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Personal Assignment #3

Opportunities from Markets

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3.1 Start with Why? How Great Leaders Inspire Success

Watch this 18 minute TED lecture from Simon Sinek about people's motivations and
why customers will select your new product over others:

Question: Summarize Sinek's points about customer and entrepreneurial motivation.

Using a startup opportunity of your own or new product line for an existing company
describe how your product/service would appeal to customers using Sinek’s message.
(400 words).

3.2 Market Opportunities – This is broken, think like a traveler and original thinkers

This is Broken. Watch this 20 minute TED lecture from Seth Godin on creating market
opportunities to fix things:

Think like a traveler. Watch this 5 minute video from Tom Kelley of IDEO:

Original Thinkers. Watch this video from Adam Grant (Wharton Professor) TED2016
Vancouver BC as he discusses Original Thinkers

Question: After reviewing the videos from Adam Grant, Tom Kelley and Seth Godin.

Think like an original and/or traveler for a day in your everyday life and imagine that you
are Seth Godin preparing your own "This is Broken" speech. Pick one thing that is broken
and create a start-up to solve the market opportunity. Describe the start-up, problem,
opportunity, customer and your role within the start-up. (600 words)

3.3 Marking guide:

 Good understanding of the question and applied personal insight to answer.

BUSI2800 Entrepreneurship (c) Tom Duxbury and Rowland Few

 Where appropriate include a specific start-up example or new product from a large
 This assignment will help you understand Market opportunities for the team
 Your written report should be maximum 3 pages. Use single-spaced 12-point font text.

BUSI2800 Entrepreneurship (c) Tom Duxbury and Rowland Few

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