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Architecture can be understood as sculpture like structure with which one can interact
and experience from within. Sculpture is three-dimensional form which can be seen
from outside but can be seen from different view points where as architecture is
experienced by being there inside the space and moving around and through the
building. In architecture, a person who visits will have a glance at first, that he will
approach the building and at last there will be exit. So, it is more than a three-
dimensional sculpture which can be experienced where there will be changing
viewpoints. This perception of architecture is one of the aspects of experiencing
architecture which is called kinesthetic of architecture.

Though the space is largely perceived through vision, it alone cannot account for the
experience generated due to movement, experience of movement is induced by the
sensation of muscle movement called kinesthetic sensation. Only by incorporating
kinesthetics into the construction of space. Thus, kinesthetics is one of the major factors
concerned with the perception and movement.

Even though the above two spaces involve climbing steps, moving through each of the
above spaces provides different experience as the way body responds to the act of
climbing is different.

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