Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Architecture NON-REPRESENTATIONAL –represents nothing
except its own form
AUDITORY ARTS: art forms that can be heard 2. The ARTIST
Music, Literature
COMBINED ARTS: can be both seen and heard (also referred 4. Its OWN FORM
to as performing arts)
Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Architecture HOW TO CRITIQUE ARTWORKS

Art critique is an evaluation of a work of art.

There are no shortcuts to the study of humanities, but
there some techniques that might be helpful. 1. Describe What You See (The objective portion of the
art critique that involves a technical description)
TEXT- refers to medium, form and content 2. Analyze the Artwork (In-depth examination of how
CONTEXT- historical and cultural background of the artwork technical elements were utilized by the artist.
SUBTEXT- emotional or intellectual messages embedded in a 3. Interpret the Artwork (Analysis of the technical aspects
work of art.
of an artpiece)
4. Evaluate the Artwork (The summation of the art
5. Use Art Vocabulary in Your Art Critique (no incorrect
THE VALUES OF ART descriptions)
Great works of art are distinguished by the following qualities.
GENRE used to be a major consideration in determining the
AESTHETIC VALUE- this is the quality which appeals to our “Filipino-ness” of a work of art, at least in painting. The idea was
sense of beauty. the depiction of scenes of everyday life and the surroundings
without even idealizing them.
INTELLECTUAL VALUE- when an artwork stimulates thought
and enriches our mental life Looking Back at Philippine Art

SUGGESTIVENESS- the quality associated with the emotional a. PAINTING and SCULPTURE –
power of art. It moves us deeply and stir our feeling and - Artistic paintings were introduced to Filipinos in the
imagination. 16th century when Spaniards came to the
SPIRITUAL- the capacity to inspire and elevate the spirit by
- Spaniards used paintings as religious propaganda.
bringing out moral values.
The purpose of the paintings between 16th- 19th
centuries was to aid the Catholic Church.
PERMANENCE- The great work of art endures and its appeal is
- In early 19th century, wealthier, educated Filipinos
introduced more secular Filipino art.
UNIVERSALITY- Great art is timeless and timely. It is forever - First ART school was established by Damian
relevant and appeals to one and all. Domingo in 1820.

STYLE- Great artworks are marked by their memorable SPOLIARIUM by Juan Luna was awarded first prize at
substance and distinctive style. an art competition in Madrid in 1884. It is the largest
painting in the Philippines (4.22 x 7.675m)
FORM- Artistic forms are skeletal structures or conceptual
frameworks designed to support or enclose parts of the work of ANTIPOLO FIESTA by Fernando Amorsolo 1947-
art. It is the organization, arrangement, or framework of an depicts a rural scene in celebration of fiesta
UP OBLATION – the masterpiece of National Artist
Guillermo Tolentino as commissioned by the university
president in 1935.


burial jar, found in Tabon Cave by Dr. Robert Fox.
- Philippine weaving involves many threads - Philippine literature includes legends of pre-
being measured, cut and mounted on a history and the colonial legacy of the
wooden platform. Philippines.
- During Spanish colonization, Filipinos used a - Darangen- epic of Maranaos of Lake Lanao
fabric called nipis to weave white clothing with - Doctrina Cristiana- first printed book (1593)
decorative, flower designs. - Florante at Laura , a metrical romance written
by Francisco Balagtas, which earned him the
c. ARCHITECTURE title of prince of Philippine poets.
- Bahay Kubo or nipa hut, an architectural for - La Esperanza- first daily newspaper
impermanent materials, has a style that lasted - Illustrado- educated class meaning “well
through the years. informed”
- In 1500’s the Spaniards introduced masonry in - La Solidaridad-with the help of this paper,
the Philippines yet the the nipa hut’s basic heroes were able to voice out their sentiments.
form were retained.
- Diggings in many parts of the Phils have Tanaga- short poems of four lines and seven syllables
yielded rich artifacts. Ladino Poems- were natives of First Tagalog versifiers who saw
- Some of the most outstanding artifacts were print.
those found in caves of Lipoon Point, also Corridos- widely read during Spanish period to fill the need for
known as Albion head, in Quezon and
Awit- also widely read during Spanish period as entertaining,
Palawan edifying reading matter.
- Dr. Robert Fox, Sr. archeologist in Natl
Museum, discovered a fossilized skull cap at
the Tabon Cave DRAMAS
Moriones- refers to helmets participants dressed as Roman
e. POTTERY soldiers. Found only in Marinduque, culminating in a passion
- Native Filipinos created pottery since 3500 yrs
- Ceramic jars are used to hold the deceased. Panunuluyan- tagalog version of the Mexican Las Posadas, and
- Nuring Neolithic period, pottery was made for literally means “seeking passage”. It depicts Joseph and, Mary’s
water vessels, cups, plates etc.
search for a room in Betlehem.
- Ceramic vessels of Kalinga are divided into 3
types: Pangagaluluwa- practiced during All Saint’s Day which means
 Rice cooking (ittoyom) “for the souls”
 Vegetable/ meat cooking (oppaya) Salubong- a ritual performed in the early morning of Easter
 Water storage (immoso)
- In Kalinga, ceramic vessels can be used for: Sunday, dramatizing the meeting between Jesus and his mother.
 daily life Senakulo- a passion play, customarily performed during Holy
 ceremonial life week and bears similarities to Mystery plays in Europe.
Santacruzan- reenacts St Helena’s finding of the True cross and
- Philippine tribal music antedates in the 17th
century serves as an expression of devotion to the Virgin Mary. Reyna
- Rondalla- a native string band which best Elena represents the empress and holding crucifix representing
typifies blending of many influences that go
the true cross.
into the cultivation of indigeneous art form.
- Great Philippine classics is a collection of Comedia- a courtly love between a prince and a princess of
Philippine classical music published by different religions
National Philharmonic Society. Duplo- a forerunner of balagtasan, Performance consists of two
- Examples: Cavatina, Kundiman, Hatinggabi,
Salamisim, Bayan Ko, Habanera Filipina teams; one composed of young women (dupleras or belyakas)
No. 2, Kataka-taka, Lagi Kitang Naalala, and the other of young men called dupleros (belyakos)
Matud Nila, Mutya ng Pasig, No Du Duaem Karagatan- testing the mettle of a young men vying for a
Pay, Sa Kabukiran, Salamisim, Sarung
maiden’s hand.
REGIONS ITIK- ITIK- mimetic folk dance where the dancers imitate the
movement of ducks among rice paddies and swamplands
SCULPTURE is the most familiar art forms among Filipinos. TINIKLING- movements imitate tikling bird as it walks around tall
HIGANTES of Angono Rizal- the body of the traditional higante grasses.
are made of bamboo and colorful cloth and its faces of paper SAYAW sa BANGKO – performers dance on top of a narrow
mache. bench hopping from one end to another
SCULPTURES of Paete, Laguna – Statues, pulprits, murals and BINASUAN – dancers carefully balance three half0filled glasses
bas relief are found in churches, palaces and museums. of rice wine on their heads and hands.
*Paete was proclaimed as “The Carving Capital of the MAGLALATIK- also known as Magbabao is a mock-war dance
Philippines” in 2005. that depicts a fight over coconut meat, a highly prized food. It is
TAKA of Paete, Laguna- paper mache made using carved a religious danceas an offering to San Isidro de Labrador, the
wooden sculpture used as a mold. patron saint of farmers.
GIANT LANTERN Festival of Pampanga- annual festival KURATSA- a Spanished-influenced dance of courtship
featuring a competition of giant lanterns. LA JOTA MONCADENA- adapted by the Filipinos from an old
SANICULAS cookie Mold Carvings of Pampanga- arrowroot Spanish dance.
cookies that have St. Nicholas image molded on it. KAPPA MALONG-MALONG- a Muslim-influenced dance, which
SINGKABAN (bamboo art of Bulacan) – Art of shaving bamboo shows many ways that malong can be worn.
into artful creations that can be used as décor for arches/home PANTOMINA- a traditional love dance from Bicol with its
BUL-UL of Ifugao- a carved wooden figure used to guard the movements mimicking or patronizing the mating or love-making
rice crop by the Igorot of Northern Luzon. of doves or “salampati”.
OKIR design of Maranao- geometric and flowing designs that SINGKIL – a traditional dance performed by single women to
can be usually found in Maranao and Muslim-influenced artwork attract potential suitors. A kulintang and agung ensemble always
SARIMANOK of Maranao- legendary bird of Maranao people accompanies the dance.
that has become a ubiquitous symbol of Maranao art. POLKABAL- shows some European influence in its steps, a re-
TOROGAN – type of house indigenous to Maranao communities enactment of a bull-fight and even a leisurely walk.
as a symbol of high status. PASIGUIN- a dance representing fishes getting out from the torn
HAGABI- a long wooden bench that signifies an individual or fishnets, locally called sibot.
family’s wealth CARINOSA- a Philippine folk dance that potrays acts of flirtation
between a man and a woman.
h. DANCE ALCAMFOR- in this dance, a girl is holding a handkerchief laced
with camphor (mothballs) and flirts with the man by waving her
Types of Filipino dance include Cordillera, Muslim, tribal, rural scented handkerchief in front of his face.
and Spanish style DANCES.

Banga Dance- illustrates the grace and strength of women in the

Kalinga tribe.
Lumagen or Tachok is performed to celebrate happy occasions.
Salisid- is a dance to show courtship. A man and a woman
performer represents a rooster attempting to attract a hen.

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