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Hiyas TCNHS 2019

Arvie: Good evening Universe

Aubrey: Good evening World
Both: Good evening Tubalan Comprehensive National High School
Happy 31st Founding Anniversary with the theme:
“Hudyaka sa Kalipay sa Panaghiusa sa Gugma. Sa kalinaw ug Kakugi,
Kalambuan Pakusgan ta!
Arvie: Good evening Aubrey. You look Gorgeous in your outfit tonight.
Aubrey: Good evening Arvie. Thank you for your generous compliment. You made
me feel a Hundred pound thinner. Anyway, let us not keep the crowd
Arvie: Tonight is one of the highlights of our foundation day because we are
here to witness the Search for Hiyas ng TCNHS 2019.
Aubrey: Exactly! It’s been a couple years since we had our last title holder and
I’m pretty sure everybody is thrilled with excitement to know who will be
our 2019 Hiyas ng TCNHS.
Arvie: That’s for sure. Because our Reyna de Davao Occidental 2018 is the same
girl who won the title of Hiyas ng TCNHS 2017 and its no other than Miss
Kenjie Mamolo Bautista.
Aubrey: Pasok sa Bangga! Proud to be the product of our school and being a
Tubalaneous. Well, seems like we are all set. So let’s get started then.
Arvie: May we request everyone to please rise as we give thanks to our
Almighty father in a form of Doxology to be rendered by the TCNHS
Dance Company and please remain standing for the patriotism of our
Philippine National Anthem.
Aubrey: Please be seated everyone. We would like to acknowledge the following
Sponsors: Guest, Parents
Arvie: Friends, teachers
Aubrey: Ladies and Gentlemen let’s give a hand for our 11 beautiful ladies in their
Both: Production #- wearing their Creative Cultural Attire.
Aubrey: wow! That was such a fabulous and Pop-eyeing opening #. We’ll have
more of them later as they are preparing for the next round of the
Arvie: Now this competition wouldn’t be official without meticulous, keen eyes
and answer to how will be rated.
Aubrey: that’s right! So to help us decide who among our candidates
deserve to be the next Hiyas ng TCNHS 2019 let us now introduce
our panel of judges and the reading of the Criteria for Judging.
Arvie and Aubrey: Introduction of Judges/ Giving of certificate
Reading of the Criteria for Judging
Preliminary Video
Aubrey: For the information of everybody, last February 4, 2019 we conducted
our Preliminary Competition for the different category, it helps them to
develop their outer and inner persona. They have transform ed starting
from the screening, Denim competition, Talent portion and 1 on 1
Arvie: Folk let’s take a look of what happen during the Preliminary Competition
and to know how our Judges choose the top 8 finalist.
Aubrey: I have here in my hands the top 8 finalist who has the chance to wear the
covetous crown for the Hiyas ng TCNHS 2019.
Arvie: Are u ready! In no particular order please step forward: _____
Aubrey: Congratulations to the top 8 finalist and congratulations also to rest of
the finalist who didn’t make it to the top 8. As give your best in
showcasing talents and beauty to all. That the spirit of sportsmanship..
Arvie: We have just started and yet they’re already at the edge of their seats.
Aubrey : yah right! I’ve notice that too! But let’s prolong the excitement by
witnessing how the students of TCNHS are so talented in line with singing
and dancing.
Arvie: yes! So to entertain us e a bit more, Let us all welcome the selected
students of TCNHS in their Modern Cultural Dance.
2 Intermission #.
Aubrey: I’m truly impress arvie. They are all talented by heart.
Arvie: At this Juncture we will wetness the transformation of our 11 beautiful
candidates from a young innocent faces to a refined and glamorous
young ladies.
Aubrey: That’s right! Our candidates have change from typical students to cordial
candidates of this pageant. They have now walked this stage with flair
and style. For us to know what I am taking about, let’s all watch
this….Teaser of the Pictorial
Arvie: The candidates really had each treasured moments and I’m sure these
experience enhance their personalities.
Aubrey: Besides, these activities will retain in their minds as another remarkable
experience for them. For that, I would like to say that we are grateful to
all our candidates for their presence and participation.
Arvie: Moving on Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your seat belt as it’s going to be
a bumpy night as the finalist sizzle on their Casual Attire.
Aubrey: Absolutely captivating! Am I seeing model here or are they just really our
Arvie: These candidates really possess the bearing and poise as they did the
walk wearing those divine casual wear.
Aubrey: That’s right! And with that we would like to thank the Organizer of this
pageant Mr . Frits Arevalo and company for without you this would not
made possible. Another set of category for our finalist as we right back,
but for the mean time let’s have intermission # from the TCNHS dance

Intermission #------------------------------

Arvie: Bullying is one of the major problems of our society now days. The
question is how our candidates give their opinion if bullying occurs in our
Aubrey: Exactly arvie, this will test how witty they are in answering the question
and by showing that they deserve to win the title of Ms Hiyas ng TCNHS
2019, to know more about this let’s all watch this.
Teaser # 2--------------------
Arvie: Moving on, we had already seen how the candidates carry themselves in
answering certain questions and I’m sure there’s still something unique
about them. More than beauty and charm, let’s see what they in store for
Aubrey: it is surely more than physical quality that meets the eye. Just like the
abstract beauty of mixed black and white. Let’s enjoy another round of
the competition us our 11 lovely candidates ramp on their Evening Gown
Arvie: Should I say gorgeous? There you have it ladies and gentlemen our 8
finalist in their Evening wear.
Aubrey: Just wow arvie. They had really shown their inner grace and
Arvie: I definitely agree with you aubz! At this very moment we are going to
announce the top 5 finalist who will continue her journey to be the next
Hiyas 2019. Whose your bet madlang people?...
Aubrey: But before that arvs..let me inform our audience for who among the 8
finalist will be part of the top 5 will be ask a questions that is given by the
16 advisers.

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