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The Netherlands
[ˈnɛðɚləndz] (help·info)
(Dutch: Nederland
IPA: [ˈne:dərlɑnt]) is a
country that is part of the
Kingdom of the
Netherlands. It is a
parliamentary democratic
constitutional monarchy.
The Netherlands is located
in Northwestern Europe,
and bordered by the North
Sea to the north and west,
Belgium to the south, and
Germany to the east. The
capital is Amsterdam and
the seat of government is
The Hague.

The Netherlands is often called Holland, which is formally incorrect as North and South Holland are merely two of
its twelve provinces (see terminology of "the Netherlands"). The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the
language, and anything appertaining to the Netherlands.

In the Netherlands the day before Lent begins is Carnival day which is referred to as Vastenavond or
Fast Eve. In South Holland the celebrations begin on the Sunday and last for three days. Preparations
begin the previous year on 11th day of the 11th month, when a council of 11 meets to organize the plans.
Traditionally the number 11 is the number for fools, and during Carnival people are allowed to be as
foolish as they wish. At this
time dances are popular,
parades and masquerade
balls. In each town
someone is elected prince
of the Carnival and he is
handed the keys to the city.

On Palm Zondag or Palm

Sunday children go in
processions from farm to
farm collecting eggs for the
Easter sports. To find the
eggs they carry a curiously
decorated stick known as a
Palmpaas or Easter "palm".
This stick is attached to a
hoop which is covered with
boxwood and adorned with
colored paper flags, egg
shells, sugar rings, oranges,
raisins, figs, chocolate eggs,
small cakes and baked dough
figures or swans or cocks.

On Easter Sunday or as it is
known in the Netherlands Paas
Zondag there is a special Easter
meal. The table is decorated with
colored eggs and spring flowers,
and Paasbrood which is a sweet
bread with raisins and currants,
is one of the special foods
traditionally served at Easter. In
the east almost every village
lights an Easter bonfire on some
hill or high point. People begin
collecting wood for the fires
weeks in advance, each area
tries to outdo each other by
building the biggest and best fire

than its neighbors.

Easter Monday is a day for egg games. The youngest children hunt for colored eggs which have been
hidden around the house or in the garden, while the older children have egg cracking contests or as it is
also known eiertikken contests.

Motto: "Je maintiendrai"  (French)
"Ik zal handhaven"  (Dutch)
"I shall stand fast"[1]


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