01 Test-1 (CH # 1-6) Final PDF

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TEST # 1 (Ch 1-6)

1. Which of given is a basic quantity?
A. Velocity B. Plane angle
C. Charge D. Length
2. Which one of the following is a unit of length?
A. Angstrom B. Light year
C. Micron D. All of these
3. Which of following is least precise instrument?
A. Meter rod B. Vernier caliper
C. Screw gauge D. All of these
4. The percentage error in the measurement of mass and speed are 4% and % respectively.
K .E
How much will be maximum error in “X” where X = ?
7 17
A. % B. %
10 2
C. % D. 1%
5. A student measures the value of “g” by simple pendulum. He did an error of 4% in
measurement of length and % in measurement of time period. The percentage uncertainty in
“g” is:
A. 6% B. 4%
C. 5% D. 10%
6. In an experiment, the uncertainty in the value of a resistor is 8%. Furthermore, the
uncertainty in the potential difference across the same resistor is -5%. The uncertainty in
the power loss of the resistor is:
A. Approximately 18% B. Approximately 5%
C. Approximately 3% D. Approximately 40%
7. The angle subtended at the centre of football by an area of its surface equal to one fourth of
total area will be:
A.  sr B. 2 sr
C. 3 sr D. 4 sr
8. The velocity v of water waves may depend on their wavelengths , the density of water
and the acceleration due to gravity g. The method of dimensions gives the relation between
these quantities as:
A. v 2 = g −1 −1 B. v 2 = g 
C. v 2 = g D. v 2 = g −1 −3
9. The minimum no. of vectors with unequal magnitudes whose sum can be zero?
A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 5
10. ( )
The line of action of Force F = 2iˆ − 3jˆ + 4kˆ passes through a point P of a body whose position

( )
vector is ˆi − 2ˆj + kˆ . The torque about a point with position vector 2iˆ + ˆj + kˆ is:
A. 4iˆ + 3jˆ B. 3kˆ + 7ˆj
C. −12iˆ + 4ˆj + 9kˆ D. −3iˆ + 4ˆj − 7kˆ

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11. In the following velocity –time graph, the distance travelled by the body in metres is:

20 40 60
A. 300 B. 600
C. 400 D. 800
12. As shown in the figure three slabs are placed on each other such that respective weight of A,
B & C is 20 N, 6 N, and 4 N respectively. What is the force applied by “A” on “B”?
A. 10N upwards B. 5N downwards
C. 8N upwards D. 10N upwards
13. A balloon is rising up as shown in the figure. What must be the net force acting on it?
F1 =1000N


F2 =997N
A. 4N B. 3N
C. 5N D. None of these
14. An object is projected upwards such that it moves freely under the action of gravity. It’s
acceleration while going upwards is assumed to be a = -9.8 ms-2 and while coming down is
a = +9.8 ms-2. What is the angle between “a” and “a”?
A. 180 B. 30
C. 0 D. Can’t be sure
15. The distances covered by a freely falling object in 1sec, 2sec and 3 sec are in a ratio of:
A. 1:4:9 B. 1:2:3
C. 1:3:5 D. 1:1:1
16. A force of 1000N acts on a body of mass 10 kg such that it’s velocity changes from v i to vf in
20 sec then the rate of change of momentum will be equal to:
A. 1000 N B. Less than 1000 N
C. Greater than 1000 N D. None of these
17. During an inelastic collision
A. Vseparation > Vapproach B. Vseparation = Vapproach
C. Vseparation < Vapproach D. None of these
18. A person can throw a stone to maximum range of 600 m. The greatest height with same
conditions to which he can make the stone to rise is:
A. 50 m B. 150 m
C. 100 m D. 25 m

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19. Four projectiles are launched at angles 20, 30, 40 and 50 respectively. Which of these
projectiles will have maximum range?
A. 20 B. 50
C. 30 D. Both 40 and 50
20. A person moving in a car at a constant velocity throws an apple vertically upwards. If we
ignore air friction and suppose car to move with same velocity then according to an
observer standing outside.
A. Apple will follow a parabolic path and will fell again in car
B. Apple will follow a parabolic path but will fell behind car
C. Apple will follow a linear path and will fell again in car
D. Apple will follow a parabolic path but will fell before car
21. Two balls are thrown at angles of  and (90-) with the horizontal with same speed. Ratio
of their time of flights is:
A. tan 2  :1 B. 1: tan 
C. tan  :1 D. 1:1
22. The power of a pump which can pump 100 kg of water to a height of 100 m in 5 sec is:
A. 20 kW B. 200 kW
C. 40 kW D. 4 kW
23. Value of solar constant on a cloudy day will be:
A. Greater than 1.4 kWm-2 B. 1.4 kWm-2
C. Less than 1.4 Wm-2 D. Can’t be sure
24. Which of the following work is greater?
A. +200J B. -200J
C. +400J D. -2000J
25. A mass is lifted to a height in 10 sec. Now if the same mass is lifted to the same height in 20
sec then work done in two cases are in the ratio:
A. 1:2 B. 2:1
C. 1:1 D. 4:1
26. The angular displacement covered by a body in the following graph is

 rad 
 s 
 

0 2 4
A. 40 rev B. 20 rev
C. 30 rad D. 40 rad
27. A ball tied to the end of a string, is swung in a vertical circle of radius “r” under the action
of gravity as shown in figure. What will be tension in string at “A”?

v A

T w =mg

A. Zero B. Equal to weight
C. Equal to centripetal force D. None of these
28. If by some process, angular velocity of earth around its own axis is doubled then which
statement is correct?
A. K.Erot=doubled, T=halved B. K.Erot=halved, T=doubled
C. K.Erot=four fold, T=halved D. K.Erot=halved, T=doubled

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29. A pendulum on Earth has a time period 1 sec. Its time period in a box orbiting Earth is:
A. 1 s B. 0
C. 5 s D. (undefined)
30. In liquids and gases the cause of viscosity respectively is:
A. Cohesive force, Diffusion B. Diffusion, Diffusion
C. Diffusion, Cohesive force D. Cohesive, Cohesive force
31. Stoke’s law can be applied when:
A. Object is spherical B. For low velocities below critical velocities
C. Fluid is non-ideal D. All of these
32. The rate of change of momentum for a spherical object while falling in a viscous medium
can be:
A. Equal to mg B. Equal to zero
C. Less than mg D. All of these
33. Water is flowing in streamline motion in the tube shown in figure. Pressure is:

A. More at A than at B B. Equal at A and B

C. Lesser at A than that at B D. Can’t be predicted
34. The instrument which detects the instant at which the external pressure becomes equal to
the systolic pressure is called:
A. Monometer B. Sphygmomanometer
C. Barometer D. Stethoscope
35. Fast air is blown over the chimney of a house, it works:
A. Better B. Normal
C. Poor D. Worst

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