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Know Want to know Learned

 There are 3 main  How to communicate  We now know (as a

techniques to carry a more efficiently within group) what positions
game; Bump, set, a group. A strategy are best attributed to
spike. that our group has certain people
 As a group, each developed involves  We know that we must
individual person has playing volleyball rotate positions during
to “call the ball” to (basic setting and the summative
show other players bumping) and passing  We now know that we
that they will get the to each other, both have an extra player
ball. naming the person one on the team and will
 Communication is key intends to pass the ball therefore have a
for volleyball to, and having them substitute player. The
 One must be in ready (or someone else if the substitute will replace
position most, if not ball misses its target) a certain player who is
all of time, as this exclaim “mine!”. This either exhausted or
helps coordination and strategy will not focused enough.
receiving/setting. continuously put focus  There are many verbal
 A volleyball team on communication in communication
without good game situations. techniques, such as
communication will be  How to receive hard saying “mine”, or
less efficient and serves. Currently, our simply stating that
team-based on the group does not have a something must
court, and will thus strategy for this, with happen on the court.
lose the idea of being a the exclusion of basic As well as this, there
whole unit, instead of receiving drills that we are hand-signs,
6 players. have done in PE class. however, our group
 More effective non- will not be using these
verbal communication as we deemed them
techniques, and how too difficult to
to apply these. memorise and utilise
at the right times.
 Volleyball teams
require good
communication not
only when in the
middle of a game, but
also when starting the
game; Figuring out
positions, figuring out
where to serve from,
and other important
details that occur at
the start of the game.

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