Supplementary Information Form

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Supplementary information sheet

(Please complete in Black Ink)

Full name (as per your passport) …DIVYA SONY

Date graduated as a nurse: 15-05-2009 Date of birth: 18-12-1986

Nursing qualification (tick box): GNM Bsc in nursing

Post graduate training (if any) tick box: 3/6 months 6/12 months

Title of postgraduate course………Medical surgical nursing(critical care nursing)……………………………………

Please describe in as much detail as possible your current work place


Date From 26-10-2016 To:26-10-2019
Type of Hospital: (public/private, university teaching/district: PRIVATE AND TEACHING

Number of beds in your current hospital: 810

Number of beds in your current ward/unit:45

Current work place: (type of ward/unit, summary of conditions of patients)

Its an emergency medical ward ,patients here are admitting for observation from casuality for 24 hours.Then they will be
send to different departments according to their priority of care needed.The patients are mainly after road traffic
accidents,hypertensive , acute febrile illness, shortnes of breath,patients with seizure ,myocardial infarction,patients with
fracture,patients with abdominal pain ,nausea and vomiting and head injury.

Describe your duties in a typical day on your ward/unit:Comprehensive patient care from admission to discharge.Collect
and maintain ward inventory.Taking over responsibility of admitted patients and doing admission procedure for newly
admitting patients.Collecting history and checking vital signs of patients.Assisting doctors rounds and
procedures.Administer medications as per doctors order.Maintaining a good rapport and interpersonal relationship with
collegues and patients.

Do you have any extended roles on your ward/unit? (eg. Nurse-in-charge, Preceptor or Mentor, Infection control nurse)
Infection control nurse in quality cell department.

Names of equipment you use on the unit (only if currently working in in ICU/ NICU / Operating Theatre)


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