The Effects of Aging Time On The Fraction Distribution and Bioavailability of PAH

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Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1072–1078

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The effects of aging time on the fraction distribution and bioavailability of PAH
Lili Ma, Jing Zhang, Lisi Han, Weiming Li, Li Xu, Feng Hu, Huixin Li ⇑
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Understanding the effects of aging time on the fraction distribution and bioavailability of PAH, such as
Received 4 June 2011 phenanthrene (PHE) and pyrene (PYR), has considerable benefits for risk assessment, food security and
Received in revised form 27 November 2011 remediation strategies for contaminated soil. The results of the present study show that the proportion
Accepted 28 November 2011
of the desorbed PHE decreased from ca. 82% at day 0 to ca. 65% at day 150. In addition, non-desorbed
Available online 9 January 2012
PHE increased from ca. 18% at day 0 to ca. 31% at day 150, whereas the changes of desorbed and non-
desorbed PYR showed no significant trend during this aging period. The proportion of desorbed PYR
was lower than that of PHE, whereas the opposite occurred with the non-desorbed fraction. After
150 d of aging, the proportion of bound residues (PHE and PYR) increased significantly with the cultivat-
Aging time ing time from ca. 0.2% to ca. 4.7% and ca. 0.1% to ca. 1.2% for PHE and PYR, respectively. In addition, the
Fraction distribution bioavailability of PAH (PHE and PYR) to earthworms was also assessed over 0–150 d. The results showed
Bioavailability that the uptake rate and bioconcentration factor (BCF) of pollutants by earthworms displayed the follow-
ing biphasic character: a rapid decrease over the first 15 d followed by a slow decrease over the next
135 d. Moreover, the earthworm uptake rate of PHE was greater than that of PYR throughout the incuba-
tion period, indicating that PHE has a higher bioavailability than PYR. In addition, the positive correlation
between the uptake rate of earthworms and PAH extractability suggested that a three-step extraction is a
reliable approach to predict PHE bioavailability in soil. However, a limit was observed for PYR.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of their toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties, PHE and

PYR have received great attention in environmental problems.
When organic pollutants enter into soil, they undergo a number The forms of organic contaminants in soil have been previously
of processes such as volatilization, leaching, chemical and biologi- reported (Lesan and Bhandari, 2004; Strynar et al., 2004). Macleod
cal degradation. Additionally, sorption and transportation pro- and Semple (2003) observed a significant decrease in PYR in the
cesses may cause these chemicals to go into the soil matrix or extractable fraction using a 14C-radiolabeling technique, whereas
mineral particles, combine with organic substances in the soil or the bound residual fraction increased as a long soil-PYR contact
be restrained in the micropore, becoming a non-extractable sol- time. However, in this study, the PAH in soil were separated into
vent or ‘‘irreversibly bound’’ (Macleod and Semple, 2003). How- three fractions: desorbing, non-desorbing, and bound residual frac-
ever, with the exception of microbial degradation, organic tions using the following sequential extraction mass balance ap-
pollutants may undergo mainly sorption and transportation pro- proach (Gao et al., 2009): hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin (HPCD),
cesses (Li et al., 2007). These pollutants may stay in soil for a long dichloromethane:acetone (1:1, v:v), and sodium hydroxide-dichlo-
time, resulting in potential health or biological risks (Wang and romethane extractions, respectively.
Zhu, 2003). Therefore, the extractable or total amount of PAH Because the earthworm has relatively high body-lipid content
may be of limited utility when assessing their environmental sig- and a range of PAH detected in its tissues, it is widely used as an
nificance. Instead, the fraction distribution and availability of these indicator for determining the ecological risks of soil (OECD, 2000).
contaminants are the most important indices for risk assessment. Numerous extraction techniques have been developed to predict
PHE and PYR are 2 out of 16 PAH on the EPA’s priority list that the bioavailability of PAH to earthworms (Hawthorne et al., 2000;
are widely found in the environment (Gana et al., 2009). Because Reichenberg and Mayer, 2006). Recently, an HPCD aqueous solution
extraction was developed and applied to assess the bioavailability
of PAH, including naphthalene (Patterson et al., 2004), phenan-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 025 84395374.
threne (Allan et al., 2006), pyrene (Doick et al., 2006), B[a]P (Reid
E-mail addresses: (L.L. Ma),
et al., 2000b), linear alkyl benzenes (Dew et al., 2005), hexadecane
(J. Zhang), (L.S. Han), (W.M. Li), (L. Xu), (F. Hu), and field-aged PAH contaminated sediments (Cuypers et al., 2002).
(H.X. Li). Moreover, Reid et al. (2000b) demonstrated that PAH extractability

0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.L. Ma et al. / Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1072–1078 1073

with HPCD was closely related to PAH mineralization by microor- water holding capacity (WHC), which is suited for the incubation of
ganisms. Thus far, little is known about the relationship between earthworms. After sterilization, the bottles were tightly capped
the different morphology of aged PAH and PAH bioavailability to with bottle caps inside aluminum foil (the gap between the bottle
earthworms. mouth and cap was sealed with Paraffin) and stored in the dark at
The objectives of the present study are: (1) to measure the frac- room temperature (22 ± 1 °C) to allow for aging. Each treatment
tion distribution of PAH using a ‘‘3-step’’ sequential extraction; (2) was performed in quadruplicate. Treatments were also destruc-
to evaluate the uptake rate and BCF of earthworms using the Soxh- tively sampled and analyzed at 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 150 d. At each
let extraction method; and (3) to explore the relationship between time point, soil sterility was confirmed by the lack of clones on
the fraction distribution and PAH bioavailability (PHE and PYR). trypticase-soy agar.

2. Materials and methods 2.5. Bioavailability experiments

2.1. Soil At 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 150 d after spiking, a sub-sample (3.0 g)
was collected to determine the concentration of pollutants, and the
Sand loam soil (0–20 cm) was collected from Rugao City, Jiang- remaining soil was transferred into a 150-mL Erlenmeyer flask to
su Province, China. Its physical and chemical properties are pre- cultivate the earthworms. Six earthworms of similar age and size
sented in Table 1. were put into an Erlenmeyer flask and sealed with foil that had
Soil pH and organic matter were determined using a calibrated eight pinholes for ventilation. Sterility was no longer maintained,
pH electrode in water (1:2.5, soil:water) and the K2Cr2O7 oxidation and no additional food was provided for the earthworms. There
method, respectively. Soil CEC was measured by the CH3COONH4 were 288 individuals in total. After 7 d of incubation in the dark-
method, and clay content analyses were determined by sedimenta- ness at 22 ± 1 °C, the earthworms were removed from the Erlen-
tion using 40 g of air-dried soil. The total N and P contents were meyer flask, rinsed with distilled water, and placed on moist
determined using the Kjeldahl method and H2SO4–H2O2–HF diges- filter papers for 24 h to evacuate their guts. Prior to Soxhlet extrac-
tion, respectively. tion, earthworms were frozen in liquid nitrogen, mixed with anhy-
drous sodium sulfate three times their weight, and subsequently
crushed using a pestle and mortar. The ground earthworm tissues
2.2. Earthworms
were then packed on filter paper and stored at 4 °C for extraction.
An adult Eisenia fetida earthworm (obtained from the Nanjing
2.6. PAH extraction from soil: The 3-step sequential extraction
Special Animal Factory, China) is defined to have an average weight
of 0.25–0.30 g and well-developed clitella. These earthworms were
A 3-step sequential extraction method (Gao et al., 2009) was
laboratory-bred in soil at 20 °C in the dark and fed on cattle man-
used to extract different morphological PAH in soil.
ure. The soil moisture was maintained at 70% of the water holding
capacity using tap water. All earthworms were allowed to acclima-
2.6.1. Desorbed fraction
tize to the laboratory conditions for at least 2 weeks before they
A mild extraction technique was adapted from the methods de-
were used in experiments.
scribed by Reid et al. (2000b) and Cuypers et al. (2002). Soil (3.0 g)
was placed in a 25-mL centrifuge glass tube, and 15 mL of
2.3. Chemicals
70 mmol L1 HPCD extraction solution containing 0.05% NaN3
was added. Tubes were then closed, shielded from light and shaken
Phenanthrene (purity P 97%, FLUKA company), pyrene
horizontally at 150 rpm. At intervals corresponding to the total
(purity P 98%, Alfa Aesar Company), hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodex-
extraction times of 24, 60, and 240 h, tubes were centrifuged in a
trin (HPCD, purity P 98%, Shandong Zibo Health Fine Chemical
Beckman J2-21 centrifuge for 25 min at 2000 rpm to separate soil
Co., Ltd.), methanol (HPLC pure), NaN3 (purity P 98%, Nanjing Sang
from the aqueous extraction solution. Fresh mild extraction solu-
Hing Biotechnology Co., Ltd.), and other commonly used reagents
tion (15 mL) was added to soil after 24, 60, and 240 h. The super-
were of analytical grade.
natant was liquid–liquid extracted three times using 10 mL of
dichloromethane. Organic phases were dehydrated by percolation
2.4. Soil spiking through Na2SO4 anhydride, combined, and concentrated to near
dryness in a rotary evaporator at 45 °C. The residue was then
Soil was air-dried and passed though a 2 mm sieve. A total of reconstituted in 5 mL of methanol. Before HPLC analysis, the solu-
2.4 kg of soil was evenly placed in 48 narrow-mouth 100-mL glass tion was passed through a 0.22 lm Teflon filter to remove particu-
bottles (50.0 g of soil per bottle) and immediately sterilized using late matter.
2.5 M rad c-irradiation with a 60Co source to minimize microbial
activity (Sabate et al., 2006). Under sterile conditions, PHE and 2.6.2. Non-desorbed fraction
PYR dissolved in acetone were added drop-wise to the soil. The After 240 h of mild extraction, the soil was dried at 37 °C, a
mixture was shaken well for even distribution and evaporated 10 mL dichloromethane and acetone mixture (1:1, v:v) was added
overnight to produce the initial PHE and PYR concentrations of for extraction by ultrasound for 10 min, and this process was re-
50 mg kg1 and 100 mg kg1 (dry mass of soil), respectively. Sterile peated 4 times. After extraction, the resulting liquids were com-
deionized water was added to maintain a moisture content of 70% bined, evaporated, and dissolved as described above.

Table 1 2.6.3. Bound residue fraction

Physiochemical properties of the soil. After obtaining both desorbed and non-desorbed fractions,
10 mL of 2 mol L1 NaOH was added to each vial and sealed under
Soil type pH Organic Total N Total P CEC Clay
carbon (g kg1) (g kg1) (cmol kg1) content N2 atmosphere. The vials were closed and subsequently heated at
(g kg1) (g kg1) 100 °C for 2 h. The aqueous fraction was obtained by centrifugation
Sand loam soil 7.55 5.42 0.65 0.66 7.2 110.4 in a Beckman J2-21 centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 25 min, acidified
with 6 mol L1 HCl to pH < 2, and liquid–liquid extracted three
1074 L.L. Ma et al. / Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1072–1078

times with 10 mL of dichloromethane. The organic fractions were and sealed during the incubation, the microbial degradation and
evaporated and subsequently dissolved as described above. volatility of PAH could be ignored, and the sorption of PAH to the
glass wall of microcosms was observed to be negligible, indicating
2.7. PAH extraction from earthworms via the Soxhlet extraction that the organic substance of soil (SOM) may control and restrain
method the behavior of the organic pollutant in soil (Alexander, 2000).
And the decrease in the desorbed PAH and bioavailability after
To carry out Soxhlet extraction, ground worm tissues were aging is closely related to the SOM. During the aging process, the
placed into a cellulose extraction thimble (25 mm  80 mm, molecules of the organic pollutant go into the soil matrix, in which
Whatman International, Maidstone, England) and extracted for the smallest microorganism, organization or higher biology may
10 h with 100 mL of dichloromethane and hexane (1:1, v:v; HPLC not enter easily, making it harder for the pollutant to be extracted
grade) in Soxhlet extractors at 5–6 min per cycle. The extracts were with solvent (Hatzinger and Alexander, 1995; Lin and Pan, 2006).
concentrated to near dryness in a rotary evaporator at 45 °C, and the The transfer of easy desorbing fractions to non-desorbing and
remaining residue was reconstituted in 5 mL methanol. bound residues results in the apparent phenomenon that the first
extractability and bioavailability of the compounds are further de-
2.8. Analytical methods creased and the last two fractions increased (Kristensen et al.,
2001; Reeves et al., 2001; Sverdrud et al., 2002; Sun and Li, 2005).
The HPLC system used was equipped with a UV-visible detector As shown in Fig. 1, the rate of decrease in the desorption
(LC-20AT, SPD-20A/20AV) and a reverse-phase C18 column percentage of PHE was quick during the first 15 d and evidently
(4.6  250 mm). The column, with a pore size of 12.0 nm, was pur- slowed during the following 135 d. After 15 d of aging, the percent-
chased from the SHIMADZU Corporation. The packing materials age of the desorbed fraction declined by 10.5%. However, from 15
were composed of totally porous, high purity spherical silica parti- to 150 d, the desorbed fraction only declined by 6.9%, which is con-
cles. These silica particles were chemically bound to octadecylsilyl sistent with the increase in the percentage of the non-desorbed
(ODS) groups and thoroughly end-capped. The column was in- fraction. After 15 d of aging, the percentage of the non-desorbed
stalled in a Column heater (QT-330) with a constant temperature fraction increased by 9.7%. However, from 15 to 150 d, the non-
of 30 °C. Methanol (100%) was used the eluent solvent at a flow desorbed fraction only increased by 3.1%. Aging of compounds in
rate of 1.0 mL min1 under isocratic conditions. Detection was car- soil occurs due to sorption in ‘rubbery’ and ‘glass-like’ regions of
ried out at 254 nm, and the injection volume of the sample was SOM via isocratic diffusion or partitioning coupled with hole-filling
20 ll. The recovery rates of phenanthrene and pyrene are 93.1% mechanisms. Rubbery-phase partitioning occurs initially. It is char-
and 89.49%, and the relative standard deviations (RSD) are 3.34% acterized by rapid and no solute competitive sorption within soft
and 4.05% (n = 5), respectively. Additionally, the detection limits organic matrices such as humic or fulvic acids. Subsequently, a
are 44.1 pg and 50.2 pg, respectively. slower and solute competitive sorption phase of kinetic diffusion
into condensed (thermodynamically glassy) microcrystalline voids
can commence over a longer period of time (Gunasekara and Xing,
2.9. For the explanation of earthworm uptake rate, BCF
2003; Henny and Noort, 2003).
Generally, the percentage of the desorbed fraction of PYR was
The earthworm uptake rate refers to the amount of pollutants
lower than that of PHE at each aging stage, which was inversely re-
absorbed and utilized by the earthworm divided by the original
lated to the non-desorbed fraction (Figs. 1 and 2). However, the
amount of pollutants.
change of the desorbed and the non-desorbed fractions of PYR did
The earthworm bioaccumulation factor (BCF) was calculated as
not show an obvious trend with aging time. HPCD is a cyclic oligo-
the ratio between the concentrations of PAH measured in earth-
saccharide with a hydrophilic shell and a toroidal-shaped apolar
worms and the concentration of the same chemical in the soil at
cavity. This oligosaccharide can form water-soluble inclusion com-
different aging stages. The BCF reflects the level of hydrophobic or-
plexes by incorporating PAH in its cavities. A prerequisite for the
ganic contaminants entering in earthworms from the soil by
formation of the inclusion complexes is that the size and geometry
assigning access.
of the target molecule (PAH) and the HPCD cavity are complemen-
tary. Although this is the case for low molecular weight PAH, it can
2.10. Statistical analysis be calculated that high molecular weight PAH are too large to fit in
the HPCD cavity. Wang and Brusseau (1995) calculated the sizes of
The data were analyzed using the SPSS program (Standard Ver- PHE (width–length: 0.58–0.78 nm) and PYR (width–length: 0.71–
sion 13.0, SPSS Inc.). The relationships between the earthworm up-
take rate, BCF on PAH (PHE and PYR) and aging time were tested
using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The probability threshold
used for statistical significance was P < 0.01. Phenanthrene
Distribution percentage (%)

3. Results and discussion
3.1. The effect of aging time on the fraction variations of PHE and PYR 80

The quantity of the desorbed PAH (PHE and PYR) extracted was 70
high and progressively decreased during the following extractions.
The desorption percentage of PHE decreased generally over 0– 60
150 d, whereas the reverse was observed for non-desorbed 0 15 30 60 90 150
fractions (Fig. 1). The desorbed fraction of organic pollutants is typ- Aging time (d)
ically the most bioavailable portion. Therefore, this decrease indi- desorbing fraction non-desorbing fraction
cates a decrease in the availability of PHE, which is consistent
bound residue fration
with the uptake rate and the BCF of earthworms (posterior results)
as aging time prolonged. Because the microcosms were sterilized Fig. 1. The effect of aging time on the fraction variations of phenanthrene.
L.L. Ma et al. / Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1072–1078 1075

Pyrene of PHE and PYR was related to their solubility in aqueous solutions
of soil (PHE: 1.3 mg L1, PYR: 0.03 mg L1), and greater solubility of
Distribution percentage (%)

100 PHE caused greater toxic effects than that of PYR, even the concen-
tration of PYR was higher than PHE in the soil (Song et al., 2003).
90 With the increase in the soil-pollutant contact time, the earth-
worm uptake rate and BCF of both PHE and PYR decreased
80 (Figs. 3 and 4). This decrease may be a result of the aging process
reducing the extractability and availability of PAH by a progressive
70 increase of soil sorption. More molecular contaminants gradually
migrated from the point of easy desorption to difficult desorption.
60 Furthermore, PAH diffused into micro- and nanopores within the
0 15 30 60 90 150
solid phases of the soil, enhancing the diffusion limits of the uptake
Aging time (d)
process (Alexander, 2000; Gevao et al., 2000; Reid et al., 2000a,b;
desorbing fraction non-desorbing fraction Contreras-Ramos et al., 2008). The earthworm uptake rates of
bound residue fraction PHE and PYR were 10.6% and 6.5% at 0 d and decreased to 6.1%
and 4.5% after 15 d, respectively. After 150 d of aging, the earth-
Fig. 2. The effect of aging time on the fraction variations of pyrene. worm uptake rates of PHE and PYR were 2.8% and 2.4%, respec-
tively, which were 3.3% and 2.1% lower than that at 15 d of
aging. This was similar to Gao’s work that the BCF of some organic
0.89 nm) and determined that PHE fit into the HPCD cavity com- pollutants such as hexachlorobenzene (Gao, 2009), HCH, o,p-DDT,
pletely (diameter–depth: 0.75–0.78 nm), whereas PYR can only be o,p-DDE, p,p-DDT and p,p-DDE in earthworms were quickly re-
partially included. The calculations carried out by the authors dem- duced from 0–15 d, and showed the slow decreasing trend over
onstrate that the HPCD provides sufficient sorption capacity for the the following 165 d (Gao et al., 2007, 2008, 2009). These confirmed
extraction of bioavailable PHE. However, the HPCD is limited for that the effects of aging on the bioavailability of pollutants are
bioavailable PYR. Reid et al. (2000b) reported that KHPCD values mainly concentrated in the initial stages and weaken in the later
for high molecular weight PAH do not increase with molecular aging period, which is consistent with the aging rate of the
weight as significantly as Kom and Koc values. Gao et al. (1998) also pollutants in soil.
reported that the compatibility degree decided the inclusion’s for- The uptake rate of earthworms for PHE was higher at day 0, and
mation and stability first, followed by molecular hydrophobic. showed significant differences (P < 0.01) compared to later aging
These results of PYR are due to the incompatibility of the PYR times. However, there was no significant difference (P < 0.01) be-
molecular structure with the cyclodextrin cavity and the sorption tween the adjacent aging times after 60 d (Fig. 3). In addition, there
of PYR by soil humus which contains a hydrophobic group partially were no significant differences (P < 0.01) between 15 and 30 d of
included in the HPCD cavity. aging time. With the exception of there being no obvious differ-
Compared to the desorbing and non-desorbing PAH fractions, ence (P < 0.01) between 90 and 150 d for PYR, there was a signifi-
the percentage of the PAH-bound residues was less than 5%, irre- cant difference (P < 0.01) before an aging time of 90 d. The BCF for
spective of PHE and PYR (Figs. 1 and 2). At day 0, the bound resid- PHE and PYR were also observed to be higher at day 0, with signif-
ual fraction of PHE or PYR accounted for a percentage of less than icant differences between day 0 and other aging days (P < 0.01).
0.2%. After 150 d, the bound residual fraction of PHE accounted for BCF showed significant differences (P < 0.01) for PHE and PYR be-
4.72%, whereas that of PYR accounted for 1.21%. The percentage of fore 30 d and after 60 d of aging time. However, there were no sig-
PHE and PYR showed an increasing tendency, which was consistent nificant differences (P < 0.01) at 15 and 30 d (Fig 4). Slizovskiy and
with the study conducted by Christopher et al. (2003). The increase Kelsey (2010) reported that the bioaccumulation of pollutants de-
might because that other PHE or PYR fractions partially convert clined as the aging of p,p0 -DDE and anthracene increased from 3 to
into the bound residue locked in the micropores of soil particles 203 d. Moreover, tissue concentrations between treatments at each
or embedded in the reticular formation of humus with aging, time before 103 d were statistically declined (p < 0.05) and de-
making it hard to be desorbed. The decreases in the desorbing creased slowly from 103 to 203 d. Compared to later aging soil,
and non-desorbing PAH fractions over 0–150 d shown in Figs. 1 the two indexes of fresh spiked-soil were also observed to increase,
and 2 support this hypothesis. However, Gao et al. (2009) reported indicating that PAH were more easily enriched in the organism at
that the concentrations of bound PAH residues generally increased the start of incubation. Morrison et al. (2000) also reported that
over 0–12 weeks and decreased at 12–16 weeks and suggested hydrocarbons that were added to soil for aging a long time are
that the bound residues may be conditionally released into the soil far less available than those freshly added.
environment. The earthworm can accumulate organic compounds from both
aqueous and solid phases of soil via two differing uptake routes
3.2. The effects of aging time on the bioavailability of PHE and PYR (Gevao et al., 2000). The first route involved simple diffusion across
the epidermis of the earthworm, which can be described by equi-
After cultivation for 7 d, the average weight loss rate of the librium assignment and diffusion models. This uptake is facilitated
earthworms exposed to fresh spiked-soil was higher than aging by the hydrophobic property of PAH, resulting in a partitioning of
soil (Table 2), suggesting that the toxicity of fresh soil to earth- soil-associated PAH in lipid-rich earthworm tissues. The second
worms was greater than that of aging soil. The average weight loss route involved the diffusion of contaminants across the gastroin-
rate of PHE was larger than that of PYR, suggesting that the toxicity testinal tract and enrichment in the earthworm tissues, which oc-
of 50 mg kg1 PHE to earthworms was greater than the toxicity of curs when PAH are ingested together with soil (Krauss et al., 2000;
100 mg kg1 of PYR. Other studies reported that the earthworm Stroo et al., 2000).
mortality rate was up to 13.3% when exposed to 50 mg kg1 PHE With the aging time, the earthworm uptake rate of PHE de-
after being incubated for 7 d. Additionally, no significant difference creased from 10.6% to 2.8%, whereas the uptake rate of PYR only
was observed for the earthworm mortality rate when exposed to decreased from 6.5% to 2.4%, and the BCF of PHE decreased from
500 mg kg1 PYR for 7 d of cultivation compared with that of the 4.5 to 1.5, whereas PYR decreased from 2.7 to 1.1, indicating that
control (Song et al., 2003). The difference between the toxic effects the bioavailability of PHE was greater than that of PYR. Based on
1076 L.L. Ma et al. / Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1072–1078

Table 2
Survival (%) and average weight loss (%) of earthworms after 7 d of cultivation at different aging times.

Treatment The change of biomass (%) Different aging time (d)

0 15 30 60 90 150
Phenanthrene Survival rate 80.0 100 100 93.3 100 100
Average weight loss 25.1 17.7 14.1 16.5 17.0 15.2
Pyrene Survival rate 100 96.7 100 100 100 96.7
Average weight loss 21.2 15.0 13.5 13.4 13.6 12.2

absorbed by earthworm through diffusion models. On the contrary,

phenanthrene pyrene the highly fat-soluble PYR was easily adsorbed and combined with
Uptake rate of earthworm (%)

12.0 the clay composition, making it difficult to be desorbed and

showed poor bioavailability to earthworm. Besides, this may also
9.0 be related to the molecular diameter of PHE and PYR. Cuypers
et al. (2002) calculated the molecular diameter of different PAH
6.0 rings and found that PAH molecular diameter of 2–6 rings in-
creases from 0.5 nm to 0.9 nm, making it increasingly more diffi-
cult to enter into organisms and accumulated in earthworms.
This phenomenon suggested that PAH with higher molecular
weights, longer molecular diameters and larger Kow values were
0.0 more recalcitrant and difficult to be desorbed in soil and utilized
0 15 30 60 90 150
by earthworms (Gao et al., 2009; Sabate et al., 2006). In present
Aging time (d)
study, the earthworm uptake rate and BCF of both PHE and PYR
Notes: the uppercase letters represent phenanthrene.
were relatively higher when exposed to fresh contaminated soil
the lowercase letters represent pyrene. may due to the sandy loam soil having low organic matter and clay
Fig. 3. The effects of aging time on the earthworm uptake rate of phenanthrene and
content, which leads to a relatively small sorption capacity of PAH
pyrene. and easily be absorbed by earthworms.

3.3. The effects of aging time on the correlation between the

earthworm uptake rate (y) and the extraction ratio (x) of PAH
phenanthrene pyrene
Linear correlation results showed that the earthworm uptake
rate and the extraction percentage of desorbed PHE fractions were
4.5 positively correlated (Table 3). The correlation coefficient reached
0.95, indicating that the HPCD-extraction technique can be used

3.0 to estimate aged PHE bioavailability from soil. Moreover, the earth-
worm uptake rate was observed to be negatively correlated with
1.5 the proportion of non-desorbed PHE, resulting in a correlation
coefficient of 0.89. Furthermore, for bound residues, the correlation
0.0 coefficient was 0.64. These results illustrate that the last two mor-
0 15 30 60 90 150
phologies were more difficult for the earthworms to absorb and
Aging time (d)
can also estimate earthworm accumulation of different aged PHE.
Notes: the uppercase letters represent phenanthrene. Tang et al. (1998) reported that earthworms ingest soil particles di-
the lowercase letters represent pyrene. rectly and can potentially take in contaminants that are considered
Fig. 4. The effects of aging time on the BCF of phenanthrene and pyrene.
non-bioavailable to other organisms.
No significant correlation was determined for PYR, indicating
that the HPCD extraction method for analyzing PYR bioavailability
these results, the major uptake route by earthworms may depend is defective. Lv et al. (2011) reported that the HPCD extraction of
on the properties of the compound, especially its octanol-water 3-ring PAH had a significantly positive correlation with accumula-
partition coefficient (Kow) (Kaag et al., 1997; Matscheko et al., tion in earthworms (r2 = 0.79), whereas there was no correlation
2002). Eggleton and Thomas (2004) found that the Kow of com- for a greater number of rings including 4-ring, 5-ring, and 6-ring.
pounds was the key factor impacting the bioavailability of com- Although Cuypers et al. (2002) thought that the HPCD solution
pounds. PHE was determined to have a significantly lower Kow could be a good simulation for the bioavailability of PAH with dif-
than PYR (PHE, Kow = 2.82  104; PYR, Kow = 1.51  105). There- ferent number of rings in soil, the results obtained from that meth-
fore, PHE is easily desorbed from the soil system and easily od do not match with ours. In the correlation analysis, Cuypers

Table 3
The correlation between the earthworm’s uptake rate (y) and extraction rate (x) for phenanthrene and pyrene during the aging process.

PAH The earthworm uptake rate and extraction rate Correlation Correlation coefficient
Phenanthrene The uptake rate and proportion of the desorbing fraction y = 43.83x  25.51 R2 = 0.95
The uptake rate and proportion of the non-desorbing fraction y = 0.53x + 19.91 R2 = 0.89
The uptake rate and proportion of bound residues y = 1.36x + 8.06 R2 = 0.64
Pyrene The uptake rate and proportion of the desorbing fraction y = 0.16x  6.54 R2 = 0.08
The uptake rate and proportion of the non-desorbing fraction y = 0.08x + 6.44 R2 = 0.02
The uptake rate and proportion of bound residues y = 3.30x + 5.67 R2 = 0.80
L.L. Ma et al. / Chemosphere 86 (2012) 1072–1078 1077

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