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In the middle of this ocean,

One lonely whale cries

No matter how much it shouts

No one can hear its sound.

Have you ever heard of "The Most Lonely Creature in the World"? It is also
known as Whalien52, an abbreviation of whale and alien and 52 is a frequency of 52
Hz. In 1989, scientists discovered a whale that sang at a frequency of 52 Hz. This
pitch is a much higher frequency than any other whale, the blue whale (10–39 Hz) or
fin whale (20 Hz). Normally, the whales are unable to hear the frequency of more than
40 Hz. For humans, it is special. But for the group of whales, it is regarded as an alien.
This whale has been detected regularly in many locations since then and appears to
be the only individual emitting a whale call at this frequency. So, it makes Whalien52
all alone in the deep ocean because it cannot communicate with other whales. Due to
this, it is a very lonely creature that always travels by itself, even though whales are
known to be travel in a pack. Despite this it kept on singing, travelling thousands of
miles across the ocean. Over the years it continued to sing but no other whale was
ever recorded singing at this frequency. That’s why it is the loneliest creature in the
world. How hard it tries to shout, nobody will ever hear him.

“Lonely, lonely, lonely whale”

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