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This Agreement made and entered into by and between:

Scotty’s Action Sports Network Inc. a corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine laws,
with principal office at Shangri-La’s Boracay, Barangay Yapak, Malay Aklan 5608, Philippines represented
herein by its Operations Manager, Beverley Jayne Harness, of legal age, British, and resident of Sitio
Bantud, Manoc-Manoc, Boracay, Malay, Aklan , Philippines (hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYER’);

- and-

Elyan Dela Torre Tambong, of legal age, Filipino, Single and a resident of Lilo-an, Malinao, Aklan
Philippines (hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE”)


WHEREAS, the EMPLOYER is engaged in the business of recreational and water sports;

WHEREAS, the EMPLOYER has found the EMPLOYEE to be suitable and capable of being an effective
Company Driver;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and of the mutual covenants they
reciprocally have each other, the parties hereby enter into an EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT under the
following terms and conditions, to wit:

1. This contract between the EMPLOYEE and EMPLOYER will start effective June 14, 2019. He will be
on probationary under the order of the following additional paragraphs:

1.1. The EMPLOYEE hereby acknowledges and understands that the employment starts with a six (6)
months probationary period. This will be the basis for the final determination of the
qualification and fitness to be employed on a regular basis.

1.2. The EMPLOYEE understands that if at any time within the probation period, is found unqualified
or unfit for regular employment as Company Driver, or for any other legal cause, the EMPLOYER
in its exclusive prerogative and discretion, and in accordance with the standards made known
earlier. Furthermore, the EMPLOYEE hereby acknowledges and warrants that the standards set
by the EMPLOYER which will qualify the former as a probationary employee have been made
known to HIM and has been understood.

2. The EMPLOYEE will act as Company Driver which is his main duty and responsibility but not limited
as detailed determined by the Management in the addendum of this contract which have been
previously made known to him;

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3. The EMPLOYEE agrees to work a minimum of eight (8) hours a day, six (6) days a week. Hours and
working days can be extended based on the need of the EMPLOYER for the services of the

The EMPLOYEE shall exert all his best efforts on behalf of the EMPLOYER and the EMPLOYEE shall
with all stated standards of performance, policies, on rules and regulations. A company manual
containing a more complete explanation of many standards has been given to the EMPLOYEE and
EMPLOYEE acknowledges receipt of such. The EMPLOYEE shall also comply with such further
EMPLOYER policies, rules and regulations, performance, standards and manuals as may be published
or in amended form from time to time;

4. The EMPLOYER shall make payment to the EMPLOYEE a monthly salary amount as compensation
for services rendered;
a. The EMPLOYEE shall be paid a daily salary of Four Hundred Pesos Only (Php 400.00) payable
every 10th and 25th of the month inclusive of statutory deductions such as SSS Premium,
PhilHealth and PAG-IBIG and withholding tax. Your corresponding rate is subject to holiday pays,
special holiday pays, premium pays, overtime pays, under time, deduction and absences.
b. In addition to the above compensation, the EMPLOYEE will be entitled to Eight Hundred Pesos
(800php) per calendar month

c. In addition to the above compensation, the EMPLOYEE will be entitled at the

sole option of the EMPLOYER, for any bonuses.

5. The EMPLOYEE shall be entitled to five (5) days service incentive leave each year with pay after one
year of service

6. Unused days off will not be compensated financially but shall be held as available time off in lieu.
These days may be used at the discretion of the management and may not be taken consecutively.

7. The EMPLOYEE hereby undertakes not to accept or engage in any activity which is or may be
prejudicial to the interest of the EMPLOYER, or which will interfere with the performance of the duties
of the EMPLOYEE with respect to her work with the EMPLOYER. Furthermore, the EMPLOYEE cannot
engage in any work, financial transactions, etc. directly or indirectly related to the position that the
EMPLOYEE has been hired for without prior approval of the EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYEE hereby
understands and agrees that entering in such activities without prior approval of the company will
lead to the termination of the employer – employee relationship immediately.

8. The EMPLOYEE hereby agrees and grants the right to the EMPLOYER to run drug test on her at any
random moments and without prior notice during the period of the EMPLOYEE’S employment with
the EMPLOYER. If the EMPLOYEE is found positive to drug usage and consumption, the EMPLOYEE
hereby grants the EMPLOYER the right to terminate the employer – employee relationship

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9. The EMPLOYEE understands that any violation of any of the provisions herein, as well as any violation
of his Duties and Functions, shall subject the EMPLOYEE to the imposition of the proper penalties,
ranging from verbal warning to the immediately termination of the employer – employee relationship
and not exclusive of financial penalties, without prejudice to any other civil or criminal actions, which
may be instituted by the EMPLOYER.

10. The EMPLOYEE hereby agrees to undergo any training for positions different from the one the
EMPLOYEE is currently occupying, or seminars, skills development and/or enhancement, new
methods, directly linked to the EMPLOYER’S activities provided as these trainings are free of charge
for the EMPLOYEE. If the EMPLOYEE refuses to attend such training, the EMPLOYEE hereby grants
to the COMPANY the right to terminate the employer – employee relationship.

11. The EMPLOYEE undertakes that he will not, during her employment or at any time thereafter divulge
to any person or entity any information proprietary to the COMPANY and relating to the conduct,
management of the business, and affairs of the company or the affairs of its customers, or any other
confidential information, which shall come to the knowledge of the EMPLOYEE in the course of his

12. The EMPLOYEE agrees to maintain high standards, honor and character and shall be ever mindful of
his obligation to conduct himself so his good faith, integrity and morality should not be open to

13. This contract of employment may be terminated, where applicable, upon THIRTY (30) days prior
notice or the occurrence of any of the following events: (1) the death of the EMPLOYEE; (2) the failure
of the EMPLOYEE to perform his duties satisfactorily after written notice and control warning thereof;
(3) for just cause based upon non-performance of duties by EMPLOYEE; and (4) economic reasons of
the EMPLOYER which may be beyond the control of the EMPLOYER.

14. It is further agreed that this contract is based on “TRUST AND CONFIDENCE” on the part of the
EMPLOYER. If for valid reason, the EMPLOYER should lose its trust and confidence on the
EMPLOYEE, the former may immediately terminate the latter.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we here unto set our hands this __________________________of_____________________

Brgy. Yapak, Malay, Aklan, Philippines

Scotty’s Action Sports Network, Inc.



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Operations Manager Employee

Signed in the presence of:

___________________________________ __________________________________
(Signature over printed name) (Signature over printed name)



CITY OF ___________________ )

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of _______________ on the _____________ day of
______________________ personally appeared the following individual with their Passport Numbers or CTC
Numbers to wit:


Beverley Jayne Harness 548221458 United Kingdom

Operations Manager

ELYAN DELA TORRE TAMBONG CCI201725007220 Lilo-an, Malinao, Aklan


Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged
to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed and that of the corporations they represent.

This Employment Agreement consists of three (3) pages including this page herein the
acknowledgement is written and signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each page

WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL on the date and place above-written.

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