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How to Develop Your Role Model Quality as a Leader

A leader is a person who has a responsibility to lead and make a change to the people he
lead. Every part of an organization is inseparable from what has been agreed upon by the leader. In
working on his duties, a leader is considered to be a role model to everyone. Being a role model has
to be a fundamental thing for a leader because a leader controls the good and the bad of the
organization’s development.

To ensure that the organization is dynamically running from the top line to the bottom line, a
leader must have specific core values that determine his quality as a role model. Those core values
should be implemented in working on his duties and responsibilities as a good leader. Here are three
things that should be considered to be a leader. Firstly, a leader should behave well. Otherwise, if he
behaves worse, it would create bad impacts to the people he led. This can be happened because
those people take the leader’s behavior as their foundation to behave. Secondly, a leader should be
the one who uphold trusts, which called amanah. A leader with amanah also has an ability to keep
away from misappropriation so that all his tasks can be done well. Lastly, a leader should be sincere
and honest to Allah, which called ikhlas. A leader with ikhlas does not expect any side rewards for
his sake. His goal is giving the benefits to the people he lead in an organization.

Those three things (good behavior, amanah, and ikhlas) are fundamental things that should
be existed in a leader. Although these are not easy to do, a leader should re-evaluate himself
regularly by making a friend through all circles. By doing that, a leader can correct himself whether
he succeeded in becoming a role model for the people he leads or not.

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